raeNYSSA GAÌf VOLUME XXXXV NO. 51 J OURNAL THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. JANUARY 4. 1951 Restriction In V isitations To Dam Is Possible G. E. Barker Baby Carson Suggests Biggs Expected First Born In ’51 Keeping Present In Local Hospital To Call Session Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Barker Beet Sugar Act j of route 1, Ontario, parents of the Of Grand Jurors No Direct Authoritative Word Received; Pro­ tection Is Reason Directors Discuss Pro!»- lema At Meeting Held In Nyssa j first child born in the Malheur Memorial hospital in 1951 , win re ceive prizes given by five Nyssa business firms. The new arrival, a boy, weighing 8 pounds, 5 ounces, was born January 2 at 2 a. m. I The prizes were ,jlvem by Owyhee Drug company, the Nyssa pharmacy ! Bra. ken's store. Golden Rule store and Wilson Brothers Department store. Other babies were bom during tihe past week as follows: Girl, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Hayton of Parma, 8 pounds, 14 ounces, December 28; boy, Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Eike of route 1, Nyssa, December 30, 8 pounds, 12 ounces; boy, Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Palmer of Nyssa. Decem­ ber 30, 8 pounds, 13 ounces; boy, Mr. and Mrs. Don B. Moss, Nyssa, January 2. 8 pounds, 2 ounces: boy, Mr. and Mrs. William G. Cooper, route 1, Nyssa, 7 pounds, 34 ounces, De ember 29; girl, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Cleaver, route 2, Nyssa, 7 pounds, 12 ounces, December 30; girl, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin F. El­ more, Nyssa. 8 pounds, 3 ounces, December 29; girl, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Fisher, Nyssa. January 2, and girl, Mr. and Mrs. John S. Hunt­ ington, Nyssa, January 3. Nvssa Shooting Case To Be Considered; Sarkis Is Recovering , , William Carson of Weiser, presi- Circuit Judge M. A. Biggs Is ex­ dent of the Nyssa-Nampa Sugar pected to call a special session of Beet Growers association, expressed the county grand Jury for consider­ the opinion at a district growers ation of the case of Charles Black meeting held in the Nyssa school of Nyssa, charged with assault with building last Thursday that retent­ a dangerous weapon on Ernest ion of the present sugar act in 1951 Sarkis, who is in the Malheur Mem­ would be to the advantage of the growers. orial hospital suffering from a gun­ Mr. Carson also reported on his shot wound in the head. attendance at hearings held by the The judge is expected to issue the secretary of agriculture in Washing­ call this week-end, but the time for ton on the question of the consump­ the meeting has not been decided, tion estimated for 1951. according to District Attorney In discussing the labor situation, Charles Swan, who requested the Mr. Carson pointed to the fact that grand Jury session. a labor group has been formed for Sarkis, aged 38, was struck be­ the northwest. The purpose of the hind the left ear by one of three group’s program is to foster arrange­ or four bullets that Black is report­ ments by the government for migra­ ed by officers to have admitted fir­ tory labor. ing. The bullet, passing through Everett Taylor of Ontario, one of Sarkis' head just below the brain, the association directors, discussed emerged slightly to the right of his provisions of the existing contract nose. A second bullet from the .32 between the United States govern­ calibre automatic pistol creased one ment and the Mexican government of Sarkis’ arms. for use of Mexican nationals. Despite the seriousness of his con­ William Hogg of Marsing discus­ Pvt. Melvin Rookstool of Nyssa is in the picture are Senator and the Gate City Journal by the Oregon dition when he entered the hospital, sed the daily sugar content tests as shown in a hospital in Furoka. Japan Mrs. Clyde Pepper. The picture was senator at the request of Srnator Sarkis is recovering satisfactorily to­ receiving the purple heart from sent to Senator Wayne Morse of Pepper because of the interest the reported by the association's check day and is expected to leave the chemist. General Kdgar E. Ilum. for injuries Oregon, who was in Washington at officials felt the residents of Nyssa hospital in about 10 days. Arvel Child, Nyssa director, dis­ received in the Korean war. Others the time and was transmitted to would have in it. Officers said that as Sarkis and cussed the tare problems encounter­ All county officers and state of­ Black unloaded Junk onto a vacant ed this year. He pointed out that ficers residing in the