Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1950)
PAGE SIX PAG Soil buns Chalk evenli Klngn T oon lively of a » THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 23. 1950 Here From Milwaukie— Ungnexi. Brownie, who waa born blader, wai brought home Wed- n i If n > k l i f » fareweU for me Robert Ditty fam Locates In California— Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burton and Miss Lillian Nlsbet, former Mal the last of October, weighs only 30 ne*day resting more comfortably, but ' * '■ dy, Mrs. Dodson and Mrs. Leo’.a nounds and ht‘r her back o> u — nesting more c W O w y h e e G a t h e r s Ditty heur county librarian has located in family of Milwaukie, Oregon arrived P°unds only - two will later have to have surgery. _______ feet from the ground. Red Bluff, California where she has Saturday to visit for a week's visit Mr and Mrs. Ellis Waiters and accepted a position as county librari at the home of Mr and Mrs. E. K. Mr and Mrs. Elmer Ckmlnger left Sunset valley residents were busy SUNSET VALLEY, Nov 13 “ Mr- this week, with farmers finishing _______ Sunday for a two-weeks visit In OWYHEE. Nov 23—The O K K Mr and jj ,,. Byrd Walters went to an for Tehama county. Burton. and Mrs Leslie (Dick Stoker were carrot and potato harvesting arid Portland. They plan on doing some club met Thursday afternoon Nov- Boise Tuesday and had dinner in the Suffers Heart Attack— Assists In Coaching— honored guests at a farewell party many still full-force In the beet repair work on their Multnomah ember 16 at the home of Mrs Claude Ralph Jones home. Friends of Dr. C. A Abbott, for Tommy Holman who is a senior given for them at the 8unset hall harvesting Women of the two local home while there. Skinner with Mrs. Louis Skinner as Mr. and Mrs O. L. "Mac" Mac- at Oregon State college. Is serving as mer Nyssa resident, have received More than 45 friends gathered for clubs served at the two farm sales, Mr and Mrs Oeorge Eolkman are co-hostess. Prizes were won by Mrs. Mlllan and daughters of Boise called one of the assistant coaches for the word that he is confined to a Lake- an evening of visiting and games, Just two miles apart. Hubert Ditty's re-modeling their house and also in and refreshments. A ceramic elec- on Wednesday and Paul Bergam's stalling a bath with yellow and black Harlan Roger and Sirs Homer Love, in the Louis Skinner aand Ellis Oregon State rook basketball team view hospital following a recent this winter. heart attack. trie clock was presented to the i on Friday aluminum tiling Refreshments of chicken sandwiches, waiters homes Sunday Linda Chadd has spent the week couple as a farewell gift Mr and The Worthwhile club did not meet Mrs Stoker have resided the past Thursday afternoon, as the hostess, at the home of her grandparents four years In the Adrian area Mrs. Orover Cooper, was just re- Mr and Mrs Ira Chadd. Sunday guest, Mrs Nellie Newbill of Nyssa called In the Jesse Ditty home Sun- There have been many visitors at cuperating from the chickenpox dinner guests also Included Mr and Kenneth McDonald went to Mad- day evening, the Harold Fylllngness farm to see Henry Hlntz. who was taken to Mrs. Ed Steiner and children of On- ras Saturday morning to bring his Mrs. Kenneth McDonald and Martha Kllngback children went to Homedale Saturday Brownle’ the tiny Shetland colt be - 1 the Holy Rosary hospital last Satur- tarlo. On Wednesday Mrs. James mother. Mrs longing to Kristine and Butch Fyl-1 day suffering with an inflamed gall Chadd and her new son, Bruce, ar home. She has been in Madras with afternoon and spent the evening rived at the Ira Chadd home to con her son-in-law and daughter, Mr with Mrs. McDonald's parents, Mr and Mrs. Jesse Gregg, and helping to ; and Mrs. Ray Fletcher, valesce. Mr. and Mrs. Buster Talbot have Mr and Mrs. Hudson Robb of care for her grandchildren. Becky Nyssa were evening visitors at the and Victor, and new baby, Esther returned from Sheridan, Oregon, Joanne. where they spent several months. James Robb home Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Chester Bowns and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Huber and sons i They plan to make their home near FOR YOUR OWN PROTECTION Ellen Ann shopped In Payette arrived at the home of Mr and Mrs. Nyssa. AUTO PARTS AND ACCESSORIES Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Slippy and Thursday Werner Peutz Saturday after being Mr and Mrs. Wayne Robb and in Kansas visiting a sister of Mr son returned Thursday afternoon | son dined In Roswell Tuesday even Huber and in Fort Morgan, Colo from Portland, where Eldon had a | ing at the home of Mrs Mae Lytle rado visiting Mrs. Huber's parents, check-up at the hospital and was and later attended a (redding show Mr. and Mrs George Nein. On Sun found to be improved. er for Mr and Mrs. Ed Brumbau. Mr. and Mrs J. W. Kygar, Mearl day Mr. and Mrs. Huber left for Sunday dinner guests at the Clif Twin Falls. Idaho where they plan Kygar, Mrs. Earl Kygar and Mrs. ford Wolfe home were Mr. and Mrs to live. Charlie Culbertson returned Sunday |----------------------------------------------------- , | Burl Collins of New Plymouth, and Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Brewer enter- | night from an 18-day trip to Colo- [ Mrs. Vera Castle and