Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1951)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. MAY 17. 1951 PAGE TWO Program Given Bv (Ilvic Club (Continued from Page 1) (or the Betty Wilson dance benefit, announced that Mrs Don Graham would handle the ticket sale (or the civic club Mrs Herbert Plsher, generil chairman for the music week pro gram. expressed her appreciation to her committee. Mr». Henry Hart ley. Mrs Bernard Eastman and Mrs J L. Hertman. for their asst tance In making the program a success Special recognition was given Mrs. Carlos Buchner for her outstanding and faithful performance as an ac companist for the music week pro grams. as well as the monthly civic club meetings. As an expression of appreciation Mrs. Buchner w it presented with a gift from civic club. Mrs Clyde Snider, president of the civic club, announced that the civic club, with the help of Mrs Bud Wilson, had assisted In pro viding a decorated car to r the trans portation of Roberta Morfill as “Miss Nyssa" In the Payette blos som festival. The parish hall was attractive | with arrangements of Iris, tulips and other spring flowers provided by the hostess committee end Mrs. Oerrlt Slam for the pleasure of the many gue in attending the meeting. Mrs Kenneth Kerby and Mrs Kenneth Cottle poured at the tea table, which was centered with an attractive Iris arrangement. Hos tesses were Mrs Kenneth Cottle. Mrs, Kenneth Kerby. Mrs. C. A Mally and Mrs Dick Oroot 1951 Graduates Of Nyssa High Sehool OOMHAUMM MMY JO JUiMOM UttUiftEROUl wESTMUS lEtSMC »EYlí JACA ÍOWDt **>»(« MH W t um Mit aaiOMWl HUT BUNN 3 ( OUMM «caMO tHVEN Avrt &lWS DMVlb AAlfraT IM tt UCMD FORKS! M . SVA LK MOW flfEftWPttnC tUBil DUUS « U H M « f l« MlNAftO HAUT JIMMIE HIATT EVELYN illCTER KUAPRtbf v MU MuWu HOlCOMg BtlvA MUMTgR tMAlP )0M JWW* CAAtiai JONCS TOM FOSTTt JOEt MlKHEu. SH'.RUh IA W FWM.IH RAY ACCA Xs A it \ A d i « MMUS étH 'JÚ - o AT „ Cito FUkDW MIRA flak JWSEUS CJUKU Dcums CCXftt* RODS KHOWtES RkAAROMACE MEllfIM MAAGM ItCtAN » IU Y POST RKAAKD »M O S BOBBY PRICE JAMES «U T K W T T RAYMIM NYSSA BAUS IT Easy on your hay . . . easy on you. That's the labor-saving way of baling with a home-owned ROTO-BALER. Your ROTO-BALER rolls up the hay, without pounding or shattering. High protein green leaves are sealed inside the w eather-resistant bales . . . safe from shattering . . . safe from the weather. Rolled bales cannot buckle. They stand rough handling in hauling, storing or shipping. Best of a ll is the satisfaction of seeing livestock lick up every leaf and fine stem from rolled bales. Save your hay In 1 l af - ti ght rolled bale«. Stop in and see the ROTO-BALER. IM I UE VMM A IBTEMNEffe« HIGH S C H O O L AilTH TOMAS c l * $$ t 1951 **T* n o m m TUCKER DAVID TUCKER MNKifc WARD hm o *♦ ;■*- «¿p V K O T O -B A L E R la c n A llia-C h alm era tra de -m a rk. TUNI IN Ike N ational Farm and Hem# Hour fvery Saturday— NftC ( i IL L IS C H flL M E R S ^ S * l l l AND S H V I C I y U n c ia l iC n te s See Us For Tractor« USED Mowers Side Delivery Rakea also New Idea Tractora. Mowera end Side Delivery Rakea BAUMAN FARM EQUIPMENT Your Allis-Chalmers and New Idea Dealer 1 Mile North of Nyssa on U. S. 2Ü Phone 333 SCHOLARSHIP AWARDED At the annual spring tea of the American Association of University Women held Sunday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Eurl Bopp in On tario. announcement was made of the selection of Harriet Norris of Payette as recipient of the 1951 scholarship presented by the On tario branch of the organization. Ruth Joseph uf Ontario and Shir ley Nolen of Nyssa were first and second alternates for the scholar ship. Miss Norris was named be cause of her scholarship, leadership and participation In activities dur ing her high school career. The scholarship award has been made Only FORD in i t s f i e ld . . • for the past four years to encour ed in a horseshoe shape, with black eluding 10 members of the team, a t age worthy high school students to and white