t V PA n r . THREE THE WYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON. THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, 1951 Garden Club Will Family Reunion Have Booth At Fair Held In Payette NEWELL HEIGHTS, Aug 30-riMrs. Theron Gaugh and Mrs. Belle Roon­ ey of Parma were callers In the M. L. Judd home Saturday after­ noon. Mrs. M. L. Judd attended Garden club meeting at the home of Mrs. Don Engstrom In Nyssa Tuesday. Plans were made for the club's booth at the Malheur County fair. Mrs. James Enrbree of Eugene has been a guest of Mrs. M. O. Judd the past week. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Kinney of On­ tario were overnight guests In the M. L. Judd home Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Lou P ratt and Anita and Frankie were guests In the Charles Bradley home in Nampa Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Judd spent from Monday morning until Wed­ nesday evening at Payette lakes as the guest of Mrs. Frank Morgan. While there Mrs. Judd attended a meeting of the ANK Garden club at Mrs. Morgan's Payette lakes cab­ in. Mrs. Jake Borge left Sunday morning to attend a Farm Bureau state publicity meeting Monday in Oregon City. Mrs. Borge has been appointed as regional publicity chairman of this area. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bradley of Nampa and Mr. and Mrs. Robert P ratt and children of Soda Springs, California called In the Lou Pratt home Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Orson Berrett and Mrs. Edwin House of Roy, Utah vis­ ited in the A. M. Hammon home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Durlin Hammon and children returned Sunday evening from a week's vacation trip through Yellowstone park, Jackson hole and the Tetons They visited relatives In Ogden, Utah. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Pittman and son. Fay. of Rome, Georgia have been visiting in the C. B. Hill home since Monday. Mrs. Hill and Mrs. Pittman are sisters. The C. B. Hill home was the scene of a family reunion Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Lance of Alton. Missouri and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Lance of Pocatello arrived at the Monty Spelman home Sat­ urday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Grov­ er Lance are Mrs. Spehnan's par­ ents and Clifford is her brother. Mr. and Mrs. John Timmerman visited in the Case Muntjewerff home in Big Bend Sunday afternoon and In the home of their son, John­ ny, and family in Homedale Sunday evening. Pete Timmerman’s small daughter has been visiting in the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Timmerman since Monday, while her brother is recovering from a throat injury sustained when he fell with a stick in his mouth a few days ago. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Saxton lost a mare Tuesday as a result of her falling in a drain ditch on her back, making it impossible for her to get out. Jake Borge and Forest Hard­ man worked all forenoon assisting Mr. Saxton in getting the horse out of the ditch, but she fell back in during the afternoon and Mr. Saxton was forced to destroy her. OWYHEE, Aug. SO—Lawrence Peuu flew from Portland Wednesday to attend a family reunion in Payette at the Henry Peutz home. Mr. and Mrs. William Peutz of McCall, Mr. and Mrs. Werner Peutz and Wanda and William Peutz. Jr. attended from here, along with their house guests, Mr and Mrs. Herman Mar- cussen of Milwaukee, Wisconsin and Mr. and Mrs. Willie Gottman and daughter of canton, Ohio. Rueben Hayes and son, Warreu, of Buhl were Saturday guests in the T. H. Brewer home. Brenda Walters returned to the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Walters, Friday evening after spending several days in Boise with her father, Rex Walters. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Loy and Lor­ etta returned from a two-weeks trip to Eugene and California. Mrs. Jesse Ditty and son. Jack Burke, left Monday morning for Dillon. Montana. Mr. Burke has spent the past two weeks here vis­ iting his parents. Mrs. Ditty will return by train after visiting friends and relatives for a time. Mr. and Mrs. Rodger Tucker of Nyssa were dinner guests In the Eldon Barker home Thursday even­ ing. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dodson, Della Ditty and Joanne Newell of Tacoma and Mrs. Leslie Ditty and Ronald of Ontario visited and had dinner a t the T. H. Brewer home Friday. Joanne Newell spent the night in the Brewer home. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Householder were among those attending the pic­ nic in the Caldwell park Sunday In honor of Linda Parker on her birth­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Ward and daughter of Adrian called in the Kenneth McDonald home Wednes­ day evening. Mr. Ward will teach in the Adrian high school this year. Jon Jungquist left last week for his home at Moses Lake after spend­ ing several weeks here with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Bigelow. Mrs. Householder, Mrs. Lee Strick­ land, Mrs. Chuck Share and Mrs. Vic Marshall shopped In Boise Mon­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Franklin and sons of Boise visited in the Lynn Kygar home Tuesday. Ina Eads of Wilder spent Monday night and Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Brewer. •'Butch” McDonald was guest of honor Thursday afternoon at a birthday party at his home. Mike and Dave Brown, Reed and Douglas Patterson. Junior Atagi and Junior Whitman were the young friends attending. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Patton and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rowe and Bruce left Wednesday morning for Quincy to visit Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Patton and children and to Moses Lake to visit Mr. and Mrs. Russell Patton, Jr., and family. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zlmdar of Parma and Mrs. Dora Minton of Klamath Falls were Sunday dinner guests in the Silas Bigelow home. Rev. Robert Kriner held services at the Owyhee Community church Sunday morning and evening. Dur­ ing the afternoon Rev. and Mrs. Kriner and Sandra and Ronnie were Here From Texas— Jim Burke and daughter, Rosalyn, dinner guests in the Herbert Bergam of Amarillo, Texas visited last home. week at the home of his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Two Horses Win Russell. Loretta Russell went to Prizes At Fairs Los Angeles with Mr. Burke She will return to Nyssa Saturday. COLUMBIA AVE, At« 30—Fred Koopman of Vale was an overnight guest of Mr. and Mrs. Qerrlt Stam. Ann Tensen’s quarter horse. Up­ set J, took second in the bridling class at the Boise fair Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Cooper and family, who have been vacationing ait the Payette lakes for a few days, returned home Thursday. Mr and Mrs. Gerrit Stam enter­ tained relatives at their home Fri­ day In observance of Mrs. Stam’s birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Oroot of Apple Valley were hosts to the fol­ lowing members of the Whist club Sunday afternoon: Mr. and Mrs. WILSON'S SCHOOL SPECIALS Make Our Store Your School Shopping Center 80 SQUARE FANCY PRINT Fast Colors Good Patterns Regular 49c 33c yd. GIRLS' DRESSES Sizes 1 to 3 80 Square Print $1.00 LADIES' CREPE SLIPS BOYS' SCHOOL SHIRTS’ Large Assortment $1.49 BOYS' WAIST AND BIB OVERALLS Wice Lace Trim-Sizes 32-40 Blue Denim Sizes 1 to 6 $1.98 98c Phone 3 2 X-RAY SHOE FITTING N y*« TRAUWAVS BUS Ontario Parma Nyssa DEPARTURES FROM NYSSA 11:10 AM EASTBOUND 8:20 PM §6:13 PM *@9:25 AM WESTBOUND 12:40 PM 3:55 AM 9:00 PM *6:35 PM LUNCH ROOM Marie Thomas, Agent Ontario Grain Co. 53 Phone 98 Main Plant 100 % Id ah o-O regon R en derin g C o. (12:40 PM schedule to Weiser connects with Portland bus at Ontario) § Boise local * Weiner local—Daily except Sundays @ Dally except Sundays and National Holidays Portland-Salt Lake service underscored P h on e C ollect NysM, Oregon m PHONE 331 CLEARANCE SALE WE HAVE 16 GUARANTEED, USED TRACTORS ** i* That Must Be Sold To Clear Our Lot H M h- Every Tractor Listed Will Be Reduced . $20.00 Every Day Until Sold (Sundays Excluded) _g _ SALE STARTS TUES., SEPT. 4; - ENDS SEPT. 24 1945 Farmall "H' SINGLE FRONT WHEEL WITH COMBINATION CULTIVATOR. BEET LIFTER AND 16" HANG-ON 2-WAY PLOW 1948 Molino "Z" 1947 Oliver "60" 194T Formali "B" SINGLE FRONT WHEEL. RUBBER LIKE NEW VERY GOOD CONDITION. NEW PAINT JOB ALL READY TO GO WITH 16" PLOW. COMBINATION CULTIVATOR AND BEET LIFTER NEW RINGS AND BEARINGS. WITH COMBINATION BEET AND POTATO CULTIVATOR CRAWLER TRACTOR 16" SHOES. WIDE TREAD. USED ONLY 690 HOURS. NEW TRACTOR GUARANTEE. THIS TRACTOR SELLS NEW FOR $4525.00 1946 Formali "A' 1950 Used TD-6 1939 Farmall F-14 WITH 1950 F arm all "C" DEMONSTRATOR WITH 16" HANG-ON PLOW. GUARANTEE. 