county who lot behind the Nyssa Auto Body shop the method of taking tare is out­ were elected in the November elect­ on Bower avenue they quarreled over Blood Bank To Be A. E. Stoddard To moded in view of the different type ion have taken office, with one ex­ a debt of approximately $40 that of beets now raised in the area. ception. In Nyssa Again Address ('.handier Sarkis is alleged to have owed to Growers from Nyssa, Luce, King- Carroll Locey of Ironside, who was Black. The two men were said by At Annual Dinner man Kolony and Oregon Trail at­ appointed by the county court as officers to have been partners in a The Red Cross blood bank will be tended the Nyssa meeting. state representative following the junk business. Pvt. Melvin Rookstool, one of the in Nyssa again Thursday, January Directors and advisory councils resignation of Representative Vern A. E. Stoddard, president of the After the shots were fired, Black, 11 at the Methodist church from 11 21 soldiers who survived out of the Union Pacific Railroad company, were elected as follows: Nyssa—Di­ on Wilson, will take the oath of aged 53, walked to a nearby tele­ 89 involved in the Suchon railroad rector. Arvel L. Child, and advisory a. m. to 4 p. m., according to Rev. after he reaches Salem next phone to call police officers. When will be the principal speaker at the councilmen, Melvin Jensen, Hubert office week. Circuit Judge M. A. Biggs Chief of Police Orville Maze ap­ Donald S. Campbell, chairman of the tunnel massacre in Korea, was a- Christensen and Frank T. Morgan, warded the nnrnle heart bv General ! annual chamber of commerce and District Attorney Charles W. proached, Black handed him a pistol. ^ held ¡sometime in blood program for Nyssa. Those in warded tne purple heart by General banquet Jr., Luce—Director, Everett Taylor, Swan, who were re-elected last fall, Black was placed in the Malheur Edgar E. Hume during the first ¿.art charge of the program are hopeful February. and advisory councilmen, Dudley have again assumed office. The date will depend on the con­ Sitton, Frank Balboa and Lew S. Stanton, the new county Judg; county jail at Vale after he was ar­ The Vale Vikings gained undis­ that the response will be as great of December in Furoka, Japan. raigned In justice court and placed venience oi Mr. Stoddard, who has Rookstool, son of Mr. and Mrs. Schaefer; Oregon Trail—Director, presided over his first session of under bond of $2500, which he was puted leadership of the A division as it was last fall when residents of the basketball race of the Snake of Nyssa responded freely to the call Dale Rookstool of Nyssa, left Japan agreed to notify the chamber two Warren Farmer, and advisory coun­ the county court Wednesday. Alva unable to furnish. December 10 by plane and arrived at weeks before the date of the meet­ cilmen, Robert Holmes, W. A. By­ Goodell of Nyssa again assumed his River Valley league by defeating the •for blood. the Lettermen’s army hospital in ing, the chamber committee chair­ bee and Vern Garner, and Kingman duties as county commissioner. Nyssa Bulldogs by a score of 42 to Kolony—Director, C. B. Hill, and ad­ Other new county officers leers are Loans, Deposits 28 cm the Vale floor Tuesday night. *Kie Red Cross headquarters have San Francisco December 14. He ex­ man, W. K. W&hlent, said. A committee hesded .toy Henry visory councilmen^ Louis G. Pratt, George Beechler, coroner r; W. 1, Up to Tuesday night, the two stated that In the past few months pected to be hospitalized there for Of Bank Increase dent, anil teams were tied for first place with the Red Cross blood program re­ another six weeks to two months Hartley will arrange for the dinner Boyce Van Water and John Auker. Leggitt, school superintendent, longer. Rookstool, hospitalized in and a meeting place. At the Vale district meeting, Matt Walter Sandqulst, surveyor. two wins and no defeats. The chamber members voted at Schaefer was re elected as a director Figures released by O. J. Mitchell, A replacement for Judge Don M Nyssa schoolmen made no alibis, sponsibilities have tripled. Their Japan since November 21, was ex­ but the Bulldogs were handicapped first responsibility is to furnish blood pected to undergo an operation for the meeting to buy $10 worth of for Vale and E. W. Maag was re­ Graham, Nyssa Justice of the peace, manager of the Nyssa branch of as usual by the small size of the and blood derivatives for civilian use; the removal of an eye because of rook salt to be scattered onto icy elected as a director for Jamieson. is expected to be