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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1950)
77 j <? NYSSA VOLUME XXXXV NO. 37 .y v ias« ^ vr^E^v:-. JOURNAL THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 28. 1950 Committee Urges Plans Progressing For Flower Show Set For Oct. 6-7 Registration Of this year the Nyssa Civic People To Vote j ' club Again and the A. N. K. garden club Bankers Change Positions Í are making plans for the annual Slicing Beets To Be Started Tuesday, Oct. 3 } fall flower show. For the several Campaign Now Uiuler- years . the annual floral (Baplajr ,,t wav IO Register V oters the October meeting of Civic club U /V • 1 H was so outstanding, members decided D V l » C toner l this fall to have a two-day flower Harvesting Will Be On Resticted Basis Un til Weather Cools I . show down-town. The flower show Plans for a "get-out-and-vote" this year will be held on Friday campaign were planned last Thurs and Saturday, October 6 and 7 at day. with members of various civic, the Henneman Hardware store. A church and fraternal organizations great deal of interest has been in attendance. The meeting was found, with groups from Payette called after the members of the and Ontario planning to bring en executive group of the Nyssa civic tries. Mrs. George Schweizer, general club had voted to sponsor the cam chairman of the sjiow, will be assist paign. ed by Mrs. Gerrit Stam , Mrs. Bud The group meeting Thursday eve ning decided that the emphasis for Wilson. Mrs. Bernard Frost, Mrs. the next two weeks should be placed Frank Morgan, Mrs. Walter Mc- on registration of those who have Partland. Mrs. Houston Wilson and Jam es Leslie failed to register. In every com Mrs. Maurice Judd and others who munity there are many well-intend are serving on committees. All entries are to be in by noon ing citizens who have neglected to register, and are thus not able to Friday, or as soon after noon as possible. Besides the regular dis vote. Plans for the first part of the campaign included the placing of plays of outstanding flowers, emph posters in business places urging asis will be put on arrangements These will include, baskets, minia Warren L. cBrick) Atherton, as people-to vote. Another phase of the campaign ture, foliage, driftwood, dish, gardens sistant cashier, will assume the dut and vegetable arrangements, and is the circulation of papers on all ies of J . W. Leslie in the local the streets in town. Each person several table setting arrangements. A feature of the show will be the branah of the First National Bank is to sign the slip asking his neigh bor to register by October . 7 and showing ,, , of , the . fair . . display which of Portland, George J . Mitchell, vote in the November election and wof 1 _ f.irf t. pl“ _<Lf_‘ _th*..c? “ nty fal.r Anyone wishing further infor Nyssa manager, announced this pass the slip to the neighbor. week. These papers were placed into mation about the entries is asked to Leslie has resigned his position circulation on Monday by members phone Mrs. Houston Wilson at 288-J from the Lion's club, the W. S. C. S„ or Mrs. Walter McPartland at 87-W. as assistant cashier in Nyssa, e ff- St. Paul's guild, St. Anne's Aker ective October 2, to accept a vice society, the Eagles auxiliary and the |>||| | ( | 0 <rS l > 4 ‘ i l| presidency with the S tate Bank Nyssa Civic club. 1 w of Malheur County, the First Nat All the churches in town have been ional oi Portland affiliate in On asked to urge the members of their tario, Mitchell said. congregations to be registered by Officials announced that Art A. October 7. The schools are co-oper After playing a Quarter of scoreless ating in the campaign by sending ball, the Nyssa Bulldogs began find Atherton, brother of Warren, has slips home to parents asking that ing holes in the center of the Em resigned as president of the State they register by October 7, and the mett line in the second quarter and Bank of Malheur County to become teachers are asking to inform their defeated the Huskies by a score of | manager of the large branch of the pupils of the Importance of citizen 32 to 0 in a Snake River Valley First National of Portland at S a l voting. The organizations partici league football game on the Emmett em. effective October 15. Directors of the S tate Bank of pating in the campaign have been field last Friday night. asked to request each member of the In the second quarter. Pounds Malheur County elected H. A. Beal group to register. scored the first of the series of president, in place of Art Atherton, The Nyssa chamber of commerce touchdowns, all of which were made at the same time they namtd Les has provided window cards for each through the line. With Mitchell lie as vice president to assume dir registered