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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1951)
JOURNAL raeNYSSA VOLUME XXXXVI NO. 29 THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. AUGUST 2. 1951 Of Highway Routes Demonstration Resuscitator Given Again Topic Of Nyssa A demonstration of the use of the fire department resuscitator was given at the weekly Lions club C Of C Meeting luncheon Monday noon by Kenneth Local Communities Are Working For Partic ular Highways Renstrom. who is in charge of the resuscitator squad, and Ralph Law rence, one of the crew chiefs. With Tom Moore acting as a "patient", the firemen demonstrat ed the various features of the port able machine, including inhalation, resuscitation and aspiration. All members of the club were given an opportunity to get the "feel” of artificial breathing. The firemen explained that the machine is for use anywhere it may be needed in an emergency. Or ganizations that would like to have the machine demonstrated at meet ings may have their wishes satis fied by contacting the fire depart ment. With many pressure groups man euvering for advantage in the strug gle for the tourists dollar through construction over highways and the direction of highway travel over certain thoroughfares. Nyssa is in a good position, acording to reports given at the weekly luncheon of the chamber of commerce In Carl's Doll House Wednesday noon. Ormond Thomas, chamber of commerce roads chairman, reported Women Nearing on a meeting held in Ontario July Nyssa's Arabian Stallion 27 for a discussion of the proposed Close Of Half Succer creek road. Baker is re Taggart Elected ported to want the road for a short The first half play of the women's Arabian Stallion er livestock outlet to California. softball schedule is expected to be Owned By Dinnnick Red Cross Leader However the paved highway to Jor completed Friday night, but three teams. Farmers Daughters, Parma Takes Boise Honor In Malheur County dan Valley on the Idaho side Is al Foods and Satinettes, are tied for most as short as the proposed route first place. The games will be play By Mrs. L. W. Pomeroy Max S. Taggart of Ontario was south of Adrian. Farmers in the Friday night instead of Thurs Probably very few of the persons elected county chairman of the Succer creek area are opposed to ed this week. who attended Nyssa's rodeo realized American Red Cross at a recent construction of any highway that day The night Parma Food Center will meet would cut their fields and irrigations the Ontario Mill Works at 7:30 to that one of the flag-carriers, Neil meeting held in Ontario. officers are Ernest B. Met systems. Dim/nlck, was riding the top Arabi calf Other night in the first game of an of Vale, vice chairman; W. W. Thomas Jones, chamber of com morrow stallion of the intermountain Tidwell the evening. The Farmers Daugh of Ontario, secretary; Mrs. merce president, said people are be ter and Satinettes will play the area. W. S. Walker of Ontario, treasurer, coming highway minded. He added second contest. If the Parma Food At the annual Boise horse show, and that a i 'w bombs could knock out Center defeats Ontario Mill Works, July 26 through 28. Mr. Dimmick ary. Frank Ryan, executive secret railroad and highway bridges in the the winner of the game between showed the horse Wisok, which he Board members elected for three west and immdiately tie up traffic. the Satinettes and Farmer Daugh rode during the rodeo. terms are Mrs. William Peter As a result, a net work of roads is ters will play the Parma Food Cent Wisok, the bay Arabian stallion year son, Ontario; Rev Donald S. Camp needed for defense. owned by Mr. Dimmick won first bell, er Monday night, August 6 for the Mrs. Fred Bailey. On Announcement has already been half championship. If the place with the blue ribbon in the tario; Nyssa; Mrs. Max Seward, Harper; made that Payette and Weiser are first halter class competing against six Mrs. Sam Parma team loses Friday night, the Ross, Jordan Valley, and asking the federal bureau of roads winner of the Satlnettes-Farmers of the best Arabian stallions at the Mrs. Colleen Wilks, Hold to continue highway 30 on north on Daughters game will take the title. show. In another event, the Arabi over board members are Vale. Kelsey Al the Idaho side to the new Payette The Farmers Daughters defeated an costume class, Dimmick and the len, William Hollingsworth, bridge before crossing the river. horse took second money. The rid Theo Moore and Vernon Reed, Mrs. Side Cafe and Florist 11 ers all Ontario and Nyssa are in favor of to the 6 East were all in authentic Arabian