Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1950)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NY88A. OREGON. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 2«. 1950 PAGE THREE Bros. & Butler Own Your Farm Grigg If Yeu Want To Sell See Mel F O R S A I,$ Mrs. Fisher attended school to For sale or iraae, modern two bed Japanese W om an gether on the prairies in Nebraska. room home on five acres, edge of Arrives In Valley Mr. and Mrs. Art Davis of Iowa FARMS town, will trade for good 40 close FO R SALE visited last week In the Vincent WELL LOCATED 240 ACRE FARM . . NEWELL HEIGHTS, Sept 40 acres row crop land, close to 10 **ys?“ ' modern house, cent- _ / 28—Mrs. Farrell home. 107 irrigable acres. About 60 acres Ontario, paid-up water right, 5- ral Two-bedroom heating, laundry room, nice yard, Roy Hirai accompanied her brother Kent Mann, son of Mr. and Mrs. row crop. Balance hay and room modem home, full basement, large lot, $4.500. ! of Spokane to San Francisco last Charles Mann, Is recovering from an pasture. A bargan. $16.000, $5,000 8-head cow barn, garage, machine extra New modern 2-bedroom home, week to meet a sister, Miss Virginia attack of polio. His parents are down. shed, labor house, terms. good location, $4,500. I Matsusaka as she arrived from taking him to Boise this week for 180 ACRE MONEY MAKER 0? acres, 92 irrigated, row crop Two-bedroom m o d e r n h o m e Japan. Mrs. Hirai and her sister RATE: Two cents per word for each Issue. Minimum, cash in therapy treatments at the Elk's 106 acres row crop land, been in and dairy set-up, located on the oil. side location, small down returned by bus and a group of rel- Convalescent home. hay and pasture for years. $45.000, 2-bedroom modem home, 4-room east advance, is 30c. payment, balance on state loan, atives and friends gathered at the Mrs. Martha Norland and Mrs. terms. tenent home, large loafing shed, Unfinished two-bedroom home, \ Roy Hirai home Sunday to welcome left Wednesday of last week | A NEW 160 machine shed, terms. N. Second street, good location, Miss Matsusaka. She will attend Meier to attend a convention with friends 110 acres level row crop land. Bal 120 acres, row crop and stock set large lot, can be completed with college in the United States, but as at Faginaw. Oregon. ance hay and pasture. Been in up, 4-room modern home, terms. -------I FOR SALE—Forty acres, 10 acres FHA loan. Will make beautiful yet. has not decided which one. J. A. Pettit fell in the yard last two years. This land is way above FO R SA LE home with very small invest-1 Ouests in the Hirai home Sunday 1000-head cattle spread. 1700 acres cultivated, four-room house partly week while picking a bunch of Priced only $30.000. $7.- irrigated, 2 sets of buildings, puts ment, cash $2500. were Mrs. Bruce Nakinishi and grapes, ------------------------------------ -------- — furnished, four miles south and one I average. making it necessary for him 500 down. ‘r ATTT F RANCH FOR SALE-Six-year size baby crib. west of P o l a n d . Idaho. $2550 casn up 2500 tons of hay per year, w^il For Lease. Service station, retail children of Nampa, a sister of Mrs, to stay in bed three days. like new. reasonably priced. William Write W. F. Graves. 1708 N. Main, « anlm located. and wholesale, excellent location. Roy Hirai; Mr. and Mrs. John Mr. and Mrs. John Iiams of Cali 105 acres good irrigated land. 880 130 acres, located close to Nyssa. now doing very large volume, ap- Nakomura, a sister of Roy Hirai; fornia visited last week with his Van Zelf, si!^ miles west on Grand Garden City, Kansas. 