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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1951)
PAGE EIGHT THE NYS8A GATE CITY JOURNAL NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. APRIL 12. 1951 arrived in Nyssa Saturday and are ! theater at 3 p. m. Brown of Ontario were ushers The ( class of 1950 Mr Keller is a grad- [ will be attended by garden club visiting at the home of Mrs. Bessie Monday, April 16—Eastern Star bride wore a navy afternoon dress uale of Ontario high school and is i members of this section, and several 1* rf*(l .N 01*1111111 Vi 111H Civic club program chairmen meet with white accessories and a cor- i employed at the C. C. ^Anderson [ of the state officers. Plans were R e i e n o n i ilin n i W ith Bair. are he Plannmg on Uvmg n e o r n n o l w u n Nyssa whUe u empioyed at ing at home of Mrs. Bud Wilson sage of red roses Miss Eastman rood Mart in Ontario, where the ( also discussed for the May meeting Livestock P ro ject at Parma in construction work. at 2:30. wore an afternoon dress of dusty j couple will reside following a wed- l when members will attend the gard- rose and a corsage of roses ding trip to Washington. en club tour at Boise. ______ CHURCH WEODtNO HELD Tuesday, April 17—Eagles Aux iliary. A reception for the relatives and ,Mrs Dennis Patch was in charge Fred A Norman has been grad-i '»tend Conclave— The Nyua MethodUt church w u friends attending the wedding GOLDEN WEDDING OBSERVED of the program on “Trees'’ and told uated with honors from the Feed Bill Morrison, Elvin Alexander, Wednesday, April l»—Civic club at the scene of • wedding held Sun close was held In the church parlors lm Mr and Mrs Harry Miner enter of trees for home plantings, the j Advisory school sponsored by the David Savage and Robert Baker at- parish hall, 2 p. m. Communiiy day afternoon, April S at 3 30 when mediatly following the ceremony tamed last Wednesday evening at j conservation of trees, and some of I Ralston Purina company of St. i tended the DeMolay conclave held concert series at Centre theater in MUs Vera Pay Counall, daughter Louis, Misouri. in Boise last week. On Sunday Ontario. three-Uered wedding cake wa. « surprise dinner honoring Mr Min- the native trees of Oregon, of Mr and Mrs O. P of The Mr and Mrs. B W Only five of the 30 men who morning the group attended the parents Mrs Refreshments of molded Bavarian Sunset valley, and Clarence Keller, baked and decorated by Mrs R C er's Thursday, April 19 — Executive — of -* Jamison, •— .— on — -■ — —. j — cream, attractively decorated cook- started the course finished it and ; Episcopal church service in a group their golden ton of Mr and Mrs J. B. Keller Smith. 8r.. and was served by Mrs Miner meeting of W. S. C. S. at home of ies and coffee were served by the wedding anniversary The table was Norman was one of them. Norman | to hear Bishop Rhea, of Ontario were united In marriage. Emma Merrick. Mrs. Chester Coun- decorated in gold and white and was hostesses. Spring flowers were used Mrs. Wilbur Holcomb at 9 a. m. took an 18-month course in feeding, The single ring ceremony was per •11 of New Plymouth and Mrs Phyl centered with a bouquet of orchid about the room. Dorcas circle meeting at the home COMING EVENTS management, sanitation and breed formed by Rev Donald 8 Campbell lis Counsll. Coffee was poured by sweetpeas The cake was decorated of Mrs. Walter Pox on Alberta ave Mrs. Dick Oroot was welcomed as ing. He majored in dairying and Mrs R C Smith, senior and Mrs. j before an alter decorated with bask Sunday. April 15—District M Y. nue. St. Anne's Alter society Amity with a gold wreath encircling a "50" a new member of the club. Guests poultry and mlnored in hogs. Nor Kenneth Lorenaen ets of white lilies and snapdragons. Present for th occasion were all the included Mrs Houston Wilson and man was awarded first prize of a F. religous drama meet at Little meeting. American Legion auxiliary. Miss Ruth Scott. Miss Mary Ellen children The bride, who entered the chapel except one daughter. Guests Mrs. Niss Hatt. Parker pen and pencil set for sales with her father, was attended by Merrick and Miss Dorothy Campbell | Included the children. Mr. and Mrs route and delivery work. He also Miss Phyllis Eastman of Adrian were In charge of the gift table, and George Miner and family of Jam i WEDDING RECEPTION HELD engaged in other field projects. The groom was attended by Elmer Mrs Joe Counall was in charge of son. Mr and Mrs P M McNeil and A reception was given in the Nyssa Norman's major In dairying was Holtzclaw