THE N YSSA G A TE C IT Y JO U RN AL. NYSSA. OREGON. TH U RSD AY. M A Y 10. 1951 PA G E EIGHT f u r i a i pintes JU N IO R G U ILD MEETS Mrs Ted Morgan was hostess to the St. Paul’s Junior guild at her home Tuesday evening Rev Cren shaw spoke In the first of a series of meetings on the history and doc- trines of the church. During the business meeting plans were made ' for the purchaxlng o f Sunday school 1 furnishings for the Junior depart- ment, and for the Sam Oordon bridge lessons to be given In June Refreshments and a social hour concluded the evening The honor guest received tenting a Mason’« humorous Inter- supper pretatlon of an Easter Star mee:- many lovely gifts from the guests. ing Mrs. L. A Maulding and Mrs. Paul House were In charge of the j tku Refreshments were served i t the c U m 0, lhe meetmg by Mrs O ntario lakes SR V T rack Meet the age of 90 years. Interment was at Callaway, Nebraska Mrs. Rook- stool was accompanied home by her son. Pvt. M Keith Rooks tool of San Antonio. Texas, who flew to Calla way to attend his grandfathers funeral. connection with the case. They were Hilda Stenwell. Joyce Cook, Willeford, Viola M Teske and Na dine Nelson. A ll of the fines were paid. Home On Furlough— Pfc. Joe Viers of Kingman Kolony | is home on a 15-day furlough. He was recently graduated from the [ clerical typist school at Cheyenne and will return to his base at Mac- Dill air base. Tampa. Florida, when his furlough is concluded. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Viers. S K IT PRESENTED T " U,* n’ M r* « • " » Mlner ,n d Mr Ontario won the Snake River val- At the regular meeting of the and Mrs A H Boydell. ley track meet held in Werser Tues Order of thg Eastern Star at the day, with Nyssa trailing in second ! Masonic half Monday evening, the HOSTESS TO TH U R SD AY CLUB place. Ontario scored 73 3/4 points. I members of the Job’s Daughters Mrs Prana Morgan entertained sytsa 37. Welser 35, Parma 10, Mer- presented a humorous skit, repro the members of her Ihursday after- idlan 5 yale 2 and Emmett , noon bridge club last week with Mrs. M nnints as fol- ! C Ty^ Snider and Mrs. C. £ Mahy ¡u ,OW5; shotput Kecv fust. Javelin, guests Prues went to Mrs C. A . , ^ K eck ,£ £ od and Roger Skeen Returns From Nebraska— Mally and Mrs Olen Kenaston. third: discus, Mitchell third and | Mrs. Freeman Rooks tool returned ____ Keck fourth: high jump. Holcomb home Thursday evening from N e WEDNESDAY CLUB MEETS first and Harry Bumgarner and braska, where she was called be Mr and Mrs. Ted Morgan enter Keveren tied for third: pole vault, cause o f the death of her father, tained the members of their Wed Bair tied for first; mile. Harold who died in Greeley, Colorado at nesday evening bridge club last week Bumgarner third; high hurdles, | with Mr and Mrs Edward Boydell Andrews third; 220, Bowen fourth | and Mr and Mrs. Stan Newman as 100 yard dash Bowen third; 880, guest players. Prizes were won by Diven second, and low hurdles, An- j Dr and Mrs. Kopp and Mr and Mrs. drews second. i Edward Boydell. Nyssa won an invitational track — 8 — | meet at Caldwell last Friday. The SUNSHINE CLUB E NTERTAIN ED scores were Nyssa 79 1/2. Caldwell Eighteen members of the Rebekah 37, Weiser 33 3/4 and Emmett 16 3/4 Sunshine club met for their regular Nyssa boys taking first places were j meeting at the I. O. O. F. hall last as follows: Mile, Harry Bumgarner; | Friday afternoon. Bunco was in shotput. Keck; discus. Mitchell; Enjoy dinner with mother and the family in I play with Mrs Harry Kingrey and high jump, Holcomb: pole vault, Mrs Gaines as prize winners. Re- Bair and Teddy Keck tied for first; | freshments were served at the close high hurdles, Andrews. Idaho med a relaxing atmotphere conducive to enjoy 1 of the afternoon by Mrs Alice ley relay. Nyssa first; Javelin. Keck, i Rhodes. Mrs Bert Lancaster and and