Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1950)
PAGE TWO Adrian R p h h I«- i i I s Travel For Dinner» AD RIAN. Nov. 30 — Thanksgiving dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Alvon McGinnis were Mrs W W Smith. Mr and Mrs Leonard Smith. Mr and Mrs Bill Willis end family. Mr and Mrs James McGinnis and fam ily and Dick Davis. A pinochle party was held at the I.ambert Deirking home Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Dan Holly, Mr and Mrs. Rich Holly and Timmy and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Holly and Sylvia X iiiuh Decoration» Content Sponsored By The Nyssa Civic Club If you wish to enter your lleeor- ated »tore Window or Home Decoration, clip the coupon below and mail to chairman before con test closes, Dec. 23. Mrs. H H Miner, Chm. Xma>. Lighting 407 Reece Ave. Nyssa, On- Mark X in square of one or both tore Window Decoration lo n e Decoration THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 30, 1950 enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner at th e1 parents, Mr and Mrs. Winn, Sr , in Prank Miller home in Big Bend Boise _ _ _ J l_ vr< a t l l d 4 l’ ; 1: r a 11111 ie * Mr and Mrs Bill Ashcraft visited Mr and Mrs. Oarett Muntjewerff Hosts At Dinner» their daughter Mrs. Bob Hamilton and famijy of Joseph, Oregon, were ---------- in Arock Thursday. Saturday dinner guests of Mr and ARC AD IA. Nov. 30—Mr and Mrs. Mr and M/ Lari Winn were in , Mr? Vernon'Parker Adams of Elgin spent Thanksgiv- Boise on business Friday. | Mr and Mrs Dick Richards and in* with M r and Mrs. Fred Martin. Mr. and Mr Reuben Basket were family of Madras are visiting her They and Cecil Houston and fam- Thursday dinner guests of Mrs Mar- parents Mr and Mrs Bill Ashcraft >ly and Harold and Tommy Hous- guerlte Scott Mr and Mrs Don Hatt and Mr ton were dinner guests Thanks- Mr and Mr- Bill Nelson and fam- and Mr Howard Hatch were holl- giving day in the home of Mr. and ? ®alem' Portland and day guests of Mr and Mrs Earl Urs Ben Houston. Walla Walla the past week. Hlneman of Parma i Mr. and Mrs. Otis Bullard and Mr and Mrs Bob Eastman of _________ Betty and Donald and Mrs. Anna Caldwell and Mr. and Mrs. Hank , i Dail were dinner guests Thanksgiv- Kornan and Christina of Boise had Owyhee Member* ing day at the home of Mr and Mrs. Thanksgiving dinner with Mr and Mrs. Glen Brown D o O n E x c u r s i o n . 11’ “ % * » £ . ' * * * Oft and sons Mrs Bob Eastman and Mrs Glen ~ ~~ __ , I of Frultland visited in the George Brown visited Mrs. Hank Korman UPPER SUNSET. Nov 30—Several Moeller home Monday evening, members of the Owyhee ward of the MUs Betty Bullard of Nampa in Boise Friday Thanksgiving dinner guests at Mr L D 8 church went on an excursion I 5pent a * week-end holidays here and Mrs. Gayle Martin were; Mr to the Idaho Falls temple. Those. wlth her p ^ n t s Mr and Mrs. Otis and Mrs Marion English of Cam making the trip were Mrs. Jessie Bul!ard and family M is* w llm a Bullard. Joretta Moel- bridge, Mr and Mrs. Dick Knosp of Callahan, Mrs Fay Despain. Mr and j Boise, Mr and Mrs. O J. English of J*rs- X f™ f^arner. Mr. and 1 ler and Joan MatA.-rly attended the Nampa and Mr and Mrs. Porey Frank Pike, Mr. and Mrs Glen Short, American Sunday school Youth ral- and Mr and M rv Stoker ly ln Caldwel] November 24 Martin and Lennie of Parma. Mr and Mrs William H. Callahan John zutercob picked corn for Mr and Mrs. Elvln Bonde and week family of Emmett visited Mr and and children of Dragerton, Utah. I Keith Moss ^ Ronald Anderson. Mr and Mrs Irvin Mrs A C Henderson Sunday. Mrs, W W Smith of Newell J. Callahan of Caldwell. J Harold Returns From Portland— Mrs v . W Duus returned home Heights is staying with her daugh Callahan and family of Middleton and Mr and Mrs. Clarence Herrud Monday following a two week's visit ter. Mrs Alvon McGinnis. Mr. and Mrs Henry McGrelger and family spent Thanksgiving at ln Portland with relatives and and sons of Freewater are visiting the Joseph Callahan home. The frtends ______________ Mrs. McOreiger's father. Harvey guest numbered 35 . Other guests j during the day were Charles Durfee Daughter Visits__ Otis. Mr. and Mrs Bob Brown spent the an<l family and Ray Porter and fam- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Farner and ___ . | Carl and Kenneth of Eugene visited holiday with her parents, Mr and hy of New P ly m o u t h __ ---------- --------------- M/ and Mrs. Joe Callahan at- ,ast Xuesday and Wednesday at the Mrs F. F. Cummings of Boise. Mr. and Mrs Glen Pounds visited i tended the Grigg reunion in Vale pome Qf Mrs. Farner's parents, Mr ln Vale Thursday. November 24. 