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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1951)
« THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 15. 1951 PAGE THREE Sale Yard, Ontario, Oregon. O. United States Department of Uie I7atfc Clyde Smith. Interior. Bureau of Land Manage Girl Injured In ON YOUR OWN FARM j ment. Land Office at Portland Fall From Chair FOR RENT FARMS If you want to buy or sell see Mel 18, Oregon, January 16, 1951. FOR RENT—Or trade for ranch 1000-HEAD CATTLE RANCH SPRING FEVER SPECIALS NOTICE is hereby given that Earl BUENA VISTA, Feb. 15—Mr. and 3ft acres with old sale Hopkins, of Ontario. Oregon, who, Mrs. Olen Hoffman entertained at 12.000 acres deeded, 700 irrigated 200 acres, 120 acres of highly pro property, yard barn in Nyssa. reasonable. hay. 20,000-acre forest permit, ductive row crop land, balance suit April 24, 1944, made Reclamation dinner Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. and a generous Taylor grazing per able for pasture and hay, ideally Dairy farms, all sizes, in Boise on Arthur Rourke of Melba, Mr. and Robinson Realty, Kuna, Homestead Entry, No. The Dalles Mrs. S. B. Hoffman and Mr. and mit. Five sets of improvements, located, 2-bedroom modern home, valley. 032036, for Farm Unit ’’A’’ or NEft phone 80-M. 15f4xp two extra good. This is one of the RrtTE: Two cents per word for each Issue. Minimum, cash In really worth the money, terms. NE'«. Section 35, Township 17S, Mrs. Alva Ooodell. The dinner was finest ranches in the northwest. 40 acres row crop land, 4-room EXDR RENT—Three-room furnished Range 46E, Willamette Meridian, in observance of Mrs. Rourke’s, Mrs. advance, is 30c. All equipment goes with it. Can home, apartment with bath. Lights and , has filed notice of Intention to make Olen Hoffman's, Mrs. S. B. Hoff $8,500. terms. be sold with or without cattle. See water furnished. Phone 63-J.15f2xc I Final Proof, to establish claim 'o man's and Mrs. Alva Goodell’s 40 acres under the Old Owyhee, us for information. the land above described, before birthdays. flat land, good row crop and stock 200-HEAD CATTLE SET-UP Mr. and Mrs. Edward Topllff had FOR RENT — Modern 2-bedroom Harold Henigson, a Notary Public set-up, 2-bedroom s e m i-modern FOR SALE Plenty of hay land, water and house, available March 15, phone for Oregon, at 106 Main St„ Nyssa, as their dinner guests Sunday Mr. home, well located, $7,500, terms. FOR SALE permits. 29% down. 31 acres, paid-up water, good 118-J. 15f2xp Oregon, on the twenty-third day of and Mrs. John Murphy and Mr. and We have sold so many ranches Mrs. Leslie Topliff. home, paved road, near town. 180 ACRES-120 IRRIGATED March. 1951. FOR RENT—Cabin by the month. lately we need new listings to take FOR SALE—New St. Paul dump $10,000, terms, Teresa, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. All in hay and pasture, mostly Claimant names as witnesses: First and Emlson, or phone 122-J. Robert Crumltt, of Ontario, Oregon, Irra Topliff, fell from her high care of the demand. hoist, 550 gallon gas tank with elec- | 150 acres, row crop, new three-bed- row crop land, $36,75$. cabins. 15ftfc Grover Barber, of Ontario. Oregon, chair, breaking her collar bone and tric pump, new 14 horse Briggs and room home. Holstein cattle, full TAKE OVER FROM HERE! 10 acres Joining Nyssa. small Fox _______________________________ Stratton engine and one 6 to 10 line of equipment, sustaining a slight concussion, which home, terms, will consider trading 160, new land farm. All stock and FOR RENT—Three-room furnished Ca^ Pierce L “ J tc.h .e11' ° f ° " tarl0' Ori*on- required a stay in the hospital. horse 26-foot grain auger. Jess j 92 irrigated acres with some per- for ranch. M. Rice, Manager, Land equipment goes! $10,000. 