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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1950)
THE NYSSÀ GATE CITY PAGE TWO N ai h< h. tt o: h u P J i, % a 1 P P K K L A SS V. POWELL SU B SC R IP T IO N KA TES Published every Thursday Entered at the pos toff ice through the United States the act A D V ER T ISIN G R A T E S Open rate, per Inch National, per Inch Classifieds. per word Minimum 40c 40c 2c 30c at Nyssa, Malheur County. Oregon at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission Malls, as second class matter, under of March 3. 1879 A Harbinger From The Past— “I place economy among the first and most import ant virtues and public debt as the greatest of dangers to be feared. To preserve our independence, w e must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt_ W e must make our choice between economy and liberty or pro fusion and servitude. “If we run into such debts we must be taxed in our meat and drink, in our necessities and our comforts, in our labors and in our amusements. If we can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of caring for them they will be happy”. Thomas Jefferson I'¡•'In in;' T h e (Ih in c sc After years of sending food and medical supplies to the Chinese during their many droughts, famines, earthquakes and other disasters, the bread we threw upon the water has come back to us in the form of bullets. We find ourselves involved in fighting the Chinese people, whom we have befriended so many times, in a OREGON. chaotic situation that is sporadic fighting among The strange oriental the brains in Washington. Chinese reds not to enter the Korean That is just another lin in Moscow to let off the western powers someplace else, the dry for a showdown with the The American found) men big enough and this slow process of world before it is too late. The Gate Citv Journal »2 00 One Year $125 Six months 05 Single Conies (Strictly In Advance» NYSSA. as befuddling as the years of the Chinese war lords. mind has again doubled-crossed Having waited so long, the were expected by American officials war, but they did at the last minute_ example of the tactics of the Krem her satellites bleed to death staving and then turning on the current while keeping the Russian powder United States. people should pray and vote for (if smart enough to overcome strangulation by the Russians F A JOURNAL. T u I m tiiuc I p THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 2. 1950 a Plre Is Burning", choir and con gregation; quartet number, "Bless This House", Blaine Holladay. Charles R Peterson, Hugh Tobler and Jack Taggard; anthem “ In the Mountain of the Lord’s House", choir; benediction, Scott B Brown, patriarch of the Weiser stake, and postlude. Mrs Oilchrist. I)on Parker Family ■ w . w-i D riv e n r r o m H o m e ---------- SUNSET V ALLE Y. Nov, 2— Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Lorensen have receiv- ed word from their daughter, Mrs. Don Parker, and family o f Rose- burg that they were evacuated from their home during the recent flood- glad to come back to; that the Stars and Stripes win be glad to fly IN V SHU D edicated over, and that our church officials ---------- will be glad to preside over”. (Continued from Page 1) Luther L. Fife, builder of the j a welcome to those in attendance.' chapel and former president of the He thanked all of those who assisted j Weiser stake, said "This is one of the in the service ana then invited Ray happiest days o f my life. I wish I C. Lewis of Nyssa. a member of the could talk a long while to tell you high council of the old Weiser stake of the appreciation I feel for my as for many years, to give the invo sociation with you people. I thank you for the joy and happiness that cation. The choir, directed by Mrs. John our associations have brought to me. Schenk of Nyssa, and accompanied I appreciate the help of Ray C. by Mrs. Gilchrist, sang "Come, O Lewis, my foreman, and the others Thou King of K ings” and the con who worked on the building, the gregation and choir sang "How Firm church officials and those who con tributed. Ood has blessed us lib a Foundation". D. Hubert Christensen, bishop of erally” . In one of the principal talks, the Nyssa second ward, said " It is a revelation to me to witness the dedi President Arvel L. Child said ” 1 am cation of this building and the pre happy to be here today; this Is a Just what are sentation of it to the Lord, Jesus wonderful picture Christ One can’t be a bishop of a we happy about? I think I am happy ward or president of a stake with about the realization of what this out gaining something from his ex building means to us. I f we fall periences I know everyone in the short in our use ot It, It miyht just ward. We have visited you and as well not have been builded. But through all of your couragous efforts we do Intend to use It. For me it in this building program we have is a dream come true” . President Child said he was grate learned to love you and appreciate your courage and faithfulness and ful to all those who helped in the now the building will stand as a construction o f the building. He thanked the members of the con monument to your faithfulness” . The bishop said the building cost gregation and those not of his faith approximately $180,000 or an aver and also thanked others individually. age of about $8 a square foot, which, He added that no community in the he said, "should make the contractor, valley had been so well favored with Luther Fife, feel good". He averred a place for children to meet as in that the building If erected now Nyssa, where the use of school build ings had been granted when at all would cost over $200,000. Bishop Christensen traced the his possible. He thanked school offici tory of the financial