Ontario; W. W. Tidwell of On and Peterson’s walloped Mans the construction of the cutoff from er's 24 to 11 Tuesday night of this costumes, and the horses decorated of Mrs. E. E. Clark of Vale and Huntington to the Ontario airport. week. For Peterson's. Fisher hit a with trappings in the Arabic man T tario, T. Itami of Ontario. They are also in favor of the con home ner. run in the fourth frame with The Cross chapter is now struction of the Succer creek road. on and Oibbs drove out a Often people think that a horse accepting Red voluntary donations for Nyssa. at least, would also like to none that can win at a horse show must the Kansas and Missouri circuit clout in the fifth with one flood vic see the proposed Buhl-Homedale on. be a show horse and nothing else. tims. Civic organizations are asked cutoff road constructed. If built, The short scores: This is true of many breeds, but as to assist. this highway, would likely be a mili- Farmers Daughters 10 11 6 Mr. Dimmick has so ably demon (Uonunuec on Page 2) the Arabian horse is not of East Side Cafe 3 6 10 strated, type. He uses this priae win Shipments Over Batteries: Okano and Mitchell; this ning animal as a stock horse, kid Fujita and Stewart. Students Finish and irrigating nag, while op Peterson’s 12 24 9 pony, Railroad Climb his ranch near Nyssa. As Manser’s 10 11 9 erating Arabian association rules specify Swimming Course Batteries: Bybee and Oibbs and the an animal must be shown in Shipments over the Union Pacific Erwin; L. Morinaga. K. Morishita that natural condition, tail-setting from Nyssa were unusually and A. Morishita and A. Morishita its Eighty-one of the 102 Nyssa pupils and and other artificial devices used railroad heavy during July and continue to L. Morinaga. registered for the swimming course Thursday when presenting other show horses, be heavy, according to Agent Thom night’s short scores: are not permitted. given under the auspices of the Y. Farmers Daughters as O. Jones. 4 2 8 M. C. A. in the Ontario pool com Satinettes Wisok's history is most interest Incoming carloads were 33 per 6 13 3 pleted the course. Thirteen of the Oeneral Patton’s third army cent greater than in July last year Okano and Bertram ing. 81 finished the intermediate course. and Batteries; captured a group of very fine Arabi and outgoing carloads exceeded Pearson and B. Hill. an George Stewart, Y. M. C. A. in Parma Mitchell; from the German army those of July last year by more than Foods 10 23 5 s t u horses structor, said the Nyssa children Peterson’ d of Hostau Sudetenland, 100 per cent. The figures were 87 s 11 6 17 Czechoslovakia comprised an exceptionally good j Batteries: during World War received last month and 60 in July and Zaldain: group They responded well to the Oibbs, Peterson Baker The best of these were shipped last year and 751 forwarded this Instruction given in the course, erson and Hillis. and Fisher and Pet to II. America. Among them was a bay year as against 357 In July, 1950. which covered a period of 12 colt by the name of Wisok, and his Potato shipments amounted to 661 days. Tht children were given half Mrs. Holcomb Improving— Witez, II. last month and 243 in July, 1969. an hour of instruction and an hour Mrs. Duane Holcomb, daughter of sire, The stallion, Witez n , being a of swimming each day. Dale Oarrlson of mature animal, was recognized at E. S. Gahan, Former Howard Lovejoy, who is in charge Mr. and who Mrs. by expert horsemen as being was reported to have once of the Nyssa recreation program, Nyssa. suffering from polio in Cali one of the world's greatest Arabian said he will continue to take the been Resident Of Nyssa and was retained at the Kel- fornia, is expected to leave Letter- studs, (Continued park children to the Ontario pool men’s on Page 8) Army hospital In 8an Pran- Passes In (jilif. Friday afternoons. The recreation cisco the end of this week and re program will be concluded August turn to Paso to be with her Private graveside services were 18 The park baseball program will husband, who Robles Is stationed there Boi» Davi» Resigns conducted by Rev. A. J. Hollings be resumed next week. with the army. Mrs. Dale Oar- worth of the Christian church in As News Editor Of the The park team and the Sunset who was called to California Nyssa cemetery July 28 for Panthers played to a 9 to 9 tie Tues rison, Radio Station KSRV because of the illness of her daugh Edwin Stanton Oahan, who died In day night in a game that was called ter. will bring her granddaughter. Los Angeles July 24. Lienkaemper because of darkness. The boys will Jo, home to stay until the Bob Davis, news editor of radio was in charge of Interment. play off the game next Tuesday. Connie parents return to Nyssa the station KSRV of Ontario, has ac Mr. Oahan was born in Manhat- The last game of the round robin baby’s of August. Holcomb, a son cepted a position with radio station taan, Kansas December 26, 1869 and will be played tonight between middle Mrs. W. D. Holcomb of KORE at Eugene and will leave came to Nyssa in 1936 He lived Adrian and Nyssa, with the Panth of Mr. and will have a two-weeks fur Monday morning to assume his new here until the death of his wife in ers leading the league with three Nyssa, lough, beginning August 16. In duties. 