THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 26. 1950 PAGE TWO SU < EU23*i»3äS9e££ält t a m s youngest brother. Woodrow N ishitam On the following m o rn O f E x peri«* nr«— ing both fam .lies drove on to S e a ttle , • a cre a large family birth day dinner SU N SE T VALZKY O et 2*— Mrs was given Sunday fo r Woodrow at O en* Stepn *.'.; t u guest «p e» I- the hom e of H N .- u u m , Turn * old- er T h u n d k j afternooo n m W j r . i - est brother T h a t i o e afternoon wtii> club m mnber; m et at Tom s sister Mr Anthony Gom es the n o n e of M rs Claude W ily « was honor guest at a ptnk and mu« Mrs Stephen», who »erred in the s i.- a e r g n e n tor her by M rs. B ob O S navy as a WAVE for two year* Y coda Mr Piro Aoki and Mr from Ju n e 1M4 to 1M6 told of her C laren ce A ral experiences Her account was f ull [ r i r .r u th eir stay In S e a ttle Mr of humor and reality as she related and M rs N ish-tanl were house- how the girls, eight from th e B o .-r guests a t the Ar. m ony G om es home area, who were talten to H unter col Miss M arth a N --nitam . sister of lege in New York for boot-train ing Tom . has received notable m entloc. were ao hom e-tick they cried if they In th e national d ance m .g a .,.,. recessed a letter, and cn ed if there coast paper; for her recent com p was no letter Sh e told of New York osition of a m odern d ance which ligh t-seein g being transferred to the was a satire on a Se a ttle newspaper Parragut N asal station and latter Miss N ishitam » n o is both a pupil to S e attle and her work in a naval of E leanor K r g and a d ance in secretarial Job and emergency relie! structor. is studying ballet and class and finally being released five ic a l Ja p a n ese dancing at present m onths a fter th e war was over D inner guest- at th e T hom as B e sid e giving an interestin g talk. N ishitam h <me :w nights th is week Mrs Stephens also had a complete were v-siting h u n ters from S e a ttle tcropbook of her two y e a rs life Curry. C « h y and Bus B ill aa a W AVE Oo-hoaceea. M rs C la r T h e Richlarid 4-H ca lf and pig ence Reed and Mr- Claude Wilson club held iu first m eeting this fal! served refreshm ents to 22 women a t the home of Mildred Session F r i T he November club m eeting will be day afternoon with seven girls and held at the home of Mr- Grover eight boys present November 2 will Cooper with Mrs M agnus Ekanger be the date for the next m eeting a t as oo-hoste&s the Session home Mr and Mrs T hom as Ntabitar.l M r- Robert R e ffe tt and h e r baby arrived and son. David, visited overnight In daughter Sh aron E laine Vancouver at the hom e of Mr Nishi- hom e Sunday Mr and M rs R e ffe t Ex-Wave Tell* * DON'T C = 1 f — — A ir If f f m 8 i 1» i K ^ I C K E D 2 5 ,0 0 0 OREGON JOBS IN DANCER! Vote against the measure that implies restric tions on alcoholic beverage advertising on ly! Because this measure would conflict with federal laws, it would mean total prohibition. T he e ffe c t, th e r e fo r « , w o u ld b e com pfefo p ro h ib itio n of a ll b ra n d s of alco h o lic b e v e r a g e s ia O re g o n . . . a n d 2 5 ,0 0 0 O re g o n p e o p le w o u ld b e u n e m p lo y e d ) X NO V O T E 317 "Ihn I m i ! m m m im rm C nn ie e s 1 17 V ho* C e h o n e e Ihm b m ll m l" le g J l ' «4 , S r. K ll t . e b e - o e - s l w t d e « N fO ^ e d 4. O ' « « « returned the first of the week from a soceam hd h o atto g tn p with a five-point buck. On Thursday R ob ert R effet left o c a hunting tn p Mr- J O kano visited Mrs K ayno S a -tc and her new soo Tuesday Mrs Salto 's soo was the second child boro in the Nyssa hospital A.tending a large fam .iy turkey dinner in Caldwell Wednesday even ing s : the hoove of Leshe Jo h n sa c were Mr and Mrs Wilbur Cbb^fei and their housegueau. Mr and Mrs Moody Joh nson Mr and Mrs W il liam Lee and child of Forest Grove. Oregon and Herman Lnrensen and Mr and M rs K enn eth Lnrensec of Nyssa Mrs Mary Hoist of Caldwell a c t -rn pan lid Mr and Mrs Uorenaen home for a visit of a few days T h e Joh n-u n and Moody fam ilies who have been hunting while housegueau at the Chapin home the