Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1951)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA. OREGON. TH U RSD AY. M A Y 17. 1951 PAGE FOUR While they’re arguing over Ed Steiner and family visited Mr and Mrs. Chadd Mr and Mrs Ed Mrs. Hoffman Is Steiner were moving Saturday to Hostess To Club Wapato, Washington, where Mr. Steiner will work for the Andrew Seed company, which la opening up BUENA VISTA. May 17—Mr. and Mrs. Willis Bertran entertained Mr a new business there. and Mr.. Chet Sage and Mr and Mrs Ewen Chard and Mrs. Elver Mrs. E. L. Jamison at dinner Sun Nielsen attended a mother and day. daughter banquet at the Christian Mr, and Mrs. Homer Redd, en- church Friday evening. They also visited at the Nyssa hospital with i route from California to Oklahoma Mrs. Glenn McOinnis, who has a were house guests at the Alva Ooodell home Thursday and Friday. new son, and also with Mrs Chard’s Mr. and Mr. Redd formerly lived mother. Mrs. Rhoda Mettlen. on the place Mr and Mrs. Wallace Mr and Mrs. James Robb return Grigg occupy. ed home Wednesday from a trip to Mr. and Mrs. B D Belt of Free Washington, where Robb made his selection of land under this spring's water called at the Willis Bertram home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs Bolt O. I. land-drawing. Robb chose 110 are former neighbors of Mrs. Bert acres north of Moses Lake. Roy Watkins of Homedale and ram. Mr. and Mrs. Olen Hoffman and Leonard Newgen assisted Ora New- gen this week on the new addition , Olendia and Mr. and Mrs Willis to Newgen’s home The sheath Bertram and Lucille were In Ontario ing Is now up Mr. and Mrs. Ora 1 Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Cleaver and Newgen and Mr and Mrs. Roy Watkins plcknicked near Vale Sun daughters and Mr and Mrs. Lester Cleaver and children were dinner day Mr and Mrs. Oeorge Reed of guests at the Oeorge Cleaver home. Mrs Glen Hoffman was hostess Nunn. Colorado arrived Friday in Sunset Valley for an extended visit. to the Out-Our-Way club at her Ten They will live In a, home Thursday afternoon. while visiting their sons, Clarence members attended. Mrs. Leslie Top- and Buck Reed, and two daughters, llff was in charge of games, with Mrs. Claude Wilson and Mrs. Pete Mrs. Lester Cleaver. Mrs. Jim Ritchie, Mrs. S. B. Hoffman and Wilson. Afternoon guests of Mrs. Frank Mrs. Eugene Cleaver winning prizes. Refreshments of ice cream, angel- Perko this week Wire Mrs. Frank Zimdars and daughter, Ellen, and food cake and a drink were served. | The next meeting will be held at Rowena Oaylon of Parma. Dinner guests at the Bernard the Leslie Topliff home June 14 Mrs Howard Day and Sandra and Beyls home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ritchie and Garnet Belle Mrs Henry Hint/. Bill Wilson and Dwayne Wilson as attended a Mother's day tea at members of the Adrian team made Adrian Friday evening. Mr and Mrs. S. B. Hoffman, Mr. the trip to Spray Friday for a base and Mrs. Henry Day and Ed Mort- ball game. ensen were dinner guests at the Claude Day home Sunday. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Loyd Cleaver entertained in We take this means of expressing our appreciation to all our friends, observance of her husband's birth especially Dr. Kirby, for the beauti day Saturday evening. Guests were ful flowers, cards and kind words Mr and Mrs. Eugene Cleaver, Mr. yf sympathy and to all who helped and Mrs. Jim Ritchie, MF and Les In any way to lessen our burden in ter Cleaver, Mr. and Mrs Magnus the hour of our bereavement In the Ekanger, Mr and Mrs. Ray Oriffltts, loss of our husband, father and Mr and Mrs. Jim