1945 and then moved to California wins. If Adrian defeats Nyssa the stead of having polio. Mrs. Holcomb Mrs. Davis, who is executive sec to live with a daughter. Panthers will win the pennant. If is suffering from a nervous disorder. retary of the Malheur County Tub Survivors consist of two daught not, play could go into a three-way erculosis and Health association, ers, Mrs. Helen McDonald of An tie. (tables Arrive— will continue with her position with chorage. Alaska and Mrs Marpone Only two babies were bom at the the association until her contract Bales of Los Angeles; two sons, Firemen Hold Picnic— Memorial hospital during expires about the first of the year, Harry Oahan of Nyssa and Scott The Nyssa tire department spon Malheur the last week A girl was born Harold L Rhodes, association presi Oahan of Venice, California: nine sored its annual picnic In the city July to Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Huff dent, said. She will then Join Mr grandchildren and five great grand park Monday evening Bob Wilson man 25 Parma and a boy was bom Davis in Eugene. children. and Sam Parks were in charge of to Mr of and Tiburcio Barrera Davis, who has been with KSRV arrangements for the affair, which of Nyssa July Mrs. 27. for the last four years, will be suc Scouts Return From Camp— was attended by 100 persons. Includ ceeded by his assistant. Bob Humph The Girl Scouts of Ontario, Vale ing city councilmen and directors To Botae Horae Show— of the rural fire district and their Mr. and Mrs. Ed Boydell. Mr. reys. He has also resigned as county and Nyssa returned home after a week of camping at Pilgrim cove at civil defense coordinator. families. The men played softball Payette lakes. Nyssa girls who went and the children engaged In races. and Mrs. Warren Farmer and Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Ulmer attended the City Employes Picnic— were Mardelle Thomson.Kay Adams. horse show In Boise Saturday even Nyssa city employes held a picnic Ellene Moss, Judy Savage. Nellie Roseburg Man Held— Foster John of Roseburg, who was j ing Warren Fanner’s sister. Miss at Anthony lake in Baker county Bumgarner. Annette Stradley. Oa-- reported to have escaped from the j Thelma Farmer, rode in the show. Sunday. All city employes, except net Richie, Pat Nicholson, and Phyl Ralph Lowe, who was sick, and their lis Fox. Mrs Bill Nicholson and Roseburg Jail, was arrested by Nyssa families attended the affair. Relief Mrs. Jim Russell cooked for the city police Monday night on a To Logan— Mrs. Mlleta H. Pond returned to men were left in the city to care girls. Janet Russell and Sandra charge of drunkenness. He was Nicholson, young daughters of the fined 1200 by Municipal Judge J. C. her home in Logan after spending for emergencies. cooks, were named mascots. Camp Smith Roseburg officers were to six weeks visiting at the home of awards were given for swimming, niece, and nephew. Mr and Mrs. Visit Friends— have taken John into custody Wed her Lamont Fife. Mr. and Mrs Dean Wood of Ooen- boating and neatness. Other camp nesday. , en visited Mr. and Mrs Oeorge N. activities were arts and crafts, hik To Sait Lake City— Bear for a week. They returned ing. candy-making and folk dancing To Nebraska— Mr and Mrs Lewis Hulbert of Mr and Mrs. Lamont Fife and home Monday The two couples were Some of the art work will be dis in an Ontario business Oering. Nebraska returned home j Karen and Anna Mae went to Salt neighbors in northern Idaho. They played Rose Mary Murray of the Tuesday morning after spending1 Lake City to attend the S. W And visited Mrs Wood's brother. Wil window National Olrl Scout foundation vis rus family reunion. They returned liam Darley. in the veterans hos several days at the home of Mr. and last week ited the camp Nell Christiansen of pital in Boise Saturday. Mrs Ben Storm. Ontario was the camp director. To Hold Dance— Pitches No-Hit Game— Vbdting In Idaho— Falls— Mrs J C Krut ¡s visiting relatives j The Nyssa second ward