15ftfc apartment, phone 160. Douglas shop north of city, or 312,manent crops, $15,000, ft down and Word was received from Missouri Office. 360 acres, row crop and stock PRICED UNDER APPRAISAL Ennis Ave. 15flxp j terms. of the death of George Cleaver's 160—79 irrigated, fine hay and ranch, new modern rancho style FOR RENT — Modern apartment. father, who passed away there Tues -----------------------------------------------1 Dwelling lot. exceptionally good 8ftfc Noll«-* For Publication—Rough Or livestock farm, $20,000, $7,500 home, 2 sets improvements, lays per Bernard Eastman. day Mr. and Mrs. Cleaver were at FOR SALE—Pump with all the location, comer, paved streets. Mountainous Tract fect, lots of cheap water, high pro down. equipment including pipe. Lupe his bedside. Modern two-bedroom home on PUBLIC LAND SALE ducer, well worth the money, 1/3 FOR RENT—Furnished apartment. 160 ACRES—70 IRRIGATED Apodaca, 11/4 miles north of Nyssa 100-foot front, $4,790. The losers of the Out-Our-Way Bernard Frost. « tic UNITED STATES down. on Ontario highway. 15flxp Excellent soli, modern three bed 120 acre row crop, modern home. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR club contest entertained the win 1600 acres all row crop, ideal for FOR RENT—House. Call at 614 Bureau of Land Management, Ore ners and their families at dinner room home, $15,000, terms. $28,000. good terms. lf3xp gon Land Office, Portland 18, Ore at the Loyd Cleaver home Thurs FOR SALE—400 bushels of wheat, Very choice gnade A dairy 160 ACRES IN BLACK CANYON stock set-up, located on the rail- Reece Ave. toad, $200 per acre, will split up make good seed. Two miles north of farm, 105 acres under Owyhee day afternoon. Forty persons at January 4, 1951. 61 acres hay. grain and pasture, into small units. FOR RENT—Duplex, 107 Ennis ave- gon. Adrian in Kingman Kolony, Greg project. Two modern homes and tended. The losers were presented good small home, $12,500. Notice Is hereby given that under 130 acres, row crop and stock set enue, Nyssa, furnished with electric the second proviso of section 2455, with carnation corsages. After din ory Thiel. 15fxp good outbuildings, about 60 head of 109 ACRES—90 CULTIVATED stove, oil heater, bed, etc. Date 4-bedroom modern home, also - - I registered Jersey cattle. Owi*r has R. S.. as amended by section 14 of ner a valentine exchange was held. Cheap water, best of soil, lays very up, a .wo-bedroom modern tenant home, Pamperien, phone 6615 Vale, lljtfc the act of June 28, 1934 ( 48 Stat., The next meeting will be held at T ° R $125 cash. trailer quota agreement that pays per good, a good buy, $21,000, terms. house, . . butterfat. - - Will $1.28 504 N. 7th street. pound . for large loafing shed, located close to F O R R E N T — 2-room furnished 1274) and pursuant to the applica the Alva Ooodell home February 22. pay two 15f2xp operators good wages, plus 20% to GRADE A DAIRY FARM Nyssa. low down payment. Edward Topliff, George Cleaver cabin, Chadwick camp. 30ntfc tion of Marge Bengoa Echave, Serial 107 acres, all stock and dairy Small cattle ranch, 240 acres, 100 No. Oregon 01525, there will be and La Vern Cleaver had a phone FOR SALE—Gem and White Rose 