Savage. Mr. and Mrs. Magnus Ekanger and Mr. and grandfather Mrs. L. A Daniel and families. Mr; Howard Day. Refreshments were served. Mr and Mrs Irvin Topliff and daughter of Adrian spent Sunday evening at the Leslie Topliff home. Mr and Mrs. Delbert Cleaver and boys were Sunday dinner guests at the Alva Ooodell home. the celling prices for beef, have you considered pork? Pork is only about half iho Jam**« Kohl» (»el« I .ami In Drawing SUNSET VALLEY, May 17—W L. Chapin ha* completed a 14 by 18 foot labor house on his (arm this past week Mrs Julia Oarner arrived Friday to visit at the home of her aon, Vern Oarner. Mr and Mrs William Orr and Mrs Fred Mitchell are visiting in Utah Mr and Mrs. Orr are visit ing his mother. Jenny Orr at Upalco. while Mrs Mitchell Is visiting In Salt Lake City at the home of her (laughter, Mrs W. A Parter. Mr and Mrs James Langley »pent Saturday in Boise shopping. Leona Oarner has been out of school a week with bad tonsils. Paul Okano has missed two weeks of school with a case of the mumps. Mrs. Herbert Bergam and Mrs. Orover Cooper were among those attending the la»t meeting of the Sunset extension unit for the year, which was held Wednesday after noon at the home of Mrs. Charles Culbertson. Mrs. Ruby Sewrlght presented the lesson on Improved Lighting For the Home". A lunch was served Mr and Mrs. James Ktherlngton of Utah arrived Sunday for a visit at the home of their daughter. Mrs Oeorge Folkman Mrs. Cieorge Folkman underwent surgery Friday at the Holy Rosary hospital In On tario Mr and Mrs Robert Reffett and family, Mr. and Mrs Harry O Oardner were guests at the Jack Sophia home In Parma for a fam ily dinner. After purchasing a 83800 electric pole peeler In Emmett Monday, M- and Mrs Loren Hite an sons of Haines were overnight guests at the John Reffett home before return ing to Haines Mr. and Mrs Ellis Field were visitors (Saturday at the home of Mr and Mrs Chester Bowns Mr and Mrs. Homer Olderlcksen and Mr and Mrs. James Chadd and family were dinner guests Sunday at the Wlllowrreek home of Mr. and Mrs Conley Davis Mr. and Mr. M EAT! price of beef—32c per pound, wholesale. We are in a position io get for you. at wholesale, plus the cutting, wrapping and freexlng, any cut of pork from half a hog to fresh shoulders and spareribs. "Drive a few miles, Save a few Dollars" Our Curing and Rendering Is Unexcelled Hartman's Lockers fr H . At Locker Ave. GREEN STAMPS liliili llr s i d i T i t H Visit At Arcadia ARCADIA. May 17—Mr. and Mrs. Glen Evan Beekstead of Ogden ar rived Saturday for a visit with Mrs. Beckstead'.s sister, Mrs. Cecil Beak- wt-g, und family on the Ure farm, and with hi brother. Clifford Beck- stead and family near Nyssa. Mr. Nell Bowers and Mrs. Vera Sohllllng were business vislteoors in Welser one day last week. Mrs Louise Behymer and son Eddie of Portland, arrived last week for a visit with the Otis Bullard family and other relatives here. Mi and Mrs. Otis Bullard, Mis. HOLD O N ! First see whet GMC's g o t! A « f HKTIII-R you need a pickup model or u tonmigc ritf — a G M C ’s the best buy you can make in trucks today fo r the long pull ahead. Here'* truck-built horsepow er—solidly engineered to give you more " g o ” when you need it —and m (¿N IC * got what it takes to go with it! A broad-shouldered frame to put heft to the load—longer "pillow -action” springs lo protect it. Smooth Synchro- M esh Transm ission o f pow er—and SEH. Sec. 9. All of Sec. John Zittercob and Mrs. Theo 11. NEH SWH, Sec. 13. EH. Matherly were busine visitors :n WH NWH, SEH NWH. Sec. Caldwell Monday. 