THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. MARCH 1. 1951 Illness Reported In Nu-A eres Area NU-ACRES, Mar. 1—Mr. and Mrs. G off and children enjoyed a picture show at the Bill Riddle home Sun- day night. The show, "Sapsatsea" was shown by Cecil Riddle. days Tuesday night with a P*rty I ? . l 11. , Q t m n at the hall. The no guest spent the U < O U C f l t l O I l evening in playing games. The girls ( received many beautiful gifts and H f M asses Needed The efforts of the United States ** 1116 ^ ° f “ “ eVe" mg refresh' ments were served ^ chaper- chamber of commerce to halt the ones. Mrs. Oscar Samuels and Mrs. growth of communism In the nation i ^ Mrs. Betts expects her mother, was discussed at a luncheon of the Mrs. DoUie Crawford of Salt Lake Nyssa chamber of commerce Wed City, to arrive for a visit at her nesday noon by James Steiner, national affairs advisor from the home this week. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hiatt and fam San Francisco office of the nation ily of Nyssa visited Sunday at the al organization. Mr. Steiner said one of the best H. E. Sager hame. Mr. Fry received word from his ways for local chambers of com merce to help beat communism is son. John Fry of Detroit, that he had been in an accident and had to keep informed about the national lost three fingers from his right and International situation, work to tell the people the truth and write hand. Edith Ann Elledge of Pocatello has to congressional delegations and been visiting at the home of her read the replies of the congressmen grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Vance and senators at chamber meetings. The speaker pointed out that Wilkerson. since the first of the month. Mrs. Elledge came to visit chambers of commerce can help to curb the so-called trend toward j last week at the home of her par ents, and Mr. Elledge came Sunday socialism, adding that “ our great and his wife and daughter return problem is to beat the communists. We have failed in our program 5f ed to Pocatello with him. Mr and Mrs. George Besendorfer appeasement. We have encouraged had dinner Sunday at the Ralph them to take advantage of us. So now, as fast as we can we are tak | Baxter home. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph V. Hawley of ing young men for the armed serv ices and raising money to finance Cottage Grove, Oregon visited Thursday and Friday at the L. G. the defense program. Some of the Hawley home. They were return budget is wasteful. We cannot af ford wastefulness at this point. ing home from a trip to Mexico. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jenkins Senator Byrd said we can cut 9 and Wesley of New Plymouth visited billion dollars of fluff from the The national chamber In the Fry home Sunday night. budget. Mrs. Jenkins has been 111 with in- estimated the figure at 7 billion dollars” . I fluenza the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Henne made a 'S tein er suggested one way cham business trip to Payette Thursday. ber members and others may be Mr. and Mrs. Vance Wilkerson and informed is by reading newspapers, Mrs. EUedge visited in Boise Sun news magazines, government bullet day with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Perkins ins, national affairs magazines and ] and Mr and Mrs. H. C. Williams. other publications. "W e have to submit to controls, The big interest of this commun ity the past week has been the bask we have to spend more over a long etball tournament. Three Nu-Acres period of tension to beat the com j boys are on the Fruitland team — munists and then return to the free Terrell Samuels. Horace Wood, and enterprise system and that is a pretty big task” , Steiner said. “ Ger j Lane Hislop. Jay Conner is In Nebraska, called many went to dictatorship when there because of the death of his taxes reached 26 per cent of the national income, England went to mother. Visitors at the Oscar Samuels dictatorship at 28 per cent and we home last Wednesday were Mr. and now have a tax of 31 per cent. I don’t think you can shrug off your Mrs. Herbert Alderson of Welser. Mrs. Ralph Baxter helped her