appointed by Gov­ the First National Bank of Portland sidewalks by Boy Scouts If neces­ ernor Douglas McKay to serve dur­ show that on December 30, 1950, de­ gymnasium and playing floor at the second responsibility Is to fur­ injuries received from sharpnel. In addition to receiving the eye sary during the winter. ing the absence of Judge Graham posits for the branch amounted 'o Vale. However, they pointed out nish the same for military use, which Graham Called To who was re-elected to a six-year $4,393,955 and loons totaled $2.838,- that the winner of the Snake river has increased as the war efforts in injury, Rookstool was shot in one 155. term in November. championship this season may be the far east continue. The third leg, across the shoulder and in the United Nations Return To Navy A year ago, on December 31, 1949, The new Nyssa city council will defeated several times, because the responsibility is to co-ordinate a back of the head and was bayon- comparable figures for the branch nation-wide civil defense blood pro­ etted in the back and arms. be organized at the regular council offensive and deiensive strength of Meetings Topic Judge Don M. Graham, Justice of meeting were, deposits $3,764,628, and loans, gram for the recruitment of donors Rookstool’s address Is Pvt. Melvin next Tuesday night. Rob­ the leading contenders is about the peace, has received orders to re­ $1,946,352. and to collect, store, process and ship D. Rookstool, RA19-361-991, % Let- equal. “ The United Nations” is the sub­ port in Portland January 4 for a ert F. Thompson and Hugh Tobler At the same time, The First termen’s army hospital, ward Kl, ject will take the oath of office for the The quarter-time scores were as blood and blood derivatives. whioh has been chosen for physical examination preparatory to Those assisting Rev. Campbell San Francisco, California. first time. Lloyd Wilson and George National Bank and Its 46 statewide follows: First, 8 to 7 for Vale; sec­ study by the local Community Meth­ entrance into the United States banking offices reported total de­ ond. 17 to 13, and third, 28 to 20. with the mobile blood unit program odist church in its annual school of navy. He will return home this Sallee were re-elected. The organ posits on December 30, 1950 of $525,- iaation of the council will Include Andrews and Holcomb each scored are Mrs. Henry Hartley, recruitment FirtMiien Make Two missions, to be held during Jan­ week-end and remain here until 335,111, loans of $241,624,159, and eight points to pace the Nyssa scor­ chairman, and Mrs A. C. Sallee, uary each Sunday evening. February 4, when he will report for the election of a chairman. resources of $570,746,196. canteen chairman. Thot- who wish ing. False Alarm Runs The study will include a survey duty In Seattle, If he passes the ex­ According to President P. N. Bel- Nyssa players were Pounds 2, to contribute blood may make ap­ of the total organization of the UN; amination in Portland. Boxing Matches To grano, Jr., these figures represent an Wilson 1. Andrews 8, Holcomb 3, pointments by calling Mrs. Hartley its record of accomplishments dur­ Firemen were called on two false Judge Graham, who has been in increase over December 31, 1949 of Bowen 2, Marcum 4, Duncan 1, and at 22-J. ing the first five years, particularly the reserves since world war II, has Be Stagetl Monday $46,907,930 alarms during the last week. in deposits, $90,569,097 in Mitchell 2. While a man was burning scrap the work done through the various not been informed as to what duties loans, and $53,942,339 in resources. The Bulldogs will not play at Beet Growers To lumber Saturday night on Emison groups under the economic and so­ he will be assigned to. He served in The Nyssa high school boxers Belgrano commented further that home again until Saturday. January avenue west of the highway, some- cial council; and a discussion of the the British royal field artillery in will stage their first local smoker the bank Increased its capital funds Elect Officers one 13, when they will meet the Baker turned in an alarm. When future of the United Nations and the first world war and served In the of the season next Monday night, from $33,042,322 on December 31, Bulldogs in a non-conference tilt. United States seabees as chief boat­ beginning at 8 o’clock, when they 1949 to $34.988.667 on December 30 firemen arrived at the fire station, the role of each individual in it. The annual organizational meet­ they were notified by phone not to The schedule for each Sunday is swain mate in the