voter to place in the win failing to kick for the extra point, ect operation of the bank. “Naturally, we are sorry to lose dow of his home. These are being the half ended 6 to 0 . sent this week to all registered voters Holcomb gained 25 yards to score Leslie from our staff, but we wish in Nyssa. in the second half and Mitchell him the best of luck in his new Registration must be accomplished kicked for the extra point. R. Skeen and challenging position at On by.O c ober . .'o r all thos* wb-j-did registered the third counter and tario”, Manager Mitchell said. “We not vou in the previous dus etection*at Mitchell again failed on' the kick. arc fortunate to have the services the city hall during the day or at In the fourth canto. Holcomb scored of Warren Atherton, who is thor the home of Mrs. Hilda Tensen at and Mitchell kicked. The last touch- oughly familiar with the opera 218 Erhgood after 5 p. m. dawn was set up by a long pass from tions of our b a n k ", Any person who has lived in the Lovejoy to Tucker. Wilson carried Warren Atherton is a native of state six months and in the pre the pigskin over the goal and Mit Ontario. Before the war he worked cinct 30 days is eligible to register. chell failed to kick. for an oil company and for the The group that met last Thurs Hartley sustained a slight concus Idaho Power company in Boise. Up day evening recommended the pro sion in the contest and was taken on his return after 3 ‘4 years of vision of meetings during October from the game He was still in navy service, he Joined the S tate to not only study the candidates and bed Wednesday, but was recovering Bank of Malheur County in A/pril, measures on the ballot, but to also satisfactorily. 1946 He resigned to become an as give instruction in the proper mak The starting lineup consisted of sistant cashier of the Nyssa First ing of ballots. Groups aiding in the Pounds and Holcomb, halfbacks: National banking office December "get-out-to-vote campaign” are the Andrews, fullback: Wilson, quarter 16, 1949. Lions club, the Eagles auxiliary, back: Jensen, center; Chevez and ____ of ___________ Leslie, a native LaGrand, _ __ be- Legion and auxiliary, V. F. W., Gustavson, guards: Keck and B e r g -! gan Ills banking career with the church groups, P. T. A., the cham am. tackles, and Hartley and Mit- j First National there in 1935. He ber of commerce and civic club. The chell, ends. Substitutes were Diven, | served in the army, returned to La- campaign is entirely non-partisan. Ray, P. Wilson, Tucker, Fisher, : Grande and then came to Nvssa Chard, Mefford. Skeen, Corfield, - _________________ Lovejoy and Hart W. L. Atherton Leslie Changes Banking Posts Sliclng of beets will be started in the Nyssa factory of the Amalga mated Sugar company Tuesday, October 3 at 8 a. m.. District Man ager Jered Lewis stated Wednes day. All of the dumps will be opened- Monday, but harvesting will be con ducted on a restricted basis until such time as the weather permits j piling of beets. Growers should con- | tact their fieldmen to arrange for delivery of beets, starting Monday. Growers have been delivering beets to five stations, or dumps, Jamieson, Overstreet, Payette, Vale and Weiser, since Monday of this week. The beet yields are good, but har vesting has not developed enough to give the company an opportunity to reach a definite figure on sugar content. Slicing of beets was started in the Nampa factory at 4 p. m. Tues day. Canning Contest Featuring Sugar Set For Oet. | | Registrants Given Induction Orders; 55 Others Called Malheur county local board No. 22 has issued induction orders for 12 registrants and has received a new call for physical examinations for 55 registrants. The 12 men who have received orders for induction will report to the Ontario office at 1:20 p, m. Monday, October 2 and leave In a group on a bus for Boise. The Nyssa Inductees are Dean Clarence Dickson, Taro Hayashi, Donald L. Saxton of Lebanon, formerly of Nyssa; George N. Iserl of Long Beach. California, formerly of Nyssa: Richard W. Schireman and Victor W. Morris. The 55 registrants who have been given orders for physical examin ations are to report to the local board clerk as follows: 10 men O ct ober 3, 15 men October 4 . 15 men October 5 and 15 men October 10. In addition. 