THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER. 16. 1950 B U Y NOW G rig g Bros. & B utler PAGE THREE FOR SALE—1960 Studebeker Com­ Avon cosmetic Christmas gifts. In­ mander. 1500 miles, reasonable. quire now. sta rt early. We train Phone ttO-J. lOotfc you. Write Avon Products. Inc., box 9n2xp TOR S A L E — Good two-bedroom 1325, Boise, Idaho. modern home, located close to Nyssa HELP—Help for real bargains in schools, price <5.260, terms Phone used electric ranges, electric water 179-J, Ortgg Brothers and Butler heaters, coal ranges and space heat­ 2ntic ers. electric hot plates, and oil heat­ F O R S A L E —Used Westinghouse ers. See me. I’m trading for them than I can sell them. Ideal electric range. <20, Ideal Gas and faster Sotfc Appliance. 14stfc Oas and Appliance. feet; thence east 295.16 feet to the point of beginning, containing 2.26 acres, more or lees; for cash or upon terms, at the high­ est price obtainable therefor but in any event for not less than <15,000.00. TYie vote to be by ballot upon which shall be the words "For Sale Yea" and "For Sale ... No”, and the voter shall place a cross (x > be­ tween the words “For Sale" and the word ■’Yea", or between the words "For Sale" and the word ’“No", which ever indicates his choice. The polls for the reception of the ballots cast for or against the grant­ ing of authority to the District School Board to sell said Oregon Trail Schoolhouse and site, as a- foresaid, will, on said date and at the place aforesaid, be opened at the hour of 2:00 o’clock P. M. and remain open until the hour of 8:00 o'clock P. M. of the same day, at which hour the same shall be closed. BY ORDER of the District School Board of School District No. 26C of Malheur County, Oregon, made this 13th day of November, 1950. (sgd) John Schenk Chairman, District School Board ATTEST: (sgd) Henry H. Hartley District Clerk First pub. Nov. 16, 1950. Last pub. Nov. 23. 1950. If Yea Want To SeU See Mel I Shop while the selection is still FOR SALE good. 20 acres on the oil close to Nyssa. FARMS lays perfect. 4 room home, terms. [ 200-HEAD CATTLE SET-UP 80 acres, nice laying row crop land Plenty of hay land, water and permits, <50.000 complete, 29% all in alfalfa at the present time. 5 room semi-modern home, very pro­ down. RATE: Two cents per word for each Issue. Minimum, cash in ductive ranch, <26.500. % down j 160 ACRES—TO IRRIGATED 300-head cattle ranch. 1650 acres advance, is 30c. Excellent soil, modern three bed­ deeded land, 6-room modern home, room home, <15,000, terms. hay and equipment goes with the FOR 8ALE—Milk cows, Guernseys. MISCELLANEOUS — Loans up to 109 ACRES—90 CULTIVATED Cheap water, best of soil, lays very deal. <55.000. <25.000 dawn, easy Holsteins and Jerseys, milkers and <3000 on construction of new barns terms on the balance. other farm buildings. Pay­ good, a good buy. <21.000. terms. C. Clyde Smith, phone and I FOR SALE—Used oil heaters, ex­ ments annually. See us. Nyssa 750-head cattle ranch. 850 acres springers. 160 WITH 68 IRRIGATED FOR SALE 306, Ontario, Oregon, across from cellent condition. <32.50 to <39.50. Good stock farm, modern base­ Irrigated, two 5-room homes, low sotfc Ontario sale yard 2mtfc Lumber company. Nyssa Furniture company 28stfc ment house. <14.750, easy terms. down payment, easy terms. FOR SALE—Red rock. Thomas MISCELLANEOUS — Prompt and 60 acres under the old Owyhee, FOR SALE—Washing machine, <10. Daugherty. Wilder, box 73 or phone FOR SALE—Used oil heaters of 125 HEAD CATTLE RANCH free plck-up of your dead, crippled Leased summer range Joins place, well located, this is a good productive O Sc B Appliance store. 6atfc or sick livestock. Calls received be­ ranch, nearly all in hay and pasture, Hester’s at Adrain. 