25% per year on the Investment, equipment goes, $45.000, terms. installed the past week. Price 45.000. acres cultivated, balance in pasture offered, to the highest bidder, but HELP WANTED first year out and certified seed AN ALL-PURPOSE FARM Mr. and Mrs. Willis Bertrum and at not less than the amounts speci and grazing, located in a good grass FRANK T. MORGAN AGENCY potatoes, dry land, delivered direct 97 acres, excellent soil, modern area, more grazing land available, HELP WANTED—I t’S the best one- fied below, at a public sa' to be held Luoille were dinner guests at the Robert F. Thompson from grower to you. Write Dale home, $19,400. small home, granary, chicken house, man business in the United States at ten o'clock a. m., on the 27th Chet Sage home Sunday evening. Phone 97 Campbell, Rigby, Idaho. 8f3xp At the Oregon Trail pinochle loafing shed, located on the high and there is an opening in south day of February, 1951, next, at this GOOD HOME—TENANT HOUSE The rent you get cuts your living way, $8,000, $5,000 down. ern Malheur county. Write for in office, the following tracts of land: party 13 tables were played with FOR SALE—Linoleum, Armstrong, FOR SALE—Motel, highway loca T. 38 S„ R 43 E.. W M. Oregon, Mrs. Harry Oardner and Ward expense. Buy this for $6.500. Quaker and Sloane, Blabon. F.nest tion, six cabins and grocery store, 80 acres row crop and dairy set formation to the J. R. Watkins Co., Lundy winning high score prize and Sec. 31, SEftNWft, $ 60 00; quality, newest patterns. Largest with ft block frontage. Will sacri HERE'S A NEW LISTINO up, 4-room home, large loafing shed, 137 Dexter Ave., Seattle 9, Wash. Mrs. Howard Finger and Jim Mal Sec. 32, NWftSWft, I 60.00; 8f6xc stock in Snake River valley of 9' fice for cash. Nyssa Insurance Well built 2-bedroom home, pav $12,600, ft down, easy terms loy second. The traveling prize was Sec. 32, SW ftSW ft, $448 00; B5Jtft. and 12’ widths. Ed Case Furniture agency. ed street, fine location, $3,500, 20 acres under the old Owyhee, won by Mrs. Willis Bertram and T. 39 S„ R. 43 E„ MISCELLANEOUS company, north of “ Y ” on U. 8. 20 terms. well located, 3-bedroom modern Loyd Adams. Hostesses were Mrs. Sec. 5, Lot 4, $156.64; 13ftfc FOR SALE!—One used single unit MODERN DAIRY FARM home, double garage, modem chick HOPKINS WHOLESALE MEAT Carl Sebum, Mrs. O. J. Kurtz. Mrs. Hlnman milking machine, complete Total $724.64; New grade A barn, semi-modern, house, terms. Howard Finger, Mrs. Willis Bert FOR SALE—Bunk beds, Simmons with pump, pipe and stall cocks for For your own protection, buy containing 159.76 acres 4-room house, 67 acres, $17,000, 160 acre row crop and stock set state-Inspected meat. Buy a quart 36'. These are getting scarce. Ed a 10-cow barn. The machine has These tracts are ordered Into the ram and Mrs. Alva Ooodell. terms. up, close to Nyssa, 2 homes, easy er half or whole beef, pork or mut market on a showing that the great Case Furniture company, U. S. 20 , been used approximately two years. PRICED FOR QUICK SALE terms. ton.. See us at plant, 1 mile north er portion thereof is mountainous COMPLAINTS. CIRCUIT COURT North of “ Y” . 15 ftfc Also one used horse-drawn mower. 62 acres, 3-bedroom home, fine soil - Henry Hartley, 409 Qood Ave., Nyssa. Ralph Hartley V3. Paul Berg, re 80 acres, good soil, 10 acres in on highway, then 1/4 mile west on or too rough for cultivation. and location, $3,500, terms. FOR SALE—Allis Chalmers WC Bids may be made by the principal covery on contract, $524. 