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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1951)
PAGE TWO THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY, AUGUST 30. 1951 flnanclad Institutions will bid on the nated by reason of service-connected bonus bonds to be Issued by the state disabilities and who. upon filing a in September Is not known. claim for disabilities with the United Article X IP (2), Oregon constitu States veterans administration with The Nyssa Veteran« association tion chapter 376. Oregon laws o f 1 in three months after separation, will hold two or three night meet was rated not less than 50 per cent 1951 contains the following bonus | disabled as a result of such claim, ings after the first of October to provisions: shall be entitled to receive the maxi assist Oregon veterans In filling out "Pays $10 for every full month of mum payment, regardless of length the Oregon veterans bonus applica active service within the United tion forms. These meetings will ue States and $15 for every full month of service. "The survivor or survivors of the held In the veterans hall. The dates of foreign duty, Including sea duty, have not been set. as officials do not for service between the dates of deceased veteran whose death was know when the blanks will be avail September 16. 1940 and June 30. 1946. caused by or contributed to by a able, according to Kermlt Lienkaem- Inclusive. Maximum payment $600. service-connected disease o f disabil ity tneured In service under condi per commander of the American "Veteran must have been a bona tions other than dishonorable, sha’l Legion. flda resident o f the state of Oregon According to a pamphlet prepared for at least one year Immediately be entitled to receive the maximum payment. The survivor or survivors by the Oregon department of vet preceding the commencement of ac of any deceased veteran other than erans affairs, bonus division, at tive service. Salem, it Is not presently known “ Any veteran on active duty be cited above shall be entitled to the whether the Oregon bonus payment* tween September 18, 1940 and June amount such veteran would have can be started In 1951. Whether 30. 1946, whose services were term!- received, if living. "The deadline for applying for the bonus is December 1, 1952. "Your application must be accom panied by a full-sized certified copy of both sides of your original dis charge or separation papers, or other official record of separation. This copy must be certified by a county clerk or recorder. Navy veterans T W O LITTLE RUNT PIG S must also submit the certified copy of navy form 553 with their dis (T H E R U N T IE R — T H E B E T T E R ) charges. " I f you have lost your original discharge papers, you must obtain a "certificate in lieu of lost discharge" W E'RE NOT C R A ZY FOLKS from your branch of the armed for ces and then obtain a certified copy W E REALLY W A N T of this document from your county clerk. "Please do not send your original T W O RUNT PIG S discharge papers when applying for the bonus. Make sure your appli cation Is complete and submit the require evidence” . If you have a couple of runts phone The original schedule of the de partment of veterans affairs called for bonus payments to commence in October, 1951 However, the federal government has Imposed restrictions upon the sale and purchase of vete rans bonus bond Issues. I f this re Phone 26 Nyssa, Oregon strlctlon Is still in force when the department offers Its bonus bonds ■ ■ ■ ■ D for sale In September, 1951 and no bids are received then payment of the bonus will have to be postponed until such time as the bonds can be sold. DrlaiU (¿¡veil On H o iiu m Arrangement -W A N T E D - TOBLER’S FEED AND FUEL FALL IS FURNACE Soils Formed From Volcanic Materials CLEANING TINE Exclusive: The Oate City Journal BY B A Y E COLTON Oeologlst and Science Writer , .. ' ■ C a ll on us for all furnace, flue or chim ney cleaning. Put your furnace or stove in top shape before winter. -5 - C O L E M A N FLOOR FUR NACES W E S C O OIL AN D C O A L FURNACES C O N C O STOKERS FREE ESTIMATES G LA D LY G IVEN C all 46 EDER HARDWARE CO. Phon« 202 M A I N 46 F0RD0MATIC Prom the viewpoint o f geologic research and an analysis of the soils of the Nyssa and adjacent areas of this district of Malheur county, vol canic material emanating from pre historic eruptions Is the major source of the soils. Pumice, ash and other material derived from past terrific volcanic eruptive processes which occurred here during the ivrtiary and again during Quat ernary times, about 100.000 years ago. more or less. Previous to the advent of the Cenozolc geologic era, whose m aj or epocs were the Tertiary and Quaternary, Mesozoic geologic time witnessed the creation of sediment ary deposits In the form of fresh water sands and sandstone. Thus the basts o f the local soils Is orig inally of sandstone and limestone, yet the later top and near-sub surface soils, are of volcanic origin and occurred here in this area of present day eastern Oregon hund reds of thousands of years after the deposition of the sandstone and the limestone strata. During the volcanic eruptions here, considerable vegetation was In evidence, and as the lava later cooled, subsequent land mass adjustments buried the THE F0RD0MATIC FORD GIVES YOU AN ENTIRELY NEW KIND OF DRIVING I C O N V E R T IR '"'M í THEM A U ! plant life, which then partly en tombed In the lava flows, beneath the lava. The lava was partly brok- en up and as time went on, pumice, volcanic ash, etc., were formed from the debris. It Is this debris today which makes up the top and near-surface soils of the Nyssa and adjacent areas of this district of Malheur county. Type* Of Water There are several types of water underlying the Nyssa and Adrian areas of Malheur county and these are of the extremely hot (magmas/, originating from volcanic action, and have not cooled since