15 men transferred from other boards will be sent with these groups for physical examin ation. Time for reporting at the local board office In Ontario has been set at 1:20 p. m. Registrants will leave on a bus frotn Ontario for Boise for examination the following morning. Malheur History Program Feature 2500 Persons Go To Hospital For Opening Sunday Talks Murie By Officials; Visitors Arc Guided Through Building The Malheur Memorial hospital, which was viewed by more than 25i)0 persons last Sunday afternoon and evening during the "open house" held ut the institution under the auspices of the board of directors and founders service organization, will be opened for the admission of patients within the next tew days. "As soon as the steam fitters de clare the heating system ls ready for operation, doctors will be noti fied to send in their patients”. Sup erintendent John J . OToole said. Ju st before the open house session was started, a speaking program was presented by hospital officials and several numbers were played by the Nyssa Municipal band, directed by Lynn Lawrence. Secretary Glea Billings opened the program with the statem ent that "The true spirit of this hospital offers facilities for the care and treatment of each and every one of us regardless of race, creed or color. While the building and facilities are completed, the true significance of the project is Just beginning, for it ls In the continued co-operation and support of each of us that the real goal will be achieved”. In the invocation. Rev Donald S. Campbell of the Community M eth odist church said “In the providence of God we gather to dedicate this temple of healing, the culmination of years of dreaming, of planning and effort. We thank thee for the spirit of generosity and loyalty that has united this community In com mon effort to provide for the phys ical health of the people—thy child ren. We are grateful for the In spiration and guidance of Christ that has given us this humanit arian concern for physical as well as spiritual health. We pray for thy divine blessing upon this co-oper ative venture, upon those who have made It possible and upon those who now carry It forward in service to the community. May this hospital always stand as a monument to the generosity, loyalty and devotion of the people of this community”. President Jacob Fischer declared. “At last we have reached the goal that we started seeking a few years back. The generosity and humane spirit of the people of this com munity has made this hospital pos sible. This institution stands as a monument to these things. By ad ding our Isolation and physio-ther apy wards we have the only complete hospital In the Snake River valley. This hospital as It stands represents hours, weeks, months and years of hard work by the people of this community, and our work ls not yet over. “This hospital can only succeed by your interest and patronage in the future. Don't forget this hos pital belongs to you, your neighbors and the community. Keep your In terest high." Dr. J. J . Sarazin, chief of staff of the new hospital said “We have here evidence of your work, which ls more eloquent than any words I could express. When one stops to think of a community of this size which can set their hearts together for the purpose of beneflttlng hu manity, It Is almost unbelievable what has been accomplished. "I wish to thank my colleagues and the board of directors for the honor they have bestowed upon me and it is with humility that I accept the office of chief of staff, but I shall try to perform the duties to the best of my ability and put forth all (Continued on Page 2 ) The first fall meeting of the Nyssa Civic club was held at the parish hall Wednesday, September 20, with a good attendance of members and guests. Mrs. Bernard Frost was The Pomona Grange White Satin general chairman for the program canning contest will be held at the on the ' History of Eastern Oregon The program opened with the Nyssa factory of the Amalgamated Sugar company Tuesday, October 10, group singing "Oregon My Oregon according to Mrs. Edith G. Fulleton followed by the story of the settle of the Pomona Home Economics ment of eastern Oregon as told by club, Vale. Mrs. Walter McPartland. Mrs. Mc Any Grange member is eligible Partland prefaced the history with to enter the contest, which will be a summary of the early settlement divided Into three classes, tree fruits, of the northwest. She told of some berries, and Jellies. Two standard of the pioneer episodes and leaders A. A. Atherton quart Jars and two standard glasses featured in the settlement of east of Jelly are to be entered. Anyone ern Oregon, including Madame Dor eligible may exhibit entries In all ian and Francis Payette; Fort Boise three classes. Judging will be start and the Indian massacre of the Otter party at the Junction of the ed at 2 p. m. The county prizes will be 50 and Owyhee and Snake rivers. Mrs. 25 pound bags of White Satin sugar, Bernard Frost then told of the or which is manufactured by the Amal igin of some of the names of this Only one of the four city council- gamated company. The county win section, and the early history of men '«those '»erms will expire this ner in each class will compete In Nyssa. year Is expected to file for