THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 26. 1950 with the basket as well as a list of names of the members who have participated. Henry Hartley spoke to the group —5— on the children's bill and a period a m it y c l u b m e e t s of discussion was held afterward. Mrs. Calvin Wilson entertained the Refreshments were served at the members of the Amity club at her close of the evening. home last Thursday evening. Two HONORED AT SHOWER new members, Mrs. Walker Lowe Mrs. Lloyd Wilson and Mrs John and Mrs. Ez Carr, were welcomed Kopp were co-hostesses Monday af into the club. Mrs. Lloyd Lewis ternoon at the Wilson home at a ¡¡ave an interesting talk or. the sub- surprise pink and blue shower hon jec t. "Vegetables, and Their Origin". oring Mrs. Ted Morgan. Bridge was Refreshments were served by the in play following a dessert luncheon hostess. with prizes going to Mrs. Norman Schoonover of Parma for high score ADRIAN P. T. A. MEETS and to Mrs. Don Soli of Parma for Adrian grade school P. T. A. met low and traveling Mrs. Morgan was Thursday evening. October 19 with presented with gifts from the mem a large crowd attending. During bers of the Monday and Tuesday af the business meeting ways of rais- ternoon bridge clubs. Additional ¡ 14 . money were discussed. Mrs. guests invited were Mrs. A. C. Sallee, 4 0 Sind berg and Mrs. Delbert Mrs. Frank Morgan. Mrs. R. G. Lar Deteinne. who are ways and means son. Mrs. Grant Rinehart and Mrs chairmen, suggested that members Herbert Smith of Coulee Dam. ot the P. T. A. take the school cen —5— sus and start several traveling bas WORK FOR BAZAAR kets. Committees were appointed The members of the Dorcas circle for both projects. The traveling ¡of the W. S. C. S. met last Thurs- baskets In Owyhee is in charge of • day for an all-day meeting at the Mrs. Chet Mills. Mrs. Mills makes I home of Mrs. L. E. Robbins. A bus something, puts it in the basket iness meeting was held in the morn and sells it to another member. ing, followed by a potluck luncheon That member in turn makes some i and program. Mrs. Gilbert Klinken- thing. puts it in the basket and berg was program leader. Dolls for sells It to another member. The the bazaar, to be held in November, money paid for the articles is kept was made during the afternoon. PAGE THRr E The visitors returned to Portland certs given by the United Stales Sunday Mrs Kellerman and Mrs. navy band at Nampa Sunday were Mr and Mrs. Bernard Eastman and Maulding are sisters. Michael, Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Buch ner, Mr and Mrs Henry Hartley. Attend Concert— Among those attending the con- Mr. and Mrs. Merrildean Robbins. burial Knits Norvelle Bobbins and MUs Betty Winchell Oordan Findley, former Nyssa high school band instructor and cornet soloist with the band, visited in Nyssa between concerts at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hartley. NOW IS THE TIME TO GET SET FOR WINTER WITH "Phillip; Don't be Tricked r f Z 1 REA READ THE AD V ER TI S IN G PRO HIB ITI ON ■ i BILL CAREFULLY BEFORE Y O U VOTEI This measure implies a restriction on the advertising of alcoholic beverages only! Because this measure would conflict with federal laws, it would mean total prohibition. The effect, therefore, would be complete pro- hibition of all advertised brands of alcoholic ^ b ev era g es in Oregon! ^ D O N ’T B E TRICKED INTO PROHIBITION Vote 317X NO "t h e l a s t m e a s u r e on t he b a l l o t ” ’ i . . k Jv'.: . a | P aid a d » . : C itiz e n * 3 1 7 X N o C o f t m i't * « , Lee J S tid d , J r . , Sec y, ' ; 301 lu w b e rn > e n i Bo ld in g . PoM lond 4 , O reg o n MR. AND MRS. DALLAS WILLIAMS Twenty-three were in attendance at Don De Haven and the bride's par ents accompanied the couple. The [ the meeting. groom is a graduate of Adrian high CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY school. The newly weds are resid Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Williams of ing in the Owyhee community, Nyssa celebrated their 50th wedding where he is engaged in farming. anniversary at the home of their son. Earl, on north First street Oct Adrian Boy In Kansas— Mrs. Threlma Elliott of Adrian has ober 8 Dallas Williams and Effie Ham received word that her son, Donald monds were married in 1900. They Elliott has arrived in Fort Riley, have been residents of Nyssa for the Kansas. Elliott is stationed there last eight years. Mr. and Mrs. Wil with three other Malheur county liams