past 10 days, planned or. leaving this week-end. O ntario visiters a : th e K ennet h Lorensen home Tuesday were Miss M ertrude K ing. M rs Ada Snyder and Mr and Mrs E H Tolm an and ch Jd ren . W eek-ending hunters at the Lorensons farm were Mr and Mrs Byron Stark s of Portland Mr and Mrs Elver Nielsen and two sons were among those atten d ing a large dinner party given M on day evening at the G len M cGinnis home for Mr and Mrs Delm ar M e’ - tier. and Mr and Mrs Dwight M .near and son of Lucas K ansas. T h e visitors left Tuesday for their home m K ansas via C alifornia Mr and Mrs Fred H am son and two sons of Portland and Mrs G ra n t Harrison arrived Wednesday for a few days visit at the home of Mr and Mr- O ra Newgen Mrs New- . gen is the daughter of Mrs H am son and sister of Pred T h e visitors planning on driving to Sand point. Idaho A Thursday evening over night guest at the Newgen hom e was Robert Forney of Madras Supper guests a t the home of Mr and Mrs H A W ilson Friday included O. R Hite. B ill W ilson. Dick Hite and B ill Jo rd an Frank P ark and Mr G lass of Rose burg visited Herman Lorensen Wednesday. Mr and M r- B urrel Lar.dreth of Madras were dinner guests Monday at the O rtv er Cooper home Mr and Mrs Lloyd Landreth of Madras were dinner guests of Mr and M r s j Cooper Tuesday B oth fam ilies are form er residents o f this valley Mr and Mrs B urrell Landreth are hou*e guests of their son. Chuck Landreth. in Nyssa and Mr and Mrs Lloyd l .kjwireth were guests of B ill P eu tx Returning Friday from a trip to Nebraska was Mrs Ira P rice a c companied by Mr and Mrs B ryan Price and son. and Mr and Mrs Harold Shum an, who will visit at the Ira Price home for a while Hunters Visit— F t .ends and relatives of M r and Mr- Fred K ratgberg from the co ast* who were here last week for the hunting season included Jo e D unn of Coos Bay. Alla Dunn. Ja c k Dunn. Edgar 8tevenaon. Mr Murphy. E arl B altenorob. Narda Anderson and Carl Henderson, all of Reedsport. A d ria n C o u p le B u iJ d in » H ouse ADRIAN O et as— Mr and Mrs G len Brow n a re V»»i n » -'-*■* residence in A drian M rs B ill Looney gave a birthday party for C h ffie Sunday c u ffie w>. • years oid M rs G ayle M artin and children visited in Nam pa with her miXher. Mrs. O. J Engluth. Monday Mr and M rs E a rl W inn attended ch urch in P a y ette Scinda > Mr and Mrs Bud D er.:.-n of C an n a e B ea ch . O regon spent ir urn T ues day until Friday w ith tier brother. B ill Looney, and family M rs Howard H atch Mr- Ja m es iifC iin n n and Mr .m i Mrs. Don Holt attended a fam ily dinner a t th e H. R H atch hom e in B ig Bend G uest o f honor was Mrs Mae Stone of G aston . Oregon. Mr and Mrs. G len Pounds and M rs R ich Holly attended th e navy band concert in Nam pa Sunday. Mr and Mrs F. F Cumm ings of 1 * 01 p . visited in the Bob Brown home Sunday Mr and Mrs Vernon P ark er and fam ily, and Howard H atch spent th e week-end in Ironside visiting Mr and M r- G ordon Dickson. T h e m en also w ent hunting H R R itte r of Halfway spent one nigh t last week with his daughter, Mrs, Henry R eu ter and fam ily. Mrs C h arlie W est and Mr- Pearl S c o tt and son have returned home from Longview. W ashington, where they visited Mr and Mrs Charlie T a McCall— Mrs. O lea B .lL ngs and Mrs H J B W est Mr and Mrs George Cartw right Udick spent the w eek-end a t M cCall moved Into their new home Sunday. as the guests of M r and Mrs Lloyd Hague On Sunday evening they attended the christening of M elissa Here From L a Grande— Mrs H S c o u Coulter and son are Je a n Hague g-w eecs-old daughter visiting th is week a t the home of of Mr and M r; Hague by Bishop Mrs. C oulter’s parents, Mr and M r. R hea of Boise. Mrs Cdiek stood Wesley Brow ne Mr- Coulter and with th e parents as grandm other baby arrived Sunday with Miss B a r of the baby, and Mrs B Jlin g s as Mrs. Hague is a form bara Brow ne, who .pent the week godmother er teacher in Nysaa end in L a G rande Month End Sale OCTOBER 27-31 FIRE INSURANCE LAMPS LAMPS . . . for your HOME — HOUSEHOLD GOODS oad PERSONAL EFFECTS. LAMPS Group 1 Pay Annually Instead of 3 Y ears in Advance N O W . . . you eoa pay your fire insurance on a "coetiouaus.'