broadjump. Keveren. able table talk. You'll be pluasantly surprised Fifteen Nyssa boys will go to La Mrs. John Reeves. Orande Saturday to participate in —I — the eastern Oregon track meet. BRIDOE CLUB MEETS when you pick up the mot lest check. Mr and Mrs George Henneman I entertained their Sunday evening To Nebraska— Mrs. Hazel Tyler and Mrs Mary j bridge club last week with Mrs. j George Sallee holding high score Pierce left Wednesday morning for Nyssa. and Mrs. Harry Miner, second high. Hemingford, Nebraska to v i s i t friends and relatives for a few weeks. Coming Events— Friday. May 11—F. H. A. Fashion show at Utile theater. 8:15. Saturday. May 12 —Hospital open house. Girl Scout Tea. St. Altar society gift and food sale. Sunday. May 13— A. A. U. W. mother-daughter tea at the home of Mrs. Earl Bopp in Ontario. Monday. May 14—St. Paul’s guild at parish hall. Wesleyan service guild at the home of Mrs. C. A. Wernick Wednesday, May 16—Civic club. TREAT MOTHER TO A GOOD DINNER - O N HER D A Y - Sunday, May 13 A. A. U. W. at the home of Mrs. Sid Flanagan. Thursday, M ay 17 — Pre-school study group at the grade school library. Mary and Martha circle at the home of Mrs. Barney Wilson. Dorcas society at the home of Mrs. David Biers. Ruth and Naomi circle at the home of Mrs. Mel Ingebritseu. H ear Sam Gordon spout bridge here M ay 31-June 1-2 DEAD ANIM ALS F ree Pickup Ontario Parma Nyssa Phone Collect Ontario Grain Co. 53 Phone 98 Main Plant 100 Idaho-Oregon Rendering Co. B and E C A F E - OUR SCHOOLS "Responsibility for the education of our youth lies heavily on businessmen who expect the new generation to preserve America’s traditional freedoms and indus trial greatness. Business demands much of our schools. It insists on greater skills for our expanding, acceler ating economy. It wants the new generation to consist of expert producers and appreciative customers who can get along together in spite of the tensions o f our times. To satisfy these demands, schools need more good teachers, more buildings, better equipment, more years of education.” The above quotation from a publication o f the United States Chamber of Commerce expresses the views of the undersigned. We belkive that Nyssa has good schools. W e wish to maintain them at their present level o f efficiency. We believe that the budget board, consisting o f ten representative citizens of our community, after study ing the facts involved, has probably prepared a budget that any other ten fair-minded citizens would have prepared under similar circumstances. We are happy that they have been able to reduce our taxes by 8 mills without impairing the efficiency of our schools. W e urge you to vote to exceed the 6 percent limitation at the election to be held on May 16. Please note that the legal time in Oregon is not Malheur County time and as a consequence the polls w ill be open from 1:00 p. m. to 7 p. m., OUR TIME. B RAC KEN S STORE RENSTROM IN SU R AN C E A G E N C Y HEN N EM AN H A R D W A R E CO. PETERSON FU R N ITU R E CO. B ERNARD E A S T M A N EVERYB O D Y S. INC. H E R R IM A N MOTOR CO. A R V E L L. CH ILD JACOB FISCHER - Visitors Here— Week-end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs Charley Orider were Mrs. M. E. Leabo and Joe Ridge of Independence, Ernest Gourley of A l bany, C W. Sherman and Mr. and Mrs K u ffle o f Scappose and Mr. - 8 - and Mrs. Oroos of Vancouver, Wash- SHOW ER GIVEN breeders who were in this area to at Mrs. Tom Church and Mrs. L. R. tend the Idaho Jersey futurity sale MaLachlan entertained at a linen at Boise. shower honoring Mrs. Mural Lewis at her home last Wednesday even Babies Arrive— ing. The guests met for a potluck Two girls and a boy were born in the Malheur Memorial hospital since last Wednesday as follows: A girl, M ay 5 to Mr and Mrs Arthur FOR YOUR PLU M B IN G Finley of Parma; a girl, to Mr. and