Sharon, Gary, tained at dinner Friday night for j rado and Oklahoma. Mrs. Earl Ky- and Vicky Newman. Mrs. Castle is Mr and Mrs. Leslie Ditty and family | gar and Mrs. Culbertson visited a j ONE MILE NORTH ON HIGHWAY, THEN Y t mile caring for the Newman children of Ontario, Mrs. Della Leota Ditty brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and while their mother Is doing nurs and Mrs. Clarence Dodson and Mrs. Oene Youngman and family at west on Columbia Ave. ing at the Nyssa hospital. After daughter, who left Saturday for Ta- Utleyville, Colorado while the rest noon visitors at the Wolfe home comk. where they will make their j of the group went on to Oklahoma, also included Carmen Swlgert and home. Mr. and Mrs Robert Ditty j Mr. and Mrs. Werner Peutz and Jim Reed. and family, who are moving to La Wanda were dinner guests in the Mrs. Claude Wilson and Mrs. Ira Grande, Mrs. Edith Brown of La Ray Graham home at Owyhee dam Price attended the P T. A. meeting Grande and Mr. and Mrs. Myron Sunday evening. or phone 395-W; if no answer, 31-M Thursday evening when the group Osborn and daughter The occasion Jesse Ditty. Jr. of Boise called on made plans for the Christmas treats was given recognition of the birth his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Ditty for next month. day anniversary of Leslie Ditty and Sunday afternoon. Manon Hlllls and Jerry and Col leen of Boise spent Sunday visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs Walter Hlllls Mrs. Elver Nielsen and Mrs Ewen Chard visited Mrs. Doyne Price In Ontario Wednesday. Mrs Price has been 111. The Elver Nielsen, Ewen Chard and Wally Orcutt families were WINTER CLEAN-UP SALE ON guests at the Ed Nielsen home in Nu-Acres. Mr and Mrs. James Robb dined Sunday in Caldwell at the Homer Didericksen home. Farewell Party Held At Sunset e s A ìs “■ —■ **» ««*"■ »w~1 HOPKINS WHOLESALE MEAT Buy State-Inspected Meat Auto Repairing. Reboring, V alve Grinding and Lathe Work Buy a quarter, half or w hole beef or half FOR SALE 1941 Chevrolet 4-door sedan or w hole pork or mutton ED P R U Y N SEE US AT PLANT Phone 56-W Meuller Furnaces- Link NYSSA, OREGON Belt Stokers KAISER-FRAZER Sales & Service GEORGE I. KINZER HEATING Here It Is Folks! IMPERIAL WALLPAPER Phone 134L2 Parma, Idaho (¿iiT* Q uii Cut When She Fallu E A S T E R N OREGON FEDERAL SAVINGS 2}h NOW PAYING ON INSURED ACCOUNTS INQUIRE AT KEN POND AGENCY BUENA VISTA, Nov. 23—Evelyn Cleaver, daughter of Lester Cleaver fell and cut her chin quite badly. Mr and Mrs. La Vern Cleaver were In Ontario Thursday. Mr and Mrs Lester Cleaver served a wild goose dinner at their home Sunday evening. Guests were Mr. and Mrs Eugene Cleaver, Mr and Mrs Howard Day, Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Cleaver. Mr and Mrs Jim Sav age and Mr and Mrs. Jim Ritchie. Mr and Mrs Alva Ooodell have returned from Portland where they spent several days attending a meet ing of the association of Oregon counties. The Out-Our-Way club was hos tess at a pink and blue shower given | in honor of Mrs. Eugene Cleaver. Eighteen women attended. The honor guest received many lovely gifts. Refreshments were served. Mr. and Mis. Alva Ooodell attend ed a co-op banquet at the Moore , hotel Monday evening. The direct ors and their wives and the man agers and their wives attended. If you are driving a Kaiser or Frazer car we are equipped with the latest testing equipment and factory trained mechan ics to put your car in the best o f condition. 50 * Off NOW IS THE CHANCE TO GET THOSE BEAUTIFUL ❖ BRING YOUR TROUBLES TO US MUTCH OIL CO. Highway 30—East of Town Ontario, Oregon Phone 287 PATTERNS AND SHADES OF WALLPAPER AT A VERY GOOD DISCOUNT. STUNZ LUMRER CO. 707 Adrian Blvd. Phone 110-W To Boll Mr and Mrs Jesse Rigney and family are spending the Thanksgiv ing holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Austin of Boise. 16 NORTH 3rd ST. Farmers Save Time and M oney By Plowing THE GRAHAM WAY G Cr B "Furniture” Store THE GRAHAM PLOW S A T U R D A Y , N O V EM B ER 25 Is A Universal Plow For Every Type Of Farm Land NEXT DOOR TO GORDON'S DRIVE-IN THE GRAHAM PLOW Due lo Ihe overwhelming acceptance of our Hotpoint Appliance and Baldwin Piano store we have decided lo expand our facilities to take care of the evergrowing demand. Saves Plow Sharpening Cost, Tractor Power Costs, Chokes Less (No side draft), Chisels Soil and Knifes W eeds In One Operation. THE GRAHAM PLOW Can Be Ordered In Sizes From 5 To 45-Foot Widths. THE GRAHAM PLOW Is Built To Last A Lifetime—Constructed Of High-Car bon H-Beams. Resilient, Silica M anganese A lloy Heat- Treated Shanks. W heel Bearings Are Enclosed In Dust-Proof G arlock Klozure. THE GRAHAM PLOW Plows Wetter or Drier Soil Than Any Other Plow. B. 6* M. Equipment Co. NYSSA, OREGON CALDWELL. IDAHO Folks, we appreciate the confidence you have shown by doing bus iness with us. We need you and hope you feel at ease when you come in our new and bigger store. We will continue to handle quality merchandise and give you the same quick, friendly service as we have in the past. You can take advantage of the Grand Opening Specials and lay your gifts away for Christmas. BREAKFAST CHROME SETS RADIOS LIVING ROOM SETS END TABLES DINING ROOM SETS LAMPS BEDROOM SETS CEDAR CHESTS PIANOS APPLIANCES SEWING MACHINES