Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1950)
PAGE SIX THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. N YSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 14. 1950 Farewell Gift* Given To Women SUNSET VALLEY, De~. 14—Twelve members of the Sunset auxiliary met at the home of Mrs. L W. Pomeroy Thursday afternoon. Identical fare well gifts of sliver were presented to Mrs. Rob Thompson and Mrs. Edwin Bergam, who are leaving the valley for Moscow, Idaho. Plans were made for Christmas gifts for the patients In the Boise veterans hospital. All ladles are to make as many cookies as possible and taKe the cookies and any books or gift articles to the home o f Mrs. Delbert Oarner early Monday afternoon of December 18, when the packaging land wrapping will oe done. The an- nual Christmas dinner will be post- poned until Thursday evening. Jan- uary 4, when a turkey dinner will be served at the Sunset hall. December 19 Is the date set for the Chalk Butte Orange’s annual Christmas family night at the Chalk Butte hall. There will be a pot- luck supper at 7 o'clock followed by treats for the children. Members of the Chalk Butte H. E. club met Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Grover Cooper, making plans for the annual party Mrs. Cooper gave a talk and demon- stratlon on home Christmas decor- atlons and served lunch to the group, Helen Kay Snyder spent last week Auto Repairing. Reboring, Valve Grinding and Lathe Work AUTO PARTS AND ACCESSORIES FOR SALE 1941 Chevrolet 4-door sedan ED P R U Y N Phone 56-W Meuller Furnaces- Link Belt Stokers GEORGE J. KINZER HEATING Phone 134L2 Parma, Idaho E A S T E R N OREGON FEDERAL SAVINGS NOW PAYING 2'A ON INSURED ACCOUNTS INQUIRE AT KEN POND AGENCY 16 NORTH 3rd ST. visiting at the home of her grand- parents, Mr and Mrs Ed Price Her . . . . . . . . . „ Parents' Mr- and Mrs- Harold 8nyd" er- came after their «laughter on the week-end. Mr and Mrs. Walt Sievers and two sons of Westfall were overnight guests Saturday at the U. E. Parker home. Two showers were held In Sunset valley Saturday afternoon. At the Sunset hall a bridal shower was **ven tor Mrs Albert McGinnis by Mrs. Clyde Hoke, Mrs. Ernest Smith, Mrs- Russell Talbot and Mrs. Ira Price Twenty guests were present for games, gift opening and refresh- ments. At the William Orr home Saturday afternoon Mrs. Marr Orr j of Nyssa was honored guest at a 1 pink and blue shower. Opal W il liamson and Mary Boles were hos- j tesses for the occasion, planning the j gift-opening, entertainment a n d j serving refreshments. | Mrs. Olaf Fylllngness returned by train Friday after visiting in Idano ¡Falls, and was an overnight guest at the John Orottviet home in Nyssa that evening. Mrs. Grover Cooper and Mrs. K en neth Lorensen spent Tuesday in O n tario receiving instruction from ; Evelyn Trendall of Oregon State | college on the art of lampshade making. This lesson will be pre sented to the Sunset extension unit the second Wednesday In January. Anyone planning on making these lampshades should contact Mrs. Cooper immediately In order that i she may order the lamp-frames and I needed paper. There are three types of shades. Sixty cents covers the cost of a frame and paper. Mrs. Thomas Nishitanl visited at the Abe Salto home in Payette Tues day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bergam and family were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stephens Friday evening. Loren Stone, who has purchased the Rob Thompson farm, has been moving his machinery from Utah this past week. Chet Bowns took his truck for one trip. Four truck- loads of equipment have been brought here. A farewell party will be given Wednesday evening, December 20 at the Sunset hall for Mr. and Mrs. Rob Thompson, Mr. and Mrs Ed win Bergam and Mrs. Bessie Eidum, who will leave the next day for Mos cow, Idaho. All friends are invited to attend the party, starting at 8 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs L. W. Newberry of Hood River, Oregon were house- gue.vts of Mr. and Mrs. John Reffett four days this week, visiting at the sugar factory and in Ontario. They left Tuesday en route to Illinois. Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Loren Hite and sons of Haines arrived for a four-day visit with Mr. and Mrs. Reffett. Mr. and Mrs. Hite had been overnight visitors In Burns at the Carl and Walter Hite home. Miss Oeneva Bolerjack moved last week to Vale. Miss Bolerjack, sev enth grade teacher In that city, had been living at the E. J. Hobson home, driving back and forth as she had been unable to find a place U. live. She now has a light house keeping room. Little Jimmie, son o f Mr. and Mrs. James Langley, was 111 and his p f" - ents took him to the doctor in Boise last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Brewer, who ' spent Wednesday in Caldwell, were installing • pressure system in their house this week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Elver Nielsen In vited friends and relatives to a ’ce ment’ bee and dinner, thus pouring all the cement foundations for their new home. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cloninger re- W hy Should You Feed Rolled Grain? turned last Sunday after visiting in and Mrs Walter Hillis and Ike Mit Saturday morning with Bernard members are asked to take food Portland. Accompanying them home chell. Ingles on a four-day trip to Port items and clotting for the box to Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Hansen and land. Curt Ingles had shipped a be sent to Japan. were Johnny Jones and Jimmie Clonlnger, who came for an extend family of Weiser are moving this load o f cattle to that city. ed visit. Jimmie, the five-year-old week to Coming. California. Mrs. Friday evening guests of Mr. and son of Mr and Mrs Pete Clonlnger, Morgan is the daughter of Mr and Mrs. Neil Dimmick for a crab sup MAKERS OF CUSTOM has not been in good health and Mrs. Fred Mitchell. Hansen is work per and canasta were Mr. and Mrs. BUILT CABINETS hopes to regain his health on his ing in the olive orchards. Mrs Henry Hintz went to Boise Russell Patton and Mr. and Mrs. L. grandparents farm Pete Cloning- OTHER CARPENTER er in stationed with the regular Saturday and will stay there all W. Pomeroy. week, as her husband is expected to WORK army in Mississippi With harvesting finished, many I Mrs. Lew McCoy of Ironside, who undergo surgery for gall bladder residents went shopping in Boise. Furnliuie Upholstering and served on the grand Jury the first of trouble. They were Mr and Mrs. Robert the week, was a houseguest of Mrs. Mrs. Lester Folkman left Monday Ditty, Mrs. George Wilson and Mrs. ! Drape Making Marie Black in Nyssa The two for her home in Utah after spend John Reffett, who called on Henry ing a week visiting at the home of women drove to Boise, visiting over Hintz in the hospital. night at the Fred Guthrie home her son, Mr. and Mrs. George Folk- and shopping. Mrs McCoy return man. Circle Meets— | Mr. and Mrs. Larry Dimmick and ed home Thursday. The Dorcas circle of the M ethodist' Phone 023-J1 Overnight guests at the Charles two children left Thursday morning church will meet December 21 at the McCoy home Friday were Mr. and on a trip, visiting in Salem at the home of Mrs. Carl Sebum. The i Mrs. Don MoCoy of Ironside. Dur home of Mrs. Dimmick’s brother and ing their stay, a cement floor ^ a s on to Yakima. Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Counsil having poured for Charlie's new 20 by 22 garage, and the two couples shopped been moving this week from the rec- I lamation house to the farm. Mr. | in Idaho. A band of Bud Wilson’s sheep were and Mrs. Harold Popkins and family moved to Lewis Mitchell’s place moved- to the tenant house on the | Wednesday. Dinner guests at the Elmer Cloninger farm. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Holmes left Mitchell home that day were Mr. Johnson Cabinet Shop ATTENTION ONION AND POTATO GROWERS KAISER-FRAZER Sales & Service POTATOES AND ONIONS If you are driving a Kaiser we are equipped equipment and with the factory or Frazer car latest trained testing See Us Before You Sell mechan ics to put your car in the best of condition. A Vote For Us Is A Vote For The People ❖ BRING YO U R TR O U BLES TO US MUTCH OIL CO. Highway 30— East of Town Ontario, Oregon Phone 287 GRIGG BROS. PRODUCE ONTARIO PHONE 359 FEATURES . and the instrument panel is so beautiful and convenient Y * s , " I » * » D r i v e " Hie ’51 Ford. Thrill to it» "jet-ow oy" performance. Feel how cooperatively it handles. Know the feeling of safety that comes from sure Centramatic Steering and Double-Seal King-Size Brakes. Learn The frame is extra nigged with 5 husky1 cross members I how the Automatic M ileage M aker saves gas. And remember, you can have your choke of Ford's famous 100-h.p. V -8 engine, or its companion in quality, the great 95-h.p. Si*. W hot’s more. Ford offers three advanced transmissions . . . the Conventional Drive — the O verd rive*— or Fordo- motk Drive,* the newest ond most flexible automatk transmission of alt. The FARNAM KRIMP ROLLER operates on a wide range of sizes in electric motors, also gas engines. The FARNAM KRIMP ROLLER is equipped with a magnetic metal trap, thus keeping the grain free from nails, bolts, wire or other tramp metal. Its built for the years ahead • o ptional at antra co d . I The FARNAM KRIMP ROLLER is equipped with new-type, knurled rolls that do a near perfect job on all grains. The FARNAM KRIMP ROLLER rolls turn from 400 to 600 RPM. VALE PHONE 5584 Test Drive the *51 FO RD with Rolled Grain Is More Appetizing, Easier To Digest, Avoids Digestive Disorders, Eliminates Wheezing, Stops Food Waste and Costs Less. Why Should You Buy A Fa mam Krimp Roller? W e Pay Highest Cash Prices For Ford's new Automatic Ride Control m akes rough roads easy on u$ and easy on the car NEW AUTOMATIC RIDE CONTROL Y o u 'll fe e l a brand-new kind of riding comfort with this unique three- way "partnership’* of Advanced "H y d ra -C o ir Front Springs— new Variable-Rate Rear Spring Suspen sion and new "Viscous Control'’ Shock Abiorbers. This superior new Ford springing system adjusts to any road condition automatkally— keeps the going easy and level alw ays— with no pitch, no jounce, no roll! Stop in and check the 43 new ''look A head ” features the '51 Ford gives you. You can pay more but you con't buy better! When you buy for the future...Buy Fiord f The FARNAM KRIMP ROLLER is easy to install. B. Cr M. Equipment Co. NYSSA, OREGON CALDWELL. IDAHO Her riman Motor Co. Your Ford Dealer Phone 77