THE N Y SSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. N Y S SA . OREGON. THURSDAY. JUNE 28. 1951 Burns field Saturday evening by a 1 bers attending. Mrs. George Gregg and Mrs. M or- count of 6 to 2. Frost and Lovejoy were batteries land were guests. The members de cided to plan the club picnic at the against Burns and Prost and Hol next meeting Mrs Leona Anderson comb were batteries against Vale. of the Idaho Power company gave a demonstration on home freezing Marcella Hill and Alan Cleaver were presented with baby gifts. Refresh ments of open-faced sandwiches, salad and tea were served. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. E C Terhune July 17. Keveren had charge of the guest | book. Out-of-tow n gueats were Mrs J . ' Z . Jones, Salt Lake City; Mrs Henry | Chamberlain. Ogden, and Mr and Mrs Wayne Barker. Ogden About 200 guests enjoyed dancing to Don Moss’ orchestra Mr and Mrs Bybee left Tuesday for Spokane, where he Is stationed ! with the air force. LOCAL COUPLE W ED In a ceremony performed in the garden of the Bybee home Wednes day evening. Miss Carolee Bingham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs E a.l Bingham, became the bride of Ray Bybee, son of Mr and Mrs. 8 . P. ■+■ ; Bybee Bishop D. H. Christensen A N N IV ERSA RY OBSERVED performed the double ring ceremony Ninety members of the Daughters before a flower laden trellis. of Utah Pioneers and their partners - - The bride, given In marriage by of Owyhee. Oregon Trail and Oate BRIDGE PARTY HELD City camps met In the Ontario L D her father, was beautiful In a white The second in a series of bridge organza dress over taffatta. with a 8 ward chapel Tuesday evening in parties will be held In the Episcopal fitting bodice, puffed sleeves and celebration of the 50th anniversary parish hall June 29 at 8 o’clock. tiny covered buttons. She wore a of the formation of the organization. Anyone interested in playing bridge Captain Ada Wtnegar of Ontario red rosebud corsage is invited to attend. Mr and Mrs. Mrs Wllmer Hlpp, dressed in navy welcomed the group and Introduced Orant Rhinehart won first prize at blue taffatta, was maid of honor the special guesta. President Minnie the first party, held June 15. Jack Atkeson, englneman third class, Lorenson of Canyon county, Presi - 8 - U 8 navy was best man. dent Thelma Bybee of Malheur R. N. A. HOLD PICNIC Por her daughter's wedding, Mrs county. Captain Ethel Stoker of the The Royal Neighbors held their | Bingham wore a bemburg sheer newly-organized Owyhee camp and annual picnic for Juveniles Tuesday print and a rosebud corsage Mrs. Captain Nell Bair of Nyssa. who was night at 6:30 in the Nyssa city park. Bybee wore a toast orange gabardine mistress of ceremonies. A miniature The youngsters played tennis and suit with a rosebud corsage. ox yoke was pinned on each m em croquet. A picnic lunch was served Immediately following the cere ber by Secretary Ruth Beck The to 21 persons attending. mony, the newly married couple left tables were set In old pioneer fash for Payette lakes for their honey ion. with kerosene lamps and sage - 8 - moon brush, ox teams, covered wagons and ALTAR SOCIETY MEETS A reception in honor of the bride cactus lilies as centerpieces. A menu A regular business meeting of St. and groom was held in the L. D. 3. of famous dishes was served by a Anne's Altar society was hel<L. *n stake house Monday evening Mrs. | committee, with Vice Presidents the church basement June 21. Plans | Carlos Loveland and Mrs. Darw n [ Myrtle Wilburn and Cressa Hun- wore made for the annual picnic to j Stephans sang "W ith Someone Like saker of Ontario as co-chairmen be held in the park sometime in Y o u " and "Som etim e" and Shirley T he program following the ban July. Luncheon was served by the j Nolan sang "September Song". D 1 quet consisted of a skit "Heart hostss, Mrs. Don Lytle. O. Bybee was master of ceremonies. Throbs of the W est" under the di - 8 - - Mrs