second world war. meet Blie Homodale squad in the of this year. This represents a net Appointed On Committee— as follows: 6:30 p. m., supper; 7: p. He was fire chief on Attu Island and new Nyssa gymnasium. ing of the Nyssa-Nampa Sugar Beet respond to the call gain In capital funds of $1.946,345 Dennis W. Patch, principal of the Growers association will be held Mr. Chard, living on Idaho street, m., classes for children, youth, and on Enlwetok in the Marshall Islands Ooach Dale Ovens take said 10 paying dividends for the year Nyssa high school, has been asked January 6 at 2 p. m in the office saw flames from a hot box on a I adults and 8 p. m. assembly and of the Pacific. His specialty in the bouts will be staged. The Nyssa after 1950 or $1,080,000 and adding $900- by Rex Putman, superintendent of of the secretary. Harold Henigson. freight train Thursday night and closing worship for all groups, navy is damage control. boys range mostly between 120 and 000 out of earnings to the reserve public instruction, to attend a meet­ The directors will elect officers, believing he saw fire leaping up the | Mrs. Dennis Patch will lead the The Judge received the meritorious 130 pounds, so they are "shy" about for possible loan losses. The capital ing of a representative group of prepare testimony for labor hearings side of a building turned in a fire adult group; Miss Kathryn Crandall, service medal, the Mon's Star medal five weight«,. Three of the boxers accounts of the bank now stand ,it school administrators in Salem Jan­ to be held January 10 at Salt Lake alarm. Firemen went as far as the (the youth group; and Mrs. D. S. j the king’s medal, the victory medal, are returning lettermen. $7,500,000 capital, $17,500,000 surplus, uary 8 and 9 to discuss the revision City and attend to other business. city limits in the city truck a n d 1 Campbell, the children. Motion the general service medal and the The boxers will go to C ntarlo and $9,988,667 undivided profits, of the requirements for the admin­ finding no fire returned to the fire pictures and film strips on the Unit- king’s silver badge from the British tonight and to Vale January 11. making a total of $34.988,667 In cap­ istrator’s credential. The purpose Fishing Hearing Scheduled— station and went out in the rural ed Nations and Its work will be used government, the Croix de Ouerre ital funds. of the meeting is to develop a set A public hearing on angling reg­ truck as far as the old Benton farm, as part of each evening’s study. from France, a medal from Belgium, Attend Funeral— of standards for the credential that ulations for 1951 will be held In the They called from there and were This school is planned for fam- the last world war medals of the Mr and Mrs. Vern Moncur, Mr. Office Hours Changed— will tend to up-grade school admin­ Oregon state game commission’s told by the telephone operator that ilies of the church and anyone in United States and the purple heart and Mrs. Wayne Moncur and Mr. Beginning Friday, January 5, the istration in the state. Mr. Patch Portland office Friday, January 12 the alarm was false. I the community interested in the for a wound received at Attu. and Mrs. Dale Moncur went to Trailway« bus depot will be closed will leave Sunday for Salem to at­ at 10 a. m. Interested persons are ----------------------- work of the United Nations. Judge Graham, who was elected In Rupert Friday to attend funeral each night at 9:30 instead of 11:30 tend the meeting. invited to submit facts and state­ Attend Rose Bowl Game— November to a six-year term as Just­ services for their nephew, Dalian as at the present time. The open­ ----------------------- ments in writing. Tentative angling Mr. and Mrs. Bud Wilson and Course Offered— ice of the peace, is asking for a A. Moncur, who was killed In a ing time of 8 a. m. will remain the Grange Holds Meeting— A course in Oregon school law military leave of absence. regulations will be announced after family have returned from a two- train-car collision at Burley. The same. Anyone desiring to leave on The Oregon Trail Grange mem­ the hearing. The commission will weeks trip to flhe southwestern will be conducted in the Vale high --------------- 17-year-old boy was a son of Mr. any bus departing during the dosed bers discussed a variety of subjects re-convene January 26, make any states. Leaving Nyssa, they went to school building, beginning at 7 p. m. Returns From Flortdi and Mrs. Roy Moncur of Challls, hours must buy tickets between 8 a. at their last regular meeting. In­ changed deemed