THE NYSSA GATE CITY JO U R N A L . NYSSA. ORECOM, TH U RSD A Y . A P R IL U . 19S1 PA G E TWO evenLally receive a hom estead, won in th e re ce n t veterans draw ing The group also visited In B ridgeport. W ashington, a n d In M adras. O re­ gon. Elver Nielsen was honored Wed­ nesday evening a t a b irth d a y d in ­ ner given by Mrs. Elver Nielsen O uests included Mr a n d Mrs Ed Nielsen a n d T om m y of Nu-Acres. Mr and M rs W ally O rc u tt and ram lly of P ayette. Lois and Nolly R ichards of Nu-Acres, and Mr and Mrs. C lifford Nielsen a n d family Picnicking a t the Owyhee dam Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Harold A ckerm an a n d sons of P ayette. Mr and Mrs B urrell Collins of New Plym outh. Mrs. Veva C astle and Mr and Mrs. C lifford Wolfe and two d aughters. O th ers driving to th e dam , were M iss M ertrude King. Mr H erm an Lorensen, Mr. a n d Mrs K e n n eth Lorensen, a n d M r and W orthw hile (!luh H olds (¿uthering SU NSET VALLEY, Apr 26—T h e W orthw hile club m eeting was well a tte n d ed T hursday afternoon when the m em bers m et a t th e hom e of the hostess, Mrs W illiam Oregg, with Mrs. A nne Oregg as co-hostess. A fter individually answ ering roll call by telling the w orst rain storm s they had experienced, th e m em bers exchanged household h in ts R e­ freshm ents were served to 30 T he May club m eeting will be held a t the hom e of Mrs C laude Wilson, with Mrs. C larence Reed assisting. Mr and Mrs Jam es Robb, and M r and Mrs Pete W ilson and son, David, arrived hom e late Sunday from E p h rata, a fte r looking over the land about eight miles n o rth of Moses Lake, w here Robb will Mrs. W ilbur C hapin. Miss K ing is a house guest for several days a t the Lorensen home. An overnight guest a t th e hom e of Mr. and Mrs Ira C hadd last Sunday was Don Moles of Ailborn, W ashington. Moles Is a brother of Mrs K atheryn Dickson, whose fu n ­ eral was held Tuesday m orning. Mr and Mrs Harold Moles of Elm Creek. Nebraska visited Mr and Mrs C hadd W ednesday before re ­ tu rn in g to their home. Mr and Mrs Albert Nothels a t ­ tended the farewell p arty held a t the parish hall Tuesday for P a th e r Quigley, who will leave soon for Ireland. Mr and Mrs H arry Rataezyk and Mr and Mrs. Casm ier Rataezyk and th eir families atten d ed th e first pic­ nic of the year for m em bers of the Sphinx club In Caldwell O vernight guests a t the C laude Wilson home last F riday were Mr and Mrs. T om Dialler of Vallejo, C alifornia. T he women are sisters. D lstler, a m achinist, and his wife, who are on vacation, continued on to A nchorage. Alaska, where they m ay consider locating. M r a n d M rs Curtis Lindsey of Pendleton arrived last week-end a t th e C harles Schweixer home. L indsay will help Charles Schwelaer. while his «rife will help In the house. O vernight guests at the hom e of O ra Newgen were Mr and Mrs. Dave Howard. Mr and Mrs. How­ a rd who sp e n t the winter In Salem , were en ro u te to their new location n e ar C am as P rairie. Idaho. Mrs. M arlon Carey spent the week-end visiting In Boise a t the hom e of h e r sister-in-law , Mrs. Art Gibbons. Mr. and M rs. Oene C leaver were hosts a t a Sunday