14s3xp acres leased range land with place, 110 acres irrigated, good row crop plicant must have operating capital Mrs K. Hirai. Roy Hiral's mother; parents. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Iiams. and option on 1280 acres more and dairy set-up, good 4- bedroom and merchandising experience. ___________________ 28slXC FOR SALE—Washing machine. $10. Paul and Oeorge Hirai, brothers; and brother, Chet. ranch will handle 125 head year modern home. 4-room tenent home, FOR RiBNT— Business building, 16 i Mrs FOR S A L E - Porcelain Olaze Q & B Appliance store 6atfc Kay Okano and Mrs. Hlro Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Caldwell are round, $16,000, down. Touoh up vour stove, refrigerator.: _ . . ---- r -------- .------- - Okano and children of Owyhee and enjoying garage, bam, 1/4 down, easy terms. So. First street, a visit with her sister. Mrs. Nyssa and the guest of honor. Miss washing machine or any other Item ? ° R f“ct,ory VERY PRODUCTIVE 160 acres. 2 sets of improvements, NYSSA INSURANCE AGENCY Ella Cook of Mooreland. Oklahoma, which has a porcelain or enamel *** Bnnis avenue._____ 14s3xp Total 109 acres with 90 cultivated. outside range, 100-head cattle deal, Virginia Matsusaka of Japan. Very cheap irrigation water Good $16,000. 1/2 down Ralph Q. Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Worden and who arrived at their home last week. finish. Nyssa Lumber company, f o r S A L E —Used Westinghouse row crop soil. Lays good. $21,000, children spent a week at Cascade, Nyssa. Oregon 20 acres located on highway close 28stfc electric range, $20, Ideal Gas and terms. Idaho recently. Several On Visits to Ontario, modern home, good for 14stfc 107 ACRE DAIRY FARM __ ____________ FOR SiALE—Chromatone, for use Appliance. The regular meeting __________ of the Adrian and business location as FOR SALE—Reconditioned electric Grade A equipment and franchise, resldental In Sunset Valley range, $25. See Ez Carr. Q and B grade school P. T. A. and teacher or* pottery, toys, machinery, bicycl FOR SALE— G & B sells quality as farming. 60 head registered cattle, $45,000, well 8jtfc reception was very well attended by es, tools and any item of wood or appliances. Ez Carr. 24atfc 80 acres, good row crop and dairy store. terms. metal. Colors for every tone. Nyssa set-up, good 4-room semi-modern FOR SALE—Used oil heaters, ex Newell Heights residents Thursday SUNSET VALLEY, Sept. Zl—S ap Lumber company. 28stfc j FOR SALE—Used coal heater, used RIVER BOTTOM LAND evening. Oroup singing was enjoyed per guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ora home, $25,000, terms. cellent condition, $32.50 to $39.50. and 100 acres total, 85 cultivated. Fine -----------------------------------------------I trash burner. Ideal Gas and Ap- after the introduction of the Newgen Tuesday evening Included 48 acres good productive row crop Nyssa Furniture company. 28stfc teachers for row crop. $25,000. Very easy land, POR SALE!—Household furniture, pllance, 14 No. 1st St. 3atfc "get acquainted” games Mr. and Mrs. Ouy Douglas and 6-room home, small barn, $10,- terms 510 N. 5th St. Call from 9 to 7. — -------------------------------— -------- were played. The teachers then Miss Jean Douglas of Parma, Mr. 500, terms. W A N TED 28slxp PGR SALE—Chopped hay, first or FINE 80 FOR ROW CROP conducted a tour of the new build and Mrs. Frank Hewitt and sons 95 acres. 