Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1950)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. PAGE FOUR SEPTEMBER 28. 1950 Idaho-Utah State game in Boise Wednesday and bought Mr Hender received painful Injuries Sunday Steiner and son left for Anchorage Brown. The occasion was Mrs. Glen son a birthday cake. In the even over the week-end. Clini» Women Drena Club Holds First Brown's birthday. evening. Mr Hatch, while putting Alaska Tuesday. Mrs. Vernon Parker had her ton ing Mrs. Anna Sparks had Mr and Mr. and Mrs. Sonny Franklin have sils removed Saturday at the Mem Mrs. A. C. Henderson, Miss Fogle- Meilin« O f Full A m School Ciri* a cow in a stanchion placed his hand man. Miss Brummer and Mrs. Bill moved to Quincy. Washington. orial hospital in Caldwell. ■ between the cow's horn and the Slaughterhouse Mr and Mrs. Marlon English of Kristine Korman of Boise is Looney in for a birthday supper ARCADIA. Sept 28— Betty Bullard OWYHEE. Sept 2 8 T h e O K K stanchion, crushing It quite badly Mr Henderson. Building Begun Cambridge were Sunday dinner spending the week-end visiting her for Mrs. Lorraine Glennen and boys ol Nampa and Beulah Corn of Cald club met Thursday afternoon at the While preparing supper Mrs Hatch ! guests in the Gayle Martin home grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Glen I and Nellie Sanford of Emmett spent well spent the week-end with their home of Mrs. Donald Brewer, with ■ cut a deep gash in her hand. ADRIAN, Sept. 28—Jess Norris Is They also visited their daughter, Brown. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Bobby, who is visiting Mr. and Mrs. I Mrs. Doris Bonde and daughter parents here Mrs. Donald Hite assisting. Mem Mr and Mrs. John Shroeder have starting construction of a slaughter Henderson. Martin. visited Mr. and Mrs. Henderson house. The Arcadia Sunshine club held bers were dressed as school girls sold their place. They plan to Visit Mrs. Jess Norris and Ruthie Hahl j Sunday dinner guests of Mr and its first fall meeting September 22 and prizes were awarded to Mrs friends and relatives in Nebraska Mrs Bob Eastman of Caldwell were were in Nampa Thursday. Mr. and Mrs Bob Brown attended J at the home of Mrs Brig Olson. Fred Olmstead and Mrs. Lynn Kygar for a few weeks. Mr and Mrs. Hank Korman and the Boise Junior college-Modesto Mr. and Mrs Fred Howe of Em i for being dressed most appropriately. Mr. and Mrs Willard Nickerson Kristine of Boise. Mr and Mrs. Bob football game and the University of mett were dinner guests Sunday in Guests were given lollipops as they of Boise visited Sunday with Mr. Brown and Mr and Mrs. Ole.i the Oeorge Moeller home. They all arrived and games, which were sug and Mrs Vern Bullen. attended the opening <4 the Nyssa gestive of school days were played. Mr and Mrs Ivard Cleaverley and YES SIR! F A R M E R S - The next meeting will be held with hospital in the afternoon Otis Bullard threshed clover for Mrs Gerald Slippy and Mrs Lem Lyle attended the Idaho-Utah foot- ! s p e c ia l f a r m c o m b i n a t i o n p o l i c y Wilson. Jr., instead of at the Martha ball game Saturday In Boise. Art Neely, Jack Zittercob and El FOR FARMERS IS THE B E S T PROTECTION Klingback home as previously plan mer Stradley this week Martin Lee of Portland, Chuck ' ANY FARMER OR RANCHER. Linda Moeller of Carlo spent Fri ned The date of meeting will be MoCaulty of Sedro-Woolley. Wash day night in the Oeorge Moeller Thursday. October 19 CAN G E T! The annual teachers reception was ington and Stacy Marriott of Cent home Ethel Bullard and Ouy Shaffer held Thursday evening in the Adrian erville. Washington were visitors at of Hermlston spent last week in the | grade school building in