PAGE FOUR THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. AUGUST 16. 1951 vs. Earl Fraser, et. a i. recovery on j of money. $480.82. Return From Montana— ces T. Hahn of Denver. Ernest A. Martin vs. A. N. 8oliss. Joe Maughan and Edison Cftlld Andrew Julian A m en of Vale and not* toon L R ^ r i n k l e . et. at., vs. Hawk « *> Ephes‘“'“ Bnng your Vihit R elative* returned home Prkte> eveniraj after Mary T Joyce of Juntura. , . ,__ Robert Lynn Gilliam of Payette Plumbing and Heating shop, • dam- fishing near and p atricla Ann Belknap o f On- ages, 81.250. . NU-ACRES, Aug lg — Mr and Mr;. 8T. R PACT'S f vsi u M R fA a AVE All* i ( L U r and ‘ * tek B U IL D IN G PE R M ITS ,_ r T E , n s t u r « L CHURCH COLUM BIA v e , Aug 10 —aar ana Drummond, Montana Ed Oakes, et. al.. vs. O. R. Dick- I t&rio. K e v . t . T . I ren s n a w , R e c to r vfra Edward E d w a rd C Lar.saon and an d family fa m ily Jake Groot of Ny*. a were dinner Mrs C. Larsson son. injunction. ------ Alva Edison Justus and Norma John F Collins, seminarian In Marion Chard, alteration, 83,100, U Credit Men's association J l rd U b u C U * U lC U H »w a ts s o ------------------------I _ nA o _ _ l_ visited relatives in Hooper and Returns T o Nebraska— guests Thursday at the home of Mr charge. L. Jackson, both of Harper L. D. Hammon. et. ux., recovery 34 x 24, Park avenue. Mrs. A. J. Sorensen of Cairo, L ~ n W Andersoen and Delores and Mrs. George Smit. Ogden and while there attended a Morning prayer and sermon. 11 a ... j , Faye Meeker, both of Ontario Mr and Mrs. Ben Rainer and m. family reunion. Nebraska left today for her home. Robert m White of Parma and daughter, Carole, of Boise and Mr Mr and Mrs. C M Tensen and She has been In Nyssa a month p auline Marie Arruola of Jordan and Mrs. Oeorge Orasmlck of Cald Nell, Gary. Colleen, Celia, Nanette visiting at the home of Mr. and Valley. SUNSET V A LLE T and Stanley Bybee, Claudette Levitt. well vtslted at the Frank Ned balm ASSEMBLY O F GOD Sam 8miley and Gerald Flinders, Mrs. Cecil Florea FROM n y s * a home Tuesday evening Carole is PE TIT IO N S, PRO BATE COURT Kev. Quentin Calapp members o f the senior and Junior Estate of M ane C. Black, deceas- staying with Donna Nedbalek for EASTBOUND Sunday school, 10 a. in. riding clubs of this community NEWS OF RECORD | ed. two weeks. 3:48 AM 11:18 AM 8:28 PM »09:25 A M §8:13 PM took part in the parade and grand Worship services, 11 a. m. Estate of Prank A. Foiles, deceas The Farmerettes club held its entree at the Caldwell rodeo Sat- Young People, 7 p. m. ed. M A R R IA G E LIC ENSES annual picnic at the park In Cald j urday night. ____________ WESTBOUND Evangelistic meeting, 8 p. m. LuVerne A. Groen of Ontario and Visitors at the Dick Groot home Mary well Sunday. After a picnic dinner 9:88 PM Ellen Powell of Vale C O M PLAIN TS, C IR C U IT COURT Wednesday Bible study, 8 p. no 1 Friday 5:55 AM 12:48 PM »8:35 PM afternoon were Mr and Mrs. a large number of the group enjoy Robert R. Peterman of Payette Lucy A. Griep vs. Willard Shaw, ; Oeorge Smith of Nu-Acres. ed a swim In the pool. Betty Lorraine Spartz of On- et. al.. recovery on note, $296 94. (12:48 PM schedule to Weiser connects with Portland bus at C ATH O LIC CHURCH Arthur Cook of Ontario spent the and tarlo. C. M. Tyler vs. Hazel Tyler, di- Mr. and Mrs. W I Orcutt of Ontario! SBoise local 'W eiser local— Dally except Sundays Park Avenue and Third Street week-end with Neil Tensen Charles Wassam Crittenden o f , vorce. Kearney, Nebraska visited at the Mr and Mrs Clayton Jensen and 0 Daily except Sundays and National Holidays Rev. P. J. Gaire, Pastor and Jessie A. George of On- I Jack L. Palmer vs. Evelyn H. Henry Orcutt home Thursday