PAGE FIVE __ r THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. MAY 3. 1951 Pre-School Tots Attendili» School APPLE VALLEY, May J—The first grade pupils and their teacher, Mrs. Rex Engleking, are playing hosts to approximately 17 pre-school youngsters, who will start to school this coming fall. The little folks are attending school each day this week from 9 a m. to 11:20 a. m until Friday, when they will stay one full day. Mrs. Dwight Wilson brought her mother. Mrs. Nelson, from Mountain Home Friday to stay for a while in the home of another daughter, Mrs. Jerry Sinclair and family. Mrs. Nelson has been in ill health for a long time and is suffering from a broken hip. Corp. and Mrs. Kirby Pitman of Portland announce the birth of a w __ . son, Saturday, April 28. The older dinner guests Sunday in the Reed boy, Kirby, Jr., who has been visit­ I home. ing his grandparents for several Sometime Sunday afternoon Mr. weeks, will return home the latter and Mrs. Jack Reed lost an army part of the week. target kite that Oapt. M clllveen was Word has been received here of i flying after it was "let out” for ap­ the serious illness of Mrs. Mayfield proximately 800 feet the kite broke at her home in Illinois. Mrs. May- loose and disappeared. If anyone field lived here a number of years finding it would return it to Reed, ago and is a sister of Lawrence the kindness would be greatly ap­ McCrory and the mother of Mrs preciated. George KraUSburg of Ten Davis. Mrs. Raymond Arnold. Mrs. Fay Mrs. Mayfield has been suffering Collins, Mrs. Orley Sm ith and Mrs. with neumonia and at last report Jack Reed attended the state PTA was slightly improved but still very convention in Nampa Friday. low. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Nichols of Don-' Oapt. and Mrs. Clifford M clllveen nelley were week-end guests in the and family of Boise were week-end Waldo Smalley home. Mr. and Mrs. guests in the Jack Reed home. Capt. Nichols are staying at Emmett for Mclllveen, a member of the 190th a while, caring for the bees they squadron, will leave Wednesday with have placed in the orchards there. his family for Georgia, where he will Mrs. A1 Grimes and daughter. be stationed. Mrs. Mclllveen's par­ Betty Lorraine, were Sunday dinner ents and sister, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. guests in the Smalley home. Melvedt and Madeline of Boise we:e Mrs. Jack Reed and son, Robert, attended the community concert in Boise Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rogers and children of Nampa. Mr Corazza of Phoenix. Ariaona. Bob Shippy of Parma. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Rogers and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brumbaugh of Roswell were Saturday dinner guests in the Earl Boston home. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Leigh and Beulah returned home Tuesday af­ ter spending the winter in Arizona. Mr. and Mrs. Basil Osborne and daughters of New Plymouth visited in the Fred Miller home Sunday. Mr and Mrs. O ene Honey were in Weiser Wednesday, attending the funeral of a friend. Marshall Brown, who was killed when struck by a car on the streets of Weiser Sun­ day morning. Mr. Honey acted as a paU bearer. Mr and Mrs. Lambert and family of Eugene. Oregon were week-end guests in the home of Mrs. Lam- NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEETING to T BEREBY ,O IVBN to the legal voters of School D istrict No. 26-C. of Malheur County, State of Oregon, that a SCHOOL MEET- ™ °* / h e said district will be held a t Junior High School on th e 16th day of May. 1951 at 8:00 o ’clock p m., for the purpose of discussing the budget for the fiscal school year, beginning July 1, 1951 and ending J u n e 30. 