1». All of Sec. 17. EHWH. lots Mr and Mrs. Bob McKinney and 1, 2, 3. & 4, S E 'i, Sec. 19. All of daughter and Mrs Edd Pharis were Sec. 21. Ail of Sec. 23. WH N W 'i. dinner guests Sunday in the George NH NEHNWH. SE 'i NWH. WH Moeller home. NEH, NEH N E 'i, SH. Sec. 29 Vicki Lee Schoen of Ontario spent W l N W ',. NHSWH. SEHSWH the week-end with her grandpar SW ‘4 SEH, EH NEH, Sec. 27. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Theo Matherly. N W '., NH NEH, WH S W , NEH. The Arcadia Sunshine club met at SEH, Sec 25. NWH NWH. EH the home of Mrs. John Schenk on WH, N W 'i SWH. WH EH. SEH Gem avenue May 11, with Mrs John NEH. NEH S E 'i, Sec. 31. NWH Hickey as assistant hostess Fifteen N W ',. SEH NWH. SWH, NH were present. Mrs. Amy Stradley NEH, SEH NEH, NH S E 'i, SWH drew the door prize. The next meet SEH, Sec. 33 NW’ i N W 'i, SEH ing will be held May 25 with Mr NWH, EH SWH, NH NEH. SWH Les Robhins, with Mrs Don Lytle N E 'i, Sec 35, Twp. 36. Rng. 37 as co-hostess. Refreshments were Price, $3759.00. served by the two hostesses. Tract No. 2C, Description, Lots 1, Gene Kipp of Nampa was a dinner 2, 3, 4, SH NH, NH SH, SH guest Monday in the George Moeller SWH, Sec. 3. Lots 1 & 3, SHNEH. home. SH NWH. EH SWH. SE'/i, Sec. Wilma Bullard of Boise spent 5. WH. EH N E 'i, SWH NEH. from Thursday until Monday at her W H S E 'i, Sec. 9, Twp. 37, Rng. home here. 37. Price $1585.00. Mrs. Jack Zittercob and Mrs. Tract No. 3C, Description, Lots 1 Gerald Zittercob surprised Mrs. to 10 inc. lot 12, lots 14 to 23 inc., John Zittercob with a birthday din NH N E 'i, SWH NEH, S E 'i, Sec. ner at her home May 9 Those 7. NEH, NH SEH, SW ’i SEH. present were Mr. and Mrs Emil EH NWH, SWH NWH. WH Paulus of Nyssa, Mr and Mrs. SW H. Sec. 17. Lots 1 to 24 inc. Gerald Zittercob and son of Ontario, NEH. N E 'i S E 'i, Sec. 19. Twp Mr. and Mrs. Jack Zittercob and 37, Rng. 37. Price $2657.00. daughter of Nyssa and Mr and Mrs. Tract No.4C, Description, SEH SEH. John Zittercob. Mrs. Zittercob was Sec. 26, Twp. 15, Rng. 39, Price the recipient of many nice gifts. $40.00. Tract No. 5C, Description, EH EH, Has Heart Attack— SWH SEH. Sec. 35, Twp. 15. Rng. Mrs Leo W. Child is recovering 39. Price $240.00. from a serious attack she suffered Tract No. 6C, Description, EHNEH, last week. Sec. 5, Twp. 18, Rng. 39. Price $30.00. Legal Advertising Tract No. 7C, Description, NEH- N W 'i, Sec. 16, Twp. 18, Rng. 39, NOTICE OF S i l l Price $10. COUNTY OWNED LANDS Tract No. 8C, Description, SWH Pursuant to an order of the NEH, Sec. 26, Twp. 16, Rng. 40, County Court of Malheur County, Price $40 00. Oregon dated the 11th day of April, Tract No. 9C, Description, All of 1951, I will on the 21st day of May, Sec. 5. EH. lots 1, 2, 11, 12, 13, 1951, at the hour of 10:00 o’clock 14, 23, 24, Sec. 7 WH NWH, Sec. a. m. at the front door of the Coun 9. WH NW’i , NWH SWH, Sec. ty Court House at Vale, Oregon, 17. lots 2 to 11 inc. Si lots 14 to offer for sale, the tracts of land 23 inc., Sec. 19, Twp. 36, Rng. 40, hereinafter described and numbered Price $2277.00. for not less than the prices fixed Tract No. 10C, Description, WH by said court with the proportion NWH N E 'i, Sec. 20 Twp. 18, Rng. ate cost of publication added there 41, Price $20.00. on. Tract No. 11C, Description, At 13, Said lands will be offered for At 17, At 18, Sec. 20, Twp. 18, sale as follows: All tracts priced at Rng. 41, Price $170.00. $200 00 or less to the highest and Tract No 12C, Description, SWH best bidder for cash; all tracts priced SWH, Sec. 29, Twp. 18, Rng. 41, at more than $200.00 to the highest Price $40.00. and best bidder for cash or for not Tract 13C, Description, N W 'i NWH. less than 20% cash