THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 6. 1951 PAGE EIGHT S o c ia l '\ntcs PARMA COUPLE WED A wedding of Interest to Parma friends was performed by Judge Brown at Wlnnemucca Friday even ing. uniting Miss Connie Sontmars. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E Som- mars of Apple Galley, and Howard Smith, son of Mr and Mrs Beit Smith of Parma. The couple was attended by Mr and Mrs. Roseoe Smith of Parma. Mr Smith re turned recently from Korea, where he served with the armed service the past year. The young couple DR. C.W. CRAVES Optometrist Eyes Examined Phone 720 718 Arthur St. Caldwell, Idaho apartment. Stuns apartment house. Adrian boulevard. Phone 152-R or no. Sstfc FOR SALE — Outstanding value, will leave for Kansas next week and he arlll report for duty at Fo.-t Riley. A large number of friends hon ored the young couple Sunday even ing with a miscellaneous shower at the home of the bride’s parents, after which they were given a rous ing charivari Many lovely gifts were received by the bride and groom. A wedding dinner was given In honor of the bride and groom at the home of the groom’s parents. Mr and Mrs. Bert Smith of Parma S u n d a y afternoon, Sixty-nine friends and relatives were present. +—+ EAOLE8 AUXILIARY MEETS A regular meeting of the Eagles auxiliary was held under the direct ion of Mrs. Collins Tuesday evening. Mrs Elmer Jaques won the raffle gift and Mrs Glenn Kenaston won the prise for the best dressed "little girl". The rest of the evening was spent socially. + + ENTERTAIN« AT BRIDGE Mrs Thomas Q. Jones entertained her bridge club at her home last Thursday. Mrs Clyde SnideF won first prize and Mrs. John Kopp sec ond Mrs. George Henneman re ceived the traveling prise. +—+ ENTERTAINS AT BRIDOE Miss Eva Boydell entertained her nmmmm modern three-apartment house, which «rill pay for itself and give you a good home, or aril] pay 10 per cent Interest on your investment, comer lot and good location. H. MMMMM* FOR YOUR PLUMBING NEEDS Bath Sets, Water Heaters and Pressure Systems Call J. C. SMITH 13 Years In Nyssa Phone 78-J CHOICE FRYERS Cleaned and Picked to Perfection 2 TO 2Vi LBS.— DISJOINTED—BATTERY FED "Drive a few milea. Save a few Dollars" 2 MILES E. OF NYSSA HARTM AN'S LOCKERS AT LOCKER AVE. WE GIVE GREEN STAMPS “YOU DON’T HAVE TO ASK FOR THEM” FRIDAY & SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 7 & 8 Fryers, each $ 1 .2 5 - Bacon, pound Mr. and Mrs l.lrwrllyn Kobhins. Mr. Robbins Is a junior in Oregon who wrrr married August 26 In the State college. Mrs. Robbins is the Methodist churc h in Nyssa. plan to former Darlene Robbins of Ontario. (Heater Photo) make tlielr home at Corvallis, where Tuesday evening bridge club at her of Nyssa-Parma Junction on high home Mrs. J L. Herrlman won way 95. Syrpe orchards, phone 372. 6slxc high prize and Mrs George Mitchell Fruitland. won second high. Special guests were Mrs. George Mitchell, Mrs. FOR SALE—Tree ripened Hale Leo Lorenz ad Argentina. Miss Nora peaches. 8. M. Fox. 3 4 mile south O'Brian of Ogden and Mrs. R. G. of the Apple Valley schoolhouse. 6slxp Larson. + + FOR RENT—TTiree-room modern PARTY IS HELD Mr and Mrs. Richard Mason were apartment. H. O. Johnson. 6slxc sponsors of a come-as-you-are party lease farm to run held Thursday evening for 20 high WANTED—To stock. Jim Riley, general de school pupils of the Christian young livery, Nyssa. 6slxp church. They enjoyed games in the park and refreshments at the FOR RENT—Furnished basement churoh. _.;. GIVEN SURPRISE PARTY YOU CANT HIDE Kenneth Wilson was guest of hon or at a surprise party and potluck FROM DANGER- dinner given Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr and Mrs. Nick Smit. Fifty of his friends and their par ents of Ontario presented Wilson with a cash gift as a going-away present. Wilson, who attended school for four years In Nyssa and graduated from the eighth grade here last year, left today for Hollls- dayburg. Pennsylvania to begin his studies in the priesthood. He will attend four years oi high school, four years of college and four years I of seminary At the end of this B U T YOU C M time he will be a San Franciscan priest, a follower of St Francis. He j PROTECT YO u RS l LF Is now a member of