Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1951)
TH E N Y S S A G A T E C IT Y J O U R N A L . N Y S S A . O REG O N . T H U R S D A Y . A U G U S T 2. 1951 PAGE FO U R Youths I^*avf For Wash. Army (aiiip B IO BEND. A u g ' 2 -R a y m o n d Shadley, Johnny Steethelt o l Nam pa. (ormer residents of Big Bend and Jimmy Jones, left (or an army camp in Washington Thursday alter passing their tests in Boise. Mrs Boyce Van De Water and Loretta and Loraine and Ella Lee Zentz attended the Bob Wells evan gelistic services in Boise Thursday evening. Harvey Hatch left Friday morning for Joseph, Oregon, to visit hi* son, Henry and family and attend the Chief Joseph rodeo. He returned Monday noon. Mr and Mrs Clinton Reno and son of Apple Valley and Mr and Mrs Orvil Morrison and son of Wilder called on their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Reno Sunday Mr and Mrs. Raymond Cart wright and family and Mrs Cart wright’s sister and husband. Mr and Mrs Bob Rothermick of Bun ¡3 attended the Nampa rodeo Satur day night. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Heick and Kay and Karen of Boise spent Wednes day in the Varner Hopkins home Mr and Mrs. Dan Dolberg of Loveland. Colorado, who visited Noel Huppeny on the way to P ort land, returned Saturday morning and purchased the Ralph Haworth forty, better known as the Bert Meadows place. Mr and Mrs Darrell English and family were Friday night supper guests of Dale Clary, as were Mr and Mrs, Earl Clary and Martha Elaine and Kenneth and Julia Ufia. Mrs. Roby English and children spent Sunday with Mrs. English’s parents. Mr and Mrs. Earl Clany A family dinner was enjoyed. Mrs. Dyre Roberts and Wayne, -Sharon and Karen helped with the threshing at the W. T. Hamilton place in Rldgeview the past week Homer Hatch of Caldwell visited New Location Rensirom Insurance Agency Has Moved To Its New Location Directly South Of The City Hall 217 Good Avenue Phone 264-W SEE US FOR YOUR SHEET METAL AND HEATING NEEDS N O W IS THE TIME TO PUT YO U R FUR N AC E IN FIRST CLASS C O N D ITIO N FOR W INTER FREE ESTIMATES G LA D LY G IVEN EDER HARDWARE CO. S H EET M ETAL SH O P 202 M A IN Phona 46 In the Harvey Hatch home Monday alternoon. He reports a fine trip on his vacation through the middle states. Crops are looking good most everywhere. A surprise picnic supper was en joyed on the lawn :n the Herb Thomas home Wednesday evening. Mrs Myrtle Hatch called on sev eral Sunset valley friends last F ri day making deliverys and taking orders for a new ironing pad. Mrs. Herb Thomas' sister. Mrs. Ida Wyman of Weiser visited Satur day and Sunday in the Thomas home. They all enjoyed Sunday dinner and a visit in the Jack Raney home in Apple Valley Mr and Mrs. John Thompson and family. Mr and Mrs Gordon K e l ler of Parma drove to the Adrian Hall cow camp about 50 miles north east of Mountain Home Saturday evening. They remained there Sun day for the branding. Mrs Leo Ktkolm and daughter and her sister, Mrs. Sidney Snapp and two son’s of Boise visited Sun day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gale. Mr and Mrs A N Harris of Weis er had dinner Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Ruth Morgan. Mr and Mrs James Atterbury and family o f Ontario, Mr and Mrs. Bill BopUlU, Mr and Mr.-,. Albert Hopkins and son of Parma. Mr. and Mrs Bob Hopkins of Ten Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Hopkins and family of Upper Roswell and Harvey Plas- sen and Edgar Nel.on of Ridge- vivw enjoyed a birthday party and picnic at the Varnen Hopkins home Sunday The occasion was Erma's and Bob's birthday. Mr and Mrs Arthur Holly and his brother, ATVln Holly and Mrs. Lois Snapp drove to New Plymouth Sun day and called on Mr and Mrs. Bill Gibson. Mr Gibson had Just come home from the hospital and had been very ill with a heart at tack and stroke Mr and Mrs. Gib son are former residents of Big Bend. Visitors in the Pug Swlgert home Thursday were his mother, Mrs. Flora Swlgert of Wilder, his sister. Mrs Vera Pollard of Caldwell, her son, Bernard Pollard of Parma and Mr . Dallas Swlgert of Arena valley. Laurel Hickox of Caldwell called at the Woodrow Shearer home Thursday evening. Mrs Harvey Bennett and Dickie and Dwaine shopped in Nampa Thursday. About 20 friends gathered at the home of Mrs. Raymond