and the remain Sec. 32, Twp. 18, Rng. 41, Price der to be paid under written agree $40.00. ment with the purchaser in equal Tract No. 14C, Description, NH installments not exceeding 5 years, SWH NEH, Sec. 23, Twp. 15. Rng. all deferred payments to draw inter 42, Price $20.00. est at the rate of 6% per annum, Tract No. 15C, Description, NEH payable annually, and such agree NEH, Sec. 1. Twp. 17, Rng. 42, ments shall be subject to all terms Price $40.00. and conditions of Section 86-143, O, Tract No. 16C, Description. All land C. L. A. as amended. In this Sec., Sec. 3, Twp. 19, Rng. All lands within the boundaries 42. Price $340 00. of irrigation or drainage districts Tract No. 17C, Description, All in will be solu subject to any valid Sec. 5, Twp, 19, Rng. 42, Price assessments made or to be made $640.00. by said districts since the date said Tract No. 18C, Description, All in lands were acquired by the County Sec. 7, Twp. 19. Rng. 42, Price and all lands within the boundaries $540 00. of the Warmsprings Irrigation Dis Tract No. 19C, Description, All In trict and which have been classi Sec. 9, Twp, 19 Rng. 42, Price fied as in Classes 6 and 6 and as $640 00. to which said County has hereto Tract No. 20C. Description, All in fore by resolution dated September Sec. 15, Twp. 19, Rng. 42. Price 3. 1930 authorized a transfer to said $640 00. district of the water right appur Tract No. 21C, Description, All In tenant to said lands shall be sold Sec. 17, Twp. 19 Rng. 42, Price without water rights. $640.00. Said lands numbered as to tracts Tract No. 22C, Description, All in and with the minimum prices set Sec. 19, Twp. 19, Rng. 42, Price opposite each tract are as follows, $340.00. to-wit: Tract No. 23C. Description, All In Sec. 21, Twp. 19, Rng. 42, Price Tract No. 1C. Description. All Sec. $640.00. 1. Lots 2. 3. 4. S ',N W ',. S E ',- NEH, SH, See 3. SEHNWH, Tract No. 24C. Description, All in Sec 23, Twp. 19, Rng. 42, Price E H S W H , lot 1, SHNEK.SEH. $640.00 Sec. 5 EHEH. WHSEH. 8 E ', NWH. SEH SW 1!, Sec. 7. WH Tract No. 25C, Description. W HW H. From the Wcathcrsealed comfort o f the "Six-Footer Cab” to such extra value features us th e s e —T o c c o - llurdeued Crankshaft, full-pressure lubrication und recirculating ball bearing action for steering ease— a GMC is built for keeps! 120 . 00 . People are concerned these days about A m erica's supply o f crude oil. T hey say, “ I f petroleum resources are beginning to run ou t, we ought to be careful to make them go as fa r as possible. W hat are you big com panies doing to save our oil resources?” Here’ s the answer to that question. Known crude oil reserves are actually 30% greater today than in 1940. And in addition to making new dia- coveries, the oil industry—Standard Oil Company o f California along with others—ia making each well and each barrel o f oil yield more and more. Competi tion makes us produce and refine efficiently. Here are some o f the ways we do it: A s your G M C deuler, we cun help I’d Like to Know ... You may have heard that a auit has been filed by the Antitrust Division in Washington to break up Standard of California as well as six other West C oast oil com pan ies. Many people have writ ten us protesting this ac tion , and many have asked pertinent questions about our activities. We answer all letters individ ually, but some points seem o f general interest. We take this way of dis cussing them for every one. If you have a ques tion, we urge you to write: “ I ’ d 1 .iKit ROBERTS-INYSSA, IRC. $ Tract No. 42C. Description, EHNEH, Sec. 9. Twp. 13, Rng. 45, Price $80 00. Tract No. 43C, Description, SEH