re-elect the State Orange contest, which Special violin music was given bv ion, according to reports issued this will be held In Portland early In Mrs. Herbert Fischer, who played week, November. Each entry Is to be ac two groups of old time medleys, with Lloyd Wilson has agreed to run companied by a sales slip or empty Mrs. J . L. Church as accompanist. for re-election, Councilmen Fred bag of White Satin sugar. The program concluded with group W. Bracken, George Sallee and singing of western songs, led by Mrs. Gordon Ray do not intend to seek Donald S. Campbell. re-election. Preceding the program the group At least four petitions are now in observed a memorial service for Mrs. circulation in the city, but more Ethelwyn Sarazin. would be desirable. In order to give During the business meeting plans voters a choice of candidates on the were discussed for the "Oet-Out- Farewell tribute was paid by the city ballot. Each petition must con and-Vote" campaign and the fall tain at least 10 signatures and not Nyssa chamber of commerce Wed flower show to be sponaored Jointly nesday noon at its weekly luncheon more than 20 signatures of qualified by the vlclc club and the A. N. K. to Its president. Jam es W. Leslie, Garden club, with Mrs. Oeorge voters. The deadline for filing of petitions 1 who will move next week to On- Schweizer as general ohairman. will be October 7, 30 days before the j tarlo to assume the position of vice Mrs. Fred Bracken, general chair general election. Individuals or president and manager of the State man for the community chest drive, groups desiring to sponsor a candi Bank of Malheur County, asked for volunteers from the civic Fred Bracken said “We congrat club to assist in the drive; Mrs. date may secure petitions at the ulate Jim on his splendid promotion. city hall. Dale Oarrlson, chairman of the new I We are happy to see him get the comers committee reported on the promotion, but we are sorry to lose calls that she and members of the him as chambftr of commerce presi membership committee had made dent. banker and civic leader". on new women in town, taking them The annual fall auction sale of the J L Herrlman said “We are los flowers. Members were asked to ing a fine fellow who has done a co-operate In the Crusade for Free Malhuer Memorial hospital aux The firnt annual meeting of the Irrigation water will be turned out good Job". iliary will be held at the city park Nominees for officers of the Mal Malheur Memorial hospital medical dom drive. Saturday. October 14. The committee heur district of the O re-Ida B 05 » staff will be held in The Morocco of the Owyhee project canals the The chamber passed a resolution Mrs. B ert Lienkaemper, chairman In charge is gathering larger items, Scout council were announced this probably October 14 at 7 o’clock, evening of October 9 unless heavy thanking Mr. Leslie for the work he for the summer round robin parties, such as used electric appliances, week. They are Robert Thompson, with Dr. Janies Buckley of Portland rains prior to that date decrease has done for the chamber of com reported that approximately $60 had the demand to the point where de merce. furniture and machinery and all or district chairman; Elden Yergensen. as the principal speaker. been raised by the parties for the liveries cannot be made. ganizations and individuals are vice chairman, and Harold (Dusty) After turning the gavel over to Dr. Buckley, retiring president of The Owyhee reservoir storage was Vice President Clyde Snider, Mr. library fund. asked to co-operate with the dona Rhodees of Ontario, district com the Oregon State Medical associ Announcement was made of the 355,760 acre-feet September 27 as Leslie said “Those kind thoughts are tions of articles that can be used at missioner. ation. accepted tne Invitation this appointment of Mrs Bernard East the sale. Fruit, vegetables, house The election will be held in the j week to speak at tne meeting. Dr. compared to 332,030 acre-feet in 1949 certainly appreciated. The president man as member at large of the hold items, canned goods and other Nyssa high school building Thurs- Buckley will be succeeded as presi- and 229,130 acre-feet in 1948 on the of this organization, as with other executive committee to fill the va articles may be taken to the sale day. October 19 at 8 p. m. , dent of the association oy Dr. W. J. same date, Irrigation Manager Paul groups, is successful only to the ex cancy caused by the death of Mrs. tent to which the members co-op Sarazin. Friday, October 13 or early on the Elden Yergensen said anyone Weese of Ontario, who w'll be in- L. House said erate". following morning. Coffee, sand wanting to make other nominations stalled at the annual convention of During the tea hour the women wiches and doughnuts