THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY, JANUARY 4. 1951 PAGE FOUR cently been promoted to corpora], home o f Mrs Anna Gregg's son, Familie* Moving ! due to his work as Instructor in Ira Gregg. To ________ New Loeution* l ty t pin . g H is cla ss o f beginning typ- G uest, at the Thomas Ooodier SUNSET VALLEY Jan a_This has * " as " * an all- tlme record for hom e in Kingman K olony for dinner . . . . speed and accuracy. were Mr and Mrs. Clarence Cassel ^Hey* ^ r and Mrs 'M cC oy movtA Tuesday dinner guests at the hom e and Mr and Mj;s Grover Cooper Mr and Mrs Tom Crow of Mad- this spring. This past month the Mrs Harold Rookstool and fam ily r®-s. Miss Marjorie Bower, Frank Rob Thompson and Edwin Bergain k Mr and Mrs Val Mitchell and M r Asumendl and Clint Snyder were families sold out and left T h b w e e k and M_r. Mrs Jarvis Mitchell “ l î f * ?11 and fam Mr - dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W il- Mr and Mrs. Cash Turner are mov liy. bur Chapin Monday Mr. and Mrs. Ing to Idaho and Mr. and M r¿ Nishitanl are moving out o f I Nf‘ w Year’s day Kuests o f Mr and Crow le,t Tuesday for Pendleton to Thomas Nishitanl are moving out of Mrs G]af Pyl]lngnfcss for dlnn„ r | visit Mr Crow's mother before re- Sunset valley. Mr and Mrs NLshi- turning to Madras to resume their tanl and son, David, are moving to . . , , .. . _ „ teaching positions. Mrs. Chapin’s the Cable farm, formerly known as a" d Idah° Falk Mr brother's family of Ainsworth. Ne- the Stanley Ooulet farm, west o f and J,»h ? O rottviett T h e A n- Adnan Nishitanl has farmed the drew Titland fam ily have been house bra .ka arrived Thursday for a visit Leonard Newgen ranch for the past quests at the Orottviet home in The group included Mrs. Paul David and children. Wayne, Marjorie and five years. Leonard Newgen has j N People here often heard the phase Billy, and the newlyweds. Mr and rented his farm to Mr and Mrs Mrs Paul Davis, Jr Before depart­ Frank Perko for the com ing year •scare the cat to death ” , but sel- ing Saturday the visitors were shown Mr. and Mrs. Cash Turner spent dom doM ,on f “ d u a lly see it occur the sugar factory, Owyhee dam and Christmas at Bates with their H/ » * evehr- »ast Sunday it happened daughter and son-in-law . Mr and *t the home o f Mr. and Mrs. O rover surrounding area Mrs. Charles Day o f Homedale Mrs Jay Howard Returning home < i*’, '* 1' * hf " Mr a" d M r" P * d * n t spent Wednesday visiting Mrs Wil-| Tuesday, Mrs Howard and her two 1 “, n ,2 nd r'* lidren o t O ntario fred Gilbert at the George Wilson ________ children accompanied the Turners, a" d Mrs ,E H . Tolm an and two and assisted with the Hacking urep- '-^ldren o f that city w ere' dlnner home. Mrs Day was leaving TTiurs- aratlons S^turdev Die Turners « “ ests. One o f the children p i c k - ! day to visit her husband at Camp m 1 strangers ! v* “ “ m . . hp „„„, this week into the little Mr and Mrs Kenneth Lorensen, ramine., oí me uw ynee l . u . ». year, moved this wet k into the lit ,ie Mertrude King and Mrs Adah ward attended the New Year's ball house. Mr Diderlcksen is a brother ™“ ss rtruae rung ana Mrs Aaan , - , th- Nv„ - _ , . k- of Mrs. James Chadd of this v a lle y S n y d e r spent the holidays in Rose- » “ ‘ urda^evening at the Nyssa stake house. Over 4J0 persons were pres­ Women attending the lampshade J burg. M r and Mrs. Lorensen were ent for this annual dance sponsored meeting of the extension unit W ed- quests at the home of their daugh- nesday. January 10 will need the | ter, Mrs Donald Parker and Miss following supplies: two packages King and Mrs Snyder were guests white rayon straight seam tape. | Lhe home o f their brother. H