SWH, Sec. 26, Twp. 17, Rng. 46, Price $40.00. Tract No. 44C, Description, All Kingman Townsite E of R. R. right of way in NWH & NEH, Sec. 36. Twp. 20, Rng. 46, Price $400.00. Tract 45C, Description, All W of river In NHSEH Sec. 4, Twp. 16, Rng. 47, Price $5.00. VALE Tract No. 46C, Description. East 54’ Lots 22 Si 23, Block 5 Hadleys Second Addition, Price $30.00. Tract No. 47C, Description, Lots 1 & 2 Block 29 N. W. T., Second Addition, Price $20.00. ONTARIO Tract No. 48C, Description, Lots 15 to 20 inc. Block 64, Original Ad dition, Price $500.00. Tract No. 49C, Description, Lots 1 to 5 inc. Block 71. Original Ad dition, Price $250.00. Tract No. 50C, Description. Lots 11 to 17 inc. Block 74, Original Ad dition, Price $700.00. Tract No. 51C. Description, Lots 26 to 28 inc. Block 10, Riverside Ad dition, Price $100.00. WESTFALL Tract No. 52C, Description, A. T ’s 4, 5, 6, 13, 17 Si 18, Price $15.00 Tract No. 53C, Description. All ol Block 3, Price $5.00. Tract No. 54C, Description. Lot 7 Block 4, Price $1.00. Tract No. 55C, Description, All of Blocks 6, 7, 8, 9. 10. & 11, Price $3500. Traet No. 58C, Description. Lots 7. 8, 9. & 12. Block 12, Price $2.50. Tract No. 57C, Description, All of Blocks 13. 14. 15. 16, 17 & 18, Price $35.00. Tract No. 58C, Lots 1 & 2, Block 19, Price $1.00 Tract No. 59C. Description, Lots 15 & 16, Block 20, Price $1.00. Tract No. 60C, Description, Lots 2 Si 3, Block 1. Madden Addition, Price $1.00. Tract No. 61C. Description, All of Blocks 3. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. 12. 13, 14 & 15, Madden Addition, Price $75.00. Tract No. 62C, Description, Lots 5. 6, 7, Si 8, Block 16. Madden Ad dition. Price $2.50. OUTLOOK Tract No. 63C. Description, Lot 6. Block 3, Price $1.00. Tract No. 64C, Description, Lot 6, Block 4, Price $1.00. Tract No. 65C, Description, Lots 5 Si 6, Block 5, Price $2.00. Tract No. 66C. Description, Lots 5. 6 & 7. Block 12, Price $3.00. Tract No. 67C, Description, Lots 1, 2, & 6, Block 13. Price $3.00. Tract No. 68C, Description. Lot 5, Block 17, Price $1.00. Tract No. 69C, Lots 1, 6, 7, & 8. Block 22. Price $4.00. JORDAN VALLEY Tract No. 70C, Description, West 30 Ft. of lots 1, 2, 3, 4, Block 3. Blackaby Addition. Price $10.00. Tract No. 71C, Description, East Half of lot 5, Block 8, Blackaby Addition, West 90’ of lot 6 Block 8 Blackaby Addition, Price $20.00. Tract No. 72C, Description, Lot 20. Block 8, Blackaby, Addition. Price $5.00. Tract No. 73C, Description, Lot 6, Block 5, Catron Addition, Price $15.00. HARPER Tract No. 74C, Description, Lot 16, Block 11, Original Addition. Price $25.00. Tract No. 75C, Description, Lot 2. Block 7, Fairmor Addition, Price $25.00. Tract No. 76C, Description, Lots 4 to 7 Inc. Block 7, Fairmor Ad dition, Price $125 00. BROGAN TOWNSITE Tract Ns. 77C, Description, All of Block 1, Price $2.00. Tract No. 78C, Description, All of Block 2, Price $2.00. Tract No. 79C, Description, All of Block 3, Price $2.00. Tract No. 80C, Description, All of Block 19, Price $2.00. Tract No. 81C, Description, All of Block 31, Price $2.00. Tract No. 82C, Description. All of Block 32, Price $2.00. Tract No. 83C, Description, All of Block 33, Price $2.00. Tract No. 84C, Description, All of Block 37, Price $2.00. Tract No. 85C, Description. All of Block 38, Price $2.00. Tract No. 86C, Description, A11 of Block 45, Price $2.00. Tract No. 87C, Description, All if Block 46, Price $2.00. Tract No. 88C, Description, All of Block 47, Price $2.00. Tract No. 89C, Description, A11 of Block 48, Price $2.00. Tract No. 90C, Description, A11 of Block 49, Price $2.00. Tract No 91C, Description. Lots 1 to 10 and 14 to 