1952, hereinafter set forth. t h o m i B U D G ET Estimated Receipts and Available Cash Balances Schedule I (1 ) T o tal All Funds E stim ated Receipts from 1. D elinquent Taxes 2. C ounty School Fund 3. Basic School Support Fund 4. S ta te Irreducible School Fund 5. Vocational E ducation 6. V eteran’s P rogram ...... 7. R entals ........ 8. O th e r S o u r c e s ______________ $ 3 000 00 17 000 00 ..................... .............. .................... 150,000.00 . ............................ . 1,500.00 ......................... ............................... 2.60000 .................... ........................ .. 7.000.00 ........... 2 500 00 .... ....... ...................... .............. 2,000 00 it e m General Fund (3) (2) 3 „ 3.000 00 17,000.00 150.000.00 1,500 00 2.600 00 7.000 00 2.500.00 2,000.00 9. Estimated Total R e ce ip ts___________________ 10. Estimated Available Cash Balance or Deficit (Add Cash Balance—Deduct D e f ic it )____ $185,600.00 00.00 00 00 11. Estimated Total Receipts and Available Cash Balance or Deficit $185,600 00 $185.600 00 Schedule II—General Fund ITEM (1) Elementary Schools (2) / V I. GENERAL CONTROL 1. P ersonal service: (1 ) S uD erintendent _____ ____ . * (2 ) S tenographers and o th er office a ssista n ts ......... ............ (3 ) Com pulsory education 2. 3. 4. Legal service (clerk ’s bond, 5. O th e r expense of general control: m 6. Total Expense of General Control __i_______________ a*_ * II. INSTRUCTION—Supervision 1. Personal Service: (1 ) P rincipals St Supervisors . ) (2 ) S ten o g rap h ers a n d o ther $ 960.00 $ 1,600.00 $ $ 5.874.00 2,700.00 2,515.00 2,445.24 300.00 210.00 135.00 75.00 52.50 33.75 125.00 87.50 56.25 500.00 350.00 225.00 500.00 300 00 225.00 475.00 239 04 346.70 90.00 22.50 37.50 150.00 150.00 948.99 420.00 105.00 175.00 700.00 500.00 558 29 2.756.25 $ 11,025.00 $ 10,154.00 $ 16 9 8 7 9 6 6.615.00 $ 1,653.75 3,400.00 * $ $ $ 12,775.00 $ 1197500 3,300.00 3,100.00 1,499 46 810.00 260 00 $ 16,165.00 365 53 675.53 8,620.53 127.50 75.00 3.602.50 372.50 205.00 $* 7.002.50 1,010.00 520.00 $ 17,605.00 $ 92,790.00 ) 24,620.00 75.00 3,600.00 2,800.00 420.00 $ 99,885.00 100 00 1,475.00 900 00 180.00 $ 27,275.00 $ 50,595.00 6.875 00 200.00 $168,005.00 6.875.00 375 00 7.275.00 3.800.00 1.875.00 $188.205.00 11,100.00 2,200.00 2.500.00 1,900.00 250.00 150.00 60.00 18,160.00 $ 5,240 00 1,100 00 1,700.00 1,100 00 150 00 100.00 15.00 * f 9,405.00 $ $ 11,025.00 4,775.00 510.00 240.00 7,009.00 MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR Repair and m aintenance of furniture and e q u ip m en t----- -1 2. Repair and m aintenance of: (1) Buildings St Grounds _ 3. Other expense of maintenance and r e p a ir s ------------------- 4. Total Expense of M aintenance and Repairs ------------------ 8 5,964.00 675.00 00.00 IV. OPERATION OF PLANT 1. Personal service: (1) Janitors and other e m p lo y ee s___________________ Janitors’ s u p p lie s ----------- Fuel _* ------------ ---------- Light and power .------------ W a t e r _____________________ T e le p h o n e _________________ Other expense of operation _ Total Expense of Operation $ 405.00 1,650.00 . _ Budget Detailed Estimated Expenditures Allowance Expenditures First Year in D etail for the Last for the for the Year of the Give Yearly Ensuing Totals Current Two-year School Year Period School Year by Totals (8) (9) <7) (6) 6,400.00 1,650 00 3. O th er expense of supervision 4. Total Expense of Supervision * III. INSTRUCTION—Teaching 1. Personal service: (1) T e a c h e r s---------------- 2. Veteran's P r o g r a m --------- 3. Library supplies, r e p a ir s__ 4. Supplies (chalk, paper, etc.) 5. T e x t b o o k s ________________ 6. OtheT expense of teaching 7. Total Expense of Teaching Junior High Schools (3) * Expenditures for Two Fiscal Years Next Preceding the Current School Year 1.620.00 4,600 00 Supplies, principals and 2. 