THE N Y S S A G A T E C IT Y J O U R N A L , N Y S S A . OREGON. T H U R S D A Y . M A Y 17, 1951 P A G E SIX PAG Jan 8 U Ní Chap foot p **l Mr to vi Verri Mr Mm Utah trig h whlU Salt daug Mr Sa tu L» «cho Paul f a c i a l lo t i's A N N U A L T E A G IV E N A large group at mother» attend ed the annual O lrl Scout tea held at the Methodist church last S at urday afternoon. Each guest was presented with a corsage made by Mrs William Schireman'» scout LITTLE KNOWN FARM FACTS! By Eiden Yergenaen 3 at sc Ml Orot attei Sum whU nooi CuR prea Llgt w ai M of \ at t Oeo Poll at t tart M ■fair Oar Sop iiy A poll and Hal Joh lng h vini Mr & an< fan at Mr troop. The welcome to the mothers was presented by Kristine Rinehart. Mrs. S- tureman spoke briefly on scouting. | stating that the purpose of the fields it interest in which awards were made, were sample fields and that each girl takes basic trips in the field of scouting Mrs. fichlreman announced that there are at pres ent three brownie and three scout troops, and that there can be more troops as soon as leaders can be found. A program consisting of a number by each of the scout and brownie troops was presented The atout troop of Mrs Clifford Pox pre sented a one-act play under the direction of Karen Fife. “Father's Day On. Mother’s Day O ff". Brownie troop No. 1 with Mrs. Paul Russell as leader, presented a song “Let’s Take An Old Fashioned Walk”, by Edith Pounds, accompan ied by Annette Htradley; a tap dance, by Joy Roth, a piano solo by Phyllis Richards, and a group song | Mr and Mrs. Jared Lewis an- by the troop. nounce the engagement of their Brownie troop No. 2, under the daugnter Bonnie to Larry Christen- 1 w direction of Mrs. John Stringer, u a u g m c i. o o iiu ic . V U sen. non of Mr and Mrs. Marvin presented a ballet number by Diane Christensen of Pocatello Both Mauldlng. accompanied by KrlsUne young people are students at the i Rinehart ; a poem by Susan Stringer University at Utah. Miss Lewis is and a piano solo by Oretchen Rine- affiliated with Chi Omega social | hart. The group demonstrated their sorority and Mr Christensen is a f friendship circle and song. filiated with Pi Kappa Alpha social Scout troop No. 4, under the lead fraternity. No definite date has ership of Mrs Schireman. demon strated some first aid techniques been set for the wedding. ’ was sung by the members M A R R IE D B Y JU D G E I Mothers Each daughter M anuel Apodaca and Carol C o - ! of Job’s Daughters * her mother ... burn, both o f Nyssa. were married introduced__________ Initiation ceremony was held for by Judge Ruby Moore. Justice of the Janice Lynn Adams and Sally Lee peace, in the Justice office S atur Lawrence. Refreshments were serv day. ed by Phyllis Cheldelin, Betty Ann Boenig. Doris Rigney and Loretta E A G L E S IN IT IA T E Russell. The Eagles auxiliary held In itiation Tuesday evening for Mrs. M O T H E R -D A U G H T E R Olen Kenaston. Mrs Jack Walters, B A N Q U E T H ELD A mother-daughter banquet held at the Christian church F IT to 65 mothers and daughters. The tables were decorated i spring flowers with small indiv blossoms placed at each se Marva Daly was mistress of cere monies with Oennie Eachus givin the welcome and Mrs Austin Ho] | ligs worth, the response. " O W hat Wonderful Mother.“ was sung as duet by Irene Biboy and Donn ricirea accompameu Daly. Nobody Knows But M< i was sun6 hu by M r . Doris Rigney. R in adcomp- vam an \ * Mrs. Poster Painting Ruth P a lm er FRIDAY A N D SATURDAY, M A Y 18 A N D 19 PEACHES, Hunt's, ; TOMATOES, Standby, tFo. 2 tin, 2 ior 35c ” I I; SHREDDED WHEAT, H abisco, 2 for 35c Daly. T exolite (Jrv tn d ia l } ( t f f p r t /a / Y ou've hoped for, you've waited for this new kind o f paint. It is an oil finish, o f course, but it does things no oil finish has n t r done Just read the stars . . . here are the seven most desir able qualities a paint can possess. . . and