conjunction Lower Bend Sunday school. with the regular parents and teach- Charles Bullard home The Big Bend school board met Mrs. Theo Matherly and Mrs \ ers meeting The teachers were in troduced by Principal Harold New Priday afternoon at 2:30 with the Otis Bullard were business visitors man and presented with a corsage teachers and a salesman to purchase in Nampa Friday Mrs. Harold Houston entertained by Mrs. Threlma Elliot and Mrs school equipment. A set of six new Four new world maps, a large-sized map of j a group of youngsters September JO Kenneth McDonald. at her home. The occasion was the teachers were welcomed this year. Oregon, a modern 16-Inch cradle first birthday of Peggy Jean. Those Mrs. Hansen, Mrs. Alexander and type globe, a set of eight chairs, present were Sherry and Carlyn Mr Rose Mr. Detelnne Is the new Janitor supplies and play equipment Hunt and Jimmy Houston. A birth music teacher for both the grade were ordered for the school. Ricks Gale, Wayne Roberts and Games were In day cake and ice cream were served and high school charge of the program chairman. Benny and Johnny Witty attended to the group by Mrs. Houston. an F F A leadership meeting Sat Mr and Mrs Dale Lakey and Mrs DeHaven. After several games had been urday at Halfway family of Boise visited Mrs Lakey's Mr and Mrs. Burton Blades of mother, Mrs. Anna Dail Sunday I played the teachers escorted the They were dinner guest at the Otis parents through the new building Nampa visited Sunday with Mr and and returned to the cafeteria where Mrs Dyre Roberts. Bullard home. Bharon and Marie Skelton of W M Krieman of the Notus, refreshments were served by Mrs. .‘OVERS LIABILITY EXPOSURES SHOU1D Idaho Baptist church was a guest Charlie Culbertson and Mrs. Don Nampa visited Saturday with Mr. YOUR AUTOMOBILE, TRUCK, TRACTOR OR FARM MACHINERY speaker Sunday after Sunday school Fox The next meeting will be held and Mrs. Delmo Brock CAUSE INJURIES OR DEATH, OR IF A VISITOR IS INJURED WHILE Mr and Mrs. J. J Steiner's home Thursday evening October 19 Henry CROSSING YOUR LAND. INCLUDES EMPLOYERS LIABILITY.* Hartley of Nyssa will talk on the was the scene of a family reunion Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold I children's bill — AT SHC1AI LOW SATIS. Steiner and son of Yuma, Arizona, Mis Martha Klingback and Fred P olicy M dodoa dooth ol llvoctooi on highw ay.) i left Friday morning for Beattie, Mr and Richard Steiner and fam where Fred will attend Seattle Pa ily of Letha, Idaho, Mr. and Mrs. GEORGE STANGER Optometrist cific college Mrs Klingback plans Charles Steiner and family, and Mr. | to spend a few weeks with her son- and Mrs Wallace Steiner and fam PHONE 209-W in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. ily. and Mr and Mrs Thomas Case Eyes Examined Ru ell R. Wolf, Jr. and daughters and family of Wilder, Idaho attend NYSSA, OREGON and new grandson, who was born ed The guests Included 12 grand * HOI IN CAllfOtNU AND A M O tA y Phone 720 children Mr and Mrs. Harold Thursday night Hollis Knowles was brought home 718 Arthur St. from the Ontario hospital by am bulance Monday night after spend ing a few days there because of a Caldwell, Idaho head Injury received last week when he fell from a load of straw. The young man will have to stay In bed for a time yet. Mr and Mrs Myron Osborn va ¿ o o k 75 cationed last week near McCall. MAKERS OF CUSTOM Mr and Mrs. C. C Green of Bend BUILT CABINETS spent from Thursday until Sunday with their son-in-law and daugh OTHER CARPENTER ter, Mr. and Mrs Homer Love WORK he Mr and Mrs. Roy Eads and child Furniture Upholstering and ren of Wilder were Sunday dinner guests In the T H Brewer home Drape Making Mrs. Gertrude Atkeson of