M I. A. Tommy Holman, formerly of To Mr Idaho and Mrs Jack Anderson and will sponsor an apron and overall Nyssa. pitched a perfect no-hit. no in Twin Falls. Idaho. dance for the public Wednesday. run 6 to 0 victory for his softball family spent 10 days visiting friends August • In the stake house. The team. Day's market of Corvallis, and relatives in Howe. Idaho and Return From Vacation— over the Corvallis Efks July 19 It Idaho Falls They returned home Mr and Mrs Murle Marcum have pssblic is invited to attend. is believed to have been the only Thursday night. returned from a vacation spent on no-hit game ever pitched in the Retora Ta Washington— the Oregon coast. Here From San Diego— Corvallis park. Jo Ann and Diane Bchwelaer have Mr and Mrs Edward Oould and returned to their home in Kenne Tailed To Eugene— son. Kenneth, of Ban Diego arrived Mrs. Veva Castles left today for wick. Washington after spending Stndent Visits— Eugene where she was called be- 1 three months at the home of their Marilyn Ekanger. a student of the Wednesday at the home of Mr. and cause of the serious illness of her i grandparents. Mr and Mrs. Oeorge Nampa Business college. Is spending Mrs Ben Storm. They plan to be the week-end at her home in Nyssa. , here a week. daughter ~ *“ I McKeo Some Hay Burned, Tobler’s Take But Much Is Saved School Classes By Nyssa Firemen Will Be Started Softball Flag Fifteen tons of chopped hay was In Last 2 Tilts destroyed In Ny ssa Sept. 4 by fire on the Klaas Ten- Nyssa Team To Play Baker Or I-a Grande For District Title sen farm near Nyssa Monday morn ing, but members of the Nyssa rural fire department saved many tons of nearby hay that probably would have been destroyed if not for the prompt response of the firemen. The hay. owned by Klaas and Pete Tensen, consisted of approximately 350 tons of baled hay and 175 tons of chopped hay. It was all in a line, but was broken into stacks with a distance of several feet between. The fire started, apparently from com bustion. in a 40-ton stack of chop ped hay. Twenty-five tons of the stack and all of the other hay was saved from the blaze. At $20 a ton, the hay was valued at approximately $300. High School Students Expected To Regis ter Week Before Tobler’s Feed and Fuel softball Henry H. Hartley, superintendent team won the championship of the of Nyssa schools, announced Wed Snake River Valley Softball league nesday that the 1951-52 year of Wednesday night by defeating the school will be opened Tuesday, Sep Davis Oas and Oil nine of Ontario tember 4, following a county-wide on the Nyssa diamond 8 to $ after in-service-training program fo r whipping the Ontario grocery 5 to 2 teachers. Monday night. The reason for holding the pro The Monday night victory left gram for teachers before the open Tobler’s undefeated in the double ing of school, August 30 and 31, la elimination tournament, which con to allow for a spring vacation, which stituted the second half of the can thus be taken without the dis schedule, and the win over Davis trict losing any of its allotment from Oas and Oil gave Tobler’s the pen the state school support fund. The nant for the first half in a make-up district will also give the children* game. Having won both the first a week's vacation at Christmas time. half and second half ribbons, Tob Most of the teachers who are at ler’s pinned up all of the bunting tending summer school will be back for tiie 1951 season. by the middle of August. Mr. Hart In last night’s game, Tobler’s ley said he has made arrangements went Into the third thinning with for sufficient teachers for the com a 4 to 0 lead and increased the ing year. margin under heavy hittttng and 350 Employes Needed; Registration for high school stud the star pitching of Gerald Barker. ents will probably be held August The Tobler pitcher was in trouble Acreage Is I-arge; 27. 28 and 29. only twice. The visitors scored one The Janitors are renovating the (Quality Good home run and filled the bases in buildings in preparation for the the third when Barker deliberately opening of school. walked a man. but the next batter The Idaho Canning company will open Us 1951 campaign for the can filed out and from then on Barker held the Davis men in the palm of ning of sweet corn at the Nyssa fac Hood River, Vale his pitching hand. Tobler’s scored tory between August 10 and 12. ac one run in the fifth frame and cording to Fred Moss of Payette. Will Play Aug. 4 three in the sixth. The company will operate on a In Monday night’s game, Tobler’s two-shift basis for a period of five The Vale district American Leg scored two runs in the first inning, weeks