THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER Ì4. 19S0 Idaho visited this week at the home Judging Team Wins j of Mr and Mrs. Heber Evans. Honors At Fairs Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nedbalek (Continued from Page 2) morning at the home of Muss Audry and Miss Eloise Shuter of Parma. Mr. and Mrs. Heber Origgs went to the L. D. S. temple at Idaho Falls Wednesday and returned Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Thorpe, and Mr and Mrs. Roy Daniels of Malad City, | and Ruby were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nedbalek. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Baker and family of Weiser were Sunday din­ ner guests of the M. C. Seueli fam­ ily. The Frank Nedbalek. George Grasmick and Ben Ramer families returned from their fishing trip to T a k e t h is . .V “ to Build BETT ER FENCES No digging, no shoveling, no tamp­ ing when you use Red Tops! Just drive them—up to 300 in one day, easy Save your back and time— save money, too. Lost lake Monday night. They re- | ing. The wedding was held at 7 p. m. on the lawn at the home of the ported very good luck. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Evans and bride. family were Sunday night supperj Mrs. Oscar Samuela and Velda guests at theMerle Thomson home. I made a business trip to Nampa F ri­ Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Bale went day. Mrs. Mert Barney and children salmon fishing with Mr. and Mrs. have moved to an apartment in the Lloyd Seueli Sunday. basement of the Pulsipher home. Mrs. Ed Meroney and Joy spent Sunday visiting Mrs. G. G. Wherry and Mrs. Bill Harm in Payette. Mrs. Henry Orcutt and her moth­ er. Mrs. Anna Christansen of Min- ASSEMBLI OF OOD den, Nebraska, and Jimmie Orcutt 2nd and Reece visited Wednesday at the E. C. Ter- Frank C. Coley, Pastor hune home in Nyssa and at the Asa Sunday school, Sunday. 10 a. m. Roberts home at Chalk butte. Worship service, 11 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Keck of Indi­ ana and Mrs. A. H. Keck of Nyssa j Evangelistic service, 8 p. m. were Tuesday dinner guests of Mr. j Tuesday evening prayer meeting and Mrs Sherman Keck and family. 8 p. m. Friday evening, young people's Harry Wood is sick again. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Preston and meeting, 8 p. m. Everyone invited. family left Wednesday to visit rel­ atives and friends at Twin Falls, THE CHURCH OF THE Burley and Pocatello. They return­ NAZARENE ed Saturday. Rev. Glen Abla, Pastor Mary Jo Jenkins attended the Sunday school, 10 a. m. wedding of Viola McLain and Bill Morning worship, 11 a. m. Hansen of Fruitland Saturday even­ CHURCH NOTES ator, phone 13-W. Nyssa. 14slxc FOR SALE—Canary birds, two sing­ ers, 815 each; one female, $3, phone 056J-3, T. Carol Bybee. 14slxc NEWS OF RECORD MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED Keith Phil Carpenter of Ontario and Kathleen Long of Eugene. FOR SALE—John Deere beet harv­ Maurice Overstreet Judd of Nyssa ester, good condition, used one year, and Sarah Jan e Kinney of Ontario. Rataezyk Bros., route 2. 14slxc Alvin Mason and Lois Daly, both of Nyssa. SALE CALENDAR Jam es B Ackerman and Sonya Millard, both of Ontario. ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH I SALE CALANDER-Thursday. Sep­ Kay Wayman Frank Sinden of Weiser Rev. C. L. Callahan, Rector tember 21, 1 p. m„ one mile east of and Eula Mitchell of Nyssa. Church school. 10 a. m. Ontario and 1/4 mile west of Snake Donal Haney of Nyssa and Billie Church services. 