dinner a t th e ir hom e for over 40 guests. Included were M r and M rs Howard Day and NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the legal voters of School D istrict No 26-C. of M alheur County. S ta te of Oregon, th a t a SCHOOL M EET­ ING of the said d istric t will be held a t Ju n io r H igh School on th e 14th day of May. 1961 a t 8:00 o'clock p. m . for the purpose of discussing the budget for the fiscal school year, beginning Ju ly t. 1941 a n d ending Ju n e 30. 1942. h e rein afte r set forth. BUDGE T S chedule I E stim ated R eceipts and A vailable Cash Balances ITEM G eneral Pund (3) T o tal All Punds (21 (11 E stim ated R eceipts from 1 D elinquent T axes 2 County School Pund 3 Basic School Support P und 4. 8 .ate Irreducible School Pund 5. Vocational Education 8 V eteran's P rogram 7. R entals 8. O ther Sources ' t 0 Estim ated T otal Receipts 10 Estim ated Available C ash B alance or D eficit (Add C ash B alance—D educt D eficit) 11 Estim ated T otal Receipts a n d Available C ash B alance o r D eficit Schedule II—G en eral F u n d 3.000 00 17.000 00 150.000 00 1.500 00 2.600 00 7.000 00 2,50000 2,000 00 I 3.000 00 17,000 00 150,000 00 1.500 00 2,600 00 7.000 00 2.500 00 1185,600 00 (185,600 00 00 00 00 00 2.000 00 (185.600 00 (185,600 00 E stim ated E x penditures E xpenditures for Two Fiscal Y ears Next Preceding th e C u rre n t School Y ear E lem entary Schools (3) ITEM (1) E stim ated Expenditures for the Ensuing High School Year Schools In Detail (4) (5 Ju n io r H igh Schools (3) E stim ated B udget D etailed E xpenditures Allowance E xpenditures F irst Y ear for the in D etail for th e Last E nsuing for th e Y ear of the Qlve Y early School Y ear C u rre n t T w o-year T otals by T otals School Y ear Period (6) (7) (8) (9) I. GENERAL CONTROL Personal service: (1> S u p erin ten d en t • (2) S tenographers and other office a ssistan ts (3) Com pulsory education and census Supplies 2 3 Elections and publicity 4 Legal service (clerk's bond. audit, etc > 5. O ther expense of general control: (1) ......... ................... .................... 8. T otal E xpense of G eneral < ontrol ( • $ 5.87400 1 3.840 00 f »60 00 t 1,600 00 3 6.400 00 ( 5.064 00 405 00 875 00 2.700 00 2.51500 2.445 24 300 00 21000 135 00 7500 32 50 33 75 126 00 87 50 56.23 500.00 350 00 223 00 500 00 300 00 225 00 47500 239 04 348 70 »0 00 22 50 37 50 150 00 150 00 048 00 420 00 105 00 175 00 700 00 500 00 568.29 3 3.758.25 3 11.025 00 $ 10,154.00 8 10,887.26 t 1.620 00 8,615.9# I 1.053.75 8 11.025.00 ( 11,967.13 II. INHTKUCTION — Supervision 1 2 3 4. III. Personal Service l l ) Principals * Supervisors <2>8tenographers and o th er office assistants Supplies, principals and supervisor« O ther expense of supervision » 4.600 00 * 3.400 00 4,77509 3 12.775 00 3 1197500 $ 6.080.01 1.650 00 OOOO 1,650 00 3,300 00 3.100 00 1,499 46 51000 240 00 1 7 009 0« $ 127 50 75 00 3.00258 372 50 205 00 7,001.30 1,010 00 520 00 I 17.60500 ( 17.803 00 81000 280 00 3 16.165 00 ( 365 53 675 53 8,620.53 1 92.790 00 1 24.620 00 75 00 3.600 00 2.800 00 420 00 ! 