/ P A G E FOUR Far«*w«*ll Party Given For Coujile 8UNSET VALLEY. Oct. 12—More than 70 friends gathered Friday evening at the Sunset Assembly of Ood church for a farewell supper and party for Reverend and Mrs. Joe E. Dodson. A blanket and dutch oven were presented to the minister and his wife as a token of appreci­ ation of their work and friendship. Rev and Mrs Downey of Ontario and Rev. and Mrs Bpiesz of Nyssa were among the guests. Nathan Orr arrived at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ liam Orr Saturday on a 13-day period of leave, after completing two courses hi military business ad- mlnUuaiion at Cheyene, Wyoming 1 will return at the end of his vacation to Cheyenne as an instructor in 1 typing at the training center. Robert Ditty and Helmut Hlntz trucked the Dodson household goods i to Brooks Saturday Margaret Land will move to Brooks with Mr and Mrs Dodson and work in the can­ nery. Reverend Dodson who has beer, with the Sunset church the past two years and seven months re­ signed last week and with his wife and granddaughter. Patsy Williams, will leave the first of the week for Brooks, Oregon. Miss Carmen Astoreca arrived home Friday by plane after spend- ■ ing two weeks in the Portland vet­ erans hospital. Dinner guests at the Clayton NOTICE That County Warrants not presented will be cancelled. N O TIC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N that the follow ing warrant* w ill bo cancelled and the payments thereof w ill be refused unless said warrants are presented to the County Treasurer fo r paym ent on or before October 31. 1950. Amount Nellie D. Leavell $ 10 No. Date Issued .'1040 Nov. 12, 1942 GENERAL ROAD W ARRANTS Leland J. McKinney $2 82 5513 Oct. 8, 1942 T A Y L O R G R A Z IN G DIST. Coll, of Int. Revenue $5.55 4493 Meuller Furnaces- Link Belt May 13, 1943 II. S. SACKETT, County Clerk. GEORGE J. KINZER HEATING E A S T E R N OREGON FEDERAL SAVINGS KEN POND AGENCY looting foi P®® ^ KAISER-FRAZER S ervice Mr. and Mrs. Bill Schoen of Nyssa had as recent visitors Mr. Schoen’s j brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schoen, and twin sons, Lester and LeRoy Schoen of Val- ! paralso, Nebraska. They were ac- Retta Bull Butek'• T But the best way to find out what This is due to a little-known but all this means is to touch off the Lift it up, ami you'll find that the w ay by a gentle nudge o f your toe authentic engineering fact—which is that an engine bums less gas u ben it doesn't bat e to labor. A t space beneath is abundantly occu­ pied, by one of the biggest hood­ fuls of power you’ ll find in any —and feel your shoulders press any normal driving speed, there­ deep in the cushions behind them. fore, extra power is extra thrifty. eager horsepow er out on the high- motorcar. N ow all this sounds th rillin g , you say, but how about the feed- W h a t you're looking at is Ruick's modern version o f the high-com ­ pression v a lv e -in -h e a d en g in e, which gains extra w allop from the hills for all these horses? How about miles-per-gallon? The practical answer to that one fact that it uses the exclusive fir e ­ is found in this year's experience ball combustion principle. So we say again—if you’re looking for pow er— mighty pow er— buoy­ ant power—silken power— thrifty power—better buy Buick. Your Buick dealer is eager for the cha.ice to demonstrate how sound this hint really is. w ith the Si: p e i and S p e c ia l —and W e could list a lot of mechanical reasons why fuel gives up extra power in a Fireball engine—how even the K o a d m a s t e i . it's wrapped in a swirling, ball- shaped charge—how it burns w ith stepped up at the start o f the year —and in all three, happy owners a s m o o th , c le a n th r u st th at delivers maximum action. report the best mileage in modem Bunk experience. p ^ n r I W P . 'i « ' O -Jr In all three, the horsepower was h** «•“ n i* s«* e * * i . n « w - . ' Í Í Í t s - m —1 'M*1* ' W.J b e * ° * «jä h n « '***** Sales & Service MUTCH OIL CO. Here F rom N ebraska— il AT Kilii bonnet that stretches out before your eyes on a 1950 Buick isn’t there just for show. Stokers % G E N E R A L FUND W A R R A N T S Claimant 1 3T’ K S £ % 2 £3£“St aezyk and their wives were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Reins , home here. The visitors left for near Whitney. Mr and Mrs. H A Wilson and sons. look a caravan of pick-up* from in Pruitland at a lunch and card Mr and Mrs. Barnes are staying Reno to Boise, where he was re- _________________ with Mrs. Wilson while her husband joined by his wife for the trip home, party- is on a visit in Washington. I f»“ brothers. Claude. Feti. Bernadine Price was an overnight ®nd Charles Wilson of Ros- Men Are Building gue-i at the home of Edith Mathews well, Idaho and his son. H A Wll- Reservoir, Road Thursday evening, as the two grade | s00 - left Thursday to attend the school yell leaders were having their funeral of their sister, Frances Titus uniforms made of BeHingham, Washington »ho had MITCHELL BUTTE. Oct. 12—Virgil Larna Garner celebrated her 11th been ill for a number of months, Olp and Babe Derrick have finished birthday Friday evening with a J The group also planned to visit other work on the Yagei farm at Parma weiner roast Overnight guests at a relatives and return the first of the and are now building a road at slumber party were Linda Bowns, ■veek to the valley. Darvis Bergam. Barbara Tanner, Mr and Mrs. Ora Newgen were Twin Springs and a reservoir on the Estimates Gladly Given Gladys Stephans and Betty Morton, supper guests of Mr and Mrs. Ouy old Palmer place, now owned by Mr and Mrs. Ora Newgen visited Douglas Saturday evening in Parma. Enior Flager In Boise Friday with Manon Hlllls. Mr and Mrs. Prank Briggs of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Toombs were Dee -Grandpa" Hillis, former resi- White Horse ranch were overnignt Sunday dinner guests of his broth­ d • GifA'ftVAtiH Roberts-Nyssa, Inc. Second St. and Good Ave. WHIN S i m * AUI OMOS I 1I I A ll s u m SUICS W ill tu lio PHONE 12 tmim B. &• M. Equipment Co. NYSSA, OREGON CALDWELL, IDAHO w