PAGE FOUR THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. APRIL 12. 19S1 dinner guezts at the Pry home Sun­ day. The Pinochle clUb met at the Henry Orcutt home Saturday night. NU-ACRES, Apr 12—Mr and Mrs Prizes were won by Martha Ned- baiek. Emma Orcutt, Prank Ned- Oscar Samuels were callers at the | bzlek, Henry Orcutt and Leo Hli- Richard Alderson home In Welaer bee Refreshments were served by Thursday alternoon. the hosts. Mr. and Mrs Bert Montague and I Mr and Mr* LtoXd 8«ue11 were baby were guests of Mr and Mr, dinner guests Sunday at the home of Lloyd Seuell over the week-end Mr and Mrs E M Heuell of Adrian An animal or other Intruder broke and Mrs Cecil Evans attend- Into Bob Thomson's rabbit hutches I ed a dinner given farm leaders by and killed all of the rabbits last | the Idaho Power company at the week I Orchard Avenue Orange hall Thurs- Larry Jenkins of Parma. Mr and I day evening. Mrs Richard Jenkins and son of. * I The annual covered dish dinner New Plymouth and Mary Jo Jenkln3, | and election of officers of the Farm- who Is attending N I. C. E . were erettes club will be held Wednesday, ■—— --------------------------------------- April 18. Mr and Mrs. Oeorge Smlt called Home beauty begins at the home of Mr and Mrs Z | Davidson of Parma Thursday of last with. . . | week. Mr and Mrs. J. T. Martin were j Sunday dinner guests of the O. J. Kurtz family in Nyssa. Mr and Mrs. Oeorge Wypong of | Nez Perce were overnight guests in the Dale Cary home Thursday Mr and Mrs. C. R. Simmons. Mr and Mrs. D. L. Durrlngton and Car­ ole and Jimmie, and Clyde Butcher were Easter guests of Mr and Mrs Wayne Durrlngton of Nampa. J D. Morehouse, father of Mrs. S tu nz Lum bar Co. P C. Pry, who has been visiting at Rabbit* Killed In Nu-Acres Fen« Meuller Furnaces- Link Belt Stokers Estimates Gladly Given Phone 134L2 Parma, Idaho HEATING GEORGE J. KINZER Jsm - - m g rm c & m rvbm ■ - - s . the Pry home, left for Missoula. their daughter, Mrs. Olen Gallant Montana via bus Thursday. of Goodrich. Mrs. Smith plans to re­ Mr. and Mrs. M C. Seuell made main for a longer visit. a business trip to Heppner, Oregon Colleen Latham of Caldwell spent over the week-end. her spring vacation with the Cecil Mr and Mrs. Henry Blanchard Evans family. On Sunday, her and famljy jeft early Monday for mother, Mrs Rosa Latham, and 3pokane where they wUl make their family were also dinner guests at the Evans home. home. Tne W 8 C 8 of the FruitUnd Mrs. M C. Seuell attended a dem­ Methodtst church met at the home ocratic women’s meeting Monday af­ of Mrs. Henry Orcutt Thursday af­ ternoon of last week ternoon. Assisting hostesses were Little Echo Hann. who was in the Mrs Henry Hutchison and Mrs. Nyssa hospital for three weeks, re­ Julius Field. turned to her home last Saturday. Cecil Riddle and Alvin and Naomi She Is Improved but will have to are visiting at Wakeeney, Kansas stay quiet for a while. at the home of Mr. Riddle’s daugh­ ter. Mrs. Charles Eaton. Mr. and Mrs F C. Pry and small Earl Hunt Funeral children made a business trip to Services Are Held Caldwell Thursday. Mrs. Neva Duren spent the Easter vacation with her parents, Mr and APPLE VALLEY, Apr. 12—Funeral services were held Tuesday at the Mrs. Oscar Samuels. Mrs. Ralph Baxter has been 111 Apple Valley Community church for for the past week She went to Earl Hunt, who passed away at Caldwell Thursday to receive treat­ Stibntte the latter part of the week ment until Saturday. She stayed at Mr. Hunt was the father of Mrs. the home of her daughter, Mrs. Helen Culley and Mrs. Shirley Estep, who lived here for some time. Dean Wilson. Mr. and Mrs Heber Origgs have Por several years he farmed in this sold their farm and have purchased community. At the time the church a place in Parma, where they are was moved to Its