are the parents of two sons. youths. Earl of Nyssa and Clint of Haw thorne, California. During open Pheasant Caught By Hand— house, held in observance of the an G. S. Kellerman of Portland, who niversary. two granddaughters of the was in Nyssa for the hunting season, couple, Patty Anne and Norma Wil employed "bring them back alive" liams, served refreshments. techniques while pheasant hunting last week. Kellerman, in walking - j - through a beet field, stumbled upon ADRIAN COUPLE WED Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hatch of a pheasant. He dropped his gun Adrian announce the marriage of and the surprised hunter was able to their daughter, Barbara, to Donald take the surprised bird before it Hatt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Niss Halt made its escape. Kellerman return of Nyssa route 1 on October 6, at the ed with the live bird, to the home Methodist parsonage in Winne- of Dr. and Mrs. Maulding, where mucca. Nevada. Miss Lorraine Hite, he and Mrs. Kellerman were visiting. PHILLIPS 66 FURNACE OIL Don’t let Winter creep up on you with out having a supply of Phillips 66 Furnace Oil to handle the cold winds. A call to us today will put you ahead of the cold days that are coming. And you’ll like Phillips 66 Furnace Oil. It burns clean and bright. It has high heat content in every gallon. It’s free flowing , . . dependable and econom ical. Don't wait until Winter is here. Avoid the rush and possible delay. Call us to day. Prompt and efficient service at all times. CHILD BROS. Phillips 66 Distributors 615 ARCADIA BLVD. PHONE 88 Boo-oo! Do high food prices scare you? Then c’mon over to Taylor's Food M arket w here w e’ve taken all the “boogie” out of food buying. Our everyday low prices will m ake you grin like a jack-o-lantern. qt. 41* Salad Dressing« Keen Ritz Crackers, large package 30£ SWIFT S HOMO Peanut Butter Hershey Cocoa 12 ounces 32£ V 2 pound 23$ • 3 CANS Tomato Soup, Campbell s 2 9 c 14‘/2 OZ. Pillsbury Hot Roll Mix 2 1 Ç 8 OUNCE PACKAGE Wheaties - - - - 2 for 29^ lb. 4£ Pumpkins, medium size Sweet Spuds 3 pounds 19£ Pork Roasts Imperial . . . every powerful, gleaming inch of it. Imperial . . . it is the only word that comes to mind when you see the luxurious fabrics and appointments inside. Imperial . . . is the way you feel as individual motors raise and lower your windows. Imperial . . . is the only word that describes your command of the road as you drive. Imperial by Chrysler is the wholly new car that is setting a new goal for every family with the taste and the experience in motor cars to recog nize unrivaled built-in value all the way through. It is the first car in America to make no compromise with quality . . . the only car to consider if you want the finest. W ell welcome an opportunity to let the Imperial prove it. pound 33£ Large Franks Pork Sausage Picnic Hams T a y l 2 pounds 69£ 3 pounds 89£ pound 43£ It —drive I t . . . th e r e ’s built-in value all th e w ay through I C h ry tle r's A d v a n ta g e s In Com fort an d S a fe ty fu n c tio n a l D t tig n — full room (or your hood, l.g i, thouldor*. Easy la a n la r and l«av«l Sal« G uard Hydraulic Irak««— >mootti«r »tape. l o t i- l o c k r a c k in g Ir a k « — hold» car on any hill, H tc C ric a iiy O p e ra te d W in d t h ie ld Wiper*— com tont ip««d all Hi« rlm«l C h a ir H a ig hr l o a n — na crouching, yo u lit naturally! Salary Kim W lte a lt — won't throw tir«< aft«r blowout* a t normal ipeed*. 0 «ubi«-<uidfh Arm t r « — far arm chair comfort. A d v a n ta g e s o f C h ry sle r'* Fluid D rive A u to m a tic O ta r Shitting— with full control a t your earl K a t a r fraction — ta la r an ilippary road*. Canu«niaac« a t clutch far «atiar parking. S la w a r tn g in a Sp««d>— r«duc«d noi*«, wear. Sava* ga*alin«l Drive In high whll« other* drlv« In la w In traffic. A d v a n ta g e s o f C h ry tle r's High C o m e re stle n Sp itfire In g ln e l W a lo r p r o o f Ig n it io n - prevent* Hailing In rain or high C lta m ica lly T r t a l t d C y lin d e r Waft»— for gr«al«r w ear. H o o tin g t o w n * — help* «iiminat« vibration. S u p a r lin itk a é t a r t a — roduco friction, lost langer Ê rh a u a t V a lv a Saat Intacte ra d u ra need for valva grindingl f u ll f l a w O H f r i t t i — k««pc ail d«an iongarl IMPERIAL BY o r ’ Q FOOD MARKET O We Give S & H Green Stamps FREE DELIVERY ON ORDERS OF $5.00 OR OVER OPEN 7 DAYS WEEKLY IIÔ Good Ave. WAGGONER MOTOR CO. Ny.« ,o r .g o n