1 and Mrs. J. C. Smith. Mr. and Mrs Earl Winn were' Marvin Niccum of Portland came . __________________ home to spend Thanksgiving with Here From 0 gden— his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elza Nic- Miss Nora O-Brian, Miss Helen CUw , „ , n .a . . Marie Mally and John Kelly of M r and Mrs Joe Callahan and ogden spent the Thanksgiving holi- daughter. Pay, have returned from days at the home of Mr and Mrs. a visit in Tacoma. Vancouver and C. A. Mally. Seattle. They visited their son and daughter-in-law. Mr and Mrs. Jesse To Utah— Callahan; Dr. Eddie Rupert and a Mr and Mrs. Tom Burningham friend. Mr Peterson, and wife at and Merle returned 8unday from Camp Lewis. While in Washington Utah, where they spent the Thanks they visited many places of inter giving holidays with relatives. est. Former Neighbor Visits— Ilrrr From California— Otto Postler of Medford visited Mr and Mrs. Ancil Rookstool and last Tuesday at the home of Mr. son of Compton. California and Mr. and Mrs. Owen Gann Mr. Postler and M- Dick Poston and family was a neighbor o f Mr. and Mrs. of Long Beach. California return Oann in Kansas 15 years ago. ed to their homes Monday after spending the holidays at the home To Spokane— of Mr. and Mrs. B F Rookstool. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Warren visited over the holidays ln Spokane with their two daughters and families, Mr and Mrs. Jim Peachy, and Mr and Mrs. Ross King. Mrs King and small son returned with her parents to Nyssa for a visit. There’s an easier way Mrs. Albert Sandy, isyssa. November 25; boy. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smith, Nyssa rural route. November 27. and girl, Mr and Mrs. Richard Dalton, route 1 Nyssa. November 28 Attend Music M e e t - Members of the high school or chestra and Lynn Lawrence, direct or o f music in the Nyssa schools were invited to attend the south west Idaho music conference held la Caldwell November 16 and 17. Don na Lee Wilson was given the honor Rabies Arrive— Five boys and two girls were born during the last week at the Mal- rheur Memorial hospital. The births were as follows: Son. Mr and Mrs. Robert Elton Jennings, Nyssa, November 23; boy. Mr and Mrs. Herbert Turner, Nyssa, Novem ber 24; girl. Mr. and Mrs John Oallegos. Nyssa. November 24; boy. Mr. and Mrs. Dean W Pettet, On tario, November 24; son, Mr. and appear at the local board o f fice in Ontario November 30 and three December 13 to be forwarded to Boise for examination for in- ! duction into the army the following day. The inductees include Arile C. See Parade— Mrs. Grant Lewis and Mis. West of Adrian. Vaughan Stringer and children, and CARD O P T H A N K S Mrs. Olea Billings were in Boise I wish to thank all o f my friends Friday, where they viewed the who were so kind to me during my Christmas parade. illness. The kindness will be long remembered. Inductees Notified— Mrs. Don M. Graham. Seven men have been ordered to ' of first violinist chair and with a member oI the orchestras from Nampa and Boise, shared as conceit mistress for the orchestra section. C hristmas F urniture For Every Room For All The Family Our Store Is Filled to the brim with Better- Built Furniture, Appliances and Floor Coverings Every Item is Priced Below Regular Prices M any pieces especially priced for close-out. Take ad vantage now. Any piece or group held for Christmas delivery. Free delivery in our big van, packed to make delivery without damage. TERMS O N ALL ITEMS W ITH IN REASON Shop Today While Stock Is Complete ED CASE FURNITURE COMPANY North of Y Highway 20 Nyssa, Oregon T to start in a flash Attention Mothers FREE Child of the Year C O N T E ST L l'a time ugulii to ready your Hoick for the ctHiler driving days ahead—to your Huick dealer is featuring u big triple-service offer right now — 1 Fc.ll tu n e -u p , which includes cleaning o f air and fuel tillers, adjustment o f valves, carburetor and distributor—and lots more. 2 C o o lin g s y s t o m s o r v lc o , including u flush-out — ulso inspection and tightening o f all hoses and connections. P a c k f r o n t w h o o l b e a r in g s with fresh lubricant — ulso safety-inspect your front brake linings, where wear shows itself first. Put your Huick in tiptop shape now to do its best this winter! Phone your Huick dealer for his special-offer price on these serviees land lor an appointment) this week. Introducing Natural Photography—Open To All Children to 12 years 01 Age Bring your child to the lobby of the Nyssa theatre Thursday, November 30 and Friday December 1 from 9:30—5:30 or Saturday from 9:30 to 12:30, where a child photographer will take several poses of your child in natural Tru-color. A Product of Standard of California Next beat thing to put ting a new engine under th e hood ia p u ttin g Chevron Supreme in the tank! For this great blend o f clean-burning gasolines is climate tai lored to suit your local d rivin g conditions., a ssu rin g you fa s te r pick-up . . . smoother drivin g... more pep.. over more miles! Y O U W ILL RECEIVE FREE the portrait you select to enter the contest November 30. December 1, December 2 till noon. Your child’s picture will be shown on the screen of NYSSA THEATER W. E. Schireman Phone 61 -W Nyssa, Oregon ROBERTS-NYSSA. Inc. Sad and Good Avo. Nyaaa. Oregon A Product o! Stondord Oil Compony of Coliforma IN NATURAL COLOR No Entry Fee Sponsored By Nyssa Theater No Charges