THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 14. 1950 CHURCH NOTES C H U R CH OF C H R IS T Austin J. Hotlines worth. Minister Austin J. Hollingsworth, Minster 11 a m „ mornng worship: Ser mon: “T h e Atonem ent” . 8 p. m., night worship. Devotions directed by Mrs. Hollingsworth. Sermon by pastor, “T h e Christ in Christmas” . Wednesday, 8 p. m., prayer and Bible study hour. ASSE M BLY O F GOD 2nd and Reece Frank C. Coley, Pastor Sunday school, 10 a. m. Classes for all ages. Junior church and Christmas program practice in basement o f auditorium, 11 a. m. M orning worship, 11. a. m. Evangelistic service, 8 p. m. Tuesday evening, prayer and praise, 8 p. m. Friday evening, young people's Christ’s Ambassador service, 8 p. m. Everyone welcome. THE M E T H O D IS T C O M M U N IT Y CHURCH Donald S. Campbell. Minister 9:45 a. m „ church school. 11 a. m „ morning worship. Them e: "T h e H eart o f the Christmas M es sage.” Anthem : T h e Birthday of A K in g " by Neidllnger with solo by Oscar Bratton. Solo: “O Holy N igh t” by Geibel, sung by Mrs. Tom Nishitani. 7 p. m., Youth Fellowships. 8 p. m „ in place o f the regular evening service the Campbells are inviting those interested to come to the house to hear their recording o f "T h e Messiah” by Handel. The recording is made by the London Philharm onic orchestra and the Evening service, 8 p. m. British Broadcasting chorus under M id-week prayer meeting. W ed the direction o f Sir Thomas Beech- nesday evening, 8 p. m. am. Visitation Thursday evening from 7 to 8. L. D. 8. 1st W ARD T here is special music and sing Dean Fife, Bishop Sunday—Priesthood meetings, 9:15 ing at each o f our regular services. a. m. Sunday school. 10 a. m. Sac W e extend a hearty welcome to all to worship with us. rament. 8 p. m. Tuesday— R e lief society, 2 p. m. F A IT H LU T H E R A N CHURCH Wednesday— M. I. A., 8 p. m. Fifth Street A Park Avenue Thursday— Prim ary, 10 a. m. Services every Sunday at 7:30 p. ST. P A U L ’S E P IS C O P A L CHURCU m. .. Rev. C. T . Crenshaw, Rector M IS S IO N A R Y B A P T IS T CHURCH Church school, 10 a. m. Elder Harold G. Ernce, Pastor Church services. 7:30 p. m., every Sunday school, 10 a. m. Sunday evening. M orning service. 11 a. m. Song service. 7:30 p. m A D R IA N C O M M U N IT Y CHURCH Evening service, 8 p. m. Henry E. Moore, Pastor Wednesday evening prayer ser Bible school, 10 a. m. vice, 8 p. m. M orning worship, 11 a. m. Pioneer C. E.. 7:30 p. m. Young People’s C. E., 7:30 p. m. Evening worship, 8:15 p. m. Local News C A T H O L IC CHURCH Christmas Party Planned— Park Avenue and Third Street T h e Nyssa Education association Rev. P. J. Gaire, Pastor Mass on Sundays at 9:30. Cate will hold its annual Christmas party and g ift exchange at the high school chism at 10 a. m. Saturdays. Monday evening at 4 o ’clock. SU NSET V A L L E Y M other And Sister Die— AS SE M B LY O F GOD Mrs. A1 Chadwick last week re Rev. Joe E. Dodson, Pastor ceived word of the deaths o f two Sunday school, 10 a. in. members of her family. On Thurs Worship services, 11 a. m. day, she received word o f the death Young People. 7 p. m. of a sister. Mrs. M innie Deeds at Evangelistic meeting, 8 p. m. Wednesday Bible study, 8 p. m. Pritchet, Colorado and on Saturday, Mrs. Chadwick had word that her mother, Mrs. M. L. Cook o f Tahle- TH E C H URCH OF THE quaj, Oklahoma had passed away. N A Z ARENE Rev. Glen Abla, Pastor Church Remodeled— Sunday school, 10 a. m. T h e newly remodeled Episcopal M orning worship, 11 a. m. church will be used for the first N. Y . P. S service, 7 p. m. time Sunday evening at 7:30. A fter the regular services a "thank you” party w ill be held for the men who did the remodeling work. T h e in terior of the church has been com pletely remodeled by volunteer work ers. I t is finished In celotex with a plywood wainscoting. Members and friends of the church are invited to