3.840.00 Estimated Expenditures for the Ensuing High School Year Schools in Detail (4) (5 2,200 00 100.00 1,275.00 $ 61,245.00 $ 6,660.00 1.700 00 2,800.00 2,000 00 300.00 250.00 25 00 $ 13,735.00 $ 23.000 00 5,000.00 7,000.00 5.000 00 700 00 500.00 100.00 $ 41.300.00 $ 17,605.00 $148,660 00 6.475.00 375 00 7.060.00 2,700 00 $ $ 6.080.01 $188,205.00 $166,360.00 $133.460 62 5,513.03 347.92 3,724.96 3,796.31 3.651.44 $150,494.27 $ 41,3*0.09 $ 20,500 00 4,500 00 6,000 00 4,900.00 700 00 450 00 100.00 9 37.150.0* 8 14.64124 3,454 13 3,752 70 3.57163 41364 558 93 115 50 9 269*7.77 1,100 00 $ 11.967.1S $ 9.165.87 $139,738.44 VT. ACXILIARY AGENCIES 1. Health Service: (1) Supplies and other expenses --------------------- 2. Transportation of pupils: (1) Personal service ---- -— (2) Supplies and other e x p e n s e s ________________ (3) Repair and replacement of busses --------------------- 3. ToUl Expense of Auxiliary Agencies i_________________ VII. 1. 2. 3. $ 500 00 9 200.00 8 1,000.00 * 1.000 00 1 $ 28,982.44 3,168 10 1,000 00 2.500.00 5,000 00 4.000 00 5935.50 240.00 60.00 400.00 700.00 700.00 248 63 1,740.00 « 1,760.00 9 3,2*0.00 8 6,7*0.00 8 6.700.8* 8 5,780.8* I 8,752.28 50 00 9 25.00 9 25.00 3 100.00 9 100.00 $ t 6,644.89 Sacrament Meeting Held— A sacrament meeting was held oy the L. D. S. second ward Sunday evening when Billy Cooper, Keith Child and Larry Schenk were grad­ uated from the primary and ordain­ ed as deacons. They were presented to Bishop Christensen by the pri­ mary president, Mrs. S. P. Bybee. Speakers for the evening were J. W. Child and Glenn Peterson and the youth speakers, Janice Peterson and Oary Fife. Mrs. Lawrence Cleverly sang, "The Prayer Perfect’’. Finishing Training— Pvt. Melvin K. Rookstool, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Rookstool of route 2, Nyssa, is completing his AF bask: airmen indoctrination course at Lackland air force base in Texas. The basic training is preparing him for entrance into air force technical training and for assignment in specialized work. VMM Parents— Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Anderson returned last week from Powell, Wyoming, where they attended the golden wedding anniversary gather­ ing for Mr. Anderson’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson observed their wedding anniversary on the same day. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to our many friends for their many kind­ ness shown us during our recent bereavement caused by the death of our husband and father. Mrs. Walter Hatfield and Cleo Dean and Walter Earl. 2,475.00 9,900 00 8 9 0 0 00 8,12194 2,460.00 615 00 1.025 00 4,100 00 3900.00 3.688 01 1.980 00 495 00 825.00 3900.00 990000 1968 58 4.350.00 3 17,400.8* $ 2 2 9 0 * 88 1 13,7089* $ * 2920.00 9 2,325 00 7,200 00 9525*4 $ 1,125 00 $ $ $ 2.925.90 1.450.00 3.000 00 $ 4,450.99 00 00 $ 1,000 00 $ $ 1,820 00 3.190.00 3 9 0 0 00 8.900 00 300 00 400 00 500 00 1500 00 $ 13.1*0.9* 1900 00 2.120 00 IX. DEBT SERVICE—NON- BONDED 1. Interest on w a r r a n ts --------- 2. Total Debt Service. Non-bonded 2.000 00 4 9 0 0 00 12.000 00 $ 16.9*0.99 8 8 17.4*0.8* $ 16900.9* 3.000 00 $ $ 13.1*0.9* 290000 2 9 00 00 t 4.000 00 X. EMERGENCY year—sum of Total Schedule H -G en era l F u n d -T otal estimated expenses for the item- 1-6. 