of Ontario Miss Lor the guest book. Meta of Mt Shasta, Mr. and Mrs L. D. S. second ward chapel April conducted with the help of Louis To make Spring trips b e tter than e v e r — etta Van de Water sang "Because”, Among the out-of-town guests Max Miner and family of Mount 3 for Mr and U r Laurence Brown J Wettstein of route 1, Ontario, a accompanied by Miss Avldna Peter were the groom's grandparents. Mr Shasta, and Mr and Mrs. Adolph by the bride's parents, Mr and Mrs. Holstein breeder. His poultry pro son, who also played the wedding and Mrs B Keller of New Plymouth. Dahl of Walla Walla, close friends Ray C. Lewis. ject was conducted with T H Brew marches and the prelude music. Mrs. Keller was graduated from of the honored couple; Mrs. Marie Miss Louise Lewis and Laurence er of Sunset valley and his hog Joe Counsll of Nampa and Lee the Adrian high school with the Seward and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Brown were married in the L. D. S. project with Grover Lytle of Nyssa. temple in Salt Lake City March 30. He expressed appreciation to Wett Miner of Nyssa A program, with Don Bishop as stein, Brewer and Lytle for their Mr and Mrs. Miner were honored j at an "open house" In Jamison last master of ceremonies, was given at assistance. j Sunday when friends and neighbors the reception. It consisted of a The training gives Norman the de arranged the affair in honor of saxaphcme solo by John Savage; gree of feeding advisor for Tobler's their golden wedding anniversary. duet vocal selection, “I Love You Peed and Fuel, Inc. Effective April 16 th Truly", Donna Plorea and Irene Bib- -* - by; violin solo. Mrs. Loraine Lee of Pinochle Party Given— HOLD QUEEN'S BALL MORE SCHEDULES! FASTER TRIPS! Miss Bonnie Kressly, present Ontario and vocal solo, "A Pennie The I. O. O. F. and Rebekah lodg | queen, and Miss Bonnie Ward past a Kiss”, Boyd Tippetts, five-year es are sponsoring a pinochle party to old nephew from Woods Cross. Utah. GREATER CONVENIENCE! queen, were honored at the annual be held Saturday night, April 14 at queen's ball held by Job’s Daught Mrs. D. O. Bybee furnished organ 8 o’clock in the I. O. O. F. hall. music for the occasion. Ask the local Agent about new leaving ers at «he old high school Everyone is invited to attend. The The cake was cut by the bride admission per couple will be a cov FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, APRIL 13-14 g y m l a s t S a t u r d a y evening. times . .. and about low fares to any point! | and groom. Refreshments were The queens were seated under a I served and dancing was enjoyed. ered dish for the potluck lunch to "Sierra P assa g e" banner on which was written "Bon Those in the receiving line were the be served following the pinochle game. Prizes will be given. nie" and two gold crowns. GREYHOUND BUS DEPOT Wayna Morris—Louis* Albright Arranged" abouT X T fto o r ware | C. Lewis; the grooms mother, Mr3, Here From Twin Falla— CARL S BOLL HOUSE I card tables centered with lar ;e Amy Brown of Woods Cross, Utah; also Mr. and Mrs. Leon Strong and Phone 112 j paper sunflowers. On the walls of the best man, Myron Brown, brother the gym were large life-sized sun of the groom; the bride and groom, their two daughters of Twin Falls "Bowery C ham ps" flowers and mirrors that were edged the maid of honor, Mrs. Irvin Dur- Ths Bowery Boys with rows of sunflowers A fence formerly Delene Smith of Nyssa covered with smaller sunflowers was fee, Matinee Sat. 1:36; Adm. 30c-tc and the bridesmaid, Amy Lewis, used around the orchestra stand. sister the bride. Gladys Lewis, [ The dance programs were decorated sister of of the bride, was in charge SUNDAY AND MONDAY, APRIL 15-16 with sunflower faces. book Miss Barbara A program consisted of a reading of the guest Georgia Wight. Mira Plake, "To P lease A L ady" | by Betty Ann Boenig, a piano solo Sanders. Mrs. Susie Mitchell and Mrs. Winni- I by Irene Jayo and quartet number, fred Aston assisted with the gifts. Clark G sbls—Barbara Stanwyck "Smiles", sung by Doris Rigney. Phyllis Cheldelln, Loretta Russell Adolphe Manjou—W ill Greer DINNER HELD and Jane Walker, accompanied by Duane HolootHb, who left Monday Gable as a top contender in the midget racing field and I i Mrs K. E Keveren Mrs. Lewis Pratt and Anita Pratt to enter the armed services, was Barbara Stanwyck, syndicated columnist, in this stormy j [ presided honor guest at a dinner given Sun at the punch table romance of the racing speedways. Arranging the affair were the day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. | guardian