and | Mass beginning at 8:30 a. m. Teresa of Nyssa visited relatives of Vale Portland-Salt Lake service underscored tario. Palmer, divorce. this community Sunday evening. Friday of last week Mr and Mrs. LUNCH ROOM PHONE 331 Jack Eugene Atkeson of Caldwell Ira M. Hopper vs. Elizabeth A. Mr and Mrs 8mlley and Sam and Wally Orcutt and family of Pay AD R IAN C O M M U N IT Y CHURCH and Carlene Jones o: Nyssa. I Hopper, divorce. Nell Tensen were Ontario visitors ette were Thursday evening supper Henry E. Moore, Pastor Jnited Credit Men’s association James Dalgetty of Vale and Fran- u r ' Monday. guests at the Orcutt home Bible school. 10 a m. Mr and Mrs Pete vd Oord and Mr and Mrs. Cecil Evans and Morning worship. 11 a. m. family attended a family picnic in Givo* yoo H m MOST POWER family enjoyed a trip to the hills the Caldwell park Sunday near Cascade Tuesday of last week. Carolyn Tensen was an overnight L. D. 8. 1st W A R D from the LEAST GAS! guest at the home of Mr and Mrs. Members of the Nu-Acres Grange Elden J. Yergrnarn, Bishop Sovos yoo plenty I worked on their booth at the fair Sunday—Priesthood meeting. 9:15 Clayton Jensen of Nyssa Saturday. grounds Monday evening. a. m. Sunday school, 10:30 a. m Mr and Mrs. Bill Orasmlck. M' Sacrament meeting. 8:00 p. m. and Mrs. Lester Reece and family j Tuesday -Relief society, 2:00 p. m. and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nedbalek Wednesday—M. I. A . 8 00 p. m. Ford 5 -ST A R E X T R A C a b g iv a s y o u n e w and Donna, and Carole Ramer of j Thursday—Primary. 10:00 a. m. Av«!«bii<?y of equipment, accessories and trim as illus Boise, drove to New Plymouth Sat- J trated is dependent upon material supply conditions. comfort for S u n d a y c a llin g — in the Pickup F A IT H LUTH ERAN CHURCH urday evening to see the pre-fair j 5 , 0 0 0 tru c k o w n e r « In F o r d 's that'« a itandout for M o n d a y h a u lin g I Fifth Street A Park Avenue parade. 5 0 -m illio n -m ile E c o n o m y R u n, Rev. John L. Hrlehl. Pastor d e m o n s t r a t e d th a t F o r d T ru ck s Mr and Mrs. Henry Orcutt and j s a v e y o u m o n e y e v e r y m ile ! sona drove to Boise after attend- I Sunday church school, 10 a. m # Both the Ford 5 -S T A R Cab and, at lng the picnic In Caldwell, where ! Divine worship service, 11 a. m. slight added coot, the 5 -S T A R E X T R A You are sincerely InvKed to wor they visited at the home of Mr and Cab (shown) give you: M ore driving Mrs. John Johnson rgind daughter j ship with us. W e Feature the ease with 65-coil seat and level action cab A88EMBLT OP GOD suspension to iron out rough roads! M ore Visitor Honored 2nd and Reece visibility with 50% bigger rear window! Prank C. Coley, Pastor At B irth d a y P arty M ore convenience with new fingertip Sunday school, 10 a. m. gearshift (F - l), and extra roominess. Morning worship, 11 a. m. OREGON T R A IL . Aug 18—Honor Tuesday evening prayer meeting. ing thr birthday of Mrs. R E Byers, 8 p. m. S r , of Mapleton, Iowa, who Is vis Friday evening young people's j Special Blanket iting relatives here, a party was held service, 8 p, m. at the F. 8 Byers home Monday evening. Twenty-two guests weie rH E M ETHODIST C O M M U N ITY Liability Policy present. Mrs Byers received many CHURCH KEN RENSTROM nice gifts. Lunch was served after Lee an se Ford Trucks last longer I Using latest registration data on Donald 8. Campbell, Minister an evening of visiting I . F 0 .A .F . 7*318,000 trucks, life insurance experts prove Ford Trucks last longer I Krnstrum Insurance Agency 9 45 a m , church school. Mr and Mrs, R. F Byers, S r . of 11 a. m . morning worship. 