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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1951)
PAGE riv g THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. AUGUST 16. 1951 To California— i In Stockton they visited M r Florea s Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Florea and sister. Mrs. C. H. Pollard. Then David and Donna returned Sunday they traveled up the coast and visit- j after spending a week in Stock- ed M r and Mrs. Cleo McDowell in ton, California and Madras. Oregon. Madras District Softball PLAYOFF "“ T — — • Tobler's Feed and Fuel OF NYSSA Chief D. J. Williams, recruiter in charge of the navy recruiting sta tion of Boise, announced today that the Boise office will remain open until 6 p. m. each day except Sun day and holidays to accommodate young men and women interested in enlisting or asking questions about the navy who might find it'difficult to contact the recruiter before S o’clock. Men who have had their pre-in duction physical examinations are still eligible to enlist In the navy until the time they are actually in ducted. The deadline for these men to enlist is midnight, August 31. Men interested may contact the recruiter in the Contintental bang building in Boise. Greek Gift» for Korea ^ H !.< * > « »•»< > H l . 'í . . . S E T M ORI REST EVERY SLEEPINC HOUR More and more people seeking added energy for the demands o f present-day living are selecting Spring-Air, the mattress that gives you more rest from every sleeping hour. W ith Governm ent Sets Season On Doves VS. Baker (ELKS OR CRAVER MOTORS) . Recruiting O ffice Kept Open Longer saturday ’ august 18 8:30 P. M. Dates for the band-tailed pigeon and morning dove seasons on the Pacific flyway have been set by the federal government. The band-tailed pigeon season In Oregon and Washington is Sep tember 1 through 30. California will have a split season. Bag limit for band-tailed pigeons has been re duced from eight to six birds a day or six birds in possession. Season and bag limit for mourn ing doves is the same as last year. September 1 through 13 and 10 birds a day or 10 in possession. Band- tailed pigeons are hunted west of the Cascades and most of the mourning doves are to be found east of the Cascade mountains. Return From California— Mrs. C. M. Tyler will return Fri day from California, where she has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. A r lene Huffman and family. Nyssa Rodeo Grounds Spring-Air you get the benefit o f "Controlled Comfort,” on* o f the features which makes them the choice o f more than • thousand fine hotels, two thousand hospitals and over a million homes. Come in for demonstration at no obligation. $ 5 9 5° J K orean Minister o f Health Han Yunt Oh (righ t) expresses the appreciation o f the people o f Korea fo r Greece's generosity b y shaking the hand o f a Greek Orthodox priest, chaplain w ith a con tingent of Greek reinforcements fo r the United Nations Forces In Korea. The crates in the background, on the Pusan waterfront, contain contributions from G reece of soap, medical and school sup plies fo r the Korean people. K orean Minister o f Social Affairs Huh Chung and Brigadier General A . C. Dascarolis, G reek commander, who made presentation of the gifts, appear in that order at the left. _______ t __________________________ __________ CARD OF T H A N K S I wish to thank my many friends for sending the lovely flowers and for visiting me while I was in the hospital. Mrs. E. H. Fleshman Case tractor, equipment. Phone Legal Advertising 327-M or call at 404 North Second street. 