r/ieNYSSA VOLUME XXXXVI NO. 16 Fine Program Is Presented Under Club’s Auspices Other Entertainment To He Given Tonight And Friday Night Ingebritsen Buys Child's Business; Mrs. Moore Judge Mel Ingebritsen has purchased the Accounting Service company from J. W. Child and Mrs. Ruby Moore has been appointed as justice of the peace in place of Judge Child, who has been recalled into the marines. Mr. Ingebritsen, who is now teaching in the Nyssa high school, has had several years of account­ ing experience, both in the business field and in teaching. He has been doing part-time accounting during the two years he has been teaching school in Nyssa. Mrs. Moore was appointed by Governor Douglas McKay on a tem­ porary basis. Judge Don M. Gra­ ham was elected Justice of the peace last fall to a six year term and later re-entered the navy after se­ curing a leave of absence. J. W. Child received a temporary appoint­ ment to fill out the unexpired term or serve until the return of Judge Graham. Mrs. Moore will serve for five and one-half years or until the return of Graham. JOURNAL THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA. OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1951 Local Rider» Vote Tentative Plans State Employes For New Bv-Laws For Graduation The Owyhee Riding club adopted Measuring For new by-laws for the organization at held a! the home At School Given ' of the Mr. April and meeting, Widened Street Mrs"Dale Garrison Fri­ Baccalaureate Set For May 2 0 And Gradu­ ation For May 2 4 day night. The group vbted to give the soft- ball league permission to use the club's rodeo field during the coming season. The Western Riding Clubs association annuals for the mem­ bers were ordered. Robert Holmes presented new advertising material for the 1951 rodeo. Supper was served to 25 members by the hostesses, Mrs. Lillian Dunn and Mrs. Freda Holcomb, assisted by Mrs. Garrison. The May meet­ ing will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Dlmmick. Following an excellent program Preliminary arrangements for the sponsored by the Nyssa Civic club baccalaureate and graduation ex­ Tuesday night In the gymnasium, ercises of the Nyssa high school the music department of the Nyssa were announced this week by prin­ schools will present another pro cipal Dennis W. Patch. gram Friday night at 8 o’clock as a Rev. C. T. Crenshaw of the Epis­ copal church will deliver the sermon part of Nyssa’s observance of National Music week. at the baccalaureate services to be held Sunday, May 20, beginning at A third program to be held in 8 p. m. observance of music week will be Special music and other features given in the gymnasium tonight by of the program have not been ar­ the first, second and third grades. ranged. Details of the program were pub­ The commencement speaker will licized in last week’s paper. be Gerald Wallace, assistant sup­ At the opening of Tuesday night’s The annual meeting of the Mal­ erintendent of the Boise schools, program, George C. Hennemau, who will talk on the subject of heur Health and Tuberculosis As­ chairman of the city council, wel­ "Two Pictures". The service will sociation was held at the Moore comed the audience to the gather­ be held Thursday night. May 24. hotel Tuesday evening. ing. He pointed out that some of The student speakers will be Ron­ During the business meeting fol­ the outstanding talent In the com­ ald Jensen, valedictorian, and Car- lowing the dinner, officers were munity was represented in the pro­ lene Jones, salutatorian. elected to serve for the coming gram. The city official urged resi­ The remainder of the program year. Harold Rhodes of Ontario dents of the area to also attend the will Include special music, present­ was elected president ; Eugene Clark, other music week programs to oe ation of awards and scholarships Vale first vice president; Walter held this week. by Superintendent Henry Hartley MoPartland of Nyssa, second vice The Malheur Education associat­ The L. D. S. choral group, ac­ ion, holding its final meeting of the and presentation of diplomas by a president; Mrs. Eleanor Anderson of companied by Mrs. Jean Ericson school year in the East Side cafe member of the school board. Ontario, secretary and William and directed by Mrs. Robert Q u ­ The annual class night and a- Blackaby, Ontario, treasurer. Ontario Wednesday night of last erist, opened the program with two in The retiring president, Homer An­ elected