come in ttJay for the colors you'll want to bnghten that "problem " room in your home. APPLE PIES, each TEA ROLLS, dozen 1 her home Monday evening. D the business meeting plans dinner at the church, ence Harriet was in cha votions and Mrs. Earl accomplishments of the 6 6 \ 1 LB J I / J PROGRAM Telephone 108 TH EATR E F R ID A Y A N D S A T U R D A Y , M A Y 18-19 "Mrs. O 'M alley And Mr. M alon e" M aliner Sun. I:M ; Adm. N e - k T U E S D A Y A N D W E D N E S D A Y . M A Y 22-23 "Am erican G uerilla In The Philippines" ADVERTISED IN LIFE TIXOLITI ONLY $ 3.69 PER. GALLON Stun/. Lumi**!* (io. 707 Adrian Blvd. Phon# 110 - - 10c CELERY HEARTS, package - - 19c SPRING FRYERS, pan ready, each $1.19 IN T E C H N IC O L O R with Tyrone Power Micheline Prelle Tom Ew ell— Bob Patten Heroic story of men who would not quit against over whelming odds to turn the tide of battle T H U R S D A Y A N D F R ID A Y . M A Y 24-25 "Abbott And Costello In The Foreign Legion" Bud And Lou with Patrtca Madina— Walter Slaxak America’s craziest comics invade Algeria The camels rock with glee, the commandant with misery - - 55c GORDON’ S DRIVE-IN M AR K ET H O M E O F Q U ALITY A N D SERVICE i -.. t ..~. -recar “ -- - tt . t - - „ ui amgg) the moment you step aboord a UNION PACIFIC train with Marjoria Main— Jamas Whitmora Mrs O chases Mr. M from Chicago to N ew York in a merry mixup on an eastbound train, also 4 C A R T O O N S A N D L IT T L E R A S C A L C O M E D Y Rad Skalton— Arlana Dahl Ann M illar— Leon Amas The season’s most howlarious hit— A comedy caper that is one long loud unbroken roar 19c - PORK CHOPS, end cut, lb. NYSSA j 39c - LETTUCE, solid heads, lb. - j — H O NO R E D A T S H O W E R F A M IL Y D IN N E R S SER VE D Mrs Harry McOInley was honor - j guest at a pink and blue shower d j held at the home of Mrs John Dor- ity. with Mrs. Frank Mazzio as a s and Mrs. M ural Lewis, whe sistant hostess. Following a des married recently, and J. B sert luncheon, bridge and pinochle who has Just returned home i were in play, with prizes for bridge serving an L. D. S mission going to Mrs. Wilton Jackson for east-central states. Mural i high score and to Mrs Walter M c B. Lewis are sons of Mr am ll , fjfrwini’L i Partland for low score High score Ray C. Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. at pinochle was held by Mrs. Joe Lewis gave a dinner Mother's Drlscol and low by Mrs. Mazzio. The honor of his parents. honor guest was presented with - I - lovely gifts from the guests. W E D N E S D A Y C L U B M E ETS - I - Mrs. Ethelmary Beckham enter S T P A U L 'S O U IL D M EETS tained the members of her Wednes The members of St. Paul's guild day evening bridge club la&t week, met at the parish hall Monday with Mrs. A H Boydell and Mrs. evening The members present Bernard Frost as guests. Prize win quilted on a quilt. Refreshments ners were Mrs H arry Miner and were served by Mrs. Hilda Tensen Mrs. Joe Maughan. and Mrs. O rant Rinehart. - I - F A R W E L L P A R T Y G IV E N M OTHERS HONORED Mrs. M ary Playford. who will The members o f Job's Daughters move to Denver soon, was guest of honored their mothers with a special honor at a farewell handkerchief Mother's day meeting at the Mason shower given by friend6 Tuesday at ic hall last Wednesday evening. the home of Mrs H. E. Collins Mrs Each mother was presented with a Playford, an old-time resident of plant, and during the special cere Nyssa. will make her home with mony a duet "If I Had My W a y ' her sister She has sold her home | was sung by Loretta Russell and on East Third street to Mr. and Bonnie W ard and “Faith of Our Mrs. Holt, recently of Holland. "W atch The Birdie" COLOR. ..» U Y 29c - r ing. S U N D A Y A N D M O N D A Y . M A Y 20-21 QUALITY . . . FOR - :. S E R V IC E O U IL D M EETS Mrs C. A. Wernick entertaii Matinee Sat. 1:M ; Adm. N r - k FOR IV i MARSHMALLOWS, 12 02 pkg. 2 for 