70 acres irrigated, row Lays good, has wonderful product crop second crop, $21. Three miles north and stock ranch, paid-up water WANTED—To care for children, ing, after which refreshments were and Bob Franklin of Caldwell and ion record, $27,000, terms. FOR SALE—1937 De Soto, $75; also of Nyssa-Parma junction and 1/2 right, 5-room home, $14,700. H down, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Kerfoot of day or evening. Phone 63-J. 28s2xc served small oil heater, $30; phone 260-R mile west on Echo avenue. Sherman HERE'S A REAL VALUE Mr. and Mrs John Timmerman. Roswell. $500 per year, close to Nyssa. after 6 p. m., Roy Hoff. 28s2xp Keck 31atfc 80 acre stock farm, lots of good One acre, new 2-bedroom home WANTED—Clover and alfalfa seed. Jr. and Terry and Paul of Homedale Mrs. Florence Richarson of Parma irrigated pasture, a real buy at just 21S3xc and Mr. and Mrs. Pete Timmerman arrived Saturday for a visit of sev finished, located on oiled high Nyssa Feed Mill. FOR SALE—1944 model H Inter- j FOR SALE—Hotpoint is the best, $3,500. and Stephen of Caldwell were dinner eral days with Mr. and Mrs. Ora national, re-conditioned; IHC twine | Fz Carr, G & B store. 24atfc 80 FOR STOCK AND ROW CROP way two miles out. 80 acres, 45 acres irrigated, 42 x WANTED — Second cutting baled guests in the parental John Timmer Newgen. baler. 3 years old; M. M. 16-inch - ———— ——--------- —- Mostly row crop land, cheap water, hay, wire tied, call 785-M Ontario, home Sunday. The occasion Mr and Mrs. James Robb and Mr. Tumblebug plow; Oliver No. 21 FOR SALE Used double-oven Mar- good corrals and buildings, priced 14 barn, 3-room home, crops go with after 7 P. M. Hvan Egmond. 14s4xp man marked the birthday of John, Sr. and Mrs. Homer Didericksen of tractor mower. Nyssa Implement lon elect™: range, 100 per cent auto- below market value. $22,000, terms. the place, $8,500, $3,500 down, 19 Mrs. M. L. Judd and Mrs Robert years on the balance. Caldwell motored to Bruno, Idaho Co 28stfc matlc’ 18 months old, originally 80 UNDER OLD OWYHEE WANTED—Dairy cattle, cows, heif | $350. $149.50. Ideal Gas and Ap 160 acres. 144 cultivated, land lays ers, calves, bulls. Telephone 306 Applegate attended the Ontario Sunday. Deep sandy soil, excellent hay Qarden club meeting and the repub well, good row crop, 2-bedroom FOR SALE—Sisch beet loader, used piiance. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bardness of 17atfc and pasture land, $9,000, terms. collect or see us opposite Ontario lican meeting last week in Ontario. home, close to Nyssa. two seasons. See Bob Holmes or Vale were dinner guests at the U. E. 80 ON IDAHO SIDE Sale Yard, Ontario, Oregon. C. Kaye Hammon. daughter of Mr. Parker home Thursday. FOR SALE 2 Vi acres, all in pasture, located Clyde Smith. phone 015-J3. 28s2xc Well improved general farm, Im 17atfc and Mrs. Durltn Hammon, spent the Mrs. Lew McCoy of Ironside was mediate possession, $18,500, terms. on the oil, 6-room modern home, FOR SALE—Liquid masking tape. ®°h,c " s B°°d la«odn full basement, furnace, garage, WANTED—Highest prices paid for week-end in Nyssa at the home of an overnight guest at the home of Paint your windows without worry- S I?0 000 „ 68 GOOD ACRES Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Dims. While Mrs. Marie C. Black Tuesday and Clyde Smith, Balance of 160 not irrigable, but chicken coop, very good acreage, old slaughter horses. insr about about eettinff u a in t on the Dwelling corner, lot. exceptionally ing getting paint on the [ location paved streets. good phone 306, Ontario. Across from there she was a guest at a birthday Wednesday of this week, while hav make good spring and early sum Owyhee water. party and barbecue honoring Dolores 89 acres, mostly row crop land, ing dental work done. diass. Nyssa Lumber company. 