14dtfc pasture, 4-room home, cow barn, Columbia avenue, Nyssa, Oregon, CLOSE IN ACREAGE row crop type, two-way 18-inch In 14dtfc or his agent, either personally at Robert A. Palmer vs. J. H. Shep com crib, and granary, paid-up phone 395 W or 31-M. ternational plow, six-foot Oliver FOR SALE—Used double-oven Mar 15 acres with modern 2-bedroom water right, 1/4 mile off oiled high the sale or by mall. ard, et. al„ recovery on note MISCELLANEOU S— Duplicate car home, $3,500, cash. disc, John Deere cultivator, front ion electric range, 100 per cent auto Bids sent by mall will be consid $3.496.87. way, $16,000, terms. and cylinder lock keys made. Hen- ered only If received at this office and back bar; International side matic, 18 months old, originally FARTHER OUT—CHEAPER Oregon Lumber ootnpany vs. Stok HOMES neman's. 25otfe prior to the hour fixed for the sale. er Construction company, recovery dresser and four-row Western cor- $350, $149.50. Ideal Gas and Ap 14 good acres. 3-room house. En 17atfc rugator. Art Norland, 1/4 mile pliance. 2-bedroom modern home, close to bids must be accompanied by on account, $856.15. joy country me! $#,onn ft down. MISCELLANEOUS—Those A-bombs These north and ft east oi Apple Valley ___ __ . Nyssa schools, $5.250. checks or post-office money they’ve been setting off around Las certified schoolhouse. 8f2xp FOR SALE—Milk cows, Guernseys, 31 ACRES. PERFECT LOCATION 1 acre, new 2-bedroom home, lo Vegas seem to make a lot of racket. orders for the amounts of the bids ately the amount thereof. Paid-up water right, finest of soil, --------------------------------------- T Holstelns and Jerseys, milkers and cated on the highway, $5,500, $2,000 Speaking of racket, some people and must be enclosed In sealed oiled road, $10,500, ft down. Any persons claiming adversely FOR SALE — 17-foot factory-built springers. C. Clyde Smith, phone The envelopes must oe down. think that selling refrigerators is a envelopes. trailer house. Also John Deere wire- 306, Ontario, Oregon, across from IS PRICE YOUR PROBLEM? marked in the lower left-hand cor the above-described land are advised 100-foot frontage, good home lo "racket", but we've no racket, we to file their claims or objections, Here’s a good 80-acre stock farm, tie baler. Both in excellent con Ontario sale yard 2mtfc substantially as follows: ’’Public cation, $700, 1/3 down. Just give the best for trade-ins ner on or before the time designated cheap, $8,500 on terms. dition. Walter Cannon, route 1 sale bid, Serial No. Oregon 01525, FOR SALE Nyssa, phone 073-J2. 25J6xp 6 acres ideally located for resi which allow the customers to win. Sale. 10 a. m., February 27, 1961.” for sale. 48 ACRES—MODERN HOME Ez, G & B store. 15flxc Pierce M. Rice, Manager dential acreages. 3 acres with highway frontage, Land slopes, but produces well. The person making the highest FOR SALE—About 20 tons of good Just north of Nyssa. Includes large, See it soon, $10,000 easy terms. Business Opportunities HELP—Help for real bargains in bid will be required to pay lmmedi- in ni ni ni ni ni ni ni m.iiiiiii inlinn m m iiiiih hiiihiii hihihi hay, green and leafy, will sell in new business building, excellent con FINE HAY LAND 5 ton lots. Near Owyhee Jet. A. struction. We have a grocery store doing used electric ranges, electric water 40 acres, 21 cultivated, a fine little cash business for sale. heaters, coal ranges and space heat D. Moses. 