THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. JULY 5. 1951 PAGE FOUR Fugleman and family of Nampa en­ i neighbors, the Houtman family and joyed a picnic dinner at the home of ' little Bonnie Strener made a trip to their brother, BUI Van de Water Word Of Sickness M°C*U Sunday They made the trip Sunday. going around the loop. Mrs William Stradley returned to BIO BEND, July 5—Friends of Mr »nd Mrs Henry Wilson and her home Sunday from visiting in Dewey Miller have learned through nome family of visited Wednesday at the CaldweU at the homes of William tier parents, Mr and Mrs Mrs. Armenia that he is In poor James Brown, Schultz and Denny Hickox. In Dixie flat. health. He suffered two slight Henry Hatch of Joseph. Oregon strokes and Is unable to care for Mr and Mrs Vic Morgan were in spent the week-end here visiting himself He Is being cared for In Ontario last Friday. relatives. His son. Merle, went back the home of his son, Donny, In Casa M ai Bernice Chaney visited over with him to spend the summer at Grand*. week-end at the home of Mr Joseph. Friends of the Harry Russell fam­ the Hultgren in Boise Mrs. Myrtle Hatch and Helen and ily have received word that Russell and Mr Mrs and Harry Phillip, and their house guest. Mrs. are enjoy­ is better and able to work again. ing a visit Mrs with Tuppeny Fanny Armenta. enjoyed a picnic son, John The Howard Hatch and Vernon Walter; a nephew, their dinner with the Tom Ferguson fam- Lawrence Col- Parker of n Adrian parxer families lamuies oi o visited »«.veu ^ and granddaughter. Patty Bean Uy Sunday. the Russell family last week while Pa ly wlU r,,nain wlth her ^ on their visit to the coast Go To Utah— until her mother comes lat- Mr and Mrs Harry Dawson of er parents Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Beck and for a visit. Caldwell visited In the John Thomp- Walter Bishop and son. Cyrus, I family left Saturday for Utah, where son home Sunday. they spent the Fourth visiting went to Long Valley Monday. They friends and relatives. Mr and Mrs Sam Dunn of Home- are trucking their cattle to their dale had dinner Saturday night in ranch and summer pasture. ! C the Herb Thomas home. Mrs. Dunn Mrs. Mary Thompson went with her brother, Oordie Dickerson, Sat- ! is a niece of Mrs Thomas. Mr and Mrs Aivie Forties and urday evening to see Mrs. Dicker- son. Alvin of Tillamook. Oregon vis- I son, who is ill in the Caldwell Mem­ lted the Herb Thomas family Wed- orial hospital nesday and Thursday before going j Dallas Swlgert of Arena Valley is to New Meadows Friday morning. helping with the farm work and Richard Dickerson of Culver, Ore­ Irrigating for Otis Swlgert while gon visited his aunt, Mrs. Mary Otis is in the hospital. GRIGG BROS. Thompson and family over the | Mrs. Floyd Hlggens and Llllyanna and week-end. and Mrs Kenneth Reno and child- Mrs Herb Thomas, enjoyed a visit ren of Parma spent Friday with BUTLER the past week with her sister and < Mrs Charles Reno, husband. Mr and Mrs. L. Smith | Mr and Mrs Wilfred Prosser and REAL ESTATE and two daughters. Mr and Mrs son of Pilot Rock, Oregon arrived Mel Beck, Associate Smith were on their way to visit Friday night at the home of his _________ I parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Prosser. in Oklahoma. Mr and Mrs. Arthur Hatch and Otis Swlgert entered the Holy daughters and Lora Plllsbury and Rosary hospital at Ontario Friday his sister. Mrs Armenta, had dinner evening and Saturday underwent at the Doll House in Nyssa Sunday surgery on one of his knees. evening. Later they attended the Mr and Mrs. Charles Reno and Roberta. Mr and Mrs. Kenneth movies In Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Bennett and Reno and children, of Parma. Mr HAL "PU LL LEA TH ER” H E N IG - If th e com edians and bull fighters do sons, Dwaln and Allen and their1 and Mrs. Clinton Reno of Apple val- SON has Indicated th a t he m ay p a r­ not a p p e ar as scheduled, th e local Friends Receive \ Insurance Headquarters ¿USt a thrifty spoonful in water does the w ork! Bruce A sphalt Tile C leaner gives safe, easy cleaning for as­ phalt and rubber tile. Requires no rinsing. Ideal for rem oving old wax. YOUR GENERAL PAINT STORE STUNZ LUMBER COMPANY 707 Adrian Blvd. Phon« 110-W ticipate in th e calf raping contest during th e Nyssa N ight rodeo July 12, 13 and 14, but If he does he should be w arned