THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5. 1950 PAGE SIX ExtriiHÌon $«*wing Unit Women II iihv SUNSET V ALLE Y. Oct. 5—Mr*. Orover Cooper and Mrs Charles Culbertson attended the all-day O n­ tario meeting for the project leaders of the county extension units F ri­ day. Miss Lucy Lane, clothing specialist of Corvallis, presented the lesson on care, pressing, and spot­ ting of woolen materials Mrs Orover Cooper. Mrs. O P. Counsll, Mrs. Lorensen, and Mrs. E. J. Hobson attended the Ontario sewing class at the Lindberg school Thursday. November 2 Is the date set for a county-wide sewing machine dem­ onstration. Miss Lucy Lane will give the demonstration and person­ ally assist all who bring their sew­ ing machines to the meeting Each will be shown the proper use of the extra sewing attachments on the machine A Sunday dinner was served at the O laf Pylltngness home In celebrat­ ion of the 72nd birthday o f Olaf Pyllingness, who was born In Fyl- lingness, Norway Ouests were Mr and Mrs Harold Pyllingness and two children The occasion also celebrated the Monday birthday of Harold Pyllingness. son of Olaf Mrs. Irvin Charland and son were week-end guests at the Ira Chadd home, while Charland was hunting with Oral and Omar Hite and Leon­ ard Smith Wednesday evening guests at the Ira Chadd home for dinner were Mr and Mrs. Lewis Mitchell, cele­ brating the 2»th Chadd wedding anniversary Ouests of Mr and Mrs. Ora New- gen for Sunday dinner and supper were Mr and Mrs Roy Watkins of Hornedale, Mr and Mrs. Ross Rob- Owyhee returned home Thursday af- 'where they attended the wedding o f erts and sons. Dwayne and Rodney Special supper guests also included She announced the receipt of $5 ter a week's visit In Salt Lake City, 1 their nephew. Don Sessions, from the Mary and Martha group of of Caldwell, and Mr. Richard Huett Mr. and Mrs. M elvin Pendarvis and of Roswell, Idaho. daughter and Mr. and Mrs Lewis the Adrian United Presbyterian Mrs Olaf Pyllingness visited In Mitchell. 1 church and $7.50 from the Out-Our- Caldwell Monday and was an over­ th e uwyhee L. D. S. Relief society I Way club, as well as 11 dozen tea night guest there. opened its regular fall work with its towels from the Pioneer club of Boise shoppers Monday were M r (October 3 m eeting at the Oregon i Newell Heights. and Mrs. Elver Nielsen and Mr. and T rail schoolhouse. j During the business meeting sev- : Mrs. James Robb Marion Carey o f Boise was an | eral important items of business Mr and Mrs Pete Wilson, Mr. overnight guest of Miss Marian Price were discussed including the fall and Mrs. James Robb. M r and Mrs Thursday at the Ira Price home. auction sale to be held October 14 Bill Hamilton. Mr and Mrs Hudson Mrs. Alla Province of Caldwell vis­ with Mrs. Virgil McGee and Mrs Robb, Harry Hathaway and Prances ited at the Price home all day F ri­ Frank Morgan as chairmen. Theil and Earl Wilson held a fam ­ day. Th e auxiliary members voted to ily picnic last Sunday at the Nyssa Mrs. Ira Price lelt Saturday for a contribute $2000 of their funds for j park. visit with relatives at Lexington, the purchase of surgical supplies for Mr and Mrs. E. H. Tolm an and Nebraska. She accompanied Fred family of Ontario and Mrs. Adah Babcock's mother and his sister, the hospital. Mrs. Bernard Eastman, reported Snyder were dinner guests at the Mona, who were driving to Nebraska. that auxiliary sponsored concert Orover Cooper home Sunday Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Filer of M ad­ will be held December 5, featuring Snyder remained at the Cooper ras, Oregon were houseguests of M . the Boise Elks Gleemen. Mrs East­ home for a vLsit. and Mrs. C lifford Wolfe Saturday. man, chairman of the nurse’s schol- [ Mr and Mrs. C lifford W olfe and Richard Graves of Sun Valley, two daughters were among those at­ Idaho, visited at the home of his arship committee, presented Miss tending a large fam ily dinner and form er classmate, Mrs. Robert Ditty, Kay Peterson, who told of the plans gathering Sunday at the O tto W olfe one day this week. Mr and Mrs. of the nurse's scholarship committee j home In Nampa T h e occasion was D itty and Mrs. Leota Ditty made a composed of representatives of the in honor of C lifford's sister, Phyllis, business trip to La Grande this chamber of commerce, the Eagles lodge and the Lion's club. The aux­ who was married to Ralph W illey week. iliary voted to also contribute a in August. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nishitani nurse's scholarship. Ed Mortensen arrived h o m e and son, David, dined in Boise at Mrs. Carlos Buchner was appoint­ Thursday after spending two and a the George Nishitani home F iday half weeks visiting in the San Fran­ and with the Joe Saito family in ed chairman of a committee to col­ lect canned goods for the hospital. cisco area. Ontario Saturday. The date of the collection is to be Returning Monday from a five- Mr. and Mrs. K eith Wooley and announced. day trip to Prosser, Washington were son o f Parma moved this week to Mrs. Browne stated that there was Mr and Mrs. Rob Thompson, Miss the small house on the Vern Garner Rose O arver o f Beverly Hills, Mrs. farm. W ooley hopes to find work still need at the hospital for gallon and '4 gallon jars, such as vinegar Paul Bergam and Judy and Dean at Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. Wooley, I Bergam The group visited at the Jarvis Mitchell, and Mr. and Mrs or purex jars; of 16 ounce bottles, home of Frank and Don Toshch, | Norman O arner left Friday on a and glass Jars such as Skippy pea­ nut butter jars, and one gallon tin NOW P A Y IN G brother of Mrs. Bergam, and ! hunting trip. cans. nephews of Mrs. Oarver. i Mrs. Ray O rr spent the week in | Home improvements were made Boise with her husband, who is during the week by Herbert Bergam employed near there in a sawmill. : Republican Women Meet— piping water to the house. Ira Price T h e two youngsters stayed with their | Members of the republican wo­ having hLs house insulated, ^and D el­ grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William men's group met in Ontario Tuesday | bert Garner having his house paint­ Orr. Little Evelyn Cleaver also stay­ of last week for a luncheon at the | Moore hotel to hear Mrs. Freda ed white. ed with them while Leslie Cleaver Peterson of Dallas and Mrs. George Mr and Mrs. Ed Nielsen o f Toledo, hunted. Oerlinger of Portland discuss the Wa .hington moved last week to this Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCoy vis­ region They will make their home ited Thursday at the Lew McCoy measures and issues of the coming on their farm on the Black canyon ranch near Ironside and were over­ election. Mrs. Peterson also told of j the recent conference of the state project, between Nyssa and Fruit- night guests. republican committee members that | land. Mr. and Mrs Nielsen are she had attended in Utah, Members parents of Elver. C lifford and C lif­ from Adrian. Nyssa, Vale and O n­ ton Nielsen. School Day Party tario attended the meeting in On- I Dinner guests at the Chester I n Held By Women tarlo. Bowns home Saturday were Mr and INQUIRE AT Mrs. Ellis Field of Utah. The two T R A IL , Oct 5 — T ile Cub Awards Given— women arc sisters T h e Fields O R E O O N The monthly Cub Scout pa:k brought machinery with them, as M erry Matrons chib met Wednesday they have purchased a farm west of afternoon, September 20 at the home meeting was held last Thursday N j a and will move within a o f Alberta Bowen. Eleven members evening in the little auditorium of 16 NORTH 3rd ST. answered roll call with "school day the high school. At this meeting month. Overnight guests at the home of memories.'' Bernice Sewell won the two new den mothers, Mrs. Roy Barnes and Mrs. Jimmy Savage Mr and Mrs Walter Hillts W ed ­ door prize. T h e afternoon was spent nesday were M r and Mrs. Jack socially. T h e next club meeting to were presented to the group. Enter­ Dudley of Burley, and their daugh­ be held October 4 with Viola Adams tainment for the evening was pre­ ter, Mrs Dean Day o f Tw in Falls. as hostess. R oll call will be ash sented by the four den chiefs, Stan tray donations for the hospital. Thompson, Carl Tyler, Lyle Cottle Awards were Games were played Lunch was and Byron Caldwell served by the hostess, assisted by given, with Allen Caldwell, David Vaughn, David Phillips and Marvin __ a p p r o v e d - Oladys Byers, As a climax to a membership Pett receiving the bob cat awards; drive conducted by the Merry M at­ David Vaughn and David Sea- Optometrist rons club the lasing side entertained wright the wolf award. Tom my Sal­ at a party Friday afternoon. The lee, the bear award and Byron Cald­ The party, which was held at the home well, the den chief award. Eyes Examined of Marie Holmes, was a school day theme for the next pack meeting will party. A fter several classes, a recess be on the Navaho Indians. Phone 720 for lunch was called Those present If you are driving a Kaiser or Frazer car received their lunch in a paper bag. Return From Utah— Mr and Mrs. Ray Schulthles of 718 Arthur St. Where the bags were opened they we are equipped with the latest testing were