100-W, ,r Parma i n in ^ ^ r l S , u n lu « ll| I — w » . » tv o down «n. close in. w <16,000. „ , y„ description, ^ all fore 9 o'clock are picked up by 5-room home, terms. exchange. _________________ 16n2xp i s and Appli- I 160 ACRES IN BLACK CANYON WANTED 18nzcp nrH„ order, P„hBa„ cheap. Ideal o Oas noon. Efflnent drivers. Call col- 80 acres, good productive row crop 61 acres hay, grain and pasture. FOR SALE—Used daveno. just like ance- 14 No- lst 8 t- 3atfc land, well located. 2-bedroom mod­ WANTED—To care for children, sa 102-W Idaho Animal Products good small home, <12.500 ern home, terms. new, <49.50. See Ez at G Sc B store FOR SALE—Oil burner, used one 109 ACRES—90 CULTIVATED day or evening. Phone 63-J. Mrs. '•et Pavette 9180-J3 or 155, or Nys- 5Jtfc 40 acres, good location, all level Roy Sewright. 2ntfc Con-.pany. Cheap water, best of soil, lays very 16ntfc season, worth <100 new, will sell for row crop land. 1-bedroom modern good, a good buy, <21.000, terms. <40. “ - -------- Ez Carr, O Sc B store. 16ntfc MISCELLANEOUS — If you want FOR SALE—Almost new Lionel home, 20 x 50 cinder block cow barn, WANTED—To rent good row-crop GRADE A DAIRY FARM land, phone 015-J5 evenings. 16ntfc your clothes done clean and fast electric train, extra track and equip­ FOR SALE—Used Hotpoint rango, I 107 acres, all stock and dairy <15.000, terms. without damage, get the famous ment. Phone 109-W. 16n3xc automatic timer and lights, built-in 160 acres. 125 Irrigated, lots of equipment goes. <45.000. terms. Queen washer from O Sc B water, row crop and dairy set-up, WANTED—Ironing to do in my Speed clock, all for <99.95. G Sc B store. HERE'S A TOP PRODUCER store. lstfc home. Phone 388-J. 9n2xp JUST FINISHED 17-head cow barn, large machine 95 acres, 60 row crop, balance 2ntfc THREE NICE APARTMENTS shed, small home, close to Nyssa. " _ ----- —--------- ---------- I pasture. <22.500. 29 % down. WANTED—Baby sitting, day or MISCELLANEOUS — Fill up your In country on paved highway. <27,000, low, down payment, easy night in your home. Mrs. Ed locker or deep freeze with our grain- TOR SALE—Have farms and houses 82 ACRE GENERAL FARM Two rooms and bath. Furnished. for sale. Need mo-e Ust with Ken terms. Row crop and stock, paid-up water Steinke, 411 N. Second. 9n2xp fed hereford baby beef, fed in our <20 month. 1 acre, well located on oil highway, Renstrom. Phone 364-W 29Jtfc right, <20.000. terms own feed lot. This is the best young Three large rooms, bath, and large attractive new 5-room home. WANTED—To care for children, grain-fed meat that you can buy. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT porch. Wired for electric range. FOR SALE-Used baby buggy, good h a^ ^ d e H ^ fp ro d u c t 97 acres, 92 irrigated, row crop day or evening. Phone 63-J. 2ntfc get a side or whole carcass. Jacob In the County Court of the Stale <30 month. and dairy set-up. located on the oil, Fischer, phone 381-W. 13Jtfc of Oregon for the County of Mal­ K inge avePnhu°ene 8* M °f ^ V 2ntfc tfc I 1 i s p r i c e y o u r p r o b l e m ? Four large rooms, bath, and large m 2-bedroom modern home, 4-room WANTED—Wire-tied second cutting ng W avenue._____________ heur. porch. Wired for electric range. hay. See Hvan Egmond at lumber tenent home, large loafing shed, CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING In the Matter of the Estate F O R S A L E —Porcelain Glaze. Here's a good 80-acre stock farm. <30 month. yard or call 785-M Ontario after 7 Stock received Monday. Tuesday. machine shed, terms. of Touch up your stove, refrigerator,' cheap, <8.500 on terms, Free fuel for the cutting. p. m. 2n4xp 89 acres, mostly row crop land, _______________ _______ Wednesday and Thursday. S a m . CLYDE L PARK. Deceased. washing machine or any other item MAKE GOOD ON THIS 80 Ed Jamison. Phone 298-J. Notice is hereby given th at the Good for stock and row crop, be­ 10-head cow barn, 5-room modern WANTED—To rent farm, row crop it o ® P »• and Friday 8 a m. to 12. which has a porcelain or enamel home, located on oiled highway, or dairy. Have my own equipment undersigned, Clyde L. Park, Jr.. Ad­ low market at <21,000, terms. N° stock received on Sunday FOR SALE—Used electric ranges finish. Nyssa Lumber company. <26.500, terms. Beef sheep and pork. Free de­ ministrator of the Estate of Clyde BEAUTIFUL FARM AND HOME and washers. Any number to chose 28stfc A In 20 acres located o:. highway close Ernie Larkin, route 2, Parma, Idaho. L. Park. Deceased, has filed his final western Oregon, for sale, or will livery to Polar locker plant. from. Ez Carr, G & B store. 16ntfc 2n4xp to Ontario, good for resldental and Account as such Administrator in trade for local farm land. One mile west on Alberta Ave. FOR SALE—U s e d Westinghoust business location as well as farming, WANTED—Can place Immediately F O R S A L E—Registered Chester electric range, good condition, <37 50, SEE THIS GOOD 60 the County Court of Malheur Coun­ Phone 381-W White boar and registered gilts. L. Firestone store, phone 188-W. 10atf- ty. Oregon, and that said Court has All cultivated, good house and modern home. in northwest Malheur county reliable JAKE FISCHER 160 acres, 2 sets Improvements, man who can meet the public and E. Robbins, phone 018-J5. 9n2xc appointed Friday the lst day of De­ buildings above average, $16,800. outside range, 100-head cattle deal, who Is Interested In full time per- i MISCELLANEOUS—Time is reach- cember, 1950, at 11:00 o'clock in the TOR SALE—War surplus coal heat­ 60 ACRES WITH 2 HOMES FOR SALE—Used baby buggy, in ers. Priced below the market. Ed <16,000, to down. manent position with opportunity in8 the point where you should stai t forenoon of said day for the hearing Deep sandy soil ideal for hay and good condition. Phone 268-M or sea Case F’urniture company. 130 acres, located close to Nyssa, to earn better than average Income, thinking about personalized Chrlst- of objections to said Final Account livestock, <9,000, easy terms. 28stfc at 261 N. 6th st. 9n2xp good row crop dairy set-up, 110 acres Write J. R. Watkins Co., 137 Dexter mas gifts, stamped in gold or silver and the settlement of said Estate. 48 ACRES—MODERN HOME FOR SALE—Used twin tub dexter NOW THEREFORE, all persons Land slopes, but produces well. irrigated, good 4-bedroom modern Ave., Seattle 9, Washington. 12o6xc on our Kingsley machine. Leather FOR SALE—Good used electric washer, good condition, <10. also a home, 4-room tenant home, garage, i ■ ——------- -------------— ----- goods, book matenes and almost Interested in the Estate of Clyde L. See it soon, <10.000 easy terms. range, water heater and sink. New new one. Smiley Carr, G & B store. FINE ROW CROP 40 barn, 1/3 down, easy terms. WANTED—Horse-drawn bob sleigh,1 anything In paper goods stamped Park. Deceased, are hereby notified merchandise guarantee. Idaho Pow­ 360 acres, perfect slope, lays all see D. O. Bybee, phone 06-J3. 26oifc with name or Initials. Gate City to appear at the County Court Room 16ntfc One of the best. Fine location. er office. 9ntfc In one direction, top shape for row Paid up water right, <20,000, terms. Journal. 17atfc in the Court House at Vale, Malheur TOR SALE—80 acres, seeded to hay, cropping, new modern <12,000 home, WANTED—To rent row crop land County. Oregon, at said time, to then FOR SALE—Why pay more? Just modern house. Robert Ditty, Sun­ 40 ACRES—CHOICE LOCATION suitable for spuds and beets. Phone plus tenant house, terms. MISCELLANEOUS—Do you need and there show cause. If any there Paid-up water right, modern heme received shipment of 42-gallon elec­ set valley, six miles west of Owyhee 018-J3, Ontario. 5o8xp 40 acres, row crop land, paid-up money to remodel your home or to be, why said Final Account should this. <11,550, terms. tric water heaters, 10-year g u ara n -, corner, , 1/4 mile north. 2n4xp 40 on ACRE water right, close to Ontario, 5- build outbuildings or garage? We not be allowed and approved and ROW CROP FARM tee,, <98.50. Montgomery Ward and | —— WANTED—Dairy cattle, cows, heif­ 37 acres of deep level soil, balance room modern home, full basement, ers, calves, bulls. Telephone 306 can arrange a loan for you and give said Estate forever and finally set­ Co., Nampa, Idaho. 9n2xp FOR SALE—Used gas ranges and 9-head cow barn, garage, machine pasture, really good, <12,000. heaters, phone 125-W. Ideal Gas collect or see us opposite Ontario you up to three years to pay It. tled and said Administrator dis­ shed, labor house, terms. 29stfc charged. FOR SALE—IHC twine baler, 3 and Appliance, 14 No. lst St. 3atfc 25 ACRES—6 ROOM HOME Sale Yard, Ontario, Oregon. C. Nyssa Lumber Co. 120 acres, row crop and stock set­ CLYDE L. PARK. JR. years old: M. M. 16-inch Tumblebug Paid-up water right, close to Clyde Smith. 17atfc j MISCELLANEOUS—Our new shop up, 4-room modern home, terms. Administrator of the Estate :>f plow: Oliver No. 21 tractor mower. Nyssa, <3,500, easy terms. FOR SALE is ready for farm Implement Clyde L. Park, Deceased. Nyssa Implement Co. 28stfc 80 acres good row crop land, mod­ WANTED—Highest prices paid for HOMES HOMES Date of the first publication Nov­ ern home, good buildings, <30,000. slaughter horses. Clyde Smith, repalrlu? work. All kinds of farm TWO BEDROOM HOME Very good buy in a cheap home, machinery repaired. B and M ember 2, 1950. Date of last publica­ FOR SALE Dwelling lot, exceptionally good Tenant house in rear. New gas close to the Nyssa schools, <5,250, phone 306. Ontario. Across from _ 15JtfC tion. November 30, 1950. Two-bedroom semi-modern home. location, corner, paved streets. Ontario Sales yard. 23mtfc EclulPmenl company. equipment goes. $6,500. Terms. terms. Clyde H. Snider Good location. 50 x 120 lot. Only Modern two-bedroom home on COT LIVING COSTS 1-bedroom semi-modern home, POLIO INSURANCE 18 North 3rd St., Nyssa, Oregon, WANTED TO RENT—Two or three- <3,800, terms. 100-foot front, <4,750. Well located four-room home on well located on paved and curbed bedroom Whole family, <5 per year Attorney for said Estate. house. Wilton C. Jackson, Two-bedroom house, good sized Acreage, modern two-bedroom _______ one acre. ___ Only <2.800. street, very good complete set of KEN POND AGENCY Ideal Oas and Appliance. Phone rooms, semi-modern, large corner home, nice garage, lawn, shrubs and j 2 HOMES ON 3/4 ACRE furniture, all for <3.800, terms. 16 North 3rd. Nyssa NOTICE OF SEASONAL 125-W. Sotfc lot, only <4,750, reasonable down fruit trees. Large modern chicken Will rent for at least <50 per Attractive new 2-bedroom modern DETERMINATIONS payment, balance <35 per month. house and pens, including all equip­ MISCELLANEOUS — We can ar­ month. Only <3,000, terms. home, hardwood floors, fireplace, Notice Is hereby given that each FOR RENT Two-bedroom home with plenty ment. These buildings are nearly MODERN 2-BEDROOM HOME range loans for you to rebuild or of the employers listed below has furnace, full basement, exceptionally of ground, 6 lots, 117 x 300, shallow new, on a 1 3/4 acre plot and on a Located on highway close to town, good buy, <8.500, will consider trad­ F O R R E N T—3-room apartment, remodel your home, barn, garage, been determined to be a seasonal well with irrigating pump. <4,500, | paved road. A bargain for <6,500. Very attractive, only <3,500, terms. ing for sm—I ranch as part payment. fully furnished and newly decorated, or other outbuildings, Nyssa Lumb­ employer, within the meaning of reasonable down payment, balance 120 acre row crop, modern home, Very Attractive 1- bedroom modern home located electric range and refrigerator. See er Co. 29stfc Section 126-707 O. C. L. A. Any in­ $50 per month. ; <28,000. good terms. Three-bedroom modern home in close to schools In Nyssa, <6,500, Mel Beck at Grigg Bros, and Butler party may request a hearing We have several good income Very choice grade dairy MISCELLANEOUS—Available now, terested Parma, will carry FHA loan, <9,000. easy terms. or Mrs. John Long. 16ntfc before the Commission within ten properties priced right. One 4-unit farm, 105 acres under Owyhee I FOUR ROOMS AND BATH 2- bedroom modern home, hard­ Electrolux cleaners and air puri- L,ayS after the date of last publi- apartment for only <6,500, excellent project. Two modern homes and Pay <1,700 down, <35 per month. wood floors, furnace, V4 basement, FOR RENT—House, phone 2-M. fiers. Sales and service. Ed A cation of this notice. The "off­ location. good outbuildings, about 60 head of Anderson, route 3. Weiser, Idano. season” of each seasonal employer Total price only <4,750 2n3xp sewer. <5.250, terms. BUILDING SITES registered Jersey cattle. Owner has TWO-BEDROOM HOME phone 0287J4. 14Jtfc is as stated below: 2-bedroom modern home, hard­ 60 x 120 dwelling lot, only <500. quota agreement that pays <1.28 per Modern tenant house In rear. New wood floors, excellent condition, well F O R R E N T—Small unfurnished Amalgamated Sugar Co., 3-4-51 Corner lot 55 x 119 Park avenue, pound for butterfat. W1P pay two living quarters. Bernard Frost. 9ntfc gas range, water heater, refriger­ located, small down payment. LOST thru 9-1-51. <650. - operators good wages, plus 20% to ator and heating equipment goes 2-acres choice residential acreage FOR RENT—Four-room house, with OREGON UNEMPLOYMENT COM­ Main street lot, 27 x 116, priced 25% per year on the Investment, LOST—White and black spotted with place, fine buy at <6,500, locations. PENSATION COMMISSION located on highway 95, pointer female, on route 201, about right. Price 45,000. terms can be arranged. Your choice of several residential bathroom, Dated and first published this 9th five miles northeast of Nyssa. Lor­ seven miles out of Nyssa. Finder BERNARD EASTMAN FRANK T. MORGAN AGENCY GOOD RENTAL PROPERTY lots. en Dunten, first house east on left please notify R. H. Oilreath, Clacka­ day of November, 1950. Real Estate Insurance Robert F. Thompson One 6-room home with two baths. Date of last publication 20th day Business Opportunities side Falrview avenue. 9n2xp mas, Oregon. 16nlxc Phone 64 Phone 97 One 4-room home with bath. One of November, 1950. 10-unlt motel, new, owners living TOR RENT—Houses, 107 Ennis 3-room furnished house with bath. Bulova watch, be­ Now rented for <110 per month, quarters, located on busy highway avenue. Nyssa, phone 6615 Vale. LOST—Lady’s tween N y s s a schoolhouse and Symptoms of Distress Arising from junction, will consider trading on a Date Pomperlen. all for <8,500, easy terms. 9ntfc Brownie's cafe. Leave at Journal farm. RESIDENCE LOTS 9n2xp Choice highway frontage compris­ FOR RENT—Four-room apartment, office, <5 reward. BUILD YOUR HOME NOW A good selection of building sites, ing one city block, one-bedroom furnished. Phone 160 or 123-J. 9ntfc LOST—Man’s wallet. Initials T. O. due to modern home, <9,000. <200 and up. J. and Masonic emblem on wallet, We make loans on the new Owy­ FOR RENT—One-bedroom apart­ contained valuable papers and <7. QUICK RELIEF OR NO COST BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES hee project, farms, homes and bus­ ment. Phone 179-J. Grigg Brothers Finder keep money and return wallet Ask About 15-Day Tria l O ffe r! EXCELLENT INCOME PROPERTY inesses. and Butler. 