* or perpetual annual basi*, like life iassreaca instead of 3 years in advance. S I 1 .9 5 Values of S16.95 A R EA L F E S T IV A L O F F LO O R G E O R G E STA N G ER PHONE 208-W _ ___ LA M P V A L U E S N Y SSA . OREGON All Styles—Silk, Plastic or FIRE INSURANCE EXCHANGE Parchment Shades 7-W A Y 6-W A Y KAISER-FRAZER Group 2 Sales & Service S 1 6 .9 5 10-W AY I Values of $29.95 If you are driving a Kaiser or Frazer car we are equipped with the latest testing equipment and factory trained mechan ics to put your car in the best of condition. Y ou r B ig Chance To Buy T h at Needed Floor Lamp A t A Huge Saving! Beautiful Silk Shades, 6- Way, 7-Way And 10-Way •> Lighting BRING YOUR TROUBLES TO US MUTCH OIL CO. Peterson Furniture Company Highway 30— East of Town Ontario, Oregon Phone 287 “ The Dependable Furniture Stores” - — i----- i äs '■ MUIR-ROBERTS Cr BURNINGHAM, INC. has a CARLOAD G EY -SU L OF - Insulate NOW AND CUT FUEL BILLS 30% OR MORE THIS WINTER! SULPHUR-GYSUM SOIL CONDITIONER Now is your opportunity to find out for yourself what this am azing product will do for Y O U R soil. . . . . and at money-saving carload prices. G EY-SU L W ILL i t L ib era te phosphate, potath, magnesium and ofhbt v ita l p lan t food* now in your toil but u navailable. i t Supply ca lciu m , sulphur and other v o lu a b le m in eral* in quick- actin g usable farm. it N e u tra lise a lk a li, lo o c h aw ay so d iu m t o l t t o k a li soils to norm al productivity. it I n c r e a s e t o i l f e r t il i t y , s t i m u l a t e ro o t n o d u le d e v e lo p m e n t , in c r e a s e n it r o g e n in t a k e . ★ Supply a d d itio n al protein* and o th e r vitol nutrien t* to crop*, t Build up resistance to m any plant p e t t * a n d d it a a M * . See Boise Payette for details on how you can . . . lower pH , kelp restore INSULATE BALSAM WOOL Sealed Insulation ON EAST FHA TERNS -A Incroato crop yield. Insulate your home NOW and enjoy real winter comfort. By so doing you will also effect valuable fuel savings year after year. Such savings soon pay the cost of insulating. Keep winter heat in . . . summer heat out. See your Boise Payette yard for a free estimate of insulating YOUR home with these quality products: Baisam V> ool is GUAP-AN i EED to save on fuel and increase comfort. This blanket-type insulation is easy to install. It's windproof, moisture- p.oc., pack-proof because it s fastened in place . . . actually bonded to its covering. i t M a k e barron spots productiv«. it IN SU LA TIO N B A T T S Im prove toil itrweture, m ake »oil lo o ser a n d C ultivatio n ooeior. Handy, fireproof, mineral-filled batts that are easily installed in the attic j t any home merely by placing between the ceiling joists. MAKE A CHECK PLOT AND FIND OUT FOR YOURSELF N may seem hord to believe that G E Y S U l will provide so many benefits for your cod and crop*. Why not moke a chock plot ond find out for yowrtaiff When you toe tho improvement in yield ond In quolity on your own ground, we know you will |oSn tho thousands of Western formers who or# robvdd-ng thoir sod with G fY-StA . Spread GEY SUl on otfoHa, clover ond postures. Your stock will know tho difference! GEY SUL contains 2 0 % free sulphur. 0 0 % gypsum (calcium twlphoto), guarantood M IN E R A L -F IL L In su la tio n C all now for a FREE Eatimata . . . minim um of 3 0 % froo and casnbinod sulphur, 9 0 % total utobio and vo lu abi« minor a ls. S m lose than 1 % froo m onlure Com pare this mnoljrm with any other similar matoriaL minerai e l a t i o n which can easily be installed in the WALLS of any struct..-* already built, as well as in the attic. Insulat- ing the " a - * of your present home with Mineral Fill Insulation will provide extra fuel savings over and above those made by insu lating tha attic alone 1 P rod u c'd by IN T E R S T A T E C H E M IC A L CO . C. F . M IN K . M anager FO R IN C R E A S E D Y IE L D S A N D H E A L T H IE R C R O P S Phono IS G IT G EY-SU L TODAY Nyma Muir-Roberts and Burningham, Inc. N Y S S A . O REGON PHONE ISO COM PANY