8f3xp For sale or trade, modem two bed stock farm, $6,500, $1,200 down. electric hot plates, and oil heat 3 - u n i t furnished apartment ers, FOR SALE—10 tons baled hay. room home on five acres, edge of EXTRA GOOD 40 house, well located, furniture and ers. See me, I’m trading for them second cutting; ft H. P. shallow town, will trade for good 40 close Well located, very productive small allgoes, $12,600, terms. Owners liv faster than I can sell them. Ideal well pressure system, complete. to Nyssa. Gas and Appliance. 5otfc farm, $8,500. ing quarters. John Moran, 1/4 mile south of Two-bedroom modern house, cent 40 ACRE ROW CROP FARM We have several business loca MISCELLANEOUS — Prompt and Apple Valley schoolhouse. 8f2xp ral heating, laundry room, nice yaid, 37 acres of deep level soil, balance tions or sale. free pick-up of your dead, crippled extra large lot, $4,500. pasture, really good, $12,000. FOR SALEr—2 used electric ranges, We have a Pacific coast business or sick livestock. Calls received be Two-bedroom m o d e r n h o m e 20 ACRES—GOOD BUILDINGS like new. Firestone store. f8tfc opportunity, $150,000 gross bus fore 9 o’clock are picked up by east side location, small down Close in, ideal for working man, iness last year, feed and seed store noon. Efficient drivers. Call col payment, balance on state loan. SPECIAL $6,300 cash price. set-up. Terms, selling on account lect Payette 9180-J3 or 155, or Nys Unfinished two-bedroom home, NICE HOME—10 ACRES 2-Bedroom Home sa 102-W. Idaho Animal Products of health, will trade for farm. N. Second street, good location, Hardwood Floors, Excellent 3-bedroom semi-modern h o m e . 5Jtfc. 1 acre located on the comer of Company. large lot, can be completed with location, street will be Close in, $3,675, terms. Owyhee Junction. 225-foot highway MISCELLANEOUS — Do you re FHA loan. Will make beautiful PAVED ROAD ON 2 SIDES paved in spring, 75 x 113 frontage, $1,500. home with very small Invest member the story about the three lot. Only $5.500 A fine 20, lays good. 4-room home We guarantee UNEX Are you looking for a business op bears? How Goldilocks tried the ment, cash $2500. BERNARD EASTMAN cheap water, $10,000. portunity in a thriving town, with bear's bed and liked the little bear's NYSSA INSURANCE AGENCY CAR-7i a mile- Real Estate Insurance LISTINGS WANTED good clnderblock building, living bed because It was “ Just right”. CELLED SERVICE Ralph G. Lawrence Phone 64 Have buyers for good row crop quarters, your choice of several types Well we are selling little baby bear gat, oil, Ta*»*, tiret, farm land. List yours with us, of business to go into? We have It. beds because they’re “ Just right". Nyssa. Oregon lftfc • mointenonce, etc. when you place a claim and get the top price. Don’t give 15flxc 10-unlt motel located on a busy Ez Carr, O & B store it away. TRAILW AYS- highway Junction, will consider trad for a loss under one of POLIO INSURANCE HOME8 ing for a small farm as part pay about n mile! Whole family, $5 per year ment. MODERN 1-BEDROOM HOME KEN POND AOENCY our policies. Well located, very attractive, has FOR RENT 16 North 3rd, Nyssa SAVE 5 ? A MILE sewer connection, $4,000, easy 1 bedroom apartment. • wifh terms. Real Estate now, KEN POND Insurance VERY WELL CONSTRUCTED G rigg Bros. & Butler MISCELLANEOUS—Available Electrolux cleaners and air puri 2- bedroom modern home on Nyssa, pav Ontario and Vale office* fiers. Sales and service. Ed A. Phone 218 16 North 3rd. ed street, $4500, terms. Anderson, route 3, Welser, Idano, • THE FRIENDLY BUS LINE Real Estate, Insurance. Loans SAVE LOTS OF MONEY phone 0287J4. 