16Alxc. IN THE C O U N TY CO URT O F THE STATE O F OREGON FO R THE LOST—'Person who took first base C O U N TY O F M ALHEUR man’s glove Wednesday-night, please In the Matter of the Estate of return to Love joy. 16a lxp ED W IN ST A N T O N O AHAN, de- TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY ceased. FOR SALE—Quick sale, ice cream HELP W ANTED —G irl to work at NOTICE TO CREDITORS business, 8 acres, 5-room house. Shake Sjiop. Phone 327-M. 16Alxc NO TICE IS HEREBY OIVEN, M ISCELLANEOUS—Notice is here That the undersigned, Harry James by given that I will not be respon Gahan. has been appointed Executor sible for debts contracted by anyone of the estate of Edwin Stanton Gahan, deceased, by the County other than myself. Ouye A. Sparks. Court of Malheur County, Oregon, 16A4xp. and has qualified as such. NOW, THEREFORE, all persons FOR R E N T —Sleeping room for gentleman. 215 N. Fourth street. having claims against the estate of Phone 191-J. 16atfc Edwin Stanton Gahan, deceased, are hereby notified ind required to F O R S A L E—Cucumbers, string present the same, with proper beans, green peppers and canning vouchers, duly verified, within six tomatoes. lVi miles southwest of <6> months from the date o f this Nyssa. George Gabriel. 16a2xp Nbtice, to the undersigned, Harry James Gahan, at the law office of FOR RENT—Basement sleeping Harold Henigson at Nyssa, Oregon, room for a -man. North 5th street. which place the undersigned selects Phone 89-J. 16atfc as his place of business in all mat ters connected with said estate. W A N TE D —Room and board with H A R R Y JAMES G AH AN L. D. S. family for young man. Phone 153-J evenings after 9 o’clock Executor of the Estate o f Edwin Stanton Oahan, Deceased. 16a2xp Dated and first published August FOR SALE— Used breakfast set, 16, 1951. Last publication September 13, table and four chairs. Phone 78-J. 16a2xc 1951. ADMISSION Adults 50c Children 25c Includine Tax We’re Keepînq PricesDOWN 'fââ Cut Green Beans 'CONTROLLED COMFORT” FOR ALL IN LIFE Left: actual photo shows how two persons of widely differing weights (man, 212 lbs. ...w o m a n , 1131b«.) rest with equal comfort, without tendency to “ roll-to-the-middle.” Right: actual photo of 230 round man— whose weight is somewhat con centrated in the ‘ ‘ mid d l e ” — shows how Spring-Air ‘ ‘ Controlled Comfort” prevent« body sag and maintains per fe c t s u p p o r t c o m fo r t from head to foot. CRÛ/CE MEATS ARGO, 303 SIZE 3 CANS Picnic Hams, poum d 390 KING’S RED RO£ >E 450 in Cheese ADVFRTISLD Pork Roast, pound - 4 PICNIC STYLE BORDEN'S CHATEAU 2 lbs. 8 7 0 Shortening, 3 lb. can Sausage,. 3 pounds - 8 9 0 920 SHURFINE Spaghetti, 3 cans. - 4 7 0 MJD FRANCO-AMERICAN. NO. 1 CAN NOW 3 GRINDS Grape Juice, 2 cans 98£ CHURCH'S. 46 OZ. CAN TASTY PRODUCE TIM E -P R O V E D POWE R ^ g fc 1 lb. 8 7 0 2 lbs. $ 1 .7 3 Salad Dressing ' DURKEES Red Grapes, 2 pounds 1 9 ^ ever/ SPECIAL! NEW LOW PRICE Pt. jar 3 3 0 Chevrolet alone offers this complete Power Team! Automatic Transm ission* Oranges, Sunkist, pound 1 0 £ Pork & Beans JOAN OF ARC. 300 SIZE Vegetable Salad Mix REGULAR 15c PACKAGE. 2 FOR T 13 ^ * * * T* A Y L O R ’ Q FOOD MARKET O UU€ GlV€ tú .W . GR€<n 5TftfTlP5 FREE DELIVERY ON ORDERS OF $5.00 OR OVER OPEN 7 DAYS WEEKLY 3 CANS 290 Sardines BEACH CLIFF Extra-Pow erful 1 05 -h .p . Valve-in -H ead Engine EconoMiser R ear A xle Powerglide is first . . . finest . . . and only fully proved automatic transmission in the low-price field. Gives you simplest, smooth est, safest no-shift driving at lowest cost. N o clutch p eda l-n o gearshifting-not even a hint o f gear changes in forward driving! And-outstanding as it is -P o w e rglid e is only one member o f Chevrolet’s marvelous automatic power team. •Com bination o f Powerglide Autom atic Transmis sion and 105-h.p. Valve-in-Head Engine optional on P e Luxe at extra cost. Just p ress th e a cc e le ra to r to G O . . . p ress th e b ra k e to S T O P .. . It's th e sim plest, sm oothest, sa fe st drivin g you o v e r im agined I Take your "DISCOVERY DRIVE” FLAT CANS 6 FOR 530 Nyssa Motors, Inc. Nyssa, Oregon