20 Incl. in Block 21, Price $2.00. Tract No. 92C, Description, Lots 1 to 10 Incl. in Block 22, Price $2.00. Tract No. 93C, Description, Lots 3 to 24 Inch In Block 30, Price $2.00. Tract No. 94C, Description. Lots 1 & 2 in Block 34, Price $1.00. Tract No. 95C, Description. Lots 1 to 14 Inch In Block 35, Price $2.00. Tract No. 96C, Description, Lots 1 to 21 Inch in Block 36. Price $2.00. Tract No. 97C, Description, Lots 1 to 12 Inch in Block 39, Price $1.00. JOHN C. ELFERINO, Sheriff. Malheur County, Oregon Date of first publication. April 19, 1951. Date of last publication, May 17, 1951. Date of sale, May 21, 1951 “What are you doing to save our oil resources?” real truck-sized brakes (extra wide) to control it. And more. you select exuctly the right truck for your hauling needs—from % to 20 tons—with a combination o f axle, en gine, transmission and frame that will haul the pay load years longer fo r less. Sec. 18. Twp. 41. Rng. 42, Price $160.00. Tract No. 26C, Description. Lots 2, 3, 4, Sec. 4, Twp. 17, Rng 43, Price $ 111000 . Tract No. 27C, Description, SH8EH, Sec. 16, Twp. 17. Rng. 43. Price $80.00. Tract No. 28C, Description, SWH SW H, Sec 33, Twp. 15, Rng. 44, Price $40.00. Tract No. 29C, Description. W. 30A. in SEii NEH. SWH SWH NEH. WHSEHSWHNEH. EHNWH, N- EH8WH, SEH. Sec. 16, Twp. 16, Rng. 44. Price $320.00. Tract No. 30C, Description, NWH, 6WHNEH, SH, Sec. 25, Twp. 16, Rng. 44, Price $520.00. Tract No. 31C. Description, NEH. EH NWH, Sec. 26, Twp 16, Rng. 44, Price $240 00. Tract No. 32C, Description, All land in Sec 27, Twp, 16. Rng. 44, Price $640.00. Tract No. 33C. Description, All of Sec. 35, Twp 16, Rng. 44. Price $640.00. Tract No. 34C, Description, NWH NEH, NEH NWH. Sec. 36, Twp. 16, Rng. 44, Price $80.00. Tract No. 35C, Description, All land N. of the Canal In SWH NEH, Section 14, Twp. 18, Rng. 44, Price $150.00. Tract No. 36C, Description. SEH NEH, Sec. 13. Twp. 19. Rng. 44, Price $40 00. Tract No. 37C, Description. W27. 2Ac. in NEHNWH. Sec. 13, Twp. 19, Rng. 44, Price $27.00. Tract No. 38C, Description. WH SWH, Sec 33. Twp. 29, Rng. 44, Price $80.00. Tract No. 39C. Description, All of Sec. 29, EH Sec. 31. Twp. 30, Rng. 44, Price $960 00. Tract No. 40C, Description, NH, NHSEH. SWH, Sec. 33, Twp. 30, Rng. 44, Price $560.00. Tract No. 41C, Description, Lots 2, 3, 4, Sec. 5, Twp. 31, Rng. 44, Price to K now " Standard Oil Company of California t K Bush Street San Francisco 20. Calif. K e m e m b e r th e g u s h e r ? Years ago new weUa were al- | lowed to erupt. But oil men found way* to stop this waste. And now they extract three new fuels from the gas mixture. W e also p re v e n t w a s te by tapping oil pools which used to be out o f reach. Through research into drilling tech niques we make holes curve, under mountains, for example. T im e w a s when only natural pressure lifted oil to the surface. Wells often “ went flat.” We now use huge systems to pump pressure back in, recovering much oil formerly lost. L atest tech n iq u es help us in , warring on waale. Standard . u m a new "electronic brain" to compute beet way to drill oil fields for greatest yield 15 . years or more into the future. ** N atural g as, a by-product o f oil production, was once merely wasted. But oil companies long ago learned how to capture it. put this energy to work, and conserve natural oil resources. A n d r e s e a r c h in r e fin in g helps. In 1920, Western refin eries were getting less than 7 gallons o f gasoline from each barrel o f crude. They now get 20 gallons o f far better gas. STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA • plans ahead to serve you better