and assistant guardian. Dr. Dale Garrison. Attending the din Matinee Hun. 1:36; Adm. 36c-9e | and Mrs. L. A. Maulding; Mrs. Violet ner were Mr. and Mrs Wilbur Hol Orunke. In charge of decorations: comb and Del and Rodney, Mr. TUESDAY, APRIL 17 Mrs Louis Pratt, Mrs K E. Kever- and Mrs. R. M. Cohrun and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Schuer and Linda of j en, Mrs. C. E Wemick, Mrs. Paul Caldwell. "Reckless M oment" , House, Betty Ann Boenig, Donna Lee Wilson, Roberta Morfltt, Patric- Jam es Mason—Joan Bennett THURSDAY CLUB i la Orunke, and Corabelle Coleman. ENTERTAINS THl Mrs. R. O. Larson entertained also Music for the affair was furnished I by Steffens 8wing Six. Dr. and the members of her Thursday after noon club last week, with Mrs. A. Mrs Maulding entertained with cof C. "Texas D ynam o" Sallee and Mrs. J. L. Herriman fee and cake at their home following as guest players. The prize for high The Durango Kid "Smiley" the ball. score went to Mrs Herriman and the traveling prize to Mrs. Tom OARDEN CLUB MEETS WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, APRIL 18-19 The A. N. K. Oarden club met Eldredge. I Tuesday afternoon at the home of "Rogue River" AMITY CLUB MEETS | Mrs. Oeorge Schweizer with Mrs. The members of the Amity club Barney Wilson as assistant hostess. Rory Calhoun—Peter Grave* During the business meeting plans were guests Thursday evening of Frank Fanton—Ralph Sanford were made for the district meeting Mrs. Mark Moncur at her home. of the Blue Mountain region of the Mrs. Walker Lowe presided in the Filmed in natural color in the rugged, beautiful Rogue State Federation of Oarden Clubs, absence of the president. Mrs. Mann and Mrs. Moncur river area of Oregon, this is an action drama of bank which will be held In Nyssa May 25 Charles were in charge of the program and Mrs. Bud Wilson, the president of robbery and suspenseful pursuit. the clubs, appointed the committees presented reports from the Con [ to arrange for the meeting, which sumers Guide. An interesting part of the program was the informal talk given by Mrs. Bruce Pett, Jr., Oerman bride, who told of condit 8 cup Automatic Perco Drip! ions in her native land. Mrs. Pett M ake p ip in g ho*, delicnm «- ia v o te d co fle e ' Ju st p lu g it ■• The Follow ing A dvertised M erchandise Is O ffered and Mrs. Jay Bunn were guests of — no «etting. P e rco latio n ttop* i u« below bo d in g po int I the group. T h e rm o stat keeps coflc« j^orial -Cutes GREYHOUND announces INCREASED SERVICE NYSSA PROGRAM Telephone 108 THEATRE Note « • For S ale O nly W hile It Lasts And O nly F riday, Sat- v day And M onday. LADIES' PANTIES PERCALE PRINTS In Hospital— Bob Burns is the Malheur Mem orial hospital, for observation. Rayon Brlefa— Mala*. Flrai Qualify Fin* D# Lux« 80 Square, yd. V W y at W h ite a n d P in k DELPHI ANS MEET Members of the Delphian study group met at the home of Mrs. Clyde Snider last Friday for a dis cussion of the topic, "Architecture and the Survival of Modern Cities." Mrs Snider was leader. Phases of the topic were discussed by Mrs. Grant Rinehart. Mrs. Gerrit Stam, Mrs Bernard Eastman, and Mrs. Bud Wilson. LITTLE KNOWN Ladles' K nit—Lac* Trimmed Bottom—Mats*. Blu* and Pink FARM FACTS! WASH CLOTHS HALF SLIPS f% Q e<b O eJ^ r Cannons— 12x12 Fast Color. h E j i 4 for m % HALF SLIPS K nit—Blue and Pink /■ n American Lady S4xS4 Wafer Proof—Grease Proof _ 4 iiC Non BOYS' WHITE T-SHIRTS Slsea Small. Medium. Large Q f| /\ Q h n t : TTT7// Cracking H eavy Rockford 4 for 1 ¡J> 1 GIRLS' GATHERED SKIRTS Elastic Top sit* io to 1« Q Q e fW O a y X Ray Telephone 1Ò5 Shoe* Shoe F illin g 14-Year-Old C om King! BUI Oaburn. 14-year-old "4- H" er of Tishomingo la corn king of his state. Mlsalaaippi. He grew ^83 bushels of Broad- bent's Ky. 203 hybrid on on* acre of bottom land. Hi* dad ha* doubled his ow n yield per acre on th* family farm. This W eek's Special 1 9 46 Farmall "H~. baa single front w heel, motor and rubber In good con dition. S1475. BRACKEN'S D ry Good* m t MEN'S WORK SOCKS 4% A ^ O S ffF LADIES' NYLON HOSE Slight Irregulars of a famoua Brand. SI Gauge. IS Denier % PLASTIC TABLE CLOTHS Clothing u N vm «. Oregon OWYHEE TRU CK & IMPLEMENT CO. NV5SA e t n a s 1 «esc ORE a a iv ii'li P m ONI I8 » » u (s ' *6 6 *6 » 32-pc. Sets Three lovely patterns. You may choose from the dainty gold floral design at left, or spray with yellow roses, or the pattern at right with the single red rose in the center. All have a single gold band around edge Priced low for . this event! h o t tot hours 1 servin g