present location, Mr. Hunt donated many hours of making their home. Mrs. Bob Zimmerman of Portland labor towards its remodeling. Corporal Lested Norland arrived called at the home of Mr and Mrs. Edward Nielsen Monday afternoon. home Tuesday of last week from Mr and Mrs Billy Anderson and Port Benning, Georgia for a visit of several days with his mother, son made a business trip to Ogden, Mrs. Martha Norland, and other j Utah over the week-end. relatives. He will leave for camp Mary Jo Jenkins spent her spring Friday of this week. vacation at the home of her par­ All school children’s parents are ents, Mr and Mrs. F. C. Pry. She to furnish two pies for the came home Tuesday and on Friday asked lunch at Mr. and Mrs. Vogt’s sale afternoon she visited at Fruitland Saturday. and Ontario with several of her Mrs. Glenn Johaston of Caliente, schoolmates. On Saturday night Nevada is making a two weeks visit Mary Jo stayed at the home of her with her parents, Mr. and Mrs brother, Richard Jenkins and son Lloyd Caldwell and her sister, Mrs. of New Plymouth. Conley Wilson and family. Mrs. Mr and Mrs. Bill Riddle and Glenn Van Landingham returned family moved to Redding. California. to her home at Los Banos, Cali­ Mrs. M C. Seuell attended a meet­ fornia Friday of last week after a ing of the finance committee of the week’s visit with her parents. Malheur Memorial hospital auxiliary Charles McParlin underwent an in Nyssa Monday afternoon. on his knee at a Boise Oladys Sager, sister-in-law of operation hospital last week and Is recovering Harley Sager, visited at the Sager rapidly. home for a few days. She was on Halton Stephens of Portland, his her way home to Klaber, Washing­ mother, Mrs. Ella Stephens, and his ton. from Dallas, Texas, where she sister, Mrs. Jack Reed, called on had been In a hospital. Mr and Mrs. Oeorge Smlt plan to leave for a visit at the home of Mr and Mrs. Fred Miller Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Arthuc Norland of Mountain Home spent the week-end in the home of his mother, Mrs. Martha Norland. The W. S. C. S. will meet at the home of Mrs. Jack Wilson Wednes­ day. April 18 at 2 p. m. Mrs. Dwight Seward and two daughters, Nelda and Shirley, hate been ill with influenza. Nelda was able to return to school Monday of this week but Shirley had a relapse that is keeping her out of school a few more days. Newt Standal, brother of Andrew Standal, and brother-in-law of Mrs Gene Honey, passed away at his home in Sandpoint, Idaho Sat­ urday. Mrs. Honey has been at his bedside for several weeks helping care for him. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Norland came from Anderson Ranch dam Monday for a four-day visit with relatives here and in Nyssa. On Thursday evening. Mrs. Martha Norland and sons, Lester and Palmer, drove to Adrian where they were supper guests of Mr and Mrs. Roger Nor­ land and family. Mrs. Jennie Boston and son. Bob, of Ontario visited in the Earl Boston and John Boston homes Friday evening. Mrs Martha Norland and Palmer and Lester were Monday evening supper guests In the home of Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Wilson. Return To Nyssa— Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Webb and family of Nyssa returned last week Insurance Headquariers GRIGG BROS. and BUTLER REA L ESTA TE Mei Beck. A ssociate 1 Among those attending were Presi­ dent and Mrs. Arvel Child and Nani, j Bishop and Mrs. Don Fife, Bishop and Mrs. D. H. Christensen. Ezra Carr, Henry Zobell. Rodger Ander­ A tte n d C o n f e r e n c e - Several residents of Nyssa attend­ son, Mrs. Elwood Flinders, Mr. and ed the 121st L. D. S. conference held Mrs. D. O. Bybee and daughters and at Salt Lake City last week-end. Miss Olive Beus. from Nebraska after visiting for three months with Mrs Webb s mother, Mrs