THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGQN. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 21. 1950 PAG E TW O There la special music and sing S. B Hoffman. Mr. and Mrs. Jim , Mid-week prayer meeting, Wed- and other southern states before re ing at each o f our regular services. Ritchie and Robert and Garnet nesday evening. 8 p. m. turning home. We extend a hearty welcome to all Belle. Mr. and Mrs Glen Hoffman Visitation Friday evening from C W De Boer and Mr El wood F or W ade P. T . A. to worship with us. Carr of Ontario called in this com- and Olendia and Mr. and M it. 7 to 9. Claude Day. B IO BEND. Sept 21—The Wade I munity Thursday afternoon P T A met at the schoolhouse Sunday afternoon visitors at the Friday afternoon. Mrs LeRoy Ben- Pete Tensen home were Mr and nett. president conducted the bus- Mrs. George Smit of Nu-Acres and N O T IC E Iness meeting, In which plans for Mr and Mrs Dick Oroot. ASSEMBLY OK GOD the coming year were outlined Mrs. Mr and Mrs. Edwin Mowerson 2nd and Reece Duane Goodenow gave the secret- and Dale of Nyssa Heights were On- Frank C. Coley, Pastor • ary's and treasurer's reports. Chair- tarlo visitors and called m this corn- Sunday school, 10 a. m. Classes men for the coming year are Mrs. munity Monday morning. of all ages. Prank Miller, publications; M r s ----------------------- Morning worship, 11 a. m John Samer, membership Mrs. Dyre z - L i i Evangelistic service, 8 p m. Roberts, hospitality Mrs Harvey 30W 1J Bennett and Mrs Van De Water. Formed At Adrian Prayer and praise service, Tuesday, NOTICE IS HEREBY G IVEN lhat the following 8pm ways and means, pre-school. Mrs. ________ Young peoples Christ Ambassador John Packwood. legislative. Mrs NEW ELL HEIGHTS. Sept 21—Carl warrants w ill be cancelled and the payments thereof Auker. and program, Mrs V »« > «r Lee Hill, Karen McKinley. Charlene. service. Friday, 8 p. m. Everyone welcome. Hopkins and Mrs. Darrel1 English Qay and Eugene Harris and Terry w ill be refused unless said warrants are presented to The teachers, Mr Huett an M nonce attended an organization THE METHODIST COMMUNITY Witty, gave short talks onJjondlt- meetlng at the Dnited Presbyterian the County Treasurer for payment on or before October CHURCH ions In the school and outlined plans church ln Adrian s unday evening Donald S. Campbell, Minister for work and sports and tater a watermelon feast at the 31. 1950. 10:15 a. m. Church school. For Mr and Mrs J o h n H a r v e y Bennett home in the Bend this week the church school starts P la n s The Gate City Journal K1.AS8 V. POW ELL - - - SU BSCR IPTIO N RATES One Year •2 00 li ix m o n t h * _____ • 1 25 Single Couiea 05 (Strictly In Advance) Published every Thursday Entered at the poatoffice through the United States the act - - - - Editor and PubliMhrr A D V E R T IS IN G HATES Open rate, per Inch National, per Inch ClaxHifieda, per word Minimum 40c 49c 2c 30c at Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon at Nyssa. Oregon for transmission Mails, as second class matter, under of March 3, 1873 “ C o iiiiiip n r e n ip n l” In H e r < * To the high school and college graduate the word “ commencement” is always given a confusing interpre tation by those who have gone before. The pupils feel that they have just completed a project, a period of life or a course and yet they receive their diplomas at “ commencement” . They feel they are finishing something, not commencing something. In re ality, they are actually beginning their life's work and are not in a preparatory stage. Despite this interpre tation of graduation, it still requires a considerable stretch of the imagination to associate graduation with commencement. It may also seem quite a stretch of the-imagination for many people to think that they are only reaching the “commencement” stage in the Malheur Memorial hospital project. The money has been raised and the building has been completed and equipped, so many w ill say why not sit back and enjoy it, but the hospital has not yet proved itself worthy of the community effort and the community has not yet proved itself worthy o f a fine hospital. Hospitals are not money-making institutions and the profit motive is usually far removed from such organ izations, but they must either become self-sustaining or the communities in which they are located must be con tinually raising additionel money for their operation. At least for a few years, the hospital association may be forced to engage in a system of operation well known as deficit financing. However, people who show ed such determination during the two financial cam paigns can be expected to meet the challenge facing them without cringing and carry on the operation of the hos pital for the benefit of everyone. The sacrifices that may be necessary to keep the hos pital in operation w ill tend to make residents o f the community love and appreciate more the institution and the purposes for which it was established— to relieve suffering and prevent spread of disease. O u tlin e d CHURCH NOTES That County Warrants not presented will be cancelled. t r l p . ^ n t visaing Mr Samers“ sls- ™ ¿ iT c ie a r Lake. Washington and ^ w n ‘ ¥ ¿ £ £ ¿ 2 5 * . Th“ M r s " » W Thomas accompanied by Mrs De Haven of Adrian, spent Wednesday visiting in Weiser. Mr and Mrs O. O Ooodenow were 1 , , Tuesday Boise „ visitors Tuesday Mr and Mrs, Harvey Hatch enjoy ^ ir s ^ m n iV ^ H e T i ?