99,885 90 100 00 1,475 00 »00 00 180 00 8 27,175.00 3 50.593 00 6.875 00 200 00 2.200 00 100 00 1.275 00 1 61,245 00 »168,005 00 6,87500 376 00 7.275 00 33)00 00 1,87500 3188.205 0« 1183.205.00 »148.660 00 6.475.00 375 00 7.050 00 2.700.00 1,100 00 1166.360.0« $133.460 62 5.51303 347 92 3,724 95 3,796 31 3.651 44 »130.4*4.37 1 11.100 00 2.200 00 2.500 00 1.900 00 250 00 150 00 60 00 « ( 18.100 00 1 5.240 00 1,100 00 1,700 00 1,100 00 150 00 100 00 1300 1 9.493 09 3 6.660 00 1.700 00 2.800 00 2,000 00 300 00 250 00 25 00 3 13,735.00 3 23.000 00 6.000 00 7.000 00 5.000 00 700 00 500 00 100 00 » 41.300.00 » 41.300 00 $ 20.500 00 4.500 00 6.000 00 4.900 00 700 00 450 00 100 00 1 37.150.00 ( 14.641 24 3 454 IS 3.752.70 3571 63 413.64 558 93 115 50 1 26507.77 1 ( 8 Total Expense of Supervision ( • 1 0,185.87 IN ST R U C T IO N —T each in g 1 Personal service: 1 1 ) T eachers 2 V eteran's Program 3 L ibrary suppllrs, repairs 4 Supplies (chalk, paper, etc.) 5 T extbooks 8 O th e r expense of teaching 7. T otal Expense of T each in g »V. O PERATIO N OF PLANT 1 Personal service: l l ) Ja n ito rs and o th er empli yees 2 Janitors', supplies ................. 3 Fuel 4 L ight and power 5 W ater 6 Telephone 7 O th e r expense ol operation a. ToChl Expense of O peration (139,736.44 ( 88583.44 M AINTENANCE AND REPAIR V. i 2 3 4. VI. 1 2 3. R epair and m ain ten an ce of fu rn itu re and equipm ent H epalr and m ain ten an ce of: (1) Building« A G rounds O th er expense of m aintenance und repairs Total E xpense of M aintenance and Repair* 8 500 00 • '200 00 300 00 1 000 00 1 000 00 8 3 168 10 1 000 00 1 500 00 2 500 00 5.000 00 4 000 00 5335 50 240 00 60 00 400 00 700 00 700 00 248 62 3.300 00 8 6,700.00 8 6,7 MOO 1 8.733.22 1.740 00 1 1.700 00 3 ( 6.790.00 A U X IL IA R Y AG ENC IES H ealth Service: (!) Supplies a n d o th er 50 00 expttMM ( T ran sp o rta tio n of pupils: 5 940 00 (1) Personal service i2) Supplies and o th er 2.460 00 rxpenM t . -___ (3) Hepalr and replacem ent 1 900 00 of busses T otal Expense of Auxiliary A ir n r if i VII. F IX E D CH ARG ES 1 3. 3. 2 Insurance R etirem ent 25 00 1 3 100 00 3 29 72 8 800 00 6.121 94 61S00 1 023 00 4 100 DO 3 800 00 3 688 01 4»5 00 823 00 3.300 00 9.300 00 1 868 53 $ 1 000 00 9 100 00 9.000 00 1 128 00 1 000 00 1 2.923 00 2.334 00 7200 00 1 0.533 0« ( 2,475 00 1 t 25 00 1.183 00 3.430 99 1 10.430.00 --------- 1 T otal Fixed Chargea • 4.350 00 1 17.400 00 1,450 00 3 000 00 $ 4.45000 » 4.000 00 12 .000 00 • 16.900 09 $ ( 8 17.400 0« 1 33.000.00 3 11.708.3« $ 14,904 00 0 0.478 00 11.450 00 3 20.928 00 3 4 295 03 9.793 61 1 14.088.04 V ili CAPITAL O UTLAYS 1 3 3 4. New buildings • New fu rn itu re, equipm ent a n d replacem ents Ocher cap ital outlays: (1) Library books _________ T otal C apital Outlay« 1 00 00 1 1830 00 300 00 1.190 00 1 200000 3 000 00 1 20 000 00 1 »0.000 oo 13,700 00 4.834 07 3.100 00 3 »00 00 8000 00 400 00 »00 00 1 0.40000 1 o oo 1.580 00 IX . DEBT SERVICE—NON­ NO M IE I) 1. In tere st on w arrant« 3. T otal Debt Service. Non bonded X . EM ERGENCY 1.200 00 8 8 8 11.100 00 3500 00 3.500 00 4.000 00 T otal Schedule II — G eneral K»nd T otal estim ated expenses for th e year—tu rn of Items 1-8. 