attend the Sunday services. Used Tractors All Makes and Models see HOLLINGSWORTHS', INC. NYSSA PHONE 142 70 Attend D. U. P. C on v e n tion - Seventy members attended the first Daughters o f Utah Pioneer con vention Tuesday, when President K ate B. Carter o f S alt Lake City was present. The Malheur presi dent, Mrs. D. O. Bybee, conducted the program, which included music al numbers and original readings. Fall flowers and green ferns adorned the stage. Yellow crysanthemums, in blue pottery, w ith blue tapers in crystal holders, made the center- piece for the table. A buffet lunch was served. Members o f the Ontario, Owyhee and Parma wards and the two Nyssa wards were present. Here From Grandview— T h e Bidwell brothers, who are op erating a large farm at Orandview, Idaho for the Bybee brothers, were In Nyssa the past week on business Speak In Ontario— James E. Peterson of Owyhee and Leonard Howe, recently moved here from Utah, were guest speakers at the L. D. S. ward service in Ontario. Babies Arrive— T w o girls and two boys were born in the Malheur Memorial hospital during the last week. The girls are daughters o f Mr. and Mrs. Leo G al legos, Nyssa. 7 pounds, born Decem ber 8, and M r. and Mrs. Wallace Clark, route 2, Vale, 9 pounds. 2 ounces, born December 9 and the boys are sons o f Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Stanger, route 2, Parma. 8 pounds. 5 ounces, born December 11, and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Olsen, route 2, P ar ma, 8 pounds, 4 ounces, born De cember 10. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY with pump, pipe and stall cocks for all In good condition. Floyd Eason, a 10-cow barn. The machine has Apple Valley. 14d2xp been used approximately two years. Also one used horse-drawn mower. Legal Advertising Henry Hartley. 409 Oood A v e , Nyssa. 14dtfc IN THE CO U NTY C O URT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE W A N TE D —Two girl’s used bicycles. COUNTY O F M ALH EUR Phone 012R1. I4d2xc In the Matter o f the Estate of FO R SA LE —M ilking Shorthorn bull. JAMES R CHANEY, deceased. 14 months old. Oscar Schater, route NOTICE OF F IN A L ACCOUNT 1. Nyssa. one mile north, one mile NOTICE IS H EREBY G IVEN that east o f Adrian. 14dlxc the undersigned. Horace F Chaney, administrator of the estate of James FO R SALE —Or trade. 194« Chevro R. Chaney, deceased, has filed his let, good condition. See at 510 N. Final Account as said administrator 5th St. 14d2xp in the County Court of Malheur FO R SA LE —« cows and one Conde County. Oregon, and that said Court milker, double unit. Phone 010-J4. has appointed Tuesday, January 18. 14d2xp 1950, at 10:00 o'clock in the fornoon of said day for tthe hearing of ob FO R SALE— 12-door metal hog jections to said Final Account and feeder, nearly new; Factory built 16-foot combination grain and stock rack, in good condition. See L. E. Robbins, Oem ave. 14d2xc FO R S A LE — B. N. John Deere tract or with power lift adaptor, starter and lights. 6 row beet cultivator, FO R SALE—Six-loom modern base ment house, good terms, would take good used car or pick-up as down payment: also two-bedroom modern house for rent. V. V. Grider, 112 Park avenue, Nyssa, Oregon. 14d2xp DEAD STOCK Rem oved Promptly F O R S A L E —One used single unit Hlnman milking machine, complete Call Collect m iiiM im n iiw —SW AP SHOP— Men's Overcoats, Jackets, Suits Women’s and Girls’ Wool Suits Also Children's Clothing III III Caldwell 0481-R1 ...... . Caldwell Rendering Works Fred W. Park, Mgr. nun HI III 111 LI III III 111 IM II i:i 1.1 it n 11II it IIII 1,11 Christmas Poultry W E HAVE A FULL LINE OF DRESSED POULTRY Order Now And Put Your Christmas Poultry In Your Locker or Deep Freeze the settlement thereof. NOW. THEREFORE, aU person* Interested In the estate of James R. Chaney, deceased, are notified and required to appear at the County Court Room in the Court House at Vale. Malheur County, Oregon, at said time, to then and there show cause. If any there be, why said Ac count should not be settled, allowed and approved and said estate distrib uted and said Horace F. Chaney dis charged. Dated and first published Decem ber 14. 