Wayne Barker and Mrs W il- rection of Mrs Vlbert Kesler; a ford Bybee presided at the punch j pioneer song and dance number, pre ENTERTAINS BRIDGE CLUB table and Mrs D O Bybee cut the sented by members o f the Oregon i Mrs. Robert Wilson entertained cake. Mrs Dayle Moss, Mrs. Jay j Trail camp In old-time costumes her Tuesday afternoon bridge club Bybee and Colleen Bybee took I and guitar and harmonica selections June 26. Mrs. Howard Lovejoy was charge of the gifts. Mrs. Kinsey I and a pioneer reading by members Miss Marjorie Bowers and Charles ceptlon held in the church parlors a special guest. Mrs. Warren Farm Chapin were married in the Adrian was attended by 150 persons. i Heater er took high prize and Mrs. Love- Presbyterian church June 16. A re- I Photo) Joy took second high. Vale has chosen three Nyssa play ers, Lovejoy. c ; Savage, ss, and Vaughn, lb. as members of the team that will represent this area in the district play-offs. ^yÒO/tS. . . the prettiest ^ jto m ONJOUR STREET 8 8 - - oi the Owyhee camp. MARRIED IN LAWN CEREMONY Mr. AND Mrs. CLUB MEETS Mr. and Mrs. Ward Wieneke en Among the eight original pioneer i Miss Bonnie Kressly. daughter of Mrs. Marion Chard, and Glen Holm tertained the members of their Mr. daughters present was Mrs. Emma Perkins Kesler of Burley, who is the es, son of Mr. and Mr- F G. Holmes 1 and Mrs. bridge club at their home 84th registered member Other of Nyssa, were married in a double Wednesday night. Warren Fanner pioneers present were Arvilla Clay- j ring ceremony at 4 o’clock. June 22. won high prize and Mrs. Eldon ton Swenson, Mrs. Dave Christian- ! The ceremony was performed by the Ulmer second high. sen, who is 83 years old; Margaret; Reverend Donald S Campbell on the - 8 - Barney Hawkins, Maude Parkin Call lawn at the country home o f Mr DORCUS SOCIETY MEETS of Bountiful, Utah. Anna Ander and Mrs. Roy Holmes before a back The Dorcus society met at the son Markham, Suzzann R. Bair and ground of cut garden flowers. Minnie Sorenson of Nampa These Miss Estelle Ooodson of Parma home of Mrs. A. A. Bratton for a nine women received special recog- | sang '’Because’’ and "Oh Promise picnic and meeting June 28. Fran nitlon and awards. Me”. She was accompanied by Mrs. ces Foster had devotions and spoke on what her work will be as a mis President Thelma Bybee present A M Ooodson. Grizelda Chard play sionary in India. ed to Captain Ethel Stoker an a- ed the wedding march. - 5 - ward for the camp having the most The bride, given in marriage by HAPPY EIGHT MEET persons present. her step-father. Marion Chard, was Mrs. Gordon Oxnam was hostess Regular camp meetings will be lovely in a dress of white organdy with an ice blue embroidered over to her Happy Eight club Friday, with resumed in September. skirt. She carried white carnations Mrs. LaMont Fife as a guest Mrs. - 8 - and pale blue delphiniums on a Fife received high score and Mrs. W. HONORED ON BIRTHDAY D Holman second high. The group Bonnie Kay House was honored j white Bible. Saturday on her seventh birthday j The bride was attended by Miss will meet at the home of Mrs. Vi- with a party given at her home by Betty Byers as maid of honor. She bert Kesler next Friday. her mother. Mrs. Paul House. Out wore a lime green organdy dress and - 8 - door games were played and birth a corsage of Hoover rosebuds. Nancy day cake and ice cream cones were j Ooodson of Parma was flower girl Vale Juniors Take served for refreshments. Guests j and Jerry Mitchell was ring bearer. Baseball Title By were Linda Myrick. Montique Fraser, | Gilbert Holmes attended the groom as best man Judy Wilson, Pamela Alexander, and j Beating Nyssa 7-3 Diane and Deborah Cruson. For her daughter’s wedding Mrs. Chard wore a printed beige crepe The Vale Junior baseball team j dress with a corsage of red rosebuds. clinched the title in this area by de Mrs. Holmes wore an aqua after feating the Nyssa team on the local noon dress with a pink rosebud cor- j