will be sold should contact him before the elect- the organization in Gearnart this Mr. Snider announced the ap members of the Nyssa school fac pointment of Robert Thompson, ulties were guests of the civic club. at the auction, with some of the ion so that he can be sure the names week. local women's groups assisting with will appear on the ballot. He asked Harry Miner, Fred Bavage and One of the principal matters of The tea table was attractively ar Thomas Jones as members of the ranged In keeping with the pioneer . the . . . sale. . Anyone having . , articles to . that al* committeemen, instructors business at the annual meeting will rodeo committee. list for the sale is asked to contact and scoutmasters and other interest- be selection of the consultants who S taff members who have taken theme of the program. The table The chamber voted to participate was centered with a bright bouquet Mrs. Frank Morgan, Mrs. K. E. ed persons attend the meeting. It will assist local physicians on special employment at the Malheur Mem in the campaign to influence local Keveren, Mrs. M. C. Seuell. Mrs. will be the first meeting of the new medical problems. In addition to orial hospital were announced Wed of asters In a large bean pot, with Many visitors at the "open house” Frank Perko or Mrs. Virgil McGee, j season, which is now starting. the specialists, physicians from Pav- nesday by Superintendent John T. residents to register for the Novemb a miniature dasher churn and pot committee members in charge of the 1 ----------- m e . Ontario, Vale and Parma In O'Toole. The staff, including Mr. I er election. tery dishes on a two-tone brown held for the Malheur Memorial hos The members . . also sa*e- Return From Trip— addition to local doctors will attend OToole, now includes only five per- . voted to Invite cloth especially made for the oc pital last Sunday asked if they could Congressman Lowell Stockman to casion by Mrs, Wilton Jackson. The make pledges or donations to the ~ ■ Me anJ Mrs George Mitchell re- the dinner, which will be sponsored sons, but more will be added. Coming Event»— turned Sundav from a two week's by the Nyssa Lions club Barbara Brown Is head nurse, sI * ak al the October 9 luncheon room was attractive with large bou hospital. Monday, October 2—Eastern S tar trip. Part of the time was spent at i Total attendance will probably be Irene Alsup, surgical aid: Margaret v, Officials pointed out that anyone „ .. , ___ ___ quets of bright gladioli on tables at Masonic hall. B p. m. ' Long Beach in Washington, where 30 Sarazin. medical and X -ray tech- Yo“ ‘ h ,n Korr* - \ , ___ homespun ___ _________. . . . The ............... ....... who wishes to make a pledge or ln- I with covers. hostess crease his pledge to an amount suf Tuesday. October 3—A. N. K Mr and Mrs. Mitchell had a reunion _________________ nician, and Lee Montgomery, Janitor, j , K E - Keveren receives! a letter eg j or afternoon were Mrs. Jack - this week from Dick Iseri, former son. Mrs. Fred Bracken. Mrs. J R. ficient to secure a memorial may do Garden club at the home of Mrs with four other couples, former Attend District Meeting— Maurice Judd at 2 p. m. Eagles aux- j friends of Prescott. Washington. Mrs. Walter McPartland. Mrs. Attend Church— | H.vssa student. Who was an out- cundall and Mrs John O’Toole j so at the hospital office. iliary birthday party. 8 p. m. Oirl whom they had not seen for a num- Dennis Patch, Mrs O. O. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs C. A. Marshall and standing athlete during his *tu- and Mrs Richard Forbes. The h o s -' Space will be provided on the Scout troops of Mrs. W. E 8 chire- ber of years. From Long Beach, Mrs. David Beers, Mrs. Anna Jo h n - Mr and Mrs Vic Marshall motored dent days here. Iaert has been In tesses wore square dance dresses for plaque* tor the name« of die new man and Mrs Grant Rinehart, and they went to Los Angeles via the son and Mrs. Donald Campbell at- to Caldwell Sunday morning to at- « *n e of the active fighting in the | the occasion. donors. Brownie troop of Mrs. Zack Walker, coast highway and through the red- tended a district meeting of the W services in the First Christian I Korean war, but is more opttm la-. tend -------------------------- . 