necessary and set Salt Lake City and on to the Bryce Wednesday, January 10, under the William Bolltho returned home Idaho. m. and 9:30 p. m. cluding Hell’s canyon project, power, the final 1951 angling regulations. and Grand canyons. They visited auspices of the extension division of • Monday from Miami Beach, Florida. fertilizer and income taxes. George the Navaho Indian reatrvations and the Oregon ,'tate system of higher He took his father, R. L. Bolitho to Returns To Base— Return From Holiday Trip— Cleaver gave a report from the ex­ To Utah— spent some time at Yuma and education. It is one of the courses Florida to spend the winter. Pfc. Ray Bybee left this week to Mr and Mrs. Robert Runcorn and ecutive committee After the bus­ Sidney Walker is in Salt Lake' Phoenix, Arizona. They went on required for Oregon teacher certifi- return to his base at Keesler, Miss­ children and Mr. and Mrs. F. P. iness session, bingo was played. Re­ City this week on a business trip. into Mexico to Rosa Rita Beach., cation. Serveral Nyssa teachers will College Student Here— issippi, after spending the holidays Runcorn have returned from a 10- freshments of cookies and coffee Bob Wilder of Boise Junior col­ here with his folks. He took his day trip through Nevada. California They returned by way of San Diego, take the course. lege spent Christmas vacation with grandmother. Mrs. H. E. Chamber­ and old Mexico. They spent Christ­ Leaves For Nebraska were served. where they visited Mrs. Wilson's ----------------------- his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert lain. to her home in Salt Lake City, mas day with Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Mrs. Ed Stelnke left Thursday for brother, and attended the Rose Here From Idah Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Bagley, Mr Wilder. Here From Nampa— Red Cloud. Nebraska, where she will Bowl football game at Pasadena, whert he was to pick up three more Oagner of Corona, California. Mrs. I and Mrs. Owen Bagley and Mr. and 1 Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Neal of Nam­ spend two months visiting with her members of the air force for the Oagner is an aunt of Mrs. Runcorn. pa spent a few days last week with mother and other relatives. [ Former Student Visits— Mrs. LeRoy I 3hirm of Montpelier, Returns To School— trip to their base on the Mississ­ Olenn Schlreman returned to ippi gulf. their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. Mrs H O. Peckham of Wilder Idaho visited over the week-end Here from Coeur D'Alene— and Mrs. Wayne McPheeters. Will Open Bids— and her son, Vance Peckham. w ho1 holiday at the homes of their Eugene Monday after spending Mr and Mrs M J O'Neil and The Nyssa school board will open is attending graduate sdhoo of j daughters and sisters, Mn. Leslie Christmas vacation with his parents, Here From Meridian— Oregg and LeAnn oi Coeur d’Alene bids at its regular meeting Monday business administration at Harvard, Burbank and Mrs. Newbem Glenn Mr and Mrs. William E. Schlreman. Leave for Air C Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Butler and spent New Year's week-end ait the Charles Batt, son of Mr. and Mrs. night. January 8 on the purchase were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles j ---------------- family of Meridian were In Nyssa home nif Mr and Mrs. H. A. Collins. Return From Visit— Ronald Batt, and Laurence OJsen. of the Oregon Trail school building. Steffens last Thursday. Peckham I Power Shortage Occurs— on business Wednesday. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Collins Mr. and Mrs. Paul House and sen of Mr and Mrs. C. K. Olsen, The minimum price that will be is a former student of Mr. Steffens. I Two main line wires of the Idaho and their guests visited in Boise Power company blew together in a family returned home Tuesday night Return from Trip— left Wednesday morning from On­ accepted is 115,000 with friends ind relatives. Mr. from a vacation spent with relatives gusty wind Tuesday at Second and To tario for San Antonia, where they Mr. and Mrs. Mark Moncur re­ O'Neill U the son of Mrs. Collins. and friends in and near Denver. Mr and Mrs. Jesse Rigney and Bower and threw the main part of Return To California— will receive training in the air corps. turned Monday evening from a five Mr and Mrs Verne Chadwick and family spent the New Year's holl- 1 town out of service for 15 minutes, Both youths enlisted for service. day trip to BvaruRon, Wyoming and Here for Holidays— Utah. children, who have been visiting in days with Mr