7:30 p. m„ every river bridge, 47 head of cattle, all Lynn Hann of Parma. Sunday evening. tested. Sale includes. Guernsey cows. Holsteins, roan steer, 1 Hol­ COMPLAINTS, CIRCUIT COURT stein bull yearling and others. Terms CATHOLIC CHURCH Mgrie M. Conklin vs. Roscoe cash. No lunch. Ben Stover, Own­ Conklin, divorce. Park Avenue and Third Street er. Anderson and Church, auc­ Rev. P. J. Gaire. Pastor Jan et Elizabeth Kennedy vs. F in - Mass on Sundays at 8:30. Cate­ tioneers, Fritts, clerk. nis T. Kennedy, divorce. chism at 10 a. m. Saturdays. L. D. S. 1st WARD Dean Fife, Bishop Sunday—Priesthood meetings, 9:15 a. m. Sunday school. 10 a. nr. S a c ­ rament. 8 p. m. Tuesday—Relief society. 2 p. m Wednesday—M. r. A., 8 p. m. Thursday—Primary, 10 a. m. TALK TO THE MAN WHO FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH Rev. A. K. Bethmann, Pastor SOLICITING NOW FOR FALL LAND LEVELING * * * * New D-8 Cat With 17Vi-Yard Carry-All For Large Job*. Made of tough springy rail steel, rein­ forced all four ways to stand fence line strains. Big lugs to hold up the fence wire, and wide anchor plate that won't loosen. Red Tops can’t rot, burn or split. They make a swell looking fence that gives wonderful service. Red Tops are a real steel post value. Stop in- see our stock—get our prices. N. Y. P. S service. 7 p. m. Evening service. 8 p. m. Mid-week prayer meeting, Wed- nesday evening. 8 p. m. Visitation Friday evening from 7 to 8. There is special music and sing­ ing at each of our regular services. We extend a hearty welcome to all to worship with us. PAGE SEVEN D-7 Cats For Sm aller Jobs And Sub-Soiling. ’/«-Yard Dragline For All Kinds Of Drainage Work. EXPERIENCED • * OPERATORS * * C. E. LESEBERG Phone 110-W PHONE 378 STUNZ LUMBER CO. Sunday school. 10 a. m. Worship service, 11 a. in. THE METHODIST COMMUNITY CHURCH Donald S. Campbell, Minister 9:45 a. m„ church scnool. 11a. m„ morning worship 7 p. m., Youth Fellowship. CHURCH OF CHRIST ' Don R. Maxfield. Pastor 10:00, Sunday school. Henry Storm. Supt. 11:00 morning worship and Lord's supper. 8:00, evening worship. SUNSET VALLEY ASSEMBLY OF GOD Rev. Joe E. Dodson, Pastor Sunday sshool, 10 a. in. Worship services. 11 a. m. Young People, 7 p. m. Evangelistic meeting, 8 p. m. Wednesday Bible study. 8 p. m. MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH W. M. Turner, Pastor Sunday school, 10 a. m. Morning service, 11 a. m. Bong service, 7:30 p. m Evening service, 8 p. m. Wednesday evening prayer ser­ vice. 8 p. m. .. : : on t TH V hi M Tun« in HFN*V J. TAYLOt, ABC Nefworl. . M .....----- ** r •vnmg. . tVWhrt iiiMi 1 Roberts-Nyssa, Inc. ¡3 W H IN SETTER A U T O M O tills ARE BUILT UUICK w i n RUUD THEM Half a billion dollars at work for you Thif picture shows what Standard of Cali­ fornia has spent, since the war, on facilities needed to bring you more and better petro­ leum products . . . and to compete with other oil companies in this extremely competitive business. B u t. . . what else has this money accom­ plished? It has helped every community in the West . . . created jobs in many industries and made those of our own people better. The money has spread to other businesses, large and small, and to every profession. Homes have been built, automobiles purchased, educa­ tions planned and started for many of the West’s young people. We point this out to show how big com­ panies make money work for everyone. And, certainly, the public must share the credit. . . for the public alone can make a company hig Over the years, you have found Standