PAGE TWO THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. HVSSA. OREGON, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 9. 1950 the first ------------------ ward church. A . program notes for relatives was located near revealed by relatives or officers, but Basaar Scheduled— ---------- _----- valley Idaho Sunday She because of the tone of the letters The First Ward L D S Relief and dance will be held following Mrs Lucille Norcott of Nyssa. who Garden disappeared from her home last Fri apparently was driving to McCall a concerted effort was made to lo- society anil hold a bazaar Friday the bazaar. Refreshments will be day afternoon after leaving two The contents of the notes were not. cate Mrs. Norcott as soon as possible I night. November 10 at 8 p. m. in | served. The Gate City Journal KLA8S V. POWELL Editar and PubUahrr SI BH< R I P T I O N R A T E S One Year___________ (200 Su m o n th s________ 81 23 Single Copies _ ... 06 (Strictly In Advance) ADVERTISING RATES Open rate, per Inch _____ _ (0c National, per in c h _______ «fe Classifieds, per word_______ 2c Minimum 30c FURNITURE Lay It Away Now--Make That Xmas Selection Early Published every Thursday at Nys-sa. Malheur County. Oregon. Entered at the postoffice at Nyaaa. Oregon for transmission through the United States Malls, as second class matter, under the act of March 3, 1873 10 friends at a buffet birthday sup per given last Friday evening at the home of her mother. Mrs Bud Wil son The places were marked with CANCER FILMS SHOWN dolls with circular At a joint meeting of the Ameri favors of colonial as skirts. Poliowing can Legion auxiliary and the Ameri handkerchiefs supper and presentation of i can Legion last Thursday evening the birthday gifts, the group attended at the veterans hall, three cancer the Adrlan-Nyssa ball game. films were showen. Mrs Vernon Reed, county chairman for the A- SHOWER HONORS COUPLE merlcan Cancer society spoke brief Dr. and Mrs. John Kopp enter ly on the film and their educational purpose Following the showing of tained the members of their Wed the films, Dr. John Kopp answered nesday evening bridge club at their questions from the members of the home last Wednesday evening, with audience Mrs. E K Burton In Mr and Mrs Orant Rinehart as troduced the speakers. Pol lowing guest players. High score was held the meeting, refreshments were serv by Mrs Rinehart and low by Dr ed from a beautifully decorated tea Soli Dr and Mrs. Soli were pre sented with pink and blue gifts from table. their club. - I - PIONEER8 TO MEET Daughters and granddaughters of TO GIVE ORGAN RECITAL the Sugar City camp of the Utah Roy M. Darley. Salt Lake City pioneers will hold their monthly tabernacle organist, will appear in meeting at the home of Mrs Emma a concert organ recital Tuesday. Kesler. three miles west on Gem November 14 In the L D. 8 chapel avenue at 2 o’clock Thursday, Nov In Ontario The concert will be ember 16 Captain Nell Bair Invites sponsored by the Ontario Ward L. j all women or girls who are grand D 8 Primary association for the | daughters or great granddaughters benefit of that organization in Its j to join the camp Special music. j work with children All proceeds pioneer histories, a lesson and re- ' will go to the organization Tickets j may be purchased at the Origg Bros \ freshments will be arranged. and Butler real estate office or Pre scription Drug store In Ontario. The BENEFIT DINNER SET The I. O O P and Rebekah lodges program will Include the following | numbers: Trumpet Tune and Air, i of Nyssa will sponsor a chicken dinner and pinochle party at the I Chorale Fantasy. Jesu Joy of Man’d O. O. P hall Saturday evening, Nov Desiring, Toccata and Fugue in D j ember 11. The dinner will be serv Minor, Piece Herolque. Meditation, ed from 5 30 to 8. followed by cards Dreams. An Evening Melody. The This affair marks the beginning of Lost Chord, To a Wild Rose. Elfin a series of pinochle parties to be Dance and Toccata from Fifth Sym- j held during the winter months. phony. Prizes will be given at each of the parties Harvest Parmer's Heels— Forty members of the L. D. 8. ENTERTAIN * AT DINNER priesthood took farming equipment Mr and Mrs Herbert Fisher en to the John Schenk farm Monday ; tertained at a dinner at their home to harvest his 16-acres of beets be last Sunday Guests Included Mr cause of his Illness Members of and Mrs Robert Thompson. Mr and the Second Ward Relief society fur Mrs Herschal Thompson of Adrian, nished and served dinner at the Mr and Mrs. Dale Garrison and Mr Schenk home for the workers Mr. and Mrs Dave Mitchell. Schenk, who is superintendent of the L I) S Sunday school. Is expected BUFFET SUPPER OIVEN to remain in bed for several weeks Miss Lois Wilson was hostess to because of a heart condition. Social Notes GOLDEN RULE Select from a complete stock oi line furniture, priced always below the market. New fall slock is coming in daily, select from leading lines lo give you the best values available. New bedroom furniture. Large roomy pieces in beautiful walnut and finished in Kemvar, that wonder finish that withstands alcohol, finger nail polish, etc. Priced in five pieces at $50.00 under the market. Walnut and mahogany dropleaf desks, finished in Kemvar. Davenos and davenport sets, in beautiful mohair frieze. Chrome sets, odd rockers, occas ional tables, floor lamps and mirrors. Electric ranges, refrigerators, washers, mangles and hot water heaters. LAY IT AWAY NOW-A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY ARTICLE Shop now, See our stock now while it is complete Ed Case Furniture Company North of Y Highway 20 Nyssa, Oregon DOLLAR DAYS THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND MONDAY, NOVEMRER 9,10 AND 13 MEN S COTTON SOX SHEET RLANKETS CHILD'S SLEEPERS NYLON HOSE REGULAR SI.69 COTTON WORK SOCKS 3 PAIR FOR 5 0 * REGULAR $1.49 $1 BLOUSES SIZES 1 TO 6 $2 LIMET 3 PAIRS NYLON PANTIES SPORT SHIRTS $1 SIZES 32 TO 38 $1 DRESSES WHITE COLORS $ 3 REGULAR $4.95 TO $6.95 BOYS' ANKLETS $5 RAYON GOWNS VALUES TO $9.95 $1 Boys' and Men's Jackets IRREGULARS OF 50c. 5 PAIR $1 LACE TRIMMED CHILDREN'S COATS HOUSE DRESSES $5 ZIPPER AND BUTTON RAINCOATS «3 NOT ALL SIZES SKI SWEATERS $6 SMALLER SIZES SIZES 36 TO 44 WOMEN'S SANDALS $ 5 BRIGHT FIGURED. REGULAR $7.95 MEN'S OXFORDS WOMEN'S FALL COATS $2 LOW AND MEDIUM HEEL $ 5 $10 BAMBOO REGULAR $15.95 HOT ALL SIZES Child's LEAF RAKE Oxfords and Patent Straps S & H GREEN STAMPS GOLDEN RULE 25* $2 Nyssa, Oregon WITH EVERY PURCHASE NOT ALL SIZES REGULAR 29c 3 FOR COTTON PLAID BLANKET <]j| FIRST QUALITY COTTON FOOTED, ONE PIECE ASSORTED COLORS NEW FALL SHADES STITCHED DESIGNS PASTEL RAYONS PINK. BLUE AND SIZES 14l/a TO 17 FALL COLORS AND STYLES STRIPES AND PLAIN Yellow , Pink and Blue ALL W OOL PLAID Blue, Green, Red, Plain and FAST COLOR BLACK RUBBER SANFORIZED COTTON g j FUR TRIMMED REGULAR $9.95 SHORT AND LONG LENGTHS Extra Heavy, 10C Y '( W ool BLACK. RED AND BROWN BROWN SPORT STYLES Smooth and Suede Leather A REAL VALUE Grain and Smooth Leather VALUES TO S4.95 r