field Tuesday night by a score of 7 j sage. to 3. Following the ceremony, a recept- j Vale has a game left to play with tion for aibout 40 guests, relatives of I Burns thisVeek-end, but the result the couple, was held. Mrs. Phillip will not change the positions of the | Mitchell and Miss Lila Mae Holmes teams in the league standings. As attended the refreshment table. a result. Vale will play in the dis Miss Alta Chard was in charge of trict play-offs against a team from j the guest book and gift table the north. As a golng-away outfit the bride Nyssa defeated Burns on th e ; chose a grey suit with red accessor Du* to the extreme values we are again limiting the gowns and alips lo ies. After a honeymoon trip to Mc two to a customer In order to make a more equilable distribution lo the AT THE SWAP SHOP Call, the newlyweds will make their Eight-foot table. buffet, six home at the Roy Holmes farm, trade. We have double the amount of these Items over last promotion, c h a i r s , other tables, chairs, com where the groom is employed. NOTICE... Ireste* ep wità Fuller Pure Prepared House Paint Sparkling Gal. W hile Popular Gal. Tints i $ 6.02 $ 6.02 When you point— invert in quality. Saves time and money— protects for years! MORI COLORS-MORI DIC0RATIW0 HtlP DON B. MOSS Firestone Dealer Store’ Nyssa, Oregon GOING F I S H I N G ? Reduced Prices This Week On Flies, Lines, Poles And Some Other Fishing Supplies Everybody’s Nyssa O regon BY P O P U L A R D E M A N D WE ARE REPEATING THE BELOW-LISTED SPECIALS but we can only offer them while they last. plete ____ beds, sewing machines, saxaphone. men’s, women's and CHATTER BOX CLUB MEETS The Chatter Box club held its j c h 11 d r e n's clothing, formats, regular meeting with Mrs. Eugene ■ shoes, gas engine, fence posts. Stephen Wednesday, with 19 mem- LADIES' RAYON PANTY BRIEFS Size small-mediam-Large Colors white-blue-maze 6 TO A CUSTOMER NYSSA PROGRAM Telephone 108 THEATRE IN TECHNICOLOR with Dan Duryea— Gale Storm Dick Foran— Gloria Henry Colors pink-blue-maze A true to life story of the last great outlaws. Was he a ruthless killer or a heroic adventurer? 2 TO A CUSTOMER Matinee Sat. 1:M ; Adm. 30c-9c SUNDAY AND MONDAY, JULY 1-2 LADIES' KNIT SLIPS "Lightening Strikes Tw ice" Potato Chips, 2 for 390 IDAHO, 25c PACK AGE Fruit Cocktail, Del Monte 3 7 0 2M, CAN Peas, Garden Gem, 4 for - 4 3 0 303 CAN Pancake Flour, Sperry's 5 l £ Bisquick, large pkg. Post Tosties, 2 for 470 - 370 12 OUNCE PA CK AG E C H O IC E At6 ATS Skinless Weiners, 2 lbs. 9 9 0 Picnic Hams, lb. Pork Hocks, fresh, lb. - 1 5 0 Lard, Pioneer, 4 lb. pkg. 7 9 0 with Lace trim top and bottom Ruth Roman— Zackery Scott Riahard Todd— Katherine Girney Color pink, sizes 32 to 44 He was a man without friends—Two beautiful women fought for his love 2 TO A CUSTOMER Matinee Sun. 1:M ; Adm. 30c-9e TUESDAY. JULY 3 The Bowery Boya RAYON YARD GOODS in "Bowery Battalion" 20 bolts. 200 yards. 20 colors and patterns and "G yp sy Fury" with Regular price 79c to $1.49 Vtveca Llnforda— Christopher Kent WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, JULY 4-5 "50 Years Before Your Eyes" American history narrated by B R A C K E N 'S DRYs g § ° DS Nyeea. Oregon 2 POUND P A CK AG E 4 POUND PA CK AG E "A1 Jennings Of O klahom a" Lace trimmed, size 34 to 42 FITTING Spry, 3 lb. can $ 1.07 Borden's Chateau Cheese 8 9 * FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. JUNE 29-30 LADIES' KNIT NIGHT GOWNS xhas h o e There's nothing that's more fun than a picnic . . . and when your family gefs the urge to pack a basket and head for the Great Outdoors, you'll find the FUN starts when you do your shopping at T A YLO R 'S FOOD M ARKET. CLOTHING TASTY PRODUCE Tomatoes, 2 lbs. Corn, 6 ears Lemons, doz. Bananas, 2 lbs. A Y L O R ’ T fo o d m a r k e t ö Arthur Godfrey— H. V. Kaltenborn also "A Yank In Korea" with FREE DELIVERY ON ORDERS OF $5.00 OR OVER Lon McCalllater— William Phillipe OPEN 7 D A Y S W E E K L Y