their depo sition. Another class is the luke warm waters which lie In channels above the deeper lying hot water zones. The latter waters offer fa cilitées for warm spring bathing and owing to their hydrocarbon and other content, should cure skin di seases and stomach disorders. The luke worm waters also have curative powers. AboiR 300 feet beneath (he sur face, mccelient water supplies exist, and In fact wells as shallow as 200 feet or less usually strike a good, potable, cool water safe for drink ing and cooking purposes. The latter type of underground water has been purified by circulat ing through cooled sub-surface lava sheets and gravel deposits. Diatomaceous Earth Deposits West of the Adrian area some deposits of diatomaceous earth has been noted and this Is originally formed .from minute or microscopic marine “ sea" plant life which in habited seas and larger lakes which have from lime to time In past periods of geologic record, inundat ed this area of present day eastern Oregon and adjoining western Ida ho. The diatomaceous earth has many commercial uses as a farm fertilizer and also for scouring pots and pans and other utensils. Yes! Old Mother Nature has left much here for man of today to seek and use for his benefit. And geologists are constantly at work here in this area seeking the burled secrets of Old Mother Nature which were left here aeons of time before the advent o l man into what is today Malheur county. Soils which you see here today are one of Old Mother Natures richest bounties, yet without water, these soils would grow nqpung. But the Nyssa area has an abund ance of water and one of the finest crop growing Irrigation systems to be found anywhere that Irrigation is used. Kohler, et. at. rescission of agree Barnes, both of Vale. ment. | Charles W. Peer and Maxine Darr C. Whittle vs. Colleen A. Lenahan, both of Boise. Whittle, divorce. Llewellyn L. Bobbins of Nyssa and J. D. Lane vs. Tobler's Peed and Darlene E. Bobbins of Ontario. Fuel, recovery of money, $5,496 83 Oscar J. Martin, et. ux., vs. Almira CO M PLAINTS. C IRC UIT C O l'R T Prances W. Bates vs. Tuny Mar- I. Taylor, et. al., to quiet title. ostica, damages. $500. PE TITIO N S. PRO BATE COURT Pearl Robinson vs. Earl P. Robin Estate of Eugene S. Jones, deceas son divorce. M. D. Alcorn, et. al., vs. Elmer A. ed. Here From Colorado— John E. Riese and Dan Sengel man of Denver were guests last i week-end at the home o f Reverend and Mrs. John Briehl. The men were on their way to Portland. San Francisco *nd Salt Lake City They will attend the races held at the Bonneville Salt Plats In Utah. Young Feet Need Good Care Visit Relatives— 6. B. Goodfellow and sons. Don and Jay, of Ogden arrived here Sunday to spend a few days with Mr. Ooodfellow’s daughters, Mrs. V. L. Kesler and Mrs. C. R. Kesler. They went to Burley from Nyssa to visit for two days before re turning home. x Keep them healthy! Keep them comfortable. Let us help in this important endeavor by careful check and scientific re-conditioning of their shoes when necessary. SH O E IL L S C U R E D W H I L E Y O U W A I T Attending Convention— Miss Marjorie Pomeroy, county | librarian. Is attending the 41st an nual conference of the Pacific Northwest Library association in Spokane this week-end. The theme of the convention program is "R e- dication to the Cause of the Book”. The convention, attended by librari ans from Oregon, Washington. Ida ho, Montana and British Columbi!, is scheduled for August 29 to 31. CARD OF T H A N K S W e wish to sincerely thank our neighbors for their assistance dur ing the recent fire at our farm. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Seuell THE SHOE CLINIC (1st door east of Morris Bakery) W e Take This Opportunity To Invite You to come in to see the two-row NEWS OF RECORD Parma Beet Lifter-Loader M AR R IAG E LICENSES Donald Arthur Jordan and Evelyn before buying your beet harvesting RADIO & REFRIGERATION REPAIRING equipment this fall. N ow On Display At Located At Western Store P H O N E 244-J HOLLINGSWORTHS', Inc. R E S ID E N C E P H O N E 286-R Phone 142 Herbert E. Cox-Technician Nyssa, O regon m AUTOMATIC WASHER ou » Combina t b o ti fea tu re« o f pre vious drives/ Fordoma He gives you two automatic drives In one— a torque con verter for smoothness — and automatic gears for get up-ond-CO. (ÀÌotk&MCV f l The simplest control for automatio washing ever designed— t i m e l in e . Completely auto matic from start to finish— tim e l in e . Not a dial . . . not a disk . . . It’s an easy-to-read straight line control, t im e l in e brings you cleaner, safer, easier washes than you ever thought possible. Be sure to see this m ira ctfo f washers in action. Remember. . . only N O R G E has the tim e l in e . M ft a O r t a « — « f f / w> a a » • V « «j fhkut uttäUß yaw {jtáJvw-! Vir^1- -,-T h xK tkoffy d riv e « rtte/f! Fordo- matte Hunts for you. It smoothly number of driva ratios through which engine power is Vou're boss e v e r y second Step down on the occeierator and you get on estro spurt of power for M l climbing ond passing. Going downhill you con shift to low at lor estro angina fa ir e r rock mg/ It' to "rock" out o f sand, mow or mud with Fordomotic than with Conventional drive. Ant move the selector bock and forth between and "Test D r W ft* FORDOMA77C rs. .k^eese Su Q U t O fH w ItC 1 — . e — — — — n r fg f Iffg * getaway wasteful engine racing Usee no moro gas Hum the roving fui cote- FORD r.cjk. Herriman Motor Company NYSSA • Norge inclusive W ove AcHon Agitator • 4 Different K in s# A ctio n s: O v e r fle w , Agitated O v e rfle w . A g itated D eep W ove an d 2 Spray Eins«« • Non b elt d o w n Censtructren Mrtime-line • FluiH -to-w ail Design ft'« m 01 dreeeseftù's l U f O O f n k if r C I M OREGON • Trouble free Borg W arner Tran sm issio n c minimum dow n poym ont S t e r h Ö Ü n t a in company IS No. Second Si. Nytaa. Oregon IfcMIiliJ /j