campaign to als for their consideration. “ In this place ” , the president said, raise money for the tabernacle, but at the time "did not dream that It "we expect to have a building that would be a stake building” . Saying will keep our children away from the contributors averaged $650 per places of disrepute. We invite every family, the bishop stated that "W e one to use this building so long as are happy as we can be for the re they maintain our standards. Let us make this a house of worship, a sponse given to the program ” . "This will be a place of refuge place o f prayer” . Dr. LeRoy Wirthlln of Salt Lake and quiet, where people will come to get away from the turmoil” , the City, member of the general welfare bishop said He added that he was committee, said "The greatest bles thankful for two things—the effort sing the Lord ever gave us or will We provided us with an opportunity to ever give us Is opportunity. renew our convenants with the Lord have an opportunity to prove that and we have a place for our children, we will do the Lord’s will The chapel Is in the same category The Lord where they will love to come. "W e thank those not of our faith opens up a great opportunity for the who gave for the benefit of th tl people to spread the gospel” . Other numbers on the program ( ha pel. Practically all of the merch ants of Nyssa have contributed were song, "The Spirit of Ood Like something. We love those people; they are our brothers and sisters” . f it ’ D. O. Bybee. chairman of the fin ance committee, told the congre gation that ’’It is an Inspiration to see so many people interested In a common cause” . Referring to the picture of the Owyhee dam in the program booklet. Mr. Bybee said ’I have been a staunch believer in this country This is the heart o f O re gon and Idaho. I believe we have the best land In the world. Why Is this such a good country? W e have good earth, good climate and good water. We might add to this com bination the bruins of the men who planned this project” . "W e all know we need this chapel” , Mr Bybee said. " I f we are blessed spiritually and temporally, we must keop the conuiuindmeiits. W e have this church because we have won over the devil You have to admire people wlm give the best they have. Let’s moke this a place our boys in the service and missions will be I, U S ing of the Umpqua river. The house was flooded with eight in c h « of water at the time. The latest in- formation received by Mr and Mrs Lorensen indicated that the water was receding rapidly With them at the time was Mrs. Parker's sister, Mrs Willard Whitman and family, who were visiting them over the week-end. Both families were guests o f Mr. the i a and nu a Mrs. ir s , n Harold a r u ju rv King iu g u during w v*«w flood stage. Mr King is a brother o f Miss Mertrude King and Mrs. Adah Snyder, who quite often are visitors in Sunset valley, a cousin of Maude Cooper and a second cousin of Martha Lorensen and Wilbur Chapin. He is utility officer at the ! veterans hospital at Roseburg and resides on the grounds, were Mr and Mrs Ear, Qf Boise, former Sunset valley residents who lived on what is now the Gabriel Astoreca farm. Mr and Mrs Lor- ensen were hosts at a dinner Dartv - — - ------------ given in honor o f ---- Mr. and - Mrs Leach. Dinner guests were Mr. and Mrs. Leach, Mr. and Mrs. Cash Tur ner, Mr. and Mrs. Adams and daugh ter of Eagle, Prank Asumendi and Mr. Lorensen's father, Herman, of Owyhee cornor. ------------------- ----- Parents Visit— Mr. and Mrs. Evan J. Evans spent last week visiting at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Richard Porbess and family. At ■ %»0 Sleeps k mnS; n Y«f, to d ay thore are m ore than h alf a m illion h ap p y users of General Electric Autom atic Blankets. Now*« the time for you, too, to assure y o urself of w o n d erfu l autom atic sleeping comfort. Buy a cozy G-E Au tomatic Blanket. It will give you just* right warmth night after night . • • all winter long. Choose your Automatic Blanket from any one of four lovely colors: rose, blue, green, or cedar. The Automatic Blanket is care fully made to meet rigid Genera s Electric safety standards, and is approved by Underwriters* Lab oratories, Inc. It is certified wash able by the American Institute of Laundering. AVAILABLE IN THREE MODELS: Twln-b.d One-control 66 by ( 6 inches Doublo-bod One-control 72 by <6 inches Double-bed Two-control 72 by 86 inchos $4495 $4895 $5695 HENNEMAN HARDWARE COMPANY Show Your Authority You Will Have A Good Chance When You Vote in the General Election to be held TO R EP R ESEN T IN CO NGRESS— Y O U - t h e 245,‘>7') citizens of the Second District of Oregon, IT T A K E S A BIG M A N of far vision and wide horizons, a man who is a native of, and has lived and farmed on, the broad lands of the district. IT T A K E S A BIG M A N of great wisdom and vitality who has shown sound judgment in making the daily decisions that are so vital to Y O U . and who has lought to protect your “liberty against socialism.” IT T A K E S A M A N who in eight years has gained valuable experience in the Congress and valuable seniority on the powerful House Appropriations Committee who has recently been select^ by the National Affairs league for “outstanding C on gressional contributions toward achieving a strong and prosperous America " . . . THIS MAN IS LOWELL STOCKM AN Re-elect LOWELL STOCKMAN [ REPUBLICAN . to C O N G R E S S on N O V E M B E R 7th Tuesday, November 7 POLLS OPEN IN THE USUAL PLACES It is your privilege and duly to exercise your right of franchise at the polls. The Am erican people could lose their right to vole by failure lo consistently cast theli ballots on election day. This Friendly Reminder Comes From your Home-Town Newspaper The Gate City Journal