responsibility. You must look to aunt, Mrs. Joe Day, to tie a quilt at the man in the street for leader the home of Mrs. George Besen ship. Contacting and working with your congressmen is productive. dorfer of Adrian Monday Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Seuell attend The thing that has made this nation ed a district Farm Bureau meeting great is individual freedom. We can also destroy our economic free at New Plymouth Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nedbalek and dom, which people do not under Rudy Nedbalek visited Mr. and Mrs. stand so well, including free market, George Grasmick of Caldwell Sat incentives of the profit system, sal urday night. Mr. and Mrs. Jack aries and wages, the principle of Gurnsey of Boise were also visitors competition and the traditional at the Grasmick home Saturday position o f the government as a referee and not as a player. If we evening. Mrs. Dean Wilson and children of remain great we will have to retain Caldwell visited Thursday afternoon these principles. “ People hear so much propaganda with Mrs. Baxter. Cecil Riddle gave a picture show they don’t know what to believe. Some think our national profit runs In the basement at the Meroney home Saturday evening for some of as high as 50 per cent. Many people the neighborhood children. Those just don’t know the truth. Our present were Mr. and Mrs. Henry national profit Is between five and Blanchard and children, Mr. and six per cent. Eighty-eight per cent Mrs. C. E. Johnson and children, of our national income goes to per Cecil Riddle and Naomi and Kenny sons making less than $5000 a year” . Riddle. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hiatt and Mr William Erwin Promoted— Colonel Robert E. Harper, com and Mrs. H. E. Sager made a bus manding officer of the 328th ord iness trip to Payette Monday. Dick Hawley, who is attending nance battalion, now stationed with B. Y. U. at Provo, Utah was home the eighth army in Korea, has an over the week-end to visit at the nounced the promotion of William home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Erwin to the rank of sergeant in the medical department, United L. G. Hawley. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Heap and States army. Sergeant Erwin, son family of Emmett visited at the of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Erwin of North Second street, Nyssa first Ralph Baxter home last Sunday. Henry Conner and daughter. Shir entered the army in November, 1948 ley, have been ill for the past week and received his basic training at Mr. and Mrs. Mike Ronruberg of Fort Ord, California. He was as Poratello and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. signed to the medical company of IVtxton of Twin Falls were dinner the 30th infantry regiment at Fort guests at the Harry Wood home Bennlng, Georgia until he transfer Sunday. In the afternoon Mrs. Wood red to the 328th ordance battalion and Horace and their guests vis when it was ordered to the far east ited Harry Wood at the veterans command. Since he has been in Korea, Sergeant Erwin has partici hospital in Boise. Mrs. Joe Day of F "’ ’ tiful, Utah pated in the invasion of Inchon, and Mrs. George Besendorfer and the recapture of Seoul, and the children of Adrian, visited Mr. and wlthdrawel from Hungnam. Mrs. Ralph Baxter Sunday. New Officers Named— James Peterson has been appoint Accept Positions— ed as bishop of the Owyhee L. D. Miss Marilyn Ekanger and Miss Jeanive Grottveit, both of Nyssa, S. ward by the president of the Peterson succeeds accepted secretarial positions with Nyssa stake. the Samaritan hospital in Nampa Richard Maw New counselors for last week. Both recently complet the ward are Don Bishop and Lee ed courses in secretarial training Stoker replacing Wayne Berrett and Vern Garner. at the Nampa Business college. Sam Henne attended a family birth- ,ted " s u n d ^ v e n m X BOmari0V ai day dinner given Sunday in Nampa the home of Mr and Mrs. Chuck in honor of Charles Planary, broth Stewart. Mrs. Ralph Baxter made a bus- er of Mrs. Henne. iness trip to Caldwell Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Evans and Mr. and Mrs. Arch Kersey and Janice made a business trip to Arvin made a business trip to Boise Nampa Friday. Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Blanchard Mr. and Mrs. Warren Elwood and and LeRoy Barney attended an children had Sunday dinner in elders quorum banquet at Letha Nampa with Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Friday evening. Bush. George Pulsipher, Mr. Smith, Mrs. Harry Wood entered the veter- Curtis Fry and Myrtle Barney a t - ___ ans hospital in Boise Thursday of tended the Mutual special interest [ast week* class party at the L. D. S. church in Joe Herald is quite ill and is not Nyssa Friday evening. showing much improvement. Mr. and Mrs. Tarzan Johnson and Corynne Fry and Bonnie Dennett children and Mr. and Mrs. Arvin of Fruitland celebrated their birth- Insurance Headquarlers -W A N T E D - GRIGG BROS. BILL HOLT and AH K inds O f Painting Leave Orders A t The BUTLER Nyssa Lumber Co. R EAL ESTATE M ei Beck. Associate Office -N O T IC E - Due to the increase in cost of mainten ance, the city council has approved a 25 per cent increase in the charge for residential garbage disposal. EFFECTIVE MARCH 1 Nyssa Sanitation Service No Matter the Make, Age or Condition YOUR OLD WATCH IS WORTH MONEY to buy a fine, new BULOVA PAGE F T '"! last week from a trip to Idaho Palls. C. M Tensen was a business vis Mrs. Lester Jamison was dismissed itor in Ontario Tuesday afternoon. | from the Malheur Memorial hospital Mrs. C. M. Tensen and daughter, I Friday following a major operation, Mrs. Pete Tensed, Mrs. John Carolyn, and Mrs. Dick Groot called I Broad, Mrs. Gerrit Stam and Mrs. on Mrs. T. H. Beranek of Ontario j Dick Groot attended the civic club Thursday afternoon. meeting at the parish hall last week. Here From Utah— Mr. and Mrs. Andy Boersma. for Mrs. Curtis Gunter of Cornish, merly of this community, called on Utah is here spending several weeks Mr and Mrs. Gerrit Groot of Apple with her son, Alvin, and daughter, Valley last week. Mrs La Var Hayes, and families. Mr. and M s. Hanson returned Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Bassett and COLUMBIA AVE. family, also of Cornish, and Mr and Mrs. Oscar Olson and family of Trenton. Utah arrived in Nyssa Thursday to visit tire Ounter and Hayes families. The married folks celebrated Mrs. Hayes’ birthday Thursday evening in Payette. They also attended the Owyhee gold and green ball Friday evening. Club Will Meet— The Rebekah Sunshine club will meet Friday at 2.30 p. m. in the I. O. O. F hall. SAVE-MORE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. MARCH 2 AND 3 CHEESE, Tasly Loaf, 2 lbs. 85c PINK SALMON, Sound Beauty, can 49c OK'd SPAGHETTI, 8 cans S1.00 Apple Sauce, Mesa Brand, 303 can 2 for 29c GRAPEFRUIT, Arizona, 80 size, doz. 59c TOMATOES, Cello Tube, each 19c SWEET ROLLS, Assorted, doz. 49c WEINER BUNS, Fresh Baked, doz. 25c MINCED HAM, (Lunch Meat), lb. - 39c • BACON SQUARES, Mild Cure, lb. - 29c GORDON’S DRIVE-IN MARKET HOME OF QUALITY AND SERVICE ¿%oose faur 7râcfôr táe Zfo're/s Seaf- FOR W I N T E R W E A R Y R O O MS > > U SE T H E SE T IM E -P R O V E N DEVOEPRODUCTS TOR BEST RESULTS MirroUc Enamel Devopake Yelonr Finish Floor and Deck Enamel 87 Spar Varnish Mirrolac Varnish Stain Marble Floor Varnish Superkleen Brashes Titewall Pirates FA R M A LU — F IR S T IN TH É FlÉLD O W YH EE TRUCK AND IM P L E M E N T CO. 245 NYS8A. OREGON A ★ C. F. M IN K . Manager Phone 15 Nyasa OtyoE R ed ecorate w ith the Devoe/^j^j$ L ib r a r y o f C o lo r s S y s te m “ At Boise Payette M ■ ■ if Yes, now you can chase gloom away . . . have the exact colors you've always wanted to "color harmonize" your home's interior. You name them . . . Boise Payette provides them! BE SURE you have what you want and avoid costly mistakes— even if you do the job yourself— by making your selection from the book of color chips available at your Boise Payette Yard. Devoe's Library of Colors provides over 2 0 0 different hues in glossy, semi-gloss and flat paints. There's no limit to what you can do. Your rooms will look beautiful . . . stay beautiful. See Boise Payette today . . . to redecorate this spring.