officers for next year ward assembly will be held Tuesday, selections "By the Side of the Road” week and selected delegates to the nation­ May 22 at 8 p. m. All awards won derson, and the secretary, Mrs. and "This Is My Country". by students throughout the year Madge Flegel, were presented witn al convention, which will be held in will be presented at the assembly, to gifts from the association. Mrs. Two duet selections, “Country San Francisco in July. which the public is invited. Flegel has served as secretary of the Gardens” by Grainger and "Rom­ The new officers are Clarice county health association for the any Life’"» by Victor Herbert, play­ Notheis of Nyssa, president; Dick past 15 years. Homer Anderson has ed by Mrs. C. W. Buchner and Mrs. Logan of Vale, vice president; Mar­ completed a two-year term as presi­ K. E. Keveren, were well received. gery Nihart of Nyssa, secretary, and dent. Miss Kathryn Crandall, soprano, Harold Newman of Adrian, treasur­ Board members include Homer gave her usual fine performance in er. Principal Dennis Patch of Nyssa Anderson, Gordon Capps and Joe her rendition of “Oive Me a House was elected as tri-county delegate on the Hill Side” and “Dawn Wind". to represent Malheur, Baker and Funeral services were held Mon­ Cooper-of Ontario, Mrs. T. C. Mc­ Mrs. Herbert Fisher and Lynn Grant counties at the national con­ day morning in the Church of the Elroy, Robert Thurston and Mrs. Lawrence pleased with two violin vention. Mrs. George Schweizer of Blessed Sacrament in Ontario for Max Seaward of Vale, Mrs. E. K duets, Dancla's “Symphonie Con- Nyssa was elected tri-county alter­ Mrs. Herman Towne of Nyssa, who Burton, Rev. Donald Campbell and certante No. 4" and a Spanish med­ nate delegate. Mrs. Charles New- was fatally injured in a fall Thurs­ Mrs. John Schenk of Nyssa and M. B. (Bonner, Louis Pratt, Mrs. Wesley ley "Maria, Mari, La Paloma”. bill of Adrian was elected delegate day afternoon, April 26. Interment A vocal quartet, H. Tobler, O. to the representative council meet­ was in the Catholic cemetery in On­ Blanton, Mrs. S. H. Griffin, Mrs. Bratton, E. Tobler and M. Moncur, ing to be held in Portland in the tario. with the Nyssa Funeral home George Harper. Mrs. Lenore Brown sang two popular numbers, “Roll fall. May Johnson of Ontario and in charge. Rosary was recited in and Mrs. Adeline Mouton as rural Along Prairie Moon” and "If I Had Mrs. Hester of Vale were elected as the Lienkaemper chapel in Nyssa members. The retiring president, Homer An­ My Way”. Malheur county delegates to the Sunday night. Miss Wilhelmina Hoffman, Cald­ national convention. Mrs. Towne was injured when she derson, presented an award to Miss Carol Burton of Ontario high school well music teacher, entertained with fell down the basement stairs at the Mollie Montgomery was presented Thomas for her entry in the high school Jones residence while at­ three classical numbers, "Polinch- with # retirement pin and a corsagt tending a meeting of St. Anne’s paper In the- National American enelle” bv Rachmaninoff, "Bird of in recognition h e r many years of Altar society. She died about two school press project, sponsored by Paradise at the Waterfall” by Nie­ service to the of teaching profession. hours later in the Malheur Memorial the county, state and national Tub- mann and "Hungarian Rhapsody Roy Nolan gave a report on the hospital without regaining con­ berculosis associations and the Col­ No. 6 by Liszt. umbia Scholastic Press association. sciousness. "Where’er You Walks” by Han­ representative council. E. M. Houser, county 4-H leader, Henry Hartley of Nyssa spoke in Elsifc Morris was born in Weiser del and “Clouds" by E. Charles were well sung by M. T. Dixon, baritone, favor of the trial teachers institute December 18. 1903 and was married was presented with two 4-H schol­ to be held the week before school to Herman Towne September 15, arships from the association. accompanied by Mrs. Dixon. The guest speaker for the annual The Methodist cho>.- closed the opens instead of in the fall. The 1923 at Ontario. They immediately meeting was Miss Katherine Rahl. program with two inspiring select­ reason for this trial is to enable moved to Nyssa, where Mr. Towne health supervisor of the Oregon ions, “Adore and Be Still” by teachers and students to have a has operated a garage for many state board of education, who spoke Gounod and "Alleluia! Christ Is two-day vacation in the spring