14Jtfc Lunch Room Phone 331 III III III H UM IM IIIIIIM !l!Milll:lll!ll|llll IHIIIIilMIlllMlI I'l HI H I Well planned B-bedroom home Phone 179-J Mel Beck MISCELLANEOUS—If you have under construction, $2500. to trade-in. don’t forget CUT LIVING COSTS FOR SALE—Nearly new divan and something to call Ez Carr. Tell me where Well located four-room home on chair, original cost $242, sell (or $75 P H Y SIC IA N S mall box is and your name. LO D GES one acre. Only $2.800. E. Yergensen, 114 N. 4 th St. 15ftfc your I’ll find your place ’cause I know 2 HOMES ON 3/4 ACRE how to read and I Just learned how Will rent for at least $50 per FOR SALE—14 acres, good well to drive. Ez, O & B store. 15f2xc Nyssa Post No. 79 SARAZIN CLINIC Apple valley, foundation laid, $800 month. Only $3,000, terms. A m erican Legion Phone Branett 496-R1 or write L. HOPKINS WHOLESALE MEAT Dr. J. J. Sarazln MODERN 2-BEDROOM HOME State Inspected, one mile north, Located on highway close to town. Oarner, box 135, Letha, Idaho.8f4xp Meets 1st & 3rd Thurs. Dr. K E. Kerby 1/4 mile west of Nyssa on Columbia Very attractive, only $3,500, terms. FOR SALE—Used twin tub Dexter ave. Custom slaughtering, hogs, Veteran’s Hall—8 P. M. GOOD RENTAL PROPERTY washer, $95 Ez Carr, O * B store. cattle, sheep received any day. Also Physician and Surgeons O n tario O ntario G rain Co. 53 One 6-room home with two baths. All Veterans Welcome 15ftfc we consign hogs, cattle and sheep One 4-room home with bath. One for farmers to Portland market. Free 3- room furnished house with FOR bath. SALE—Good Investment prop Phone 98 P a rm a and free delivery within five L. A. M aulding, M. D. G ate City L odge Now rented for $110 per month, erties. Five lots with two small cooling miles of p!s:it Phona 396-W; If Physician and Surgeon all for $8500, easy terms. houses, $2500 Small house, new no answer. Si-M. 18ntfc No. 214 I.O.O.F. Pnone 37 M ain P lant 100 N yssa RESIDENCE LOTS modern, large lot, very good loca Hours: 10 to 11 and 2 to 5 Meets every Monday tion, $1400 Nyssa Insurance Agency. BUILD YOUR HOME NOW L egal A dvertising Daily except Saturday and lljtfc A good selection of building sites, night, 8:30. Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 $200 and up. NOTICE OF MEETING South First Street FOR SALE—By owner, 1939 Chevro Owyhee Irrigation District BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES let coupe, five new tires and tubes Notice Ls hereby given, that the HARDWARE AND FEED STORE C. J. K o p p , M . O . N y ssa * New building and about $6500 in heater, radio and defroster fan. This Board of Directors of the Owyhee DENTISTS car is in A-l condition, priced to Irrigation District, sitting as a board stock. A steal, $11,500. Physician and Surgeon sell. Call 369NJ, Nyssa, or at Tay of equalization, will meet on the EXCELLENT INCOME PROPERTY lor’s Fry Building DR. C. M_. TYLER Food market. lftfc 15th day of March, 1951, at 8:00 o’ 2 good apartment houses. Net Oflice hours clock p m. of said day at Its office 15% on your Investment. Wilson Building 10 to 12; and 2 to 5 FOR BALE—Good used Spinet in Nyssa, Oregon, for the purpose Phone 165-J, Nyaea GROCERY AND CABINS Daily except Saturday and piano.. See Ez at the O Si B store. of reviewing and correcting Its as Station front grocery store with Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 Office hours from 8 to 5 except 15ftfc sessment