114. IK -7 IV-8. V-4. VI-8, V n -1 . VUI-4, IX -8 X 1.000 00 881 44 « 34.700 0« t 55515.51 1 000 00 1.000 00 t 3.500 00 5 4.000 00 5 4.00000 5 8318.785 00 1518.157 00 (380540 87 8 88857 888 57 00 00 $ CARD O F THAN KS We w b h to express o u r appreci­ ation for th e b eautiful floral trib ­ utes offered In m em ory of W arren A therton a n d for kindnesses ex ten d ­ 8,844.89 ed to us d u rin g our re ce n t bereave­ m ent. Mrs. W arre n L. A therton. M r a n d Mrs. J. B A therton and family. Mr. and Mrs. M B S kinner. 3 8. ice-B anda a a d Inlerevt 8 41.48*35 1 <851*13 1 1858158 The amount of tax, in excess of the 6% limitation, proposed to be levied for said fiscal year is $43,848.82. Dated this 17th day of April, 1951. Attest: John Schenk Henry H. Hartley District Clerk Chairman Board of Directors BEET LIFTER-WINDROWER 1951 Improved Model Lifts and Windrows Three Rows • The Beet Lifter-Windrower was tested and proven during the Beet Harvest of 1950. • Growers claim by this mode of harvesting beets more tonnage of beets per day, with less equipment in­ volved, than any other means of harvesting beets found to date. • GROWERS CLAIM 400 TON, or better, DAILY AVERAGE WITH THIS EQUIPMENT, during 1950 harvest. • Quite a number of new features have been incor­ porated in the 1951 model machine. All bearings now used are sealed roller bearings. • Owing to shortages of materials production of this equipment will be limited. Orders should be placed at once. Equipment On Display For Inspection A t Th« Paul Equipment & Welding Shop P au l, Idaho G eneral Fund T o ta l S chedule n (3) Bond In te re st and S inking F und T o ta l Schedule in (4) 3360526 00 5318.735 00 * 41.490 00 185.600 00 174.625 00 185.600 00 133,135 00 00 00 41,490 00 00 00 174.625 00 00 00 133,136 00 00.00 41.490 00 3,000 00 T o ta l AH Funds ( 2 ) O. C. I,. A . ) ______________________________ Am ount of w a rra n t indebtedness on w arran t endorsed "not paid for w ant of funds'' A m ount of o th er indebtedness _____ T otal In d eb ted n ess turn of Items 1, 2, 2) D ated th is April 17. 1941 Signed 8 11,48858 COM PLAINTS. C IR C U IT COURT U nited C redit M en's association vs. R obert A. P alm er, recovery on account. (431.61. U nited C red it M en's association vs. C lifford E. P u tm an , recovery on account, (385.77. In v e stm e n t Service com pany vs. J . D. Corliss, recovery on note, (324.13. The reasons for increasing such levy are: The amount of money available within the 6% limitation is no longer sufficient to operate the schools. The Korean Incident and events related thereto are largely responsible in the present instance. 5388 *28 38 4. « 18580 00 *78138 townsrte, NEWS OF RECORD 3.000 00 00.03 3177,829 00 1136.135 00 t 41.490 00 $133,776 18 $ 43.848 82 1 92586 18 $ 43.848 82 8 41.490 00 00 00 Indebtedness J. 5 *0500 00 15.815 13 6. o riginal Notice is hereby given that an election will be held in School District No. 26-C of Malheur County, State of Oregon, from 2:00 p. m. to 8:00 p. m. at the Nyssa Ele­ mentary School in said school district, for the purpose of submitting to the legal voters of said district the question of increasing the tax levy for the fiscal year 1951-1952 over the amount limited by section 11, article XI, of the Constitution of Oregon. T