55 acres. 26 irrigated, fair improve- 23mtfc mer pasture, modern basement 10-head cow barn, 5-room modern Ontario Sales yard. Duus. Kaye, Dolores Duus and Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Schelm and ______ 28*tlc ments, $6,800, terms. house. This is a good stock farm. home, located on oil highway. $26,- Donna Focht danced at the district daughter, Nancy, of Ainsworth, Modern two-bedroom home on FO R R EN T $14,750, easy terms. FOR SALE—181 a acres, moderately convention of the Rebekah lodge Nebraska were overnight guests at terms. 160 ACRES IN BLACK CANYON 500, improved, immediate possession. In-1 1100-foot front, $4,750. 80 acres, 60 acres Irrigated. I- FOR RENT—Modern 3-room, fur Saturday afternoon. The girls were the Wilbur Chapin home Wednesday Semi-modern two-bedroom home, 61 acres in hay, grain and past room quire of Charles McFarlin, 21» miles with basement, $13,750, nished apartment, Bernard Eastman. thrilled with the gifts of perfume and at the Ken Lorensen home ure, a good stock farm, good small can be home north of Parma on highway 20. 1 very nice lawn and trees, garage had with machinery, stock 28stfc and hankies given them by the lodge Thursday. They attended the Cald home. $12,500. 14s3xp | I $4,500. in appreciation of their dancing. and crops. well Nebraska picnic. 57 acres, two modern homes quite LET’S TRADE! 100-head cattle deal. 920 acres FOR RENT—Furnished house, three Ouests in the M. L. Judd home Mrs. S. E. Flanagan left early WHY PAY KENT [ new, will sell at government apprais- 60 acres, a beautiful farm on the deeded rooms, bath, 107 Ennis avenue. Sunday included Mr. and Mrs. F. Saturday morning for a visit with land. 140 acres Irrigated land s c e n i c McKenzie river near in alfalfa and grain, productive, 71 Nyssa, phone 303.' Vale, Oregon. Lee Johnson and Oertrude Johnson Newly decorated and painted two- a l . relatives in Yakima. Eugene, lovely nine room home, head forest permit. 3-bedroom mod Date Pamerien. bedroom house with bath and full Acreage. modern two-bedroom 28slxp of Parma, Mr. and Mrs. John Dow Mr. and Mrs. Robb Thompson a r modern tenant house, $38,000 on ern basement, excellent location, priced £'ome' n*ce garage, lawn, shrubs and ner of Caldvyyll. Miss Susan Bergren, home. FOR RENT—Small furnished house. who is attending the College of rived home Wednesday after attend terms, or will trade for Malheur for quick sale at $3,800, terms if frult trees- Lar8e modern chicken 360 acres, top shape for row crop Phone ing family reunions at Hillsboro. house and pens, including all equip county farm property. 022-R1 21S3xp desired Idaho and a house guest. Mrs. Rob ping, perfect slope, lays all In one Shopping in Caldwell were Mr. 100 x 125 lot, five-room house, ment. These buildings are nearly SEE THIS GOOD 60 ert Applegate of San Francisco. and Mrs. Clarence Dodson, Kenneth All cultivated, good house and direction, new modern $12,000 home, F O R R E N T —Warm, furnished $4,750, only $1,595 down, $35 per new, on a 1 3/4 acre plot and on a Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Ciafolo and plus tenant house. room. Man preferred. Dwight baby son of Adrian were callers In Ditty, Mr, and Mrs. James Robb, buildings, above average, $16,600. paved road. A bargain for $6,500. month, 5% interest. 160 acres, 125 irrigated with the Smith, Phone 140-R. Mrs Pete Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. 21 Stic the M. L. Kurtz home Sunday. 