2ntfc to Tom Jones, 309 Park avenue, or 2 good apartment houses. Net O v o r fo u r m illio n b o ttle s o f th o W il l a r d Are you looking for a business op­ Union Pacific depot. 9n2xc T r b a t u b n t h a v e b ee n so ld f o r re lie f o f FOR RENT—Furnished apartment, 15% on your investment. portunity In a thriving town, with s y m p to m s o f d is tr e s s a ris in g fro m S to m a c h 3 rooms, bath and utility room, GROCERY AND CABINS good clnderblock building, living am i D u o d e n a l U lce rs d u e to Excoss A c i d - Station front grocery store with quarters, your choice of several types phone 282-J after 5 p. m. 20Otfc Legal Advertising P o o r D ig e s tio n , S o u r o r U p s e t S to m a c h , five modern cabins, excellent going of business to go Into? We have it. Q asstn o ss, H e a r tb u r n , S le e p le ssn e ss, e tc ., FOR RENT—One-bedroom modern d u e to E xcess A d d . A sk fo r “ W illa rd ’s SCHOOL DISTRICT ROND business, <19,000, some terms avail­ M essag e” w h ich f u lly e x p lain s th is re m a rk ­ If You Want To Deal See Mel home, enclosed sleeping porch. FLECTION NOTICE able. PHYSICIANS LODGES a b le h o m e tr e a tm e n t— fro o —a t Phone 179-J. Orlgg Brothers and STATE OF OREGON / GOOD CABIN CAMP 26otfc County of Malheur i- ss. 14 cabins with grocery and service G rig g Bros. & B u tler Butler. NYSSA PHARM ACY Nyssa. Ontario and Vale offlceo Nyssa Post No. 79 8chool District No. 26C ) station, fine location, <14,750. SARAZIN CLINIC FOR RENT— Polish your own Your Corner Rexall Store NOTICE is hereby given that, at COLD STORAGE LOCKERS Real Estate. Insurance. Loans floors Rent our high-speed pol­ American Legion the School District election hereby 1,000 lockers, also does rendering, Phone 179-J Dr. J. J. Sarazln Mel Beck ishing equipment. Easily handled called, to be held at the Orade curing, cooling, etc., net profit Meets 1st & 3rd Thurs. Dr. K E. Kerby School In the City of Nyssa In and over <20.000 per year, <25,000 down, TOR SALE—Slightly useo Master by women. Nyssa Lumber company; lAtfc. for School District No. 26C of Mal­ LITTLE KNOWN Veteran’s Hall—8 P. M. easy terms on balance. coal stoker. Ideal Gas and Appli­ Physician and Surgeons heur County, Oregon, on the 29th START YOUR OWN STORE F O R R E N T—Warm, furnished ance, 14 No. lst St. 3atfc All Veterans Welcome 44’ x 90’ foot building in good room. Man preferred. Dwight day of November, 1950, between the of 2:00 o’clock P M. and 8:00 location, ideal for any type store, FOR SALE—Close-out on three new Smith, Phone 140-R. 21Stfc hours P. M., there will be submitted to the garage, etc., <19.500, easy terms. L. A. Maulding, M. D. heaters. The prices are Hpt. Ez Gate City Lodge By Eiden Yergensen legal voters thereof the question of CAFE TOR LEASE OR SALE Physician and Burgeon Carr, O Sc B store. 16ntfc MISCELLANEOUS authorizing the District School j <4.500 cash. <5,000 terms, <500 Phone 37 No. 214 down. 10 stools, 3 booths, 2 tables. TOR SALE—Used electric hotplates. MISCELLANEOUS—Hopkins whole­ Board to sell the Oregon Trail Hours: 10 to 11 and 2 to 8 Ideal Oas and Appliance. 19otfc sale meat, state Inspected, one mile Schoolhouse and site, situated in the All electric equipment. I.O.O.F. Daily except Saturday and I DRIVE-IN HI-WAY FRONT north, 1/4 mile west of Nyssa on County of Malheur. State of Oregon, Sunday. Saturday 10 to 13 SALE—15 tons of clover hay. Columbia Meets every Monday I 70 ft. business lot across from Cold TOR ave Custom slaughter­ and described as follows: 10 tons of alfalfa, at <13 If take all. ing. hogs, cattle, sheep received any Beginning at a point In the center J Storage. <1075. Les Woodie, two miles east of Ole's day. Also we consign hogs, cattle night, 8:30. of the County road which is the C. J. Kopp, M. D. corner. 