otal estim ated e xpenditures ___________ _ DEDU CT: 1 115*334 T otal estim ated receipts a n d available cash balances (Schedule I) ______ Am ount necessary to balance th e b u d g e t___ DEDUCT Deficit forvrarded to n e x t fiscal y e a r _____ B alance to be raised by t a x a t i o n ___________ ADD b tlm a te d am o u n t of taxes th a t will not be collected d uring th e fiscal year for which « 31.045.18 th is budget Is m a d e ___________________ T otal estim ated tax levies for rn ssln g ftarsi y e a r _________ _________ _______________ _ Analysis of estim ated tax levies: A m ount Inside 6% lim ita tio n _________ 640 55 A m ount outside 8% lim ita tio n _________ 1 00 00 2. 8 18.300 00 14 .880 30 street, block (1500. Notice of School Election Upon Question of Increasing Tax Levy Over Amount Limited by Section 11, Article XI, State Constitution ESTIM A TIO N O F TAX LEVY (1) $ 38.7(3 *1 D E B T SE R V IC E -B O N D IN TER E ST AND SIN K IN G F U N D P rincipal on bonds i include negotiable interval-bearing w ar­ ra n ts issued under section 111-101«. O i l A ) Interval on bonds T o u t S ch ed vle III—D ebt S erv ­ BU ILD IN G PE R M IT S W illiam K. Day, rem oval and a lt­ e ratio n , N. F irst street, lot 1. block 63. O reen addition. (3000. 20 x 28. fram e. H eldt brothers, construction, g a r­ age. F o u rth street, lot 8. block 37, P a rk addition. (1000, fram e. 20 by 22 . H ouston W ilson, a lte ra tio n and addition. 311 S. Seventh street. S tu n s addition. (2000. 12 x 20 and 10 x 14, fram e. Boise P a y e tte L um ber com pany, a lte ra tio n , warehouse, 102 N. F irst S ch ed u le VI—S u m m ary of Eollm atea of E x p en d itu res. R eceipts and A v ailab le Cash Balances, an d T ax Levies S chedule III—B ond In le re e l an d S in king Fund 1. fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Jim R itchie and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. M agnus E kanger a n d Je rry . H u b ert P ark er, and th e fam ilies of th e four Cleaver brothers. Lester. Lloyd, D elbert and Alvin. Rex L angley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ja m es Langley, has th e m um ps this week W eek-end guests a t th e hom e of Mr. a n d Mrs. F red Babcock were Mr a n d Mrs. Jo h n Babcock of M os­ cow. Idaho. F red a n d Jo h n are brothers. Mr. a n d Mrs. W ayne Robb m ov­ ed th is week from th e basem ent of the Robb hom e to th e new resi­ dence on th e Leslie D itty farm . Mr. a n d Mrs. Bus O sborn and son, Jim m ie, and th e ir friends. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Combs of Ironside, left S a tu rd a y for G a rd en Valley, Id ah o About 30 friends from Boise and Nyssa were also p lan n in g on arriving a t the M. O sborn ra n ch for a d in n er a n d w eek-end gathering. Mr. a n d Mrs. E. H. T olm an and children of O n tario were supper guests a t th e hom e of Mr. and Mrs. O rover Cooper Sunday. Mrs. K e n ­ n e th L orensen a n d Mr. a n d Mis. Cooper m ade a trip to Boise T h u rs­ day. Revival m eetings u n d e r the lead ­ ership of E vangelist O la Y anacy a t th e S u n set Assembly of God ch u rch in S u n set valley will be con­ tinued w ith th e last service being held