120 acre row crop, modern home, 60 ACRES IN HOP DISTRICT Four apartments, good income privilege of renting another 60 acres, Walter HUlis. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis $28,000, good terms. Deep sandy soil, two good homes, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice O. Judd Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs. Charles property, brick construction, across crop rental, lots of water, close to FOR RENT—Potato storage. Jake about 50 acres cultivated. $9,000, 150 acres top row crop, on high from high school, priced right, Nyssa, will make good row crop and Fisher, phone 381-W. 21stfc returned from Payette lakes Wed McCoy spent Wednesday visiting very easy terms. way, all crops, beets, spuds, grain. terms. nesday and are at home in the par friends In the city. dairy and stock ranch, $28,500, $8,- Three-rooms and bath, house ^ara with 1?ufllcl, qu,ota' a11 VERY PRODUCTIVE 50 FOR RENT—Furnished basement ental Judd home while finishing the Mrs. Oeorge Wilson, Mrs. Wilfred Mostly row crop '.and, balance hay 500 down, worth the money. Interior decorating on their new Gilbert and Mrs. Clarence Dodson planned for future expansion, good apartment, Utilities provided. 419 N. 40 acres, 20 acres row crop land, and pasture, $10,500, verms. ment go. tenant house, and strictly residence. 4th. 21s2xc location, nice yard, only $3.000 4-room home, $9,500, terms. shopped in Boise Monday. ACRES—FINE LOCATION Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller of Big Two-bedroom house, four years modern three-bedroom home, $62,- 56 Close 40 acres, small home, In hay and in on oiled road, cheap wat FOR RENT—New three-room mod Bend were dinner guests in the old. garage, corner lot, rail fence v Pr" . . . . pasture, level land, $7,500, $3,000 er and good soil, modern home, Changes Made In around yard, $6,600, FHA terms inK10lee grada A dairy down, $400 per year at 4% Interest. ern apartment. Bernard Eastman. Oerrit Timmerman home Sunday. $16.000, % down. m in m \ r . aiT p a farm, 105 acres under Owyhee 14stfc Kay Borgc attended a birthday KiiHineHs Serlion HOM ES Good corner lot on project. Two modern homes and 48 ACRES—MODERN HOME party and spent the afternoon at Extra good buildings, good water street paved onWMAn* * * 800d outbuildings, about 60 head of 2-bedroom modern home, hard FOR RENT—Room or small living the home of Katharine Auker in street paved, oidy m o . ; registered Jersey cattle. Owner has right, land slopes, but produces wood floors, 1/2 basement, sewer, quarters. J. c. Smith, phone 78-J. Big ADRIAN, Sept. 21—Mr. and Mrs. Bend Sunday. well, $10,000, easy terms. lOatfc street good lrc fh o T onlv « ™ <lu°ta c e m e n t that pays $1.28 per $5,250, terms. Lawrence Leach of Welser was a Dave Mathews have moved Into the HERE'S A GOOD 40 Plenfv ,y * • service , P°und for good butterfat. Your choice of several choice resl FOR RENT— Polish your own guest for dinner Saturday in the living quarters at the back of the lenty of of frontage for operators wages Will nlus pay >n'■■ two , 30 acres good row crop land, bal dental C and E. confestionery. lots. station or other drive-in business 2 ^ per v ^ r on the lest,nen? floors. Rent our hlgh-s|>eed pol Jake Borge home. He bought a car ance irrigated pasture, $7,500, Mrs. Lyles of Portland has opened 2 acres choice resldental acreage from Mr. Borge and returned to ishing equipment Easily handled at $20 per foot, excellent location on Price 45 000 easy terms. the beauty shop In the C and E location. Weiser with it. Ontario highway. by women. Nysaa Lumber company. PAID-UP WATER RIGHT New 2-bedroom modern home, $7,- Mr. ajid Mrs. Fermin Zubizaretta building. BERNARD EASTMAN ! FRANK T. MORGAN AGENCY SAtfc. 