Mrs. Joe G rijalva of Nyssa. May 7, NEEDS and a boy to M r and Mrs. Jesse Barbosa o f Nyssa, May 3. Bath Sets, Water .Heaters and Pressure Systems Call SMITH 13 Years In Nyssa Phone 78-J Meuller F u rn a ce s- Link Phone 134L2 Parma, Idaho 1947 W illys Jeep. Alum in um cab. 3-point hitch, hang mower, motor in very good condition. $1150. HEATING GEORGE J. KINZER M l OWYHEE TRUCK _ J & IMPLEMENT CO. NYSSA "D rive a few miles, save a few dollars” M OTHER’S DAY Every day is dedicated to Mom at T A Y L O R 'S FOOD M A R K E T. Mom doesn’t have to worry about feeding her family nourishing meals when she can select from the grand j array o f quality foods always available here. Cheese 89* HARTMAN'S LOCKERS II S STRAW HAT DAY SATURDAY ami MOTHKRS DAY SUNDAY 2 miles east of Nyssa at Locker Ave. Your complete locker and wholesale meat headquarters PROGRAM Telephone 108 THEATRE S A T U R D A Y , M A Y 12, 1951 "Prehistoric W om en" Lauretta Lues also "T exan Meets C alam ity Jan e" Evelyn Ankers MaUnee Sat. 1:3«; Adm. Mc-Se Moonlight White dreanvstruck gown S U N D A Y A N D M O N D AY, M A Y 13-14 "King Solomon's Mines" IN TECH NICO LO R with Stewart Granger— Deborah Kerr Adventure in darkest Africa. A picture worth seeing several times. Continuous showing from 1:30 Sunday, Matinee Mon day, one show only. MaUnec San. 1:M; Adm. $•*-•* TU ESD AY, M A Y 15 Artemis gum to (real length* "Modern M arriage" oa akirt. bodice aad alrtp* . . . with Reed Hadley— Margaret Field also to make a cool (owe of gleaming "Hot Rod" with lace, trailing it like moonbeam* rayon crepe. Moonlight white, pink ot blue. Siaa* 32 to 4a with James Lydon— Art Baker W E D NE SD AY A N D TH U R SD AY. M A Y 16-17 "Halls Oi Montezuma" BRACKEN'S D RY GOODS SHOES C LO TH IN G X-Ray Shoe Fitting IN TECHNICOLOR with Rickard Wldemark -Walter Palance Reginald Gardiner The one great story to come out of the war in the Pacific Marines who fought to the last fox hole. Salad Dressing 646 VELVEETA 2 LB. BRIC K s & w NYSSA PHONE 2 * 5 »»»V IS U « I.V .M l.l » » « « S Tomato Sauce _ 896 HU NT'S 12 CANS CHOICE 3-POUND PU R IN A -FE D Dressed $1.35 ORE. IN T t.»»T IO «»L FRYERS! Live $1.10 Stokers This W eek's Special Fined On Liquor Charge— Earl Marshall, operator of the | Morocco club, was fined $200 in Nyssa Justice court by Judge Ruby Moore last Friday morning on a charge of unlawfully selling alcholic liquor. The Judge stayed $100 of the fine depending on the defendant’s good behavior io r a year. Four waitresses were fined $50 each in Llva. Dressed or Made Ready For Your Freezer Belt Starting with 2.000 pupae. 3.187,000 common house flies were grown during the sum mer months by Pete Oleson, Caldwell, Idaho, for use in pollinating a new type of hybrid onion. Bees object to onion odor and can not be used for pollinating. Estimates Gladly Given N EW H AM P. FRYE RS ___ Raise House Flies! 8 ENTE R TAIN S CLtJB Mrs. Houston Wilson entertained the members of her Monday after noon bridge club Monday. High score was held by Mrs Norman Schoonover and low by Mrs. Stan Newman. J. C . Oregon DURKEE'S OT. JAR Catsup 53* Pork & Beans 470 V A N CAM PS 2-2Vi C AN S ... 2 B O TTLES Sardines ........ 3 7 c V A N CAM PS OVAL 2 CANS Flour P IC K E T T 25 1b. b a g ._ 89* Jalapino Peppers .. 4 9 * HOT POUND Pinto Beans 49* 4 POUND BAG Cigarettes A ll Brands C AR TO N CHOICE MEATS Q C Lard 4 POUND PACKAGE TASty PRODUCE TOMATOES, carton - - 2 5 c RADISHES, 2 bunches - - 9C GREEN ONIONS, 2 bunches - 9 0 AVACODOS, 2 for - - 190 ORANGES, pound - - - 8 0 (J* 1 f Ç C t 4 > le «J 9 Brooms FRYERS, each - - - $ 1 .1 9 $ 1 .1 4 PICNIC HANS lb. - - - 4 5 c BACON SQUARES, lb. - 290 Soda Crackers _ 51* SAUSAGE, 3 lbs. - - - 8 9 c CHIEF 4-TIE N. B. C. 2 LB. BOX T A Y L O R ’ 43 F o o d m a r k e t O UK GIV€ G R « n STftiïlPS FREE D ELIVERY ON ORDERS OF $5.00 OR OVER OPEN 7 D A Y S W E E K L Y