9n3xp southwest corner of Section 13 in KEN PO N D £ SITIANCE™ and sheep for farmers to Portland South First Street Township 20 8outh of Range 46 Physician and Surgeon market. Free cooling and free de­ 16 North 3rd. Phone 218 TOR 8 ALE—Chrome sets, E. W. M and running from said livery within five miles of plant. Fry Building point along the center of said TOR SALE—Apples. Delicious, Rom­ store. Phone 395-W; if no answer. 31-M DENTISTS Office hours County road to a point 4033 90 feet es, and Winesaps, 75c and up Bring TOR SALE—Cocker spaniel pups, 16ntfc 10 to 12; and 2 to 5 to a point east of the said south­ containers, 1 1/4 miles east of Qay- Alfred Evans, Rt. 2, % Oscar Kurtz. Dally except Saturday and DR. C. M. TYLER way. Ed Mess. 2n4xp 9n2xp MISCELLANEOUS — Duplicate cor west corner, thence 30 feet north Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 to a point which is the point of and cylinder lock keys edule Hen- FOR SALE—Oreenhouse 7 x 12, Wilson Building beginning of the following des­ 2SOtfc FOR SALE—Used white enameled neman’s. <200. Ouy Moore, route 1, Nyssa, cribed tract, and running thence cupboard cabinet. Phone 8-M9n2xp Phene 1S5-J, Nyma JEWELRY STORES phone 025-R2. 2n3xp 14o45’ east, 305.22 feet; thence west MISCELLANEOUS — Avon repre­ Office hours from 9 to 5 except TOR SALE—Liquid masking tape. 372.87 feet: thence south 295.16 FOR SALE— Chromatone, for uae Paint your windows without worry- sentatives earn big money supplying Saturdays, 9 to 12. PAULUS on pottery, toys, machinery, bicycl­ lTO about getting paint on the W ill P re d ic t R a in fa ll! es, tools and any Item of wood or Nyssa Lumber company. A stronom er D r. H all rep o rts JEWELRY STORE metal. Colors for every tone. Nyssa J. R. CUNDALL 28stfc th e uae of photo-electric cells Lumber company. 28stlc Union Pacific Time inspector Dentist and o th e r sensitive In stru ­ FOR SALE—1949 four-wheel drive JEWELRY — DIAMONDS FOR SALE Phone 5S-J Willys plck-up truck, like new. 8000 m ents to m easu re th e b rig h t­ WATCHES For sale or trade, modem two bed­ miles. <1575 Cliff Main, phone Barman Clinic ness of sta rs In b road d ay lig h t Main Street at Second room home on five acres, edge of 268-R. 2ntfc NYSSA OREGON town, will trade for good 40 close to d ete rm in e th e am oun t of to Nyssa. TOR S A L E — Used washer, <15 Ez w a te r v apor an d p o ten tial rain Two-bedroom modem house, cent­ Carr. O and B Store. WYCKOFF 6Jytfc w a te r in th e air. OPTOMETRISTS ral heating, laundry room, nice yard, JEWELRY STORE O n ta rio G ra in Co. 53 O n ta rio FOR SALE— O eto. the guaran­ extra large lot. <4,500 Two-bedroom m o d e r n h o m e teed waterproof paint, Creto water­ Official Time Inspector lor DR. J. A. MCFALL east side location, small down proofs concrete, brick, cement, stuc­ P a rm a P h o n e 98 Union Pacific payment, balance on state loan. co, plaster, mortar and terraszo. DR. JOHN EASLY ORKJOM ONTARIO Unfinished two-bedroom home, Waterproofs by application and N y s sa M a in P la n t 100 N. Second street, good location, permanently waterproof! walls and large lot, can be completed with floors. Inside or outside, wet or VETERINARIANS PH A loan Will make beautiful dry, new or old, painted or un­ home with very small Invest­ painted Nywa Lumber Co. 17Ntfc ment, cash <2500. DR. HAL D. WHITE TOR RENT— Business building. 18 TOR BALE—Used double-oven Mar­ Veterinarian Nyssa. Oregon lon electric range, 100 per cent auto­ So. First street. matic, 1< months old. originally Phone 21, Ontario, Ore NYSSA INSURANCE AGENCY Phone Nysaa 275 <350 <148 50 ideal Oas and Ap­ Ralph O. Lawrence pliance. 17a tfc Nyssa, Oregon Classified Advertising STOMACH ULCERS EXCESS ACID professional « 0 Business Directory FARM FACTS! I DEAD ANIMALS Free Pickup Phone Collect Idaho-Oregon Rendering Co.