29c Î - S U N S H IN E C LU B M EETS Mrs. John Schenk, assisted y ; Mrs. J. N. Hickey, entertained 1 e members of the Arcadia Sunsh club at the Schenk home Frit afternoon. The door prize was » by Mrs. Elmer Stradley. The aft noon was spent in sewing for hostess. Refreshments were ser e l to the 20 members at the close the afternoon. - I - u all the world-no other paint like this/ tin 1 This W eek's Special a j OWYHEE T R U C K IMPLEMENT CO. ^ ______________________ -______________________________ and sang the O lrl Scout song. Mrs. O rant R ln e h a rfi scout troop requirements by Carolyn Vaughan ! gave a review of the star badge Special appreciation was expressed j to Mrs. Olea Billings for her as sistance with the work on this badge The 5S0 potato plants of Mr. Carol Mink read an original clever and Mrs. John Nlcholsen. story entitled “W hy Mosquitos South Weymouth. Mass., de Buzz ’ Elinore Medina gave a read veloped potatoes at the roots, ing and Barbara McPartland pre 519 N. 8th Si. sented a piano solo. but tomatoes grew on the Brownie Scout troop No. 6, under vine. Nlcholsen blamed it on the leadership of Mrs. E. K Burton, the bees. He had a tomato presented a dance number by Nancy patch near by. Stringer and Marjorie Tyler, ac companied by Carlene Jones, and FOR Y O U R P L U M B IN G ' Mockingbird H ill” was sung by Jill Henneman and Joan Bellon. Mrs. NEED S Clifford Mink was introduced as a 1942 John Dear» tractor new leader for the group. Bath Sets, Water Heaters with 6-row beat cultivator The troop had a number of handi with 4-plow aide dreasar. and Pressure Systems craft Items on display that they All in e x t r a good condition. had made under the direction of Call Mrs Burton. S775.00. Following the program, punch J. C . S M I T H and tea sandwiches, arranged by the members of the scout and Brownie 13 Years In Nyssa troops were served from an at tractive tea table. Phone 7SJ N V S S A OHC PMONl ?4S Mrs Schireman announced the m i t i N A f i C N A t N A a v if t t a m u m m **PQta» scout leader meeting for May 28. Potato-Tomato Plants! -s- VARIETY VALUES 1 Mrs. J. S. of Mother's day. D A N C E R E V IE W P L A N N E D Final plans are o being made ior for M yers Refreshments were s g m d : Kiimi rm g mane by ^ e hos^sses or the even ta«. the ^ n d arinual dance benef.t < * .t * nd Mrs CheSter Wilson School of Dancing, to be held Mills. at the high school gym M ay 28. Fol lowing the outstanding program of E N T E R T A IN 8 B R ID O E C L U B Mrs W ard Wleneke was hostess dance numbers given last year, to the members of her Tuesday a f many local residents are again look ternoon bridge club this week with ing forward to this colorful and Mrs Earl Hollingsworth and Mrs artistic performance. All proceeds Ted Morgan as guest players Priz from the dance will again go to the es went to Mrs. Houston Wilson and Malheur Memorial hospital auxil- Wherever you go — whatever you plan to do on your vacation - get the most pleasure by going Union Pacific. Historic eastern centers . . . scenic gran deur . . . outdoor recreation — all are more enjoyable when you go and return on a Union Pacific train. You rest as you ride . . . dine leisurely . . . meet con genial people . . . have plenty of room to roam abo ut. . . and arrive refreshed. A vacation should Save driving for destination where pensive rent-a-car start with relaxation. sight-seeing at your convenient and inex service is available. Ask year nearest Union Pocific ticket agent for information regarding service to Yellow- stone, Jackson Hoi*. Utah Porks, Sun Valley California, the Focific Northwest and eastern vacation centers. «oom rates at Sun Volley begin at U> per day - o r take advantage of the special Sun Valley “ Summer fun Weeks this year - 7 days in a chalet at $49, covering meals ana lodging. For Dependable Freight and Passenger Transportation Be Speeifie . . . SAY UNION PA CIFIC