1945 Farmall "H' SINGLE FRONT WHEEL. MOTOR IN GOOD SHAPE. EXTRA GOOD TIRES a RUN ONLY 500 HOURS. LIKE NEW. NEW TRACTOR GUARANTEE. SELLS NET FOR $3165.00 1950 Moline "U" 1945 Farmall "BN" la w ra rm u ii "A " 1 Qdft F a r m a l l " H " 1 5 ,0 “ s i x - r o w b e e t c u l t iv a t o r , a l l in g o o d c o n d i t i o n w it h h a n g * o n p l o w NEW TRACTOR TRACTOR OVERHAULED YEAR AGO. CULTIVATOR TO GO WITH IT. 1275.00 785.00 950.00 885.00 3775.00 575.00 1565.00 1175.00 2375.00 975.00 890.00 HAS 16" PLOW AND CORN SINGLE FRONT WHEEL. TRACTOR LOOKS AND RUNS LIKE NEW. ORIGINAL TIRES. MOTOR NEVER TOUCHED. NEW TRACTOR GUARANTEE w it h l(M O Farmall F a r m a ll F -14 1936 1 3 0 0 r a r m a i i I r i * DOUBLE FRONT WHEELS. HAS 16" HANG-ON PLOW. THING FOR FALL PLOWING Used "30" Cat TRACK AND SHOES IN GOOD CONDITION. HAS POWER TAKE-OFF AND BELT PULLEY 7- f o o t $1590.00 a n d b e e t c u l t iv a t o r 1936 Farmall F-12 1475.00 h a n g - o n m o w e r , b o t h in v e r y g o o d c o n d i t i o n JUST THE 575.00 575.00 475.00 We Also Have a Good Supply of Used Mowers, Plows and Cultivators, etc. ASK ABOUT THEM Your Intemational-McCormick Headquarters ' Goods, Shoes And Ready-To-Wear F ree Pickup CHATTERBOX CLUB MEETS The Chatterbox club met last week at the home of Mrs. Mettle Knowles with eight members and seven guests present. Garments for a needy Infant were cut out and OWYHEE TRUCK AND IMPLEMENT COMPANY WILSON BROS. DEPT. STORE D ry gave a party Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. CUff Main in honor of young men and women home from college. Rev­ erend Campbell was a special guest Oames were played and refresh­ ments served to 23. DEAD ANIMALS 3:48 AM \V» $2.98 in her home last Saturday after­ tng was under the direction of Vem noon. Mrs. M. L. Judd reviewed the Moncur, superintendent of the book. “Cry, The Beloved Country" young men. and Mrs Douglas Bate- by Alan Paton. Mrs. Tensen served president of the young wo- refreshments of sherbert. cake and lemon-ade to 10 women. Next month YOUNO PEOPLE MEET the club will meet at the home of The Methodist young adult group MEETING PLACE CHANOED Mrs. Charles Schweizer and Clarice The Sunshine club Is scheduled to meet at the home of Mrs. Homer Nothels will review. Jackson for their meeting Septemb­ M I. A HOLDS OUTING er 7. Instead of at the Odd Fellows The L. D. S first ward M. I. A. Hall. ^ ^ held its monthly group activity Thursday at the Caldwell park, BOOK c l u b m e e t s Mrs. Hilda Tensen was hostess where 80 members enjoyed swim­ to the Kingman Kolony Book club ming and a welner roast. The out- taken home by members to be made. The remainder of the afternoon was spent socially. Refreshments were served by the hostess The next meeting will be held September 19 at the home of Mrs. O. E. Cheldelm. Social Notes i q AC BOYS' SCHOOL OXFORDS Sixes 11 to Pete Tensen. Mr. Davidson of P ar­ ma. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Oroot. Mrs. Dick Stam of Oregon Trail and Mr. and Mrs. John Timmerman of Newell Heights. C. M. Tensens riding horse. Jug J took second place in the cow cut­ ting contest at Cambridge Friday. Mrs. Tensen and Neil spent Satur­ day and Sunday at Cambridge. C. M. Tensen attended the quart­ er horse meeting at Parma Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Pete V. D. Oord and their house guests, relatives from Nebraska, called on Mr. and Mrs. John Timmerman of Newell Heights last week. Mr. and Mrs. Oerrlt Stam and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Oroot were in Ontario Tuesday. Carolyn Tensen spent the week­ end with her aunt, Mrs. Clayton Jensen of Nyssa. Phone 245 Nyssa, Oregon