217 Good Ave. Phone 264-W Mapleton, Iowa are visiting his 7 p, m., Youth Fellowship. brother. F S. Byers and family. The Merry Matrons club met at THE C H CK Cn O P THE S tro n g C apital the home of Alice Holmes Wednes NAZARENE Stock Protection day afternoon, August 8. Roll ca'l OREGON Rev. Glen Abla, Pastor NYSSA was answered with "a witty saying". Sunday school, 10 a. m. Twelve members and two guests. Miss Anna Lewis of Salt Lake ¿fit y C5s and Mrs. R. E. Byers, S r, o f Maple ton, Iowa were present. A social afternoon was enjoyed Prizes for a guessing gume were won by Vir ginia Rookstool and Viola Adams. Refreshments were rerved by the hostess, assisted by Alberta Bowen and Oladys Byers The next meet ing will be held August 23 with Marie Holmes as hostess. Favorite recelpes will be exchanged. Ward C Lundy and Mr and Mrs. J E Bowen went to Tigard, Oregon Black Penny A ll W hite last week-end Mrs Lundy and two sons returned home with them. Picnic I* II« hi By Farmerette* (Hull songs and a study from Ood’s word, , • ■ . . directed by the pastor. Last three l . o l U I » m a . t.O U flle SKE?" TRAILWAYS BUS DEPARTURES Farmers like its POWER PILOT! Families love its CAB EXTRAS! FA R M ER S & RANCHERS FARMERS and RANCHERS FORD TRUCKING C m IESS Herriman Motor Company Back To School In Thrifly Shoes Bracken’s To P ayrllr Lake«— Mr, and Mrs Kenneth Cottle »pent several (lay* this week at Payette Lakes. Visit In Nyssa— Mr and Mrs Duane Holcomb will arrive In Nysa Saturday even ing to spend 10 days here visiting friends and relatives Their daugh ter, Connie Jo, has been at the home at her grandparents, Mr and Mrs Dale Garrison,, for the (tost turn weeks SADDLE LOAFER OXFORDS A ll Sizes a t ... $7.95 $5.95 M ISSIO N A R Y B A P TIS T CHURCH Eldrr Harold G. Ernie. Pastor Sunday nrho«l. 10 a. m Hong aervlce, 7 :30 p m Evening service, 8 p, m Wedne.vtay evening prayer ser vice. 8 p. m. CHURCH or C H R IST Austin J. Hollingsworth. Minster 10 a m , church school, studying the anchor of our faith 1 1 a m , morning worship, ser mon "H oly Provoking" 7 p m Christian Youth Fellow ship rxpresslonal period and wor ship 8 p m . good old-fashlned gospel Earl Says— r ---------------- Smart M aid LO AFER School Budget Smart Shoe Priced At The Right require gear « (« lia n special lubricant* «I llypold Al W hite Soles $6.45 Form Fitting LOAFER Price $6.85 $7.95 $5.90 Sturdy School Boy's Dress W eatherbird SHOE Featurized Shoe Scuff-Proof Toe Sizes 2V2 to 8 Long W ea rin g Sole SHOE Sizes 8 l/2 to 3 Sizes 8>/2 to 3 Did you know that your rar may OXFORDS Weather-Teens W edge LOAFER W hite Priced Low to Two-Strap and Saddle $6.45 ( I I I I v < II N O T E S THE FREE M ETHODIST C H C R t l l Adrian. Orrgon Church school, 10 a m. Morning worship. 11 a. m. Young People's study period. 7 p m Evangelist message, 8 p m. Wednesday prayer service, 7.20 p m. Headquarters For All School Clothing $3.98 $5.95 $5.95 my B ERRETTA. (Iva tour rar Just « l u i II m a n « facturer rr< umnirnd Ladies' Nylon Hose . . . N ew Shades, Slight Irregulars of $1.75 Hose, Friday, Saturday and M o n d a y ____ 77c for I harr special rharti an I ir li only Ihr brat product Boys' Rope Knit T Shirt. . . Long sleeves, R egular $2.29, Friday, Saturday and M onday only ________ 99c Boys' Sport Shirts . . . Long Sleeves, Sanforized plaids, Friday, Saturday and M onday only ............ $1.39 % Boys' School Socks . . . Bright Colors, size 61/* to 10» Lots of W ea r, 6 pair ... ____ _____ $1.00 « W e are stocked to meet a ll of your school shoe and clothing requirements in quality merchandise at a fair price. O ur la y a w a y department is for your convenience and w e sincerely urge you to use it. X R AY SH O E FITTING TELEPHONE 105 HR A C K E N S DRY G O O D S SHOES C LO TH ING NYSSA, OREGON