Rigney’s parents. Mr. j Part of the residential area was out To Leave Walla Walla— Mias Marie Sebum has returned Mr. and Mrs E. H. FleShman. of service for an hour. Nyssa with friends and relatives dur­ and Mrs. J. D. Rigney of Boise. Leaves For Salt Lake City— to Portland, where she is teaching, who recently sold their farm and Returns From Visit— Miss Lois Ann Pike left Tuesday ing the holidays, left Tuesday, morn­ after spending the holidays with her new hone near Nyssa to Dr. and To Nampa— evening for her home In Salt Lake ing for their home at El Monte. Cali­ Returns to Bend— Jake Fischer returned home Tues­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sebum. Miss Ellen Ann Herrman return- Mr and Mrs. Roy Barnes and Mrs H. O Kenenston of San Ber- day night from a visit with his City, after spending the Christmas fornia. nandlno, left Thursday for Walla ed to Bend, where she teaches, family spent New Year's day at the mother and sisters in Portland. holidays here with her father. Oscar Visit In Ontario— after spending the holidays with home of Mr and Mrs. John Burfcel Walla, where they »111 visit Mr Pike and brother. Prank, and *am- Former Pastor Visits— Mr and Mrs H. R. Sherwood Fleshman’s mother until they find her parents, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy i at Nampa. Rev. and Mrs Henry J Oemardt To California— and Prank were New Year’s dinner uy. a new location. ----------------------- of La Orande visited last Wednesday Herrman. 8 W Rmlley and Albert Heldt left guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cy Williams ----------------------- To Preston— and Thursday at the home of Mr. last week for a week's stay In Los of Ontario. Move To Nyssa— Return from California— Leave For Home— Mr and Mrs. Jed Lewis have re- Angeles and Mrs. Cliff Main. Mr and Mrs. Carl Byer and fam­ Mr and Mrs. Finley Shuster and Mrs. J. A. Collins and children, turned from a visit at Preston, To Sun Valley— ily of Los Angeles have returned I who have been visiting during the Idaho Miss Bonnie Lewis went on family returned Ainday evening Here From Pocatello— Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Snider and to Nyssa to make their home, after Visit At Hope— Mr and Mrs George N Pear holidays at the home of Mrs. Collin's from Preeton to Sait Lake City, from Parts, California, »here they Mrs Elneva Baufleld of Pocatello Lee and Ned Snyder returned Mon­ residing In Los Angeles for the past visited Mrs Shuster's stater. Mn. visited over the holidays at the home day evening from 8un Valley. «There three yean. Byers will be employed spent Monday with Mrs Mable De mother. Mrs Vernena Beam, left for «There die Is attending the uni- Harry Ward. Wolf and family near Hope their home in Minedoka Tuesday, versity of Mr and Mrs Joe Maughan they had spent the week-end. by Tobler’s Peed and Fuel. Possibility of restriction in the use of the Owyhee reservoir for security reasons was discussed .‘n Nyssa this week. The discussion was prompted by a directive, issued two weeks ago by Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman to heads of all bureaus, because of the existence of a nat­ ional emergency declared by Presi­ dent Truman. The secretary told the bureaus: “ Pursuant to the President's proc­ lamation and implementing my memorandum of July 13 relative to protective measures to be taken in the event of an emergency, you are directed to take steps immediately to lestrict access of the public ex­ cept to authorized persons to those parts of the interiors of dams and power plants that are vulnerable to sabatoge and to control access to all vital installations or parts there­ of considered to be of critical lm portance to the security of the nat­ ion ”, Local officials have received no word as to restrictions to be im­ posed. but it is likely that the bureau of reclamation will not conduct any more tours through the dam and control house controlling the canal system. During world war II no one was allowed to go. without special auth­ orization, to within one mile of the dam, either from upstream or down­ stream. V ikings D efeat Bulldogs 42-28 County Of lifers rake Positions R ookstool Gets In ju ries Awartl 9 y y r d î , d i. d rl y * d n le r. JS i- le h m »- U > 5T .d id >8 »■ id to id at ts. Ir. •ss ey le of of nd IT J. an r ed. :he id- L. nal in in- 108 of the tng unt ons L. led use :on. IO W nal ind y er at- Eva De- ub- >rth •HE E of d. EN, ulse E il- 1or- un- gon. ions 9 ni erly 1 II 0 - fied tmc, hed. date ned. law issa, lgn- ness said De- 1961. SON telile