THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON. THURSDAY. AUGUST 23. 1951 4-H Saddle Club Pienicks On Lawn atl.' NEW ELL H EIG H TS. Aug. 2 3 -T h e 4-H Saddle club picnicked on the i Kolony^Sunday PAGE THREE ° lenn' L° UU Mr M " . Irvin Tophff spent Ontario because o f the critic-, con ^ ht in the J. R. Suter dition of her daughter. Mrs. Threl- ma Elliott o f Adrian. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Coulter of aumP 8 ^ y forb ore w * T h « parents Parm“ Wednesday even- h° m* Prairie City spent Saturday night Mr. and Mrs. J. R Suiter were | lng I gave - r u c t i o n s - « and .Donna of A d r i a n ^ ^ their reports. Those attending from Portland Friday ^ home of Mr. Norris’ father, Jim annual Malheur County F a r m daughter returned Friday from Norris, last week while en route to Bureau picnic in V a h Saturday; | — »U rn Idaho, where they have Walla Walla. They will return Terry Borge accompanied Sherryl spent the summer; Tuesday and visit again in the Reuter on the guitar as part of the Mrs. C liff Looney of Caldwell program and K ay Borge danced the Norris home overnight. spent three days the past week help Mexican Hat dance. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Hardy Fine and ing take care of her father, E. X Judy of Olenns Ferry were guests Barge won the second prize of a pair Parker, ' a n ^ h ^ o f ^ 2 ? S £ 1 ^ 2 ? ^ of wall mirrors on the membership in the C. B Hill home several days Mr. and Mrs. F. F Cummings o f last week, leaving for home W ed contest Mrs. Dick Kriegh was ap Boise were Sunday dinner guests of pointed to take charge o f Adrian’s nesday. While here Judy was their daughter, Mrs. Bob Brown and e l y ^ p S T s u ^ y ^ n ^ share on the fair booth. family. ", *— * “ “ “ - • x ■ " • « w “ ,m I in the Winn home which brought quite ill. Mr and Mrs. Jake Borge and fam Mrs. Lydia Jackson of Seattle was Mr and Mrs. Don Patrick of ily were Sunday evening callers in a guest in the home of her daugh Visalia, California arrived Sunday four Winn children: Anna. Ruth, the D. L. Hurst home in Kingman ter. Mrs. Stanley Hill Wednesday to visit her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Orton and Gerald. and Thursday. She went on from Kolony. Glen Brown. , Virginia Matsusak i arrived Sun Mr and Mrs. Charles Harris and here to Boise City. Oklahoma and Mr. and Mrs. G eoff Williams went day morning from Seattle, where plans to stop over for a longer visit family returned Monday night from to Sawtooth lodge over the week she has been attending college, to in Che Stanley Hill home on her re a two-weeks trip through Washing end with Mr. and Mrs. Jim New visit for two weeks in the home of ton and central Oregon. turn trip. kirk of Parma. her sister. Mrs. Roy Hlrai. The Modern Pioneer club will Mrs. Vern Butler and Pauline Adrian was well represented at Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hirai and sons meet at the home o f Mrs. M. L. spent last week at Payette lakes the Wilkins speed races at Caldwell and Miss Virginia Matsusaka and Judd Tuesday, August 28. visiting Mrs. Margaret Payne. They Sunday. Don and Elbert Hatch and Mr. and Mrs. Roger Norland and attended some of the 4-H campfire Betty Jarvis drove cars. sons attended the jalopy races at meetings while there. Mr. and Mss. George Cart bright Caldwell Sunday evening. Jimmy Connaughy ■ was taken to were dinner guests Sunday in the R. K. Hart, manager of the Idaho- Larry Fisher home in Ontario. the Nyssa hospital the last of the Leave On Visits Oregon potato commission, called Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Parker and week for an appendix operation. at the Roy Hlrai home last week Benny Keller called in the Jake ADRIAN, Aug. 23—Mrs Della Han family went fishing near Ironside Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Judd were Mrs. Parker visited her B o « e home Monday as he Is home sen and children left Friday morn Sunday guests in the home of their daugh on an 18-day leave. He is still ing for Cottage Grove, where they sisted, Mrs. Gordon Dixon. ter, Mrs. John Downer in Caldwell Mr. and Mrs. K. I. Peterson and stationed at an air base in New will visit Mr. Hansen Sunday. Jersey. Mrs. Henry Hatch and Gene and Donna are visiting their daughter Mr. and Mrs. George Rossbach of Yes, the swing Is to V-8's! Most Mrs. Anna Norris was taken to the Merle of Joseph, Oregon and Harvey and sister, Mrs. Robert Neer, in Boise were guests in the home of her of America s highest priced hospital in Nyssa last week for ob Hatch of Big Bend were Sunday Portland. parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Mr. and Mrs. Oayle Martin and servation and treatment and was al dinner guests In the Jim McGinnis cars are now powered by Schiemer Sunday. Mr. Rossback said lowed to come home Sunday. She home family. Clyde Cartwright and Eileen V-8 engines . . . the the discharge, mentioned in last stayed in the home of her son, JesS Mr. and Mrs. Ray Landeau and Rowland spent the week-end fishing week's column, failed to materialize. Norris in Adrian Sunday and re Terry of John Day spent the week near Halfway type of engifTe Ford's While there they Mr. and Mrs. Al Simpson and been budding for nineteen visited Mrs. M artin’s cousin, Earl turned Monday to her home on the end here visiting relatives. children. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Simpson years/ Ford has built C. B. Hill farm, while she lives Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Bates ac Littlefield. and Alice and Mr. and Mrs. Carl with her son, Jim. Mrs. Norris Is companied Mr. and Mrs. David more V-8’s than a l Fenn and family made a trip to 7# years old. Highland of Owyhee dam on a Returns From Weston— other makers combined. Payette lakes and back Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ounter and Mrs. Lee Saxton made a trip to camping trip over the week-end Lou Pratt. Frankie Pratt, Ray Pendleton last week and brought to Watson. Mrs. La Var Hayes returned home Simpson and Roy Hlrai received her mother, Mrs. Veda Christoffer David Looney celebrated his sixth Wednesday from Weston, Idaho a f antelope tags in the drawing last home with her. birthday Thursday by having a ter attending the funeral o f their week. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Haney left number of his little friends In for a uncle, Chrlss Rasmussen. Mr. Ras Mrs. Lou Pratt and Mrs. Joe Siam Friday for a trip through Y ellow party. mussen was killed In an accident of Nyssa were in Ontario Monday stone park to Cody, Wyoming They Mrs. Ellen Sparks of Boise spent Involving a hay baler. callling on Mrs. Pratt’s mother, Mrs. planned first to visit Mrs. Haney’s Monday and Tuesday In the Elmer de Boer, who has suffered a slight parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Smith Sparks home. paralytic stroke. at American Falls and to continue Mrs. Glen Brown spent the past Lou Pratt and Frankie were at on from there through the park. week In the Bob Eastman home in Notus Friday buying 33 head of They were accompanied by the Caldwell helping take care of the sheep from Mr. Stafford. younger children and Joanne. The new granddaughter. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Edwards older boys stayed home to take care Mr. and Mrs. G eoff Williams ac and family, who have been working of the farm. companied Mr. and Mrs. Charlie on the John Timmerman farm, left Mr. and Mrs. Haney and baby Johnson of Parma to Reno, Nevada last week to move to Oklahoma. were gue9ts In the E. H. Haney last week to visit •» nephew, Bud Mrs. Bertha Tallman of Moses home Sunday. Schweizer and family- Prompt, Courteous Lake. Washington arrived last week Mrs. Roger Norland and Chris and Phyllis Eastman is spending her at the home of her parents and Eric made a week-end trip to La vacation with her sister, Ruth, in Service * took her sons, Kenneth and Wayne Grande and Wallowa to visit friends Spokane. home with her. The boys had been and relatives. BUI and Billy Looney, Leroy and Real EsU le visiting in the home of their grand Mr. and Mrs Jake Borge and Dewayne Bennett and Bud Haut- li parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bari Worden. ohlldren and Mr. and Mrs. Dick man are fishing near Halfway. 16 North 3rd. PI Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Wbrden and Krelgih and children attended the Mr and Mrs. Marvin Rose and children left Saturday evening on a trip to Canton, Oklahoma to visit Mrs. Worden's parents. They plan to be gone about three weeks. O n ly Ford in »•»• lo w -p rico UnM Mrs. Monty Spellman returned o ffa re V - § p o w a r last Sunday from Pocatello, where Ford K m buOf m oro ¥ - • * » thorn she was celled because of the seri oil o th o r n n k o r i com bined . • • n e a rly 12 million ous illness o f her father. Ford h a « !vod 19 y e a r s ' e x p e Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smith and rien ce building V - i ’ s family were in La Grande over the week-end visiting her relatives, who held a fam ily reunion there. Mr. and Mrs. C B. Hill called In the Jake Mum home at Carlo Junct ion Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Norris and Phone 77 baby o f Ogden, Utah visited in the Adrian Residents tk tktfjtof,ÔKjjUtt pOUMltuj Am&Ù( tytuttpûul ùm . .. ûm you.¡¡¿Xk d JmLf -LOANS- W fU iM ALL KINDS OF Real Estate Loans rmuj. m qow/j\ i u a c ¡4 a i . n n . n n / ^ . n n to m n lr lt The swing is to Ford, too. For Ford’s V-8 n gives it n get-up-and-go match the finest cars . . . real savings, too, with Ford's Automatic Mileage Maker squeezing the last ounce of power out of every drop of gas. Only Ford in the low-price field offers this V-8 power! Yet it costs you less than most sixes. KEN POND makeyourreservation Herriman Motor Co. Your F@rd Dealer v Open your checking account at FIRST NATIONAL a n your . NAMEA ADDRESS PRINTED FREE! on your regular personal checks •„.at the bank that stays open Modarn alactric bedding is a hundred per cent safe, easy to launder, and fully guaranteed. Just a single electric blanket, comforter or sheet will provide the temperature that suits you best throughout the night. The cumbersome bulk and waight of extra blankets is entirely eliminated. 10 to 5, S I X D A Y S A W E E K for your convenience Open your checking account at E niov the prestige and convenience o f having your ow n personalized checks, FREE A T T H E F IR S T N A T I O N A L B A N K O F P O R T L A N D . Personalized checks sim plify check cashing...your name and address are d early printed on the face o f each check. Cancelled checks are your receipts, check stubs are your record o f expenditures. O pen your checking account at your nearby FIRST R A T IO N A L banking office toon. Remember, your deposits are insured up to *10.000 by the Federal D e posit Insurance Corporation, and you can bank at First N ational all day 10 to 5, including Saturday. Now's the time to think about your winter bedding require ments. Shop early — choose an electric sheet, blanket or com forter from the beautiful selection of colors at your dealers and look forward to the finest winter's sleep you ever had. N Y S S A BRANCH <T> Electric bedding is the investment of a lifetime. Winter after winter it will pay you big dividends in sleeping comfort. So see your dealer soon— he'll be glad to hold the electric bedding of your choice until tha first days of winter roll around. FIRST ¿ _ j N A TIO N A L BAN K • OF PORTLAND MCMlft FCOHAl DfPOUT IHSUtANCI COWOtATION I DA H O V POWER CCcctUciiiy L c, So MUCH-Costs So LITTLE’