Cald Colrod Unlfs start fast, co o k with H ero's tho most exciting range well spent Saturday night and Sun ever offered at medium price! efficiency—built to last! day In the Jesse Ditty home Sun ÏX H J oh n son C a b in e t Think o l HI You just press a but Automatic O ven Timor permits day dinner guests were Mr and Mrs Shop Henry Cole of Fruitland. ton for the exact cook in g heat cook in g entire mauls while you Mrs Kenneth McDonald and you w ant. “ T a lk in g c o l o r s ” are away. Phone 023-J1 rhiktren went t,o Hmnedale Sunday. show you which button to press. Minute Minder makes it easy to They had dinner In the home of It’s the most talked-about ad time cooking on surface units. Mr and Mrs. Ray Fletcher. vancement in electric cook in g Mrs Norman Douglas and Mrs. since the introduction o f Hot- 3 Large Storage D raw ers have Allan Jones spent Thursday In On point’s amazing Calrod$ Heat r o u n d e d c o r n e r s to m a k e tario with Hollis Knowles at the ing Units. c l e a n i n g easy Holy Rosary hospital. Mrs. Leonard Smith and daugh A LAWSUIT ters were supper guests Sunday evening ut the Gerald Slippy home AGAINST Mr and Mrs Raleigh Chamberlain and Jim and Marion Chamberlain TRAVEL 2 ARCADIA BLVD. THE F R I E N D L Y B U S L I N E were dinner guests of Mr and Mrs R I. Patton Sunday. MADE I Y THE WORLD’S FOREMOST ELECTRIC RANGE MANUFACTURER Mrs. Ellis Walters went to Boise Sunday to visit In the home of her A little / a c c i d e n t o n son, Rex Walters, and returned Mon day y o u r p re m is e s, h o m e Mr and Mrs. Charlie Randolph and Chuck of Caldwell spent Sun or b u sin ess, ca n m e a n day with Mr. and Mrs. Lee House just t h a t . A v o i d th is holder COME SEE ’EM TODAY! Werner Peutx Is threshing clover p o s s i b l e f in a n c i a l loss seed for Darrell Williams this week Mike and Ike, two live pigs, are being Mr and Mrs. Harlan Koger went w ith our m o d ern fed right in our store. They started to Caldwell Thursday to uttrnd the l i a b i l i t y in su ra n c e even, but Mike gets Purina while Ike funeral of C H Trueblood, an uncle of Mrs. Koger doesn't. Our money's on Mike. We p o licy . Mr ami Mrs. John Lowe of On think he'll make cheaper, faster tario were Monday evening guests of gains. Check up regularly and see Mr and Mrs R. L Patton KEN FOND AGENCY I NOW! You Pay No More For Revolutionary all in - one •fkjtpotAif’ Pushbutton Cooking i DR. C. W. CRAVES 0 IÇ RED S i/ S tt a t jiö in t /be T fwesr-FYRSr £ MUCH COMFORT, ECONOMICAL, FRIENDLY WAT- / w e? SAVI WAMPUM- TRAdWAYS \ G & B STORE H C I T S A C IR C U S ! S££fWK/M M I K E W g j g I K E for yourself the big difference a little Purina can make. Real Ealalr and Insurance IS North Srd Phone 218 For Evening Appointments Phone M-M Coiiplr liijurril Separate In Mishap* I ol tier's Feed tV Fuel Phone 26 ' BIG BEND, Sept. 28 Mr and Mrs 1 Harvey Hatch almost simultaneously I Furniture Prices Are Going Up We are completely slocked with fur We have just received new shipments Visit our store today. You know we niture bought before the prices in- ol 12-foot linoleum in latest patterns, are not in the high-rent district. We creased-for every room, selected from chrome sets of enduring beauty, daveno are not even in the low-rent district; lines of leading manufacturers to give sets and bedroom furniture. we are in the NO rent district and we you latest styling, finest quality and For the deer and elk hunters we have do sell quality furniture at lower prices that will please. a few good sleeping bags. prices. Appliances are coming slow, but we have several pieces from Frigidaire, Gibson and L & H, all without price increases. Ed Case Furniture Company NO OF Y NYSSA TERMS—FREE DELIVERY >