40 acres, good 5-room modern 800, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hatch and $3,000 down. and baby daughter, Virginia, of Real Estate Insurance | Robert F. Thompson house. See this1 $11,550, terms. Boise were dinner guests in the M. L. Barbara are visiting this week In Phone 64 I phone 97 Business O p p o rtu n ities LO ST ROW CROP 40 Kurtz home last week Zubizaretta Seattle with Mrs. Hatch’s brothers. 37 acres of deep level soli. Balance 10-unit motel, new, owners Irving spaniel, brown, bob- Is a former resident of Newell Bill and Ernest Wymer, pasture. $12 000. quarters, located on busy highway LOST—Field Mrs. Alvan McOtnnts has been 111 tailed. name Queenle, license No. 906. Heights. ENJOY COUNTRY LIFE junction, will consider trading on a $20 reward. Tom Rust, 703 N. Third. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Powell, Mr. the past week. Well located suburban home for farm. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Coon and Betty - 28s2xc and Mrs. L. J. Kinney and Mr. and only $2,800, room for cow, chickens, 10-unit motel located In a busy Mrs. C. H Keele of Ontario and of Notus were Sunday dinner guests garden. resort town, selling on account of LOST—Black and white English Thelma Pearson of Seattle were in the A. C. Henderson home. 25 ACRES—ALL CULTIVATED Mr. and Mrs. James McGinnis and 111 health. setter, nine months old. Carl Burn- guests of Mr and Mrs. Maurice O. 6-room semi-modern home, cheap Junior visited Mr and Mrs. Emil Choice highway frontage com 7stfc Judd Wednesday. irrigation water, well located, $8,- prising one city block, one-bedroom lngham, phone 112. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kygar and fam Beguhl In Caldwell. 500, easy terms. H E L P W ANTED modern home, $9,000. ily were dinner guests in the J. M. The Adrian teachers attended the HOMES teacher's institute In La Orande Kygar home In Ontario Sunday. Are you hunting for business op Monday and Tuesday. VERY ATTRACTIVE portunity in a thriving town, with HELP WANTED —Two insurance sales people, men or women. Must Three-bedroom modern home In good cinder block building, living ( ’ailed To Nampa— Parma, will carry FHA loan, $9,000. quarters in the rear, your chaolce of have car. Salary and commission. Ituruption Given Ken Renstrom was called to Nam FOUR ROOMS AND BATH several types of businesses to go Into. Better than average earnings. Ken Valley Teachers pa because of the illness of his fath PHYSICIANS Pay $1,700 down, $35 per month. LODGES Orocery and general merchandis Pond, Real Estate, Insurance. 17atfc er, Elmer Renstrom. Total price only $4,750. ing store, doing good business. APPLE VALLEY. Sept. 28—A teach M ISC ELLA N EO U S TWO-BEDROOM HOME We make loans on the new Owy SARAZIN CLINIC Nyssa Post No. 79 er's reception and meeting of the BUILDING PERMITS Modern tenant house in rear. New hee land, farms, homes and bus MISCELLANEOUS — If you want PTA were held at the Sterl D. Splesz, construction, gas range, water heater, refriger inesses. Dr. J. J. Sarazln American Legion your clothes done clean and fast Thursday evening. A short program garage, Beech street, lot 8, block ator and heating equipment goes If Yon Want To Deal See Mel without damage, get the famous was given, consisting of a piano 28. Oreen addition, $800, 22 x 20, Dr. K E. Kerby Meets 1st & 3rd Thurs. with place, line buy at $6.500, Queen washer from O 