THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 21. 1950 is taking his army basic training Recruit Alfredo Gallegos, son o f with a combat team of the second Mr. and Mrs. Joe Giron o f Nyssa, | armored division, Port Hood, Texas. PAGE PT'*'! Serving In Texas — Hugh N. Lamb vs. Gladys COMPLAINTS. C IR C U IT CO URT PETITIO N S. PR O BA T E C O U R T Duff Steven vs. Ralph Duncan. I Estate of Edith Pearl Laurance, foreclosure of hen. *3206.10 deceased. MERRY CHRISTMAS and Used Tractors Happy New Year All Makes and Models NYSSA PACKING COMPANY see HOLLINGSWORTHS', INC. NYSSA PHONE 142 Mrs. Kate B. Carter of Salt Lake Malheur county unit of the organ- Malheur county ramp, and Mrs. City, world president of the Daught- izatlon. She is shown with Mrs. D. Minnie Sorenson of Nampa, presl- ers of Utah Pioneers (right) recently O. Bybee, (center) president of the dent of the Nampa camp. “ J ’ the first meeting of the country club near Payette Saturday Christmas Pageant | evening. The dinner terminated a Given At Adrian county-wide membership drive. W e want to say, with deepest sincerity, a very happy * v A holiday to you. 1950 Taylor's Food Market NEWELL HEIGHTS, Dec. 21—Sev­ eral families from Newell Heights braved the fog Sunday evening to attend the Christmas pageant at the I United Presbyterian church in Adrian. Terry Borge, Anita and Frank Pratt, Roberta and Judy Van- derpool, Carl Lee Hill, Karen, James and Marcelyn McKinley and Mar­ garet and Wallace Butler took part in the pageant and Mrs. Jake Borge sang in the choir. Mrs. Anna Pratt, who is visiting in the home of her son, Louis Pratt, was a Sunday dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Silas Bigelow in the Owy­ hee district. She also visited Mrs. Nellie Newbill in Nyssa last week. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Kurtz and Mr. and Mrs. David Highland were | dinner guests in the Anthony Ciafolo home in Adrian Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Kurtz and son arrived at the parental M. L. Kurtz home Saturday from Stock- ton. California. Mrs. Leo Winn and Mrs. Orton Winn spent a day last week in O n­ tario Christmas shopping. Mrs. Antonio Gonzales and child­ ren returned Friday from Chihua­ hua, Mexico, where they spent two months visiting Mrs. Gonzales’ par­ ents. Her father is seriously ill. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Pratt at­ tended the operetta in the school auditirium in Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Borge attend­ ed a “ victory dinner" of the Mal­ heur County Farm Bureau at the Mrs. Margaret Payne o f Ontario spent Sunday in the homes of her daughters, Mrs. Kenneth Vander- pool and Mrs. Vern Butler, and fam­ ilies. Gerald Winn, accompanied by his father, Leo Winn, his brother, Or­ ton, and his sister, Mrs. Ruth Camp­ bell of Drewsy, motored to Port­ land last week and underwent an examination in the clinic there. Jake Borge is building a flue in the M. L. Kurtz home this week so Kurtz can finish the upstairs apart­ ment and move into it. Mr. and Mrs. Kurtz plan to turn the base­ ment house over to Dudley and his family as he plans to farm with his father this year. Mrs. Lou Pratt and Anita, ac­ companied by Mrs. Anna Pratt, at­ tended the Installation of officers at Job’s Daughters in Nyssa Thurs­ day evening. NEWS OF RECORD M AR R IA G E LICENSES Prank Calvin Shirts of Cambridge. Earl Says— r -------------------- Well, folks. I’m not going to spout off about what I sell this week. I ’m just going to say two words, to you all— M ER R Y It’s the season CHRISTM AS! for jollity. Let’s It Assist In Seal Sale— Mrs. Kermit Lienkaemper, general chairman for the Christmas seal sale in Nyssa. has announced that although the booth for the sale of seals was closed December 16, any- i one wishing the seals may secure them at the Lawrence Insurance o f­ fice. Mrs. Lienkaemper expressed | her appreciation to the Malheur Tuberculosis and Health association and to Mrs. Edward Boydell, chair­ man of the seal sale booth, who was assisted by Mrs. R. M. Cockrun, | Mrs. Dick Stockham, Mrs. W. W. Poster, Mrs. Frank Morgan. Mrs. W. L. Lane, Mrs. W. F. Savage, Mrs. Bud Wilson. Mrs. W. D. Holcomb, Mrs. Albert McKimmy and Mrs. Don . Engstrom. Peterson's Furniture Co. rWmcis wishe December 25,1950 Christmas is a time when people express in wilderness areas . . . riding tankers in other. A corporation has feelings, too. rolling seas . . . keeping watch on desert is people— just people. Ip the oil business, it takes a lot o f people working together as a team, to We would share the blessings of the season with you. the world. They’ll be exploring for oil their feelings o f goodwill toward each Because it O. I of Ontario. Lamb, divorce. Fred J. Strasbaugh. et. ux. vs. Ben Charles Clifford Miller and Gene­ vieve Hlpp, both of Nyssa. R. Chandler, et. al., damages. $80.000. pipelines. Y ou’ll find them, also, work­ ing in refineries, in offices, in our re­ search laboratories. do all the jobs necessary to find oil, re­ And all through the year, the people fine it into useful products, and deliver o f Standard everywhere work at the it where it’s needed. big job o f helping provide you and our This Christmas season, for example, nation with the oil we must have to will find men and women o f Standard remain strong. It’s the best way all of Oil Company o f California working us know of saying "Merry Christmas” in many different places . . . all over 365 days a year. S T A N D A R D O IL C O M P A N Y OF C A L IF O R N IA • plans ahead to serve you better Mag gour homes be alight with warmth and peace. 5 .. HERRIMAN MOTOR CO.