or longer. The acreage Is ion Junior baseball team won the tiie Ontario grocery scored in the larger than usual, so that the comp to play Hood River for the second, Nyssa one in the second, one any will have a large crop to process. right of entering the Oregon in the fourth and one in the fifth “The corn is good, so the farmers privilege Junior tournament by de and Ontario made its last run in the should do well on the crop”, Mr. feating baseball Pendleton two games sixth frame. Moss said. “We have the best crop played in Vale last in week-end. The softball commission rescinded prospects we have had since we Vale won the eastern Oregon title its order of last week, requiring opened the plant. This is very good defeating Pendleton 9 to 7 Fri Tobler’s to forfeit a game with growing weather, but we are trying by night and 10 to 6 Saturday Muir-Roberts and Burningham so to encourage the farmers to keep day night. that the league leaders finished the their corn grown damp”. Vale-Hood River series will season undefeated. Louis Yturrl, The company has increased the be The played on the Vale diamond this who ordered the Tobler forfeiture, capacity and made other improve week-end. Saturday night has announced his resignation as ments at the Nyssa plant, requiring game will be The at 6:30 and the commissioner. Yturrl ordered Tob additional help. Mr. Moss estimated Sunday contest called at 6 d . m If a third ler’s to forfeit the game after he that 350 employes will be needed for game is necessary to determine a ruled that a monkey act performed the two shifts. Persons wanting to winner, it will be called immediately on the softball field by Fred Nor work during the campaign should following the first Sunday con teat. man. a Tobler’s player, was vulgar. register at the.-Nyssa plant. Donald Bertalotto of Harper, Muir-Roberts and Burningham playing with the Vale nine, gave the were dropped from the tournament Testing Of Fair hero's performance of the series, in the semi-finals Friday night by when he pitched scoreless ball for losing to Ontario grocery in Ontario five Innings in Friday night’s game, by a score of 7 to 4. Animals Needed after entering the contest as a relief The championship team consists of Hugh Tobler, c; Oerald Barker, Malheur dairy and beef cattle pitcher. With Pendleton holding a 6 to 3 p; Tom Moore, lb; Lynn Metis, 2b; men were reminded today by fair lead the opening of the sixth Bob Keveren, 2b; Calvin Wilson, officials to make arrangements to frame, at Vale three runs to ss; Mark Hartley, 3b; Fred Norman, have their animals tested for tuberc tie the count scored and added two in the If; Ted Teske, If; Eldon Barker, ulosis and bang's disease in order to seventh and one in the eighth in cf; and Don Herren, rf. ready to exhibit them at the 1951 ning. Pendleton made one run in Tobler’s will meet the winners of be county fair. the ninth, so the game ended 9 to 7. the play-off between Baker and La Malheur cattle must be accompanied Vale required the services of two Orande for the district title and by AM both Bang’s disease and health pitchers to defeat Pendleton In the the right to go to the state tourna certificates, within 60 days Saturday game. Melvin Packer of ment. The time of the tournament of entry time. Issued August 28, by a fed Ontario weakened in the seventh has not been learned here. erally accredited veterinarian, said frame and was relieved by Ray Harry R. Sandquest, secretary of the Barnes of Vale, who held the vis fair board. Calves less than six itors under strict control In the Water Users To months of age are not required to last two Innings. However, Pendle View Contract quirements have these papers, and Bang's re ton scored only four runs off Pack do not apply to steers or er In the seventh and he received credit for the win. The Owyhee Irrigation district will spayed heifers. hold an open forum meeting August Although the health regulations Nyssa boys playing with Vale were 6 at 8 p. m. for district water users are the same as for the past two Larry Vaughn. David Savage and to discuss terms of the proposed re years, Sandqulst pointed out. exhib Dan Lovejoy. Friday Short Score payment contract with the United itors should be sure to bear In mind 9 14 3 States government, which will be that these certificates must be pre Vale sented at registration before animals Pendleton 7 8 4 voted on August 10. The purpose of the meeting, which are unloaded. In the case of the Batteries—Barnes, Bertalotto and will be held in the new Nyssa gym Bang's certificates, he stated that Brown for Vale and Mlthorne, nasium. will be to explain the pro