1960 Date of last publication, Janu ary 11. 1951. HORACE F. CHANEY Administrator of the estate of James R. Chaney, deceased. Harold Henlgson Attorney for Administrator Christmas Cards Several Thousand To Choose From Cards is one of our specialties. W e have them for all occasions In Christmas cards w e have general, religious and relative Priced Sc and up Your name printed in the cards for a small additional charge Wrappings, Decorations Toys, Cookwear, Glasswear, Dishes Toasters, Waffle Irons, Coffee Makers, etc. We Giva S & H Green Stampa CURRY PRODUCE EVERYBODY'S INC. PHONE 17-W Nyssa, Oregon Treasure Hunt Continues In Nyssa This Saturday Also Free Show For Kids A t 10:00 A.M. KIDS At 10:00 o'clock Saturday morning, Decem ber 16 Santa Claus w ill ap pear at a free show at the Nyssa theatre. He also has some b ig surpris es in store for you when he makes a return visit to Nyssa Saturday, De cem ber 23. W atch this space next w eek for full details. Treasure Hunt Continues with 100 prizes being offered this w eek and at least 100 next week. Merch ants whose prizes were not claim ed last week w ill offer two prizes this week, about doubling the prizes offered last week because several of the prizes were not claimed. You have received your lucky number in the mail. This number is on your card along with the rules. Save it. It is your number for each Saturday from now until Christmas. If your number matches the number on any prize displayed you m ay claim that prize. New numbers for prizes displayed in stores will be drawn. Tele phone inguiries regarding winning numbers is not permissable. Prizes can be claimed on Saturday only. If you have not received a number, ask your merchant how to obtain one. NEW LUCKY NUMBERS HAVE BEEN DRAWN Continue Your Treasure Hunt to the Following Firms, Who Will Display Prizes With Lucky Numbers b,’ Eder Hardware Co. Gate City Journal Golden Rule Gordon's Drive-in Henneinan Hardware Co. Intermountain Furniture Co. Bracken's Dept. Store Olympic Club Owyhee Truck & Imp. Co. Peterson Furniture Co. Tobler's Feed and Fuel Eder Grocery Western Stores Dr. Edwin W. Oldham Taylor's Market Brownies’ cafe Wilson Dept, store Beauty Nook Wilson Super-Market Owyhee Beauty shop Marshall Wells store Anderson's Ice Cream Shop Nyssa Furniture Co. G and B store Food Mart Farmers Supply co-op Ace Pastime Ed Case Furniture Co. Firestone store Owyhee Drug Co. Amalgamated Sugar Co. Herriman Motor Co. Pound's Grocery Jackson Jewelry B and E cafe Sweet Shop Signal Service Ronald's Shoe shop Nyssa Pharmacy (R exall) Nyssa Food Center Paulus Jewelry Powell Service Roberts-Nyssa, Ine. Thompson Oil Co. Towne's Garage Evans studio Ideal Gas and Appliance Morris bakery Miner’s Barber shop Nyssa Auto Parts Owyhee Barber shop Nyssa Lumber Co. O. K. Rubber Welders In addition to the above listed firms, the following generously contributed to bring Santa Claus to town last Saturday, to give the kids a free show this Saturday, and to bring Santa Claus back to Nyssa, along with big surprises, for the kids, on Saturday, December 23. The Eagles Lodge and Chamber oi Commerce gratefully acknowledge their support. (.rant Rinehart Idaho Power Co. Harold Henigson Stunz Lumber Co. Mel Beck Ctrl's Doll House Clyde Snider Ken Pond Agency Dr. J. R. Cundall Pruyn garage First National hank Hollingsworths', Inc. Clover I.awn Dairy Gate City Cleaners Boise Payetle Lumber Co. Brower Plumbing shop Bernard Eastman Nyssa Implement Co. ( jirl and Burt’s Machine shop Nyssa Insurance Agency Dority Welding Service Sarazin clinic Judge Don Graham Ü and M Equipment Co. Boh Thompson Agency Nyssa Tavern