tulips forming the floral tended the dinner. continue their training In an In centerpiece in conformity with the The evening was spent in play- stitution of higher learning. The tea was attended by senior I black and white uniforms of the j ing bridge, canasta and pinochle. girls from Payette, Washington and drill team. Twenty-five women. In- Miss Kay Peterson won high and Malheur county schools, and their mothers. The tea table was centered with an arrangement of tulips and silver candlelabra Mrs Harry Sandqulst and Mrs. Irwin Troxel presided at the table. The scholarship an nouncement was made by small ribbontied scrolls. Mrs. R. E. Brooke was general chairman for the tea. FARM HAND KILLED - I - STYLE SHOW PRESENTED “Fashion Fancies” was presented by the Future Homemakers at their annual spring style show held at the little theater last Friday even ing. Narrators for the event were Delores Coffman and Betty Ann Boenlg. Fashions from the high school classes and the adult sewing classes were displayed by the mem bers of the classes, showing gar ments from cotton to woolens suits. A musical program, consisting of a vocal trio by Loretta Russell. La Rue Franklin and Nanette Bybee., a violin duet by Mira Flake and Amy Lewis and a violin duet by Vela Dee Poulsen and Jolene Hunter was presented. Mrs. Charles Steffens, home economics Instructor, was presented with a gift from the mem bers of the adult sewing class. WHILE REPAIRING WINDMILL . DAMAGES paid - I - R o l le r s fine V - 8 P ow er g o f f e r s Autom atic Ride Control V 'o ffe rs Autom atic Mileage M ake r economy / o f f e r s seats w ith five-foot hip room ^/offers Double-Seal King-Size Brakes / o f f e r s choice o f 3 great drives: <— v— Hw»«l - O v r d r l y Ferdwwefjt* Chiik It future fer featvre— w VI • !«> sol» "Test Drive” the PUONKn FORD HERRIMAN MOTOR CO. Mrs. E. H. Brandt low in bridge; Mrs. Goetz high and Mrs. Fay Col lins low In Canasta and Mrs. Sam uel Whitaker high and Mrs. W. L. Lane low in pinochle. MOTHER8 HONORED At a special Mother's day service held at the 2nd ward L. D. S. Sun day school last Sunday morning plants were presented to all the mothers present, and special awwrds to Mrs H Christensen, mother of Bishop D H. Christensen, for being the oldest mother present, and to Mrs. Cecil Bair for being the young est mother present. Mrs Bill Beus and Mrs. C. Smith were also honored ! for having the most children present at the service A special program for mothers was given by the young people and the Junior department of the Sunday school. At the evening service, a program was presented by the Aaronlc priest hood under the direction of Bishop Christensen. -# - WOMEN S OROUP ELECTS At the general meetings of the Christian Women's Fellowship held at the church last Thursday after noon. the following officers w ere. re-elected for the coming year: Mrs Emerson Bmgaman. president. ; Mrs Richard Mason, vice president: Mrs J C. Smith, secretary; Mrs. Bc*> Dewey, treasurer, and Mrs Austin Hollingsworth, devotion si secretary Mrs J. C Smith and Mrs Hollingsworth leported on the eastern Oregon convention of the Christian church which they had attended In Milton. Mrs Roy Bib- bey has the program on the mis sionary work of the Christian church in the Philippine Islands Refreshments were served by Mrs Ed Dewey and Mrs. Webb Pennte - I - DRXLL TEAM HONORED A dinner eras given Friday even ing at S o'clock in the Eagles hall by the Eagles auxiliary In honor of the auxiliary drill team Places of the drill team members at the table were designated with NYSSA. OREGON small dolls, made to represent the The tables were arrang TO HEIRS THROUGH FARMERS SPECIAL LIABILITY POLICY H ER E'S THE ANSWER! G e n e r a l of A m e r i c a ' s Special Blanket Liability Policy for Farmers provides in O N E, all-embracing policy this MULTIPLE insurance: • A G A IN S T d a m a g o t l a l m t w b lrb m ig h t ha aatarad by a n p lo y a t i or g a a tt s. 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