“ **?*,“ Mrs PranCL their leader. | A * 2 Sc°ut executive meeting h* w Thursday evening in the Jake Borge home. Children were home from school *2 ’ hr ‘ Vr tl0n ‘n L,’Wman 0V6r Monday 'a n d 'T u e s d a y duT » " t h é past a week-end Miss Helen Hatch and nephews, two-day teacher's institute at La Merle and Phillip Hatch, accomp Grande. Mrs. Forest Hardman attended a anied Mr and Mrs Dwain Hatch to Joseph, Oregon for a week-end shower at the home of Maxine visit with Mr and Mrs Henry Hatch. Brown in Adrian Friday evening, Mrs E H Brumbach and Mrs hor‘° ™ !* Mrs Robert Patterson and Joe Brumbach attended a Book club ' meeting Saturday afternoon at the The potato harvest has been corn- home of Mrs Charles Schweizer m “ d a« Sun Valley Mrs Hilda Tensen re- ‘ hlrd " c p o f hay and starting viewed "The American Character" the harvest of seed crops. ; |-v D W Brogan - Mrs Marlon Kurtz, Mrs. Carl Hill. I The Extension club will meet with , Mrs. George ^Schiemer^ Mrs Wesley Mrs. Mary Thompson Thursday af Piercy and Mrs Jake Borge attend ed a Mary and Martha society meet | ternoon i Joe Witty left Friday evening for ing at the home of Mrs. K I Peter son in Adrian Thursday afternoon. I John Brown university at Siioam, Arkansas, where he will be a sopho- Mrs. Piercy was co-hostess. The group brought in used baby clothing, I more this coming year. Mr Venable of Nampa transacted towels wash cloths and tea towels for the hospital at Nyssa Next I business in Bend Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Thomas, who month the group will collect used were guests in the H. W. Thomas clothing for the mission school in Ezel, Kentucky. home returned to Baker Monday Several persons from Newell Mr Holly and Mr Jarvis of Adrian are doing carpenter work at the Heights went to Nyssa Thursday to donate blood at the blood bank Reno home Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Harvey and I Bend scholars enjoyed a two-day vacation Monday and Tuesday while family and Lawrence Leach, Jr. of their teachers attended the annual Weiser were dinner guests in the Mrs. educational conference in La Grande. Jake Borge home Sunday. J '. hi Price accompanied Mr and Harvey and Lawrence Leach are | Mrs. Witty to La Orande, where cousins of Mrs. Borge Oerritt Nyjhoff, a young man she will visit her sister. Mrs. Shir ley Albritton, who teaches at W al from Holland, came Wednesday lowa and is attending the teachers morning to the M L. Kurtz home from North Dakota. He will live institute. Bend friends have learned that and do farm work on the Kurtz Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Haworth have farm, learning the American meth a new grondson, the first child of ods. Jake Borge has been working in their daughter, Eleanor, who lives in the Eastman home in Ridgevlew the Atlrnil Mower Show— the flower show at Boise last S at , Pittsburg, Pennsylvania past week plastering. Mrs. George Schweizer and Mrs. urday. D»U Wilson won a flower Deane Hardman Joined the rest of Bud Wilson and family attended arrangement as a door prize. Quarter Horses the Kingman Kolony Riding club at l l o i l < 'l l t III S o u t h i Adrian Sunday for an all-day outing k 1 in the hills. COLUM BIA AVE , Sept 21—Mr. and Mrs C M. Tensen and Carolyn re V i s i t o r s R e tu rn turned home Sunday afternoon from o n F ir e I n s u r a n c e a trip to New Mexico and Fort T o N eb rask a H om e Optometrist Worth, Texas. While there they | ________ •.. dependable protection purchased two quarter horses. They [ BUENA VISTA, Sept. 21—James Eyes Examined made the return trip by way of Stephen left for Central City, Neb- and with helpful service. Colorado and Wyoming. I raska last week to attend college Phone 720 Mr and Mrs Vas and son and KEN POND AGENCY Mr. and Mrs. Bert Pomplun left [daughter. Winnie, of Salter, Wush- for their home in Nebraska after vis Rral Estate and Insuranrr ' ington called at the Dick Groot and 718 Arthur St. iting a week with Mr. and Mrs. 16 North 3rd. Phone 218 j Pete Tensen homes Tuesday after- Glenn Hoffman. Mr. and Mrs. For Evening Appointments I noon Mrs. Vos. a sister of Pete pomplun are the parents of Mrs. Caldwell, Idaho \ tie Leeuaw, formerly lived in this Hoffman Phone M -M community They left Wednesday Mr and Mrs Willis Bertram and I morning for a trip through Colorado Lucille left for Washington Sunday to attend to business. Lester Cleaver went salmon fish ing the past week. Mrs Alva Ooodell spent the week end at the Henry Estrlck home near