Cartwright last Thursday and honored Mrs. Emery Cameron with a pink and blue shower. Virl Pyle of Cali visited Mr. and Mrs Otis Swlgert Tuesday and Mr. and Mrs. Vick Morgan. Virl is a nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johns. Go To Idaho— Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Burbank and family and Jerry Olenn, son of Mr and Mrs. Newbern Glenn, left F ri day for Montpelier, Idaho to visit Mrs Burbank's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Tagley, Sr , and other relatives. Thus Belgrano added, it is now ' families who now have or will have 1 greater greater than than before beiore without sacrifice | W e for both small and Urge . . . - . _______ ngsl orrano an Interest in a trust or estate. Under First National’* diversified common trust fund plan, trusta or Under the provisions of new legis estates with as little as a few thous purposes lation which allows establishment of and dollars can realize a return a co.-.imon trust fund in Oregon for the first tlma, the First National ' BAKER'S D O ZE N " Bank of Portland will begin opera g e t a c q u a in t e d o f f e r tion of its diversified common trust fund on August 2, according to O n . Can Quick-Frown M in u l. M aid L .m o n a d . O. J. Mitchell, manager of the bank’s Nyssa branch. FREE Following the lead of 34 other W ith every dozen cans purchased at the regu lar price. states which now offer the common trust fund as an investment medium _ „ _ - „ - T - T V O * M ILES E. OF NYSSA for trusts and estates, the Oregon H ARTM AN S LOCKERS at locker ave . Legislature passed the permissive bill WE GIVE at its last session. According to F N. Belgrano, Jr., president of First g r e e n STAMPS National, this legislation has made GILBERT HOLM ES “ YOU D O N T HAVE TO ASK FOR TH E M ” the advantages of greater income > PH O N E 029-R3 and Increased safety of investment I available to thousands of Oregon Bank Establishes Common Trust Fumi i r w s s * « £ S S r r 1^«=: r r .e:; r s i - i s — ; k - —- “ ■> » —* Custom Potato Digging Picking and Hauling Plenty of Lockers Available Gel Yours Now And Be Ready For The Canning Season WE SPECIA LIZE IIS PR O C ESSIN G M EA T FO R HOME FR EEZER S GRAIN-FED BEEF FOR SALE. FED IN OUR O W N LOTS. CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING Live Animals Received From M on day Morning Until Friday Noon M onday Through Thursday 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. Friday From 8 a. m. until 12 Noon LOCKER HOURS— 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M. WEEK D AYS O N LY Custom Cutting and W rap p in g Service POLYETHYENE PLASTIC BAGS LILY-TUBS P IN T , Q U A R T A N D 2 Q U A R T SIZE S P IN T , Q U A R T, 2 Q U A R T A N D 3 Q U A R T SIZE S LOCKERSEAL CARTONS P IN T , Q U A R T A N D 2 Q U A R T SIZE S - LOCKERSEAL W A X E D W R A PPIN G PAPER Locker Plant 381-R Slaughter House and Cutting Room 381-W Phones: Fischer’s Locker Service Has Operation— Newbern Glenn underwent a min- j or g p w tto n on one of his feet in the Nyssa clinic last week. free TRUCK SAVER inspection for International Trucks TO ALL SEASONAL WORKERS AND Others Wanting Work At The Idaho Canning Company Plant Please register PROMPTLY at the company oiiice. Bet your Internationals ready for the long haul! C om . in and ga l the 99-point truck checkup that'* your« for the asking. It's the first big step you can take to head ofT the headache* of an uncertain future. It'* protection against major truck breakdowns that can knock out your vi tal operations Ami there's no charge, no obligation t __ i T h e sooner you tuke advantage o f our TVuck Saver I inflection, the quicker you'll see why you'll be wgy ahead to put our comp/efe TVuck Saver Plan to work for you. Coma in now — pal all the facts Our TVuck Saver Plan ia open to every International TVuck owner. If you're one, you've got a good truck ... so keep it that w ay! Call or come in for an appointment for your free TVuck Saver Inspection now, learn how our com piet a TVuck Saver Plan can keep your trucka rolling at peak efficiency. OWYHEE TRUCK & IMPLEMENT CO Phone 245 INTE RNATIONAL ^ Nyssa, O regon TRUCKS IN NYSSA Operation Should Begin Approximately - August 10 TWO SHIFTS WILL BE REQUIRED. Adults between 16 and 18 years, inclusive, must have work permit.