th e evening of S unday. April 29, announced Rev. Q u en tin C alapp. T h e M -m en and G le an e r girls of th e Owyhee L. D. 8. w ard held th eir a n n u al banquet a n d program S a t­ urday evening in th e A drian grade school building. T h e wom en of the relief society p repared a n d served th e d inner. Je a n n ie Norris a n d h e r sister. Nancy, of N am pa arriv e d S atu rd ay to spend a week a t th e hom e of th e ir uncle and a u n t. M r. a n d Mrs. F ra n k Perko. J e a n n ie has th e measles. S unday d in n er guests of Mr. and Mrs. O laf Fyllingness w ere’Mr. and Mrs. J o h n G ro ttv let a n d family. Mr. a n d Mrs. Lew MoCoy of Iro n ­ side were here shopping Tuesday and W ednesday, stay in g overnight as guests a t Mrs. M arie C. Black a n d a b o visiting th e ir son, Charlie. M rs. S. E. F lan ag an will be hostess a t h e r hom e to th e m em bers of th e S unset aux iliary a t its re g u la r m eet­ ing M ay 3. G eorge Folkm an a n d h is d a u g h ­ ter, C arol, have Just recuperated from a siege of influenza. L orin S to n e and two of th e child­ ren m ade a week-end trip to U tah in th e tru ck for m ore of S to n e ’s cattle, w hich h e will bring back to th e fa rm here. Mrs. W ilfred G ilbert a n d son were overnight guests a t th e hom e of her p aren ts, M r. a n d M rs George W il­ son, F riday, re tu rn in g to La G rande S a tu rd ay afternoon. M arjorie, C harles, N ardell and Joyce Bowers were d in n e r guests Sunday a t th e W ilbur C h a p in home. N ineteen m em bers of th e S unset 4-H club m et S a tu rd a y afternoon w ith th e ir leader, K e n n e th Lorensen. a t the hom e of Paul K n o ttin g h a m to give re p o rts on th e feeding of th e ir anim als. Following th e ir m eeting, the group played a ball gam e and enjoyed refreshm ents. T h e next m eeting will be held a t th e E rnest K a n easter hom e. T h e group is planning on hiking to th e sum m it of M itchell butte. Mr a n d Mrs. G lenn K n o ttin g h a m of Boise were w eek-end guests a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Oounsil. Mrs. Bud C h a rla n d a n d son, P erry Lee. sp e n t F riday a fte rn o o n v b it- lng a t th e hom e of M r a n d Mrs. Ira C hadd. C h a rla n d Is fa rm in g th b year on th e old Apple Valley road. T he young people's S u n d a y school class enjoyed a potluck d in n er S u n ­ day a t th e hom e of th e ir teacher, Mrs. W illiam G regg. T h e outing concluded a class-contest. C roquet and ball were played. Mrs. S te w a rt Schw eizer and young son from R eno spent 10 days vblting her m other. Mrs E. W. O ldham of Nyssa. a n d a b o Mr. and Mrs. R obert Schw eizer in Vale a n d Mr. and Mrs. O H. Schw eizer of S u n set valley . Mrs M arie C. Black was taken to the Nyssa hospital F rid a y suffering from cerebral embolism By the first of th e week, her h e a lth had Im­ proved considerably. 8 1*78851 H H. H a rtle y D istrict C lerk Approved by B udget C om m it im AtjrU 17.1941 Signed Don B Moss Secretary. Budget Committee 1 negotiable » 111-101«. 8196.990 00 00 00 00 00 (495.950 00 J o h n S chenk C h airm an . B oard of D irectors E iden Y ergensen C h a irm a n . B udget C om m ittee