found to contain sandwiches, cookies, grapes, pop and an all-day Caldwell, Idaho equipment and factory trained mechan­ sucker. A fter lunch classes were FOR YOUR PLUM BING continued. Prlees were awarded to ics to put your car in the best o f condition. Bernice Seuell, Peggy Brown and NEEDS Oladys Byers. Mr and Mrs. Earl Tromble and Bath Sets, Water Heaters Mrs. May Snedden o f Johnstown. Colorado arrived at the F. O. Holmes BRING YOUR TROUBLES TO US and Pressure Systems home Saturday The visiting women are sisters of Mrs. F. O. Holmes. Call On Sunday evening other callers at the F O. Holmes home were Mr I J. C. S M I T H and Mrs. Rutland Holmes and fam ­ ily, M r and Mrs Roy Holmes, Bon- | 13 Years In Nyssa Highway 30— East of Town nie Kressly, Mr and Mrs. F. S j Phone 78-J Byers and family and Miss Della ( Ontario, Oregon Phone 287 Shuster o f Ontario. Mrs. Snedden showed home movies which she took , in Hawaii last winter. In celebration of the 16th birthday Té o f their son, Lary, Thursday evening, M r and Mrs. R, W. Holmes were hosts at dinner Ouests were Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Holmes and Bob and Junior. Rose Mary R effett of Nampa vis­ ited last week with her grandpar­ ents. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Rook- stool. Oinger W hitman o f Nyssa spent the week-end at the Rookstool home. M r and Mrs W illiam Mills of California are visiting M r Mills' sis­ ter. Mrs J E. Bowen and family. Mrs. F O. Holmes and her house guests. M r and Mrs. Earl Tromble and Mrs M ay Snedden of Johns­ town. Colorado were dinner guests of M r and Mrs. A. M. Ooodson near Parma Monday evening Meuller Furnaces- Link Belt Stokers Estimates Gladly Given GEORGE J. KINZER HEATING Phone 134L2 Parma, Idaho Auto Repairing, Reboring. Valve Grinding and Lathe Work AUTO PARTS AND ACCESSORIES FOR SALE 1941 Chevrolet 4-door sedan ED P R U Y N • Phone 56-W E A S T E R N OREGON FEDERAL SAVINGS % NOTICE That County Warrants not presented will be cancelled. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lhat the following warrant* will be cancelled and the payments thereof will be refused unleas said warrants are presented to the County Treasurer for payment on or before October 31. 1950. GENERAL FUND W ARRANTS Claimant Amount Nellie D. Leavell $ .10 No. Date Issued 3040 Nov. 12. 1942 5513 Oct. 8, 1942 TAYLO R GRAZING DIST. Coll, of Int. Revenue $5.55 4493 KEN POND AGENCY KAISER-FRA2ER DR. G.W . GRAVES GENERAL ROAD W ARRANTS Leland J. McKinney $2.82 O N INSURED ACCOUNTS May 13, 1943 II S. SACKETT, County Clerk. S ervice Sales & Service ❖ MUTCH OIL CO. DON’T BE TRICKED INTO PROHIBITION- W e Have It and It’s Free ON N0VIMBER 7th No Strings Attached. No Obligation On Your Part IT'S THE B <5. M NEW USED EQUIPMENT SERVICE V O TE 317xN0 L a s t M e a s u r e on t h s B a l l o t Be sure to register so that you R N . O ° W « r can vote 317 X N O — a vote attainst the return of bootleg­ ging. racketeering, speakeasies, disrespect for law and order, and Auxiliary Will Spend #2000 For lloHpilal Supplies At the regular meeting o f the Malheur Memorial Hospital auxiliary held at the parish hall Monday a f­ ternoon. the members o f the group expressed their warm appreciation o f the untiring efforts o f their presi­ dent. Mrs Welsey Browne, in the summer's work of the auxiliary Mrs Browne stated to the group that their efforts would be contin­ ually needed as the hospital begins operations and continues to operate all the other evils of prohibition! W X 1 g& K & W 8 *“ K ?» Ciblent 317 X N* 301 lumbar P e rt te rt. When the sale is completed, you get the FULL CASH PRICE you asked for. NO DEDUCTIONS!!! Right now we need good used farm machinery in almost every category to provide for the large numbers of buyers who visit the lots every day. Now Available Late model tubular farm-hand, complete with hay basket and manure fork for only $595. Several used, good single-row potato diggers. Some good used Self bean cutters for use with International H-M orF12 tractors. A late model ensilage harvester with Allis-Chalm- ers motor. BRING YOUR USED MACHINERY IN AND LET US SELL IT TODAY! TO PORTLAND—thru Scenic Central Oregon la* Stidtf. tr„ . Why let the equipment that you no longer need rust aw ay in the field? Bring it to the B & M Equip­ ment company's lots at Caldwell or Nyssa. Tell us the price you want and let us sell it for you. W e'll display it— advertise it— and provide trained sales­ men to sell it. 0 ra | TRAIIWAVS TNI VRI IMDI Y BUS U N I 220 Main St. Phone: 331 B. 6» M. Equipment Co. NYSSA, OREGON CALDWELL. IDAHO