roll and apportionment of Saturdays, 9 to 12. five modern cabins, excellent going for operation and mainten business, $19.000, some terms avail FOR SALE—Used Hotpolnt washer, charges ance for the season of 1951. The JEWELRY STORES able. like new at ft new price. Ideal Oas J. R. CUNDALL for estimated cost of _ APPROVI D ^ and Appliance 25Jtfc assessment MORTGAGES FOR SALE operation and maintenance by the Dentist Have several mortgages for sale. Bureau of Reclamation, expenses of PA U L U S WANTED Phone 56-J Interest rate 6%. administration, reserve for delin Sarazln Clinic quencies in collections and general JE W E L R Y ST O R E WANTED—To rent 20 to 40 acres KEN P O N D “ - « - ™ good NYSSA OREGON row crop land, share crop reserve ls $4 80; the assment for Union Pacific Time inspector 18 North 3rd. Phone 218 Write K. Morlsblta, route 2. Nyssa. construction charges for 1951 ls JEWELRY — DIAMONDS 23J4xp $2.16 Charges for operation and Dr. John W. O lsen FOR SALE—Used oP heaters of maintenance, delinquency, reserve WATCHES II you a re driving • K aiser o r F ra z e r car every size, shape, color, make and WANTED—To rent row crop land, and administration expenses and Main Street at 8econd D ental Clinic description, all In goad working 40 to 80 acres, phone 06-R2. 25J10xp the first half of construction charges w e a re equipped w ith th e latest testing 7th and Bower order, cheap. Ideal Oae and Appli amounting In 66 86 will be payable Phone 393-W ance. 14 No. 1st 8t. 3atfc WANTED—To rent, row crop land on and after Mardi 15, 1961. and W Y C K O FF eq u ip m en t and factory train ed m echan suitable for potatoes and beets will become delinquent on and after 28dtfc April 10. 1951 Interest at 6% per FOR SALE—Used of! heaters, ex Phone 018-J3. Ontario JE W E L R Y ST O R E OPTOMETRISTS ics to put your car in the best of condition. cellent condition, $32 50 to $39 60 annum will be charged on all de Nyssa Furniture ootnpany. 28stfc WANTED—To are for children. linquent accounts. day or evening Phone $I-J. Mrs DR. J. A. MCFALL Union Pacific The assessment roll and records 2ntfc ❖ FOB SALE—Have farms and houses ; Roy Sewigh! ONTARIO ORFOON may be Inspected at the office of DR. JOHN EASLY for sale. Need roo'e. list with Ken _ - ---- . R enstrom . Phone 384-W Tttttc WANTIED—Tb ra n t good row -crap the District by any Interested person BRIN G YOUR TRO U B LES T O US land, phone 015-JS evening*, lin tfc during office hours of each bus V ETER IN A R IA N S iness day FOR SALE Two windows, By order of the Board of Direct inches. O. O. Anderson. ? --* ■ * WANTED—Highest prices paid for ¡f4xp 1 slaughter horses. Clyde Smith. ors. DR. HAL D. WHITE •14 Reece Ave. phone 306. Ontario. Across from Owyhe Irrigation District Veterinarian 23m tfc By Harold Henigson. Secretary FOR SALE—Used electric hotplates ! Ontario Sales yard. Highway 30—East of Town First Publication 2 S 51 Meal Pea and Appttaao.. tto tf c I ^ Phone N ymi 275 Phone 21, Ontario, Ore Last Publication 3 8 51 Ontario, Oregon Phone 287 FOR SALE—Used electric Hotpolnt en. calves, bulls. Telephone $06 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION range. $29 65 Firestone store 25Jtfc | ooUect or see us opposite Ontario Classified Advertising Make More Money Your R eal Estate H ead q u arters Ä • By • By f RAILWAYS DEAD ANIMALS P h on e C ollect F re e Pickup 4 D o •* Idaho-O regon R endering Co. I professional and Business Directory KAISER-FRAZER S ervice Sales & Service MUTCH OIL CO.