ar- three-fourth yard cloth d Mrs Snyder returned Thursday, shears, dressmaker pins, No. 24 white | accompanied by Mrs Willard W hit- thread, needles, thimble, Rood ruler man anfl three children, who visited and sharp pencil. The lesson will bere for two days before returning be a long one, so the women are to their home Haturdey. Mrs. Whit asked to attend early, taking a sack man h a daughter ot Mr. and Mrs lunch. Mrs. Orover Cooper will pre­ Lorensen. Mrs Thomas Nishitanl, who was sent the lesson from 9:15 to 3:30 Miss Carmen Axtoreca returned packing Thursday afternoon In order to move this week, was truly sur­ last Saturday from a three-weeks trip to Washington. D. C., ftnisn- prised when her friends o f the Sun­ lng her business and bringing her set auxiliary arrived for a farewell The women who assisted belongings back as she has decided party to remain here, making her home with the parking, presented Mrs. with her two brothers, Oabrlel and Ni hltanl with a silver dish and fur­ nished food for refreshments. Louie Astoreca . Leslie Ditty of Ontario has built Carmen, Oabrlel and Louie As­ the frames for the new house to be toreca and Jess Asumendl were over­ built on his farm which is rented to night guests at the Harold Lenon home in Twin Falls, spending Christ­ Wayne Robb for the com ing year. mas with their sister, Mrs' Lenon. Plans were to run the cem ent this Jess Asumendl has decided not to week-end Mr. and Mrs Herbert Sharp of continue his college course but to remain with his father, Frank, and Bakersfield, California and Dell Sharp, father o f Herbert, arrived farm Nathan Orr left Sunday to con ­ Sunday before Christmas to spend tinue his work as instructor at the a week visiting at the home o f Mrs. Cheyenne air corps station, after Sharpe's sister, Mrs Robert Ditty visiting at the home of his parents, and at the home o f her parents, Mr Mr. and Mr and Mrs, William Orr for a and Mrs Henry Hlntz. 10-day holiday period. Orr has re- Mrs Sharp, Mrs Henry Hintz and children and Mr and Mrs. Hrlmrr Hlntz and family o f O ntario had Christmas dinner at the Robert Ditty home and then they drove to the recreation hall o f the Boise vet­ erans hospital to be with Henry The way folks are getting Hintz. It was the first time In seven years all o f the Hlntz family banged up In auto accidents have been together for the holidays Henry Hlntz, who has been In the Is something fierre. I wish hospital almost a month, was able they'd he a little more courte­ to return to his hom e Friday. Mr and Mrs. Robert Cox of Rip- ous and takr a little more aria, Washington who had been vis­ Th« fomout F-l cutup .. with new features for '31 ! Plus an important mohey- iting at the home o f their daughter time . . . and lake good rare of saving advancement . . . the Ford POWER PILOT, standard on ALL new in Boise, arrived Wednesday to visit Ford Trucks for '31, from 95-h.p. Pickups to 145-h.p. BIG JOBS! overnight at the home of Mr. and their cars. I ran help Mrs Neil Dimmick Mrs. Cox *.s R M K I T T H SERVICE. teaching this year, completing the school year for her sister. Mrs. Frank Lathan, who has been 111. Mr. Cox has been driving the school bus Both Mrs Cox and Mrs. Lathan are sisters o f Mrs Dimmick Mr and Mrs Elvpr Nielsen drove In Caldwell Friday to h aw (la eye> cheeked. In the evening they were guests at the James Robb home. Mr and Mrs Arthur Leach and two children of Seal Beach. Call- I fornlu left Saturday after spending a 10 -days holiday period at the home o f Mr and Mrs. Albert Nothets. Saturday evening guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs Roy Holmes j for canasta were Mr. and Mrs Neil I I* O R 1951, more than ever econom y- Ford