vaccinated animals over six months Phelps and Records for Pendleton. Saturday Short Score visions in the contract and to answer of age and less than 30 months must 10 12 4 any questions presented by the water have been vaccinated according to Vale 8 7 4 users relative to the terms of the standard regulations by an accred Pendleton ited veterinarian. Batteries — Packer. Barnes and contract. The gathering will also be attended by officials of the Health papers for swine and sheep Brown for Vale and MoCalllstsr and bureau of reclamation, who will Join are not necessary, but if swine have Records for Pendleton. been vaccinated with either gllled in the discussion. Copies of the contract are avail virus vacolnc or serum and virus, Visits Hr.«— able to water users and may be ob vaccination must have been done by Dr. Donald E. Tyler Is visiting tained at the office of the district an accredited veterinarian at least his parents, Dr. C. M. Tyler of Nyssa Harold Henigson, secretary of the 30 days before, and in the case of and Mrs. Iva Tyler of Ontario. He district, urged all water users to at the kMled tissue vaccine, not more graduated from the University of than six months before exhibition. Oregon medical school In 1960 and tend the meeting. Pre-registration to Insure reserv- Just recently completed his intern ship at the Salt Lake general hos (Contlnued on Page Hi Eagle« Women Serve Lunch— pital. Last week he took the Ore The Eagles auxiliary and not the Here From Utah— Malheur Memorial hospital auxiliary Burnall Brown of Ogden, general gon state board medical examin served the meal at tthe luncheon superintendent of the Amalgamated ation and passed it with honors. Dr. Tyler will enter the Mayo clinic sponsored by the Malheur Memorial company, arrived in Nyssa at Rochester January 2 for a year hospital personnel Wednesday of Sugar the first of the week to attend to last week in honor of the Klwanls business Mrs. Brown and daughter, of post-graduate work in major surgery. He will visit in Nyssa until club of Ontario The hospital per Marian, former Nyssa residents, may sonnel prepared the lunch and the spend the week-end here. Mr and the first of September. Eagles auxiliary members served It. Mrs. Sid Brown of Portland may Woman Visit»— also come to Nyssa to spend the Army Pvt Norma Coleman of the U. Return From Vacation— S W M. camp at Lejeune, North Mr and Mrs. Bert Lewis of On week-end with their families. Carolina, arrived home Wednesday tario and Mr and Mrs. Roy Bitfcey CUnie Scheduled— returned Friday night after spend The Nyssa Eagles auxiliary will of last week to visit her parents, ing a week vacationing in Seattle sponsor a free pre-school clinic for Mr. and Mrs. William Coleman, and and on the Oregon coast. The men children five and six years of age other relatives. She left Mondsy enjoyed deep sea fishing They re Tuesday, August 14 at the Eagles night for Portland snd Seattle, turned home by way of Klamath hall. Three Nyssa doctors are do where she will visit her sisters. She will report August 7 for duty at Falls. nating their time for the physical Camp El Toro near Santa Ana, examinations. No '‘shots" will be California. To Youth Camp At Cove— given and no appointments are nec Texas— Reverend and Mrs Austin Hol Aple Valley. Adrian. Nyssa To Mrs Donald Jensen and Clayton lingsworth are in Cove this week essary. and outlying districts are included teaching at the Christian youth in the district to be accommodated Jensen left Tuesday for Fort Bliss. camp Doris Rtgney snd Ann House Further information may be receiv Texas, where Mrs. Jensen will stay with her husband, Private Donald accompanied them and are attend ed from Mrs. Don Oraham. Jensen, who Is In the army. Clay ing the classes. ton Jensen will fly home Sunday. To Utah— Return From Warm Ukr— Mr and Mrs Leo W Child and Mr and Mrs. Ken Pond and fam Mrs Elwood Flinders left Tuesday Annual Picnic Ta Be Held— Masons and Eastern Stars of Vale. ily have returned from Warm Lake afternoon Utah While Ontario and Nyssa will hold their after spending the week-end there there they for will Logan. attend the Child annual picnic In the Nyssa park as guests of the Boy Scouts. They reunion and visit friends and rel Sunday. August 5 Each family Is returned Sunday night. atives. to take a covered dish. Ice cream, lemonade and coffee will be terred. To Favette Lake*— Eagles AaxlUary Ta Meet— for the picnic will be from The Eaglet auxiliary will meet Mr and Mrs C. A MaUy spent Time 11:30 to 4 o'clock. August 7 at t:M at the Eagles hall. last week-end at Payette lakes. Canning Company Will Start Run About August 10