W M Pollard, who has been ill In a hospiml. We’ll Fix the Fifth Wheel! Don’t take chances with steering wheel shimmy. Let our experts check it now! We use scientific equipment that aligns and balances your wheels expertly. .. helps insure your driving safety. Drive in today. PRUYN GARAGE PH O N E 56-W MEAT! We can get for you through legitimate channels, U. S. graded and inspected meats of all kinds from 10 pounds up, in­ cluding strickly fresh groundbeef, hearts, livers, tongues, hams, bacons, shoulders, guarters, etc. O ur C uring and R en dering is U nexcelled We Specialize in Hom e F reezer W ork "Drive a few miles, Save a few Dollars" at Hartman's Lockers A t L ocker Ave. GREEN STAMPS ¿V C BEST EQUIPPED TO HELP Watch tha littla lady park the beautiful, big car . . . a tin g le Unger o n the steering w h eel can J o it n o w , w ith H y d ra g u id e / Now Hvdraquide Steering does four-fifths of the work ♦ Inside—outside, all around the house, there's a Devoe Paint to do the finest job . . . brighten your own Spring "Clean Up” campaign "by visiting your Boise Payette yard for DEVOE Paint NOW Covers old painted surfaces so efficiently that 11 actually turns black Into whitel Gives a dazzling, long-wearing white finish and saves up to forty percent on paint and labor costs! DEVOE LIBRARY OF COLORS Over 200 Hues to Choose FromI w ith . . . DEVOE One Coat White House Paint One coat changes black into white. Save 4 0 ' ; on paint and labor Brings color magic right into your home— all those hard to-get shades you've always wanted to use become a realityl Dovoe’s toner system is foolproof and is readily used in Hat, glossy, or semi- gloss finishes. MIRROLAC ENAMEL DEVOPAKE VELOUR FINISH HEAVY DUTY ENAMEL •7 SPAR VARNISH TITEWALL DEVOE LIBR A R Y w hich you w ith m ay "color harm onlia" your hom e. optional at extra cost on all New Yorker and Imperial models . . . gives you exactly that. Here is by far the greatest single change in handling ease— and safety —you ever found in any car. At your touch on the steering wheel, the car mechanically provides four-fifths of the energy to turn\he tires on the road. Like so much in these C. F. MINK. Manager N Y SSA . O R E G O N Phone 15 Th. Say's driv. you ever mad. . . . without arm-and- •houldar fatigue at th« «nd. Around tha curvaa . . . over tha hills . . . H y d ra g u id e does to u r - tilths o t the w o rk ! ■a tight city traffic . . . on awk­ ward driveway* and road* . . . H y d r a g u id e mean* n e w a a te ty, new eaae, new awiltneaa o t at B ering c o n tro l! new Chryslers . . . Hydraguide is so basically new, so basically better than anything before, The Most Basically New Cars oi All! that only when you try it can you ever know Beneath the rich new beauty of these Chrysler* for 1951 are 73 different improvements and advances. Among what it really does! finest engineered cars in the world OF COLORS c o lo n steering . . . regular on Crown Imperials and CHRYSLER Inside w ith . . . 230 drove . . . then imagine one five times easier SUPERKLEEN BRUSHES Radacorata the O ver of the easiest steering car you ever to steer! Chrysler’s new Hydraguide power One-Coat WHITE HOUSE PAINT R epaint The Outaida JL h i n k for you! them are the moat basic new ideas in any cars for many years! Like the revolutionary new FirePower engine of 180 horsepower, which gives owners of Chrysler Imperial and New Yorker ca n the most powerful, moat efficient moat all-around economical powerplant in sny car today! And like the amazing new Chrysler Onflow shock absorbers, which give every new Chrysler car riding eaae with twice the shock^bsorbing power of any other cars at any price. And with all their newness, they’re bruit to stand by you like no car you can buy! W A G G O N ER M OTOR CO . lid Good Ave. Nyssa, Oregon