JOURNAL 77ieNYSSA THE N YSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. TH URSDAY. A PR IL 26. 1951 Trees Planted At Grange Building NU-ACRES, Apr. 26—The Farmer ettes club postponed its regular meeting from Wednesday, April 18 to Tuesday the 24th. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Evans and family entertained with a weiner roast at their home Sunday evening. The following were present: Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Fry and family, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Evans and Janice, and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ballard and family of Parma. Mr. and Mrs. George Smit attend ed the community concert at On tario Thursday. Jimmy Harm of Payette visited all last week at the Ed Meroney home. On Sunday Mrs. Harm and her other children visited at the Meroney home and Jimmy returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. George Smit at tended a pinochle party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Z. Davidson in Parma Sunday. Mrs. Robinette and her father, Mr. Milligan, and Walter Cullen of New Plymouth visited at the Ed Meroney home Sunday. The Nu-Acres Grange met at the hall Thursday evening to plant trees. The planting was followed by a potluck supper and business meet ing. The trees were obtained through the University of Idaho. During the business meeting, at tended by 25 persons, Mrs. F. C. Fry was elected to the office of lecturer, which was held by Mrs. Alyce Sutherland before she moved to Vale recently. John and George Smit visited Mr. and Mrs. E. Greenbank of Riggins, Idaho Wednesday and Thursday of last week. Cecil and Naomi Riddle have re turned from a trip to Kansas and Missouri. In Kansas they visited at the home of Mi. and Mrs. Eaton of Wakeeney. Mrs. Eaton is the former Ruby Riddle. Alvin Riddle stayed for a longer visit with his sister. Mr. and Mrs. George Smit visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. Groot in Apple valley Sunday. Relatives of Mr. and Mrs F. C. Fry who came here for funeral services for Larry Jenkins were Mrs Morehouse of Terry, Montana, Clar ence Morehouse, and Mrs. Peggy Martinson and daughter, Terry Lynn of Sunnyside, Washington, Benny Morehouse o f Drummond, Montana and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schrock of Choteau. Montana. Mary Jo Jenkins, who came from Lewis ton, has returned to her school work there. Roger Jenkins, who received a leave from service with the navy in the Hawaiian Islands to attend his brother’s funeral, will remain in the states 30 days. Mrs. M. C. Seuell and Mrs. Merle Thomson attended the meeting of the Malheur Memorial Hospital auxiliary in Nyssa Monday after noon. Producers Still Planting Potatoes COLUMBIA AVE., Apr. 26—C. M. Tensen and Niel called on Mrs. T. M. Beranck in Ontario last week. Callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stam of Nyssa Sunday afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot and Mr. Fred Koopman of Vale. Farmers of this community are still planting potatoes. Mrs. A1 Thomson of Nyssa called in this community Monday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Tensen called on Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Jensen of Nyssa Sunday. i Shaneys live now. Their father, Harris, was the barber at Adrian- La Ravne Smith was taken to BIG BEND, Apr. 26—Miss Helen the Calawell hospital Monday af Hatch and Mrs. Harvey Bennett ternoon for an appendix operation. took the eighth grade pupils of Wade to Boise April 20. The pupils are Mary Ricks, Alma Jean Kandler, Sunshine Club Of Barbara Metcalf, Merle Hatch, Arcadia Gathers Dick Bennett and Dwayne Bennett. They visited the Nehi Bottling company plant, the capitol building, ARCADIA, Apr. 36—’The Arcadia the museum, the Coca Cola comp Sunshine club met April 13 with any plant, the Idaho Statesman Mrs. Jake Groot. Mrs. Les Jame son was assistant hostess. The and radio station KCID. Martin Lee, Charles MeCulley, club will meet April 27 with Mrs. Myrtle and Thelma Seri, Dick, Dor Norman Hipp. Mrs. Elmer Stradley othy and Glenn Scott and May Bond all of Boise were Sunday din ner and supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Teter. Colleen and Bernice Fenn stayed with Dorothy and Dick Scott in Boise from Friday until Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hackett and children and Gene, and Mrs. Swag- gart of Elgin were Saturday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Teter. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ellis of Hazel- ton, Idaho were week-end visitors of Mrs. Ellis’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Kandler. The group went picnicking and swimming Sunday afternoon at Snivley’s springs. C. K. Smith found one of Floyd Kandler’s milk cows in his irrigating ditch early Monday morning. He notified Mr. Kandler but was too late to save the cow. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sloughbough of Emmett visited the past week with Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Smith. Nina, Donna, and Joan Kandler were sick last week. Mrs. Fairy Bessler, her two sons, and her sister, Fay, of Portland, visited Mr. and Mrs. Holly and other friends of the Bend community Fri day. They formerly lived where W ade Pupils Taken On Visit To Boise Link Stokers SATURDAY. APRIL 28 8:30 P. M. OLD GYM . Benefit for Bob and G ladyi Morfilt who recently lost their home by fire JACK DUNN. GUEST CALLER MUSIC, SILVER STATE W RANGLERS POTLUCK SUPPER FREE COFFEE real q o o d sense! Velveeia Cheese K R A FT'S 2 Pound 93£ Brick When you look at the times we live in : : : and then take a look at this new Chrysler Windsor . . . you might almost think we’d had advance information and special-built this car just to fit these times! /i SHREDDED WHEAT NABISCO 2 Pkgs. 35£ VAN CAM P'S O V A L Tomato or Mustard 2 Cans 37 * Sausage, 3 lbs. - - - - 89c Skinless Wieners, 2 lbs. - - 9 7 £ Miracle Whip Ground Beef, lb. - - - - 59^; Fryers, Pan-Ready, each - $1.25 67 £ QUART JAR Fruit Cocktail Certainly it treats your hard-earned and tight-stretched dollars with a respect that’s hard to find in a good many things you buy; T o begin with, the Windsor line is the Ieast-p riced o f the three lines of cars we build at Chrysler. T o buy one gets you all the basic goodness Chrysler engineering means, at the very low est cost. That’s good sense in itself. In powerplant, your Windsor brings you Chrysler Spitfire : : ! one o f the truly great engines in the whole bright history of America’s motor cars. Time-proved and owner-beloved, it would be hard to put your money on a sounder friend than this to live and travel with you through the months ahead! As to comfort, Windsor brings you the amazing travel bonus all Chrysler owners get this year . . . the revolutionary new Oriflow shock absorber. With more than twice ihe shock-absorbing power o f any other in the world, this amazing new device keeps wheels steady on the road, and riders steady in their seats. As you can see, it is no idle claim that this car makes very special sense in these unusual times. But why not get the whole good story at first hand? Why not go see your Chrysler Dealer, very soon ? I SHOULD HAVE LOTS AND LOTS OF n, FRUITS ««o VEGETABLES Grapefruit, 81b. bag - Radishes, 2 bunches Onions, 2 bunches • Oranges, lb. - - Cabbage, lb. - - Special MORNING MILK.. 4 Cans WILL HOLD ITS LA ST DANCE OF THE SEASON TAYLOR'S FOOD MARKET MEATS 37£ LET'S HAVE FUN It makes your dollars talk Sardines 2 Vi Can LET'S DANCE BAR NONE SQUARE DANCE CLUB HEATING GEORGE J. KINZER I LL GROW BIG AND STRONG ON DEL MONTE and Harold Dali at the Deseret ranch near Nyssa Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs Ray Shrun and fam ily of Vale visited In the George Moeller nome Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Moeller and girls visited Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pettet and new daughter Sunday evening in Ontario. BIG BENEFIT DANCE Phone 134L2 Parma, Idaho <. V AN CAM IP'S P'S No. 2 Vi Can 2 C a n s ____ Belt after class. The American Sunday school youth rally wtU be held Fri day. April 27 at 8 p. m. at Arcadia Mr. Chandler of Caldwell wiU have charge of the meeting. The Arcadia Sunday school will serve the re freshments. Mr. and Mrs. Theo Matherly vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Bob McKinney Estimates G ladly Given This is Pork & Beans 47£ will be co-hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Perle Richard of Parma and Mrs Richard's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Maynard of Kansas, called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oeo'ge Moeller Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Richard were diriving to Seat tle Friday to visit another daughter, Nadine Smith and family. Miss Betty Bullard, who has been attending Nampa Business College the past eight months, accepted a position as county stenographer in the Canyon court house at Caldwell last week. Miss Bullard spent the week-end at her home here. Mr. Krieman of Parma was a guest speaker at Arcadia Sunday Meuller Furnaces- /b / /ik e se tte specia l attenfron- at j Felix SECOND SECTION _ 59£ 43c -9 * 9C 7* 7* Beautiful to look a tl. . . Beautiful to drivai CHRYSLER AYLOR’ Q T FOOL) MARKET O UJ€ GIVG G R « n STfim PS FREE DELIVERY ON ORDERS OF $5.00 OR OVER OPEN 7 D A Y S W EEK LY finest engineered cars in the world WAGGONER MOTOR CO. 118 Good Ave. Nyssa, Oregon