to ta k r the h alter off th e ealf the next tim e h r has his picture taken w ith his “victim '’. law yer an d cowboy from the com edy. him try to perform ance ley, Mr. and Mrs. Orvil Morrison and son of Wilder and Glen Stutheit visited in the home of Mr and Mrs. Tommy Helderman of Homedale. Mr and Mrs. Harvey Bennett visited Sunday In Boise with Mr. and Mrs. Jack French. Harvey and Leroy Bennett and Boyce. Van de Water attended the Mathews fight in Boise Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilson and daughter. Annie Marie of Disston, Oregon, visited Saturday and Sun­ day in the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Wilson. Ernest Wilson, who was home on a furlough, left Saturday evening for San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Troughton of Grandview, Idaho visited Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Molt. Mr and Mrs. Horace Chaney and family left Friday morning for Yel­ lowstone park. Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Swlgert of Arena valley. Mrs Flora Swlgert of Wilder, Mrs. Wllford Swigert of Fargo and her three grandchildren DECORET- of Caldwell and Georgie Snow of quick-coaf Fargo called on Mrs. Otis Swigert ^ ENAMEL for Sunday afternoon. bright color Miss McDonald of Parma is vis­ accents any- iting in the Frank Miller home for| a few days. £ where— inside Mr. and Mrs. Don Lee and fam­ or outdoors I ily and Mr. and Mrs. Bright of It dries fast, Parma were Sunday dinner guests hard, gleam­ of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Baxter. Sr. ing smooth— Mrs. Julius Molt and four girls of Carroll, Washington spent Thurs­ 18 cheery colors day night visiting her aunt and uncle, Ms. and Mrs. Chris Molt. DECO RET E N A M E L Mr. and Mrs. Leland Shipley of [ Caldwell are visiting in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Prank Shipley. Mr and Mrs. Frank Shipley re­ ceived word that their grandson, MORI DECORATING HUP Lowell Shiprey’s son. is quite ¡11. Ralph Hatch of Caldwell spent the j DON B. MOSS week-end with Phillip in the Harvey Firestone Dealer Store Hatch home. Nyssa, Oregon Mr and Mrs. Boyce Van de Water and family and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mr Time To Trade In W e will give you for your "Old Refrigerator” the following trade-in values. Some 1950 Models. Frigidaire DM9 MM9Z S08Z S073 General Electric NB8 NF8 NC6 NC8 Holpoinl EB10-3 EB84 Price $309.75 $269.75 $244.75 SZ34.75 Trade-In $100.00 $70.00 $50.00 $50.00 $60.00 $70.00 $50.00 $100.00 $339.95 $249.95 $100.00 $60.00 G Cr B ST O R E 606 Main St. New pep for anything with DCCORCT COLORS Nyssa, Oregon form er F ifth avenue “Noo Yok” may provide Persons who have seen rope a calf know the will be a comedy. \ $1.25 a Week-End Guests— M r i. Forrest Snodgrass an d daughter. Virginia, of Milton were waek-end guests at the John Murphy home. Here Frem P oca tells— Mr and Mrs. Alton Paris and son, Steven, of PocateUo spent several days last week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Smith. •: Q UALITY! Cutting, Wrapping. Freezing. Rendering. Superb Curing. Wholesale Meats Of All Kinds. "Drive a few miles, Save a few Dollars" Hartman s Lockers At Lock« av «. GREEN STAMPS ¿«X. YOUR SUPPORT OF THE NYSSA NIGHT RODEO BY YOUR ATTENDANCE JULY 12. 13 AND 14 WILL BE APPRECIATED BY THE OWYHEE RIDING CLUB and the NYSSA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE • V R, Z AND A TRACTORS ARE NOW AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY B & M Equipment Co. NYSSA, OREGON F I F T H ANNUAL NYSSA NIGHT RODEO THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY JULY 12, 13 6* 14 OPENING EVENT 8:30 P. M. NYSSA RODEO GROUNDS Three Thrilling Nights of Entertainment For Every Member of The Family c. In addition to the usual rodeo events, the Owyhee Riding club and Nyssa Cham­ ber of commerce will sponsor an outstanding acrobatic and clowning act by the HARMON TWINS SHERMAN CRAIN and HIS MULE and MONKEY ACT PETE LOGAN One of the top rodeo announcers will announce for the show $1800 IN CASH PRIZES SEATING CAPACITY 3000 NO RESERVE SEATS AND NO ADVANCE TICKET SALE Children Under 12 Will Bo admitted FREE Thursday Night If Accompanied By Their Parent* Admission: Adults, $1 50; children under 12 years, 75c, Inc. Tax. THE REDWOOD EMPIRE CARNIVAL. ALL-NEW SHOW ON THE GROUNDS 10 RIDES AND 20 CONCESSIONS I