8c B solo by Mrs. Adolph Schultz, an clnderblock. Grigg Bros. & Butler Speed terms cm. Je arranged. Dr. L. W. Scott store. lstfc accordlan solo by Nadine Seward, Veteran’s Hall—8 P. M. GOOD RENTAL PROPERTY and a skll "The Old Fashioned Nyssa, Ontario and Vale offices Physician and Surgeons One 6-room home with two baths. MISCELLANEOUS—Place your or Schoolroom”, hilariously presented All Veterans Welcome LITTLE KNOWN One 4-room home with bath. One R eal Eataie. In su ran ce. L oans der now for an electric, automatic by a group of parents. Each teach M el Beck water heater. Ez Carr, O Sc B store. er was Introduced and presented 3-room furnished house with bath. P h o n e 179-J L. A. Maulding, M. D. Now rented for $110 per month, lOatfc with a corsage, after which refresh Gate City Lodge Physician and Surgeon FOR SALE—150 tons of field corn In only $8,500, easy terms. ments were served In the school Phone 37 the field, for ensilage. L. L. Kreager, CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING No. 214 RESIDENCE LOTS room. Kingman Kolony, phone 025-R5. Stock received Monday. Tuesday, lunch Hours: 10 to 11 and 2 to 5 Mrs. TUlle Colett of Porterville, BUILD YOUR HOME NOW I.O.O.F. 21s2xp Wednesday and Thursday, 8 a m California Dally except Saturday and left for her home 8at- A good selection of building sites, Sunday. Saturday 10 to 13 • P m and Friday 8 a. m. to 12. urday' after Y month's' visit "with a $300 and up. FOR SALE—John Deere 1-row beet 10 No Meets every Monday received on Sunday former school chum. Mrs. Fred lifter, same as new. L. L. Kreager, Beef, stock BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES sheep and pork. Free de Fisher, and husband. She had not night, 8:30. Kingman Kolony, phone 025-R5. QOOD CABIN CAMP C. J. Kopp, M. D. livery to Polar locker plant. visited in Mrs. Fisher’s home for 2U2xp 14 cabins with grocery and service One mile west on Alberta Ave. South First Street 29 years. As girls, Mrs. Colett and Physician and Surgeon station, fine location. $14,750. Phone 381-W FOR SALE—Slightly used Master COLD STORAGE LOCKERS Fry Building thinking about personalized Christ JA K E riS C H E R | coal stoker. Ideal Oas and Appli DENTISTS 1,000 lockers, also does rendering, ance. 14 No. 1st St. Oftice hours mas gifts, stamped In gold or silver 3atfc MISCELLANEOUS — Prompt and on our Kingsley machine. Leather curing, cooling, etc., net profit 10 to 12; and 2 to 5 free pick-up of your dead, crippled over $20.000 per year, $25.000 down, FOR SALE—Used washer, $15. Ez goods, book matches and almost Daily except Saturday and DR. C. M. TYLER easy terms on balance. Sunday. Saturday 10 to 13 Carr, O and B Store. gjytfc or sick livestock. Calls received be anything In paper goods stamped fore 9 o’clock are picked up by START YOUR OWN STORE with name or Initials. Oate City Wilson Building 44’ x 90' foot building in good FOR SALE—Have farms and houses noon. Efficient drivers. Call col- Journal. ’ • 17atfc Phene 165-J, Nyssa JEWELRY STORES location. Ideal for any type store, for sale. Need m o t, list with Ken sa 192-W Idaho Animal Products Office hours from 9 to 5 except 29Jtfc lect Payette 9180-J3 or 155, or Nys- MISCELLANEOUS- We are happy garage, etc., $19,500, easy terms. Renstrom Phone 764-W. Company. 6Jtfc. to report there are many beautiful Saturdays. 9 to 13. CAFE FOR LEASE OR SALE PAULUS FOR SALE—Milk cows, Ouemseys, wives I n . the Nyssa area who are $4.500 cash. $5.000 terms. $500 MISCELLANEOUS — PHI up your happy and treating their husbands Holstelns and Jerseys, milkers and down. 10 stools, 3 booths, 2 tables. JEWELRY STORE locker or deep freeze with our grain- springers C. Clyde Smith, phone like human beings, cause they got J. R. CUNDALL All electric equipment. 