Meridian Mrs. Delbert Cleaver and Oary and Brian and Alva Ooodell, Sr , ate Sunday dinner at the Estrick home and Mrs. Ooodell returned home with them. Mr and Mrs<e T op liff have spent the past week visiting relatives in Washington Mrs S B Hoffman was hostess to the Out-Our-Way club. Roll call was answered by providing "some thing really old." Each member Is to donate 50 cents, which will be turned to the hospital. Refresh ments of "hot dogs" salad, cookies and coffee were served The next meeting will be held at the Hazel | Day home October 12. Mr and Mrs. Eugene Cleaver and Cheryl and Harriett spent several days the past week at Madras visit- \ i ing relatives. Delbert and l a Vern Cleaver fish- I ed at the dam Sunday. Mr and Mrs Edward T op liff and . Beta Mae were ln Caldwell Saturday Mr and Mrs Leslie T op liff and 1 Mr. and Mrs Edward T o p liff and K e u Mae spent Sunday evening at ; the Ethel Ooodell home near Vale Mr. and Mrs Alva Ooodell attend ed a Orange conference at the Boulevard hall Thursday afternoon ! and evening A family picnic was held In the Nyssa city park In honor o f those whose birthdays occur in September Those attending were Mr and Mrs §AviNcs^Cosr\ OR. C. W. CRAVES ÌL> [phota, (L U4u&fc*jltu ¡49UAL I ulo I^Jtf 30 minutes later than usual. P a rents are Invited to visit the depart ment their children attend. 11 a. m. Rally day and promo- : tion service. The children will be promoted by departments and btbles given to the graduates of the pri mary department. Each depart- 1 ment will share some of its work with the others. Rev. Campbell and Mrs. Johnson, sperintendent, will be in charge. The choir will sing, "Fairest Lord Jesus", with soprano solo by Kathryn Crandall. 7 p. m. The Youth Fellowship will meet In two groups—Older or post-high school young people and the high school fellowship. 8 p. m., Meeting o f the official board. GENERAL FUND W A R R A N T S Claimant N ellie D. LeaveU CATHOLIC CHURCH Park Avenue and Third Street Rev. P. J. Gaire, Pastor Mass on Sundays at 8:30. Cate chism at 10 a. m. Saturdays. CHURCH OF CHRIST A. J. Hollingsworth, Pastor 10 a. m „ Sunday school. Harold Robbins, superintendent. Morning and evening service,! guest speaker. SUNSET VALLEY ASSEMBLY OF GOD Rev. Joe E. Dodson, Pantor Sunday sehool, 10 a. in. Worship services, 11 a. m. Young People, 7 p. m. Evangelistic meeting, 8 p. m. Wednesday Bible study. 8 p. m. MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH W. M. Turner, Pastor Sunday school. 10 a. m. Morning service, 11 a. m. Song service. 7:30 p. m Evening service, 8 p. m. Wednesday evening prayer ser vice, 8 p. m. THE CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Rev. Glen Abla, Pastor Sunday school. 10 a. m. Morning worship. 11 a. m. N. Y. P. S service, 7 p. m. Evening service. 8 p. m. $ .10 No. Date Issued 3040 Nov. 12, 1942 G ENERAL ROAD W A R R A N T S Leland J. McKinney $2.82 5513 Oct. 8, 1942 TA Y L O R G R A Z IN G DIST. Coll, of Int. Revenue $5.55 4493 May 13, 1943 H. S. SA C K E TT, County Clerk. L. D. S. 1st W ARD Dean Fife, Bishop r$ i Sunday—Priesthood meetings, 9:15 a. m. Sunday school. 10 a. m. Sac rament, 8 p. m. Tuesday—Relief society, 2 p m. Wednesday—M. r. A., 8 p. m. Thursday—Primary, 10 a m. ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCll Rev. C. L Callahan, Rector Church school, 10 a. m. Church services, 7:30 p. m.. every Sunday evening Amount I FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HISTORY Residents oi the Nyssa area will soon have adequate HOSPITAL PROTECTION. + + This pleasing situation has result ed from the generous subscriptions of the people who are interested in the welfare of the community. We congratulate them on their charily, foresight and consider ation for others. Boise Payette Lumber. Co. . --------— j lull- t y - i y The Culmination of years of effort and planning has been reached by a grateful community in the Completion of the MALHEUR MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Hundreds upon hundreds of visilors will affend fhe grand opening Sunday, Seplember 24 to \\ hen we decided co insulate, we financed it with view for the firs! time the beauty of the interior a First National Home Improvement Loan. My, what year round comfort on hoc summer days and cozy the rest o f the year! Best and realize for the first time the great array of ot all, savings on fuel will pay for the job in a couple of seasons. Horn» insulation U only on* of many Improvement proiact« which you can finance with a First National Homo Improvement Lean Up to 30 months to pay... no mortgage required... prompt service. Open 10 lo 9 Including Saturday W A R M S P R IIW C 1 T -C ff nyssa branch FIRST N ATIO N AL B A N K OF PORTLAND TO PO R TLAND — thru Scanlc Central Oregon TRAILWAVS III 220 Main St. LIP talent and work that has been necessary in the planning and construction of such a building. Olympic Club and Sporting Goods Store 125 Main street Phone 93 Phon«: 331 j il I