Trucks d o a better jo b for you, Dimmick and Mr and Mrs Rolland wise truck, buyers are going to follow for 1,-ss m oney! Holmes. the trend to Ford! Mrs Anna Gregg, her son. Hers- Ford's PO W ER PILOT is especially New Ford Trucks for ’ 51 give you chel Gregg, and his three children im p o r t a n t . o y o u . . . f o r i t ’ s a arrived home Saturdey after spend­ step-ahead engineering advantages, P R O V E N m o n e y -s a v e r , o n e v e ry ing Christmas In Wapato, Washing­ such as Am erica's only truck choice hauling jo b . ton at the home o f the children's o f V-8 or Six . . . a choice o f over 180 Priver com fort, too, gets plenty o f grandparents. Mr and Mrs Ray models to tit your hauling jo b better Lapple.e They then went to Sun- j attention in new Ford Trucks for '51. . . . strength reserves that m ake Ford nysiae. Washington to visit at the There is the new 5-STA R t a b and the Trueks last longer. optional 5-STA R E X T R A C ab featur­ Y ou 'll find these new features in ing foam rubber seat padding, glass engines, clutch, transmissions, axles, wool r o o f insulation, automatic dom e wheels, cabs. Pickup b o d y —wherever light and many other com fort extras there have been opportunities to make at only slight additional cost. Earl Says— Th« heavy duty ch am p ion! . . . the new F-5 for '51. This truck outsells any other truck in the I '/i-ton field! New 5-STAR EXTRA Cab offers many extra com­ forts . . . available at extra cost on Ford Trucks, Series F-l through F- 8 . feature POWER Pf/O E JmML ECONOME TAKE ADVANTAGE OF INTEREST PAYMENT And only Ford gives you a power :hoiee o f V-8 o r Six . . . four great tngines! Over 180 models. C om e in . . . oet A L L the facts. Select the new Ford Truck that's right for Y O U ! SAVINGS DEPOSITS MADE ON OR BEFORE THE 10th OF JANUARY DRAW INTEREST FROM THE FIRST OF THE YEAR Savings accounts up to and including $ 10 , 000.00 earn 1 Vi*» imeresc . . . over $ 10 , 000.00 earn I rJ. Accounts insured by federal Deposit Insurame C orporation up to $ 10 , 000 . 00 . There's no substitute for a Hunk savings account. O P IN A SA VIN G S ACCOUNT TO DAY _ _ _ NYSSA BRANCH FIRST NA T IO NA L Lm m J BANK AN k«evy duty F-5 and E 6 Fords for '51. like this Dump, give vou easier, quieter shifting with new. 4-Speed Synchro- Silent transmission, optional at extra cost. See 'em toefayf fka Ford Truck Pow er Pilot it a timplor, M r - p r o v e w a y o f gen,eg the m olt p o w e r b o te the lea n got. It automatically meters and fires the right amount of gas, at precisely the right instant, to match constantly changing speed, load and power requirements. Unlike conventional systems, the Power Pilot uses only one control in­ stead of two. yet is designed to syn­ chronize firing twice as accurately. You can use regular gas . . . you get no-knock performance. Only Ford in the low-price field gives you Power Pilot Economy! NEW FEATURES THROUGHOUT N e w m a ssiv e , m odern front end and ex­ terior styling makes Ford the '51 favorite for "g ood looks"! N e w 5-STA R C a b s feature bigger rear win­ dow—with up to 50% more safety vision. N e w ''g r a in - t ig h t '' P ic k u p b o d y , new clutch disc, new transmissions, new wheels assure still longer life. N e w autotherm ic pisto ns with chrome- plated top rings, new high-lift camshafts for top performance, longer engine life. PO W ER PILO T E C O N O M Y . . . and many other money-saving advancements! F o r< i T , M rruZ z ^ u e « last LONGER l sing latest registration data on 6,592,000 trucks, life insurance experts prove Ford Trucks last longer! Herriman Motor Co. OF P O R T L A N D Op#»Y Y J t o 5 in c lu d in g S a tu rd a y 314 MAIN STREET PHONE 77