4 p. m. Man Is Injured— woods, to visit Mrs Mitchell's cous- S C. S of the Methodist church church, I «« * * * * * conditions at present. Is- visit* Parents— Wednesday. October 4—Brownie ins at Whittier. They returned to at Boise Tuesday. Speakers includ- John Oowey, Adrian contractor, -------------------------- | ert wrote th at the typhoon that hit | Miss Nardl Sallee of Boise visited troops of Mrs Bill Wilson and Mrs. Nyssa through Nevada, where they ed Mrs. Helen Oaudin. whose hus- Takes — Japan had been a menace In the her parents over the wek-end and lost part of his right arm in an Paul Russell and Scout troop of spent a day at Reno. accident at Adrian Wednesday band had been in the Near East con- Edward Ostrom has taken a pos- zone where he was located. | attended the wedding of Miss Eval- Mrs Clifford Fox. 4 p m. morning. His arm was caught in --------------------------- sular service for 19 years, and Dr ition driving a transport truck from I --------------------------- | leen Towne. Thursday. October 5—P T A ex Hrr' From Salt Lake— a concrete mixer and was so badly Eva McOilvrey. who, with her hus- Boise to the coast and return for Supply ----------------------------- ecutive meeting at the high schol mangled It had to be amputated Mr. and Mrs Wesley Evans and band, were staff members of a medl- the Continental Lumber company of The pulpit at the Nyssa church Here From Buis Legion auxiliary at • p. m Job's daughters of Salt Lake City visited cal college in India Mrs Campbell, Boise. He and his family rill con- I of Christ Is being supplied by Rev. Mrs Pearl Davis of Boise Is vis in the Ontario hospital, where he Daughters at 7:30 p. m. Square last week at the home of Mr and conference chairman of children's tinue to live in Nyssa. and Mrs. Beem of Ontario and Rev iting at the home of her daughter, was taken In the Lienkaemper am Dance at old gym at I p. m. bulance. The arm was amputated Mrs. Richard Forbes The two work, attended a meeting of the jjo h n Daley of Nyssa until the new Mrs. Clyde 8 nider. Friday. October 6 —Fall Flower daughters remained at the Forbes eastern district of the Idaho con- Visit In Nyssa between the wrist and elbow. pastor, Rev. Hollingsworth arrives Show at Henneman Hardware store home while their parents visited in terence at Twin Falls Monday. Dr. and Mrs. Oeorge Davis and j October 16. Former Krsldrnt Visits— Saturdev. October 7— Fall Flower Walla Walla. Accepls New Position— Mr Evans, who --------------------------- Mr. and Mrs John Wagnrr and --------------------------- Olean Wells of Burley, Idaho, for Show at Henneman Hardware store. Is a brother of Mrs Forbess. Ls a Here From Portland— Jesse Rigney has resigned his family of New Plymouth visited Sun- Return From Visit— mer Nyssa resident, is visiting senior at the University of Utah Mrs. Clare Peterson and children day at the home of Mr and Mrs. Mr and Mrs. Howard Bair re- fcends here. He expect* to return position as custodian at the Nyssa Dance Group Meets— grade school and will be employed Medical school. |of_ Portland arrived last week for Bernard Frost. turned Monday from Pasco. Wash- home Tuesday. A special meeting of the s q u a r e _______________ __ as local cream station operator for a visit with Mrs Peterson'a father. -------------------------- ington, where they visited their dance group will be held at the old Return* From H o sp ital- the Nampa creamery Dr J . J Sarazin. S ta ir Officials Visits— daughter, Joyce, over the week-end. Riders Will Meet— high school gym Thursday evening. Harry Collins returned to hU home Mrs. Ethel Vedder, state president ! --------------------------- Burglars Enter Shop— October 5 at 8 p m. All persons who Tuesday following a month spent In Visit* In Boise— of the Eagles auxiliary, will pay her ! The September meeting of the Burglars stole 15 women's gar- T h rill Sale Being Held— The annual fall thrift aale of the have participated In square dance the Holv Rosary hospital, where hLs Mrs Olea Billings was In Boise official visit to the Nyssa Eagles ; Owyhee Riding club will be held Pri- merits and four men's garments from groups the past year are asked to be neck, which was broken last Feb- last Saturday to visit Mrs J B auxiliary Tuesday evening, October day evening, September 29 at the the Nyssa Cleaners plant Monday St. Paul'a Episcopal guild la being present in order that membership ruary. was kept in traction. Mr Ewer at her new home with her 3 at i o’clock. On that evening the ; home of Mr and Mrs Vic Marshall, night. City police officers said the hold this week from Tuesday pians for the coming year may be Collins, who U still In a cast. Is daughter. Mrs Oerald Wallace, at group win officially observe the first j with Mrs Dick Wyatt and Mrs thieves gained entrance to the shop through Saturday at the parish established ' gradually improving R t 4 , Cole road. anniversary of their organization. Lyman Pomeroy assisting by tearing a screen from a window hall 1 « I'm nu l I .‘>2 To 0 Articles Sought hospital Staff For Hospital Sale Nominees Named m . n . For Bov Seouls 1 ............ Dinner Four Coiiiicilmen W ill Be Elected Leslie Honored By Nyssa C O f C *To Tllrn„, 0|1| Irrigation Water Staff Member* At Hospital Revealed Hospital Pledge* Still Acceptable Position Pastors Pulpit—