114. III-7. IV-8. V-4. Vl-3, VH-3, VTO A IX-2 X 9,478.00 11.450 00 $ 20,928.90 4,000 00 8318.735 00 ( 50.000.00 13.700.00 4934 07 1.000 00 681 44 $ 5 5 51 55 1 9 1,000 00 1.00000 1 9 4 9 0 0 00 $ 2900 00 * 4995 09 9.793 61 t 14968.64 20.000 00 t 34.7*0.0* 8318.157 00 COMPLAINTS. CIRCUIT COURT O. N. Victor, et. al. vs. Arthur L. 2072 1,485 00 9 $28094097 ' y 1 70900 00 14989 38 1 41.48898 9 41,48898 9 36900 00 15918 13 1 10900 00 8,75198 1 42918.13 1 1 8 95 19 8 Chairman Board of Directors fZfZU 0PEM% BAUMAN FARM EQUIPMENT SATURDAY, MAY 5 I Mile North of Nyssa You are invited to stop in and see our complete line of Allis-Chalmers and New Idea farm Equipment. Tractors—CA and WD Side Delivery Rakes Mowers Balers Cultivators All Crop Harvesters Corn Pickers Manure Spreaders Forage Harvesters and the New Marbeet Beet Harvester for all makes of tractors New and Complete Parts Stock ALSO Experienced Mechanic and Repair Shop BAUMAN FARM EQUIPMENT Your Allis-Chalmers and New Idea Dealer 1 Mile North of Nyssa on U. S. 20 Phone 333 ESTIMATION O F TAX LEVY (1) f 26,752 91 9 11.99254 I 3194598 606 57 666 57 00 00 District Clerk Schedule VI — Summary o i Estima leu of Expenditure*. Receipt* and Available Caah Balance*, and Tax Leviea 84 09 5 < 00 00 $2 0 8 9 3 8 9 8 Schedule III—Bond Intere*! *nd Sinking Fund DEBT SERVICE-BOND INTEREST AND SINKING FUND 1. Principal on bonds (Include negotiable interest-bearing war­ rants Issued under section 111-1010. O. C. L. A.) -------- 2. Interest on b o n d s -------------- 3. T oU l Schedule i n —Debt Serv­ ice-Bonds and Interest Mrs. Byrd Walters went to Boise Wednesday to visit in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jones. On Friday, Mrs. Walters and Mrs. Jones returned here and on Sunday Mr. Jones and granddaugh­ ter, Linda Jones, drove to the W alt­ ers home to get Mrs. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. K eith Kygar and children spent the week-end here from North Powder. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Morfitt of Nyssa called in the Werner Peutz home Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Walters visited at Arcadia Sunday afternoon in the Arthur Cook home. Mr. Cook has been ill for some time but seem s to be slightly improved. NEWS OF RECORD I 16,438.8* VIII. CAPITAL OUTLAYS 1. New buildings ...-------- 2. New furniture, equipment and replacements -------- 3. Other capital outlays: (1) Library books -------- 9 1.500 00 5.940.00 FIXED CHARGES Insurance ------------ R e t ir e m e n t --------- Total Fixed Chargea 300.00 Notice of School Election Upon Question oi Increasing Tax Levy Over Amount Limited by Section 11, Article XI, State Constitution Navy Man Visits— Loren K. Calvert, engineer 3rd class arrived in Nyssa Saturday from San Diego for a 30-day leave, to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Calvert. Calvert, who is with the U. S. S. Dixie, was in Japan and Korea from last July until March. V. 1. Bund Youngsters Visit In Boise OWYHEE $185,600 00 Estimated Expenditures bert's parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Bennett, cancellation of lease, trans­ covery on account, $3938.45. Darrold E. Beem, et. al.. vs. Ralph cript from justice court. Leigh. Carlotta Lees vs. Fred E. Lees, Crane, et. al.. foreclosure of chattel divorce. mortgage. $3921.48. Harry Collins vs. City of Nyssa, PETITIONS. PROBATE COURT et. al.. damages. $28510. Estate of Charles J. McConnell, United Credit Men's association vs. Ontario Aviation company, re- deceased. BIG BEND. May 3—Those from the Bend attending the national youth project rally at the United Presby­ terian church in Nampa were Mr and Mrs. Harvey Bennett and Mar­ garet and Dick. Agnes Houtman, I Mrs. John Packwood and Jimmy j and Bill Van