306, Ontario. Oregon, across from fed hereford baby beef, fed in our a Hotpoint automatic washer. Ez ' CaTFs Foster Mother! Union Pacific Time Inspector WANT A SMALL 8TORE? Dentist 2mtfc own feed lot. ITils is the best young Carr, O and B »tore. 28Btfc. C arl P ersu n of T rout R un, Pa., Two good money-makers right Ontarte sale yard JEWELRY — DIAMONDS grain-fed meat that you can buy. Phone 56-J here in Nyssa. $2500 and up. WATCHES fo.tormoth.r FOR SALE -Used Norge washer, get a side or whole carcass. Jacob MISCELLANEOUS Our new .hop DRIVE-IN HI-WAY FRONT Main Street at Second Sarazln Clinic like new. $49 50. used Westinghouse Fischer, phone 381-W. 13Jtfc shop la ready for farm Implement f ° r calves, w h ic h g u lp b u lk 70 ft. business lot across from Cold range, make offer Ostrom Brothers IfYSSA OREGON repairing work. All kinds of farm m ilk too rap id ly and gat tum - Storage. $1312. Appliance Co. 29Jtfc MISCELLANEOUS — Dui-beate car machinery repaired. B and M m yaches. The gadget is a a n d cylinder lock keys Diade Hen- Equipment company. WYCKOFF 15Jtfc piece of tu b jn g rising from a KEN POND “ I“ -«™ FOR SALE - Creto. the guaran- neman's. HOMI OPTOMETRISTS JEWELRY STORE Phnne eia I teed waterproof paint. Creto water- wooden float and used In an P O L IO IN S U R A N C E 16 North 3rd. ________ _ j proofs concrete, brick, cement, stuc- MISCELLANEOUS Do you need Official Time Inspector lor Whole family. $5 per year o rd in ary m ilk pail. DR. J. A. MCFALL heaters of oo. plaster, mortar and terraszo. money to remodel your home or to FOR SALE—Used oil KEN POND AOENCY Union Pacific every size, shape, color, make and Waterproofs by application and build outbuild Inga or garage? We 18 North 3rd. Nyssa DR. JOHN EASLY ONTARIO ORWOON This Week's Special description, all In good working permanently waterproofs walla and can arrange a loan for you and give order, cheap Ideal Oas and Appli rioors. Inside or outside, wet or you up to three years to pay It. MISCELLANEOUS — We ran ar- ! 1948 M ollne-U T r a c t o r . 29stfc range loans for you to rebuild or ance, 14 No. 1st St. 3atfc dry. new or old. painted or un Nyssa Lumber Co. VETERINARIANS C an't Tell It F rom A N ew remodel your home, bam, garage pointed Nysaa Lumber Co. 17Ntfc Ik la giving daily demon - or other outbuildings, Nyssa Lumb One. N ew G u aran tee. S187S. FOR SALE—Used gas ranges and ------- ---------------------------------------- heaters, phone 125-W. Ideal Oas FOR SALE — Treble super-phos- ■tratIonta on how to walk (tie floor er Oo. 29*tfr DR. HAL D. WHÌTE and Appliance, 14 No. 1st Bt Jatfc phate. 42-», Nyssa Elevator, phone for expectant fathers Classes start Veterinarian ———------------------------------------- , 42 ajytfc at orach of dawn, 8 a. m. at O and MMOttLANEOUS-Available now, M OWYHEE TRUCK FOR SALE—Electric sink, disposal I B store 288t/i Electrolux cleaners and air puri P h o n e Nymaa 275 Phone 21, Ontario, Ore & IMPLEMENT CO dishwasher, complete, new guaran POR SALE—U se d Westlnghousa fiers. Sales and service. Ed A. PHONt NVS*>A owe tee. $235 See at Idaho Power office electric range good condition, (37 M. MISCELLANEOUS— Time Is reach Anderson, route 3. Welser. Idano, r*a(w - OQ’■ » 7stfc Firestone store phone 188 W loath ing the point where you should statt 1 phone 0287J 4 14Jtfc Classified Advertising Professional and Business Directory FARM FACTS!