the Ontario | Incur« with , Catholic church. FARMERS BUILDING PERMITS Arthur K. Servoss, construction, a n d o*l King avenue, lot 16, Industrial 7.4a But sub-division. $12.000, 40 x 46, frame. Catfish, pound (you »ave $39.95) WRIST WATCH For man or woman, boy or girl ★ Gold-filled Cato ★ 17-Jewel Movement Expander Gold-Filled Band ★ Stainless Steel Back ★ One-year Guarantee if ★ G-E WASHER Activator Washing Action yt Automatic Timing i f Big B-paund Capacity i f Permanently-ailed Mechanism i f Quick-Emptying Pump i f One-year Written Warranty if Ceese le t g e e 'l l fte v e t e t e e M l the w esk er e e d Use wetsbea f e e p p r e r le t e th e ir v e le e - HENNEMAN HARDWARE CO. 207 Main St. PHONE 106 PROGRAM N Y S S A TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY A U TO M O BILE TRU CK FIRE IN SU R A N CE FOR SALif $5950, FHA house, 3 years old, OE dishwasher and garbage dispos al. paved street 2-bedroom, FHA. 2 years old, $7.- GOLAN C. CALVERT 500 407 MAIN STREET BOH THOMPSON AGENCY Phone 135 Nyssa, Ore. Phone 97 FOR KENT -One-bedroom house on North 6th St . phone 199-R. 6s2xc FOR male . Tree ripened Hate and Elbert peaches. Five miles north1 - 396 T-bone & Rib Steak, lb. 6 9 C M utton R oast, pour id — Both $ 1 C A 9 5 for - G O L D E N R IP E 2 POUNDS 250 39c - - S L IC E D , L E A N G E N E R A L © ELECTRIC WASHER B ananas M EAT DEPARTM ENT - S W IF T 'S M E A T Y *4 9 ” GIR WATCH and *149” JV C BETTER BARGAIN BUYS — Speda O. Johnson. 6slxc WANTED—Woman desiring per manent part-time work. Inquire at Arrowhead lodge. 8s2xc - Grapes R E D O R W H IT E 2 PO UNDS 190 C auliflow er S N O -W H IT E PO U N D 39Ç 110 SH O U LD ER Lemons L A R G E , JU IC Y DOZEN 320 GROCERY DEPARTM ENT Tom atoes, 2 cans - S M IT H 'S , 2 ‘/ j C A N Peaches Tom atoes, 2 cans 390 Catsup, 2 bottles HALE. LARGE 5 POUND BA SK ET - 41C 37£ S M IT H 'S N O . 2 C A N - H U N T 'S , 14 O U N C E B O T T L E 41C B A K E R Y D E P T . K rinkles, 3 packages - 2 2 C P O S T 'S S '/i O U N C E P A C K A G E Cinnam on R olls DOZEN Dog Food, 6 cans - 5 9 C 4 9 I* P L E A S E , 15 O U N C E C A N P r o m p t P m rton ol S f v i t O GORDON’S DRIVE-IN MARKET HOM E OF Q UALITY A N D SERVICE OPEN EVENINGS Telephone 108 J H E A T R E FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 7-8 "The Fighting Coast G uard" wllh Brian Donlevy—Foroat Tucker Ella Ratnee—John Ruaaall A two-fisted story of America’s lighting furies the U S. coast guard, never quitting when the going gets tough. M a tin e e B el. 1:10. Adas. M e t e SUNDAY AND MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 9-10 "R oyal W ed d in g" IN TECHNICOLOR with Fred Aatalre—Jane Powell Peter Lawford—Sarah ChurchUl A riotous comedy sparkling with romance, dancing and Binging, a tune-filled musical masterpiece. Matinee Son. 1 M; Adas. JOt-Se TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11-12 t "A s Young As You Feel" with Monty Woo lay—Thelma Ritter David Wayne—Joan Patera The story of a hilarious hoax with Monty Wooley to prove that life begins at 65 and you’re as young as you feel. THURSDAY AND FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 13-14 "The Last Outpost" IN TECHNICOLOR with Ronald Reagan—Rhonda Fleming Noah Boory-Bill Williams The flaming story of the lawless frontier, when brother fought brother for a woman’a love. Spruce ii up. Keep it up with DEVOE Improved PAINT PRODUCTS from . . . DEVOE ONE-COAT While House Paint . . . cuts paint costs 40% and saves one- third on labor, because only ONE Coat is required on previously painted surfaces. Makes your home a dazzling white that wears longer. OLYMPIC STAIN For shakes, shingles or rough lumber. 15 beautiful Western Tones. Soaks right into the wood to preserve, protect and beautify. Lasts 30% to 60% longer than ordinary shingle stains. For new homes use the Devoe TWO-COAT HOUSE PAINT SYSTEM Time-proven system which provides com plete ’’coverage” on new woods. Specially compounded ’base” coat and ’’finish” coat to make a superbly durable finish that E its together . . . lasts . .. lasts! Boise Payette mU aid in arranging Financing! ★ Provide Mate*’!»1''! Lorz.c a Csr. ,v tor! ★ Help in Scores Of Other Important W ajsl C. F. MINK, Managet Phone IS LUMBER NYSSA. OREGON