de Water. Ivard Oleaverly took the eighth | grade class of Big Bend school to Boise last Friday. The group visited the state capital, the zoo, the air­ port, the Statesm an office and other points of interest. Notice is hereby given that an election will be held Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Chaney and family including Bernice of Cald­ in School District No. 26-C of Malheur County, State of well, had Sunday dinner with Oregon, from 2:00 to 8:00 p. m. May 16 at the Nyssa Ele­ “Grandma" Chaney of Nyssa. mentary School in said school district, for the purpose Mrs. Boyce Van de Water gave a of submitting to the legal voters of said district the weiner and marshmallow roast. S a t­ urday afternoon at the Big Bend question of increasing the tax levy for the fiscal year park for her Good News club. Those 1951-1952 over the amount limited by section 11, article attending were Lynda Metcalf. Kay XI, of the Constitution of Oregon. and Karon Clue as, Mary Ann and Victor Jones. Peggy, Jimmy and The reasons for increasing such levy are: Lynn Chaney, Kenny, K eith and Evelin Tuttle and Croletta Miller. The amount of money available within the 6% Mr. and Mrs. Albert Oifford and limitation is no longer sufficient to operate the schools. family of Nyssa were Sunday af­ ternoon visitors of Mr. and Mrs. The Korean Incident and events related thereto are Arthur Molt. largely responsible in the present instance. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Stoker visited 9unday with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan The amount of tax, in excess of the 6% limitation, Stoker of Nyssa. proposed to be levied for said fiscal year is $43,848.82. Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson and Alice and Jimmy, drove to Emmett Dated this 17th day of April, 1951. Saturday. They stayed overnight Attest: with Mr and Mrs. Wayne Hackett. They also visited Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Hartley John Schenk Delno Brocket. 9 13.78891 Oenerml Fund T oU l Schedule H (3) Bond Interest and Sinking Fund Total Schedule i n (4) $300930 00 $318,735 00 $ 41,490 00 185.600 00 174,626.00 185,600 00 133,135 00 00 00 41.490 00 00 OO 174,025 00 00 00 133,135 00 T o U l All Funds (3) Total estimated expenditures ...................... DEDUCT: Total estimated receipts and available cash balances (Schedule 1) ------------------ Amount necessary to balance the b u d g e t---- DEDUCT: Deficit forwarded to next fiscal year Balance to be raised by taxation ADD: Estimated amount of taxes that will not be collected during the fiscal year for which this budget is m a d e ---------------------- T oU l estimated U s fevits for en sain f flocal .............. ..................... Analysts of estimated tax levies: Amount Inside 6 % lim ita tio n ............... Amount outside 6% lim ita tio n ----------- v 00 00 41.490 00 3,000 00 3.000 00 00 00 $177,820 00 5138,135 00 $ 41.490 00 $133,770 18 $ 43.846 82 ( 92966 18 $ 43 948 82 $ 41,490 00 00 00 { Indabtadnaaa 1. Amount of bonded indebtedness (includo all negotiable interest-bearing warrants Issued under section 111-1010, O. C. L. A.) ---- ---------------------------------------- 2. Amount of warrant indebtedness on warrants issued and endorsed “not paid for want of funds” ......... — ----- - 3. Amount of other indebtedness --------------- 4. Total Indebtedness fsam s f Items 1, 3, 31 Dated this April 17. 1961 Signed: H H Hartley District Clerk Approved by Budget Committee April 17,1851. Signed: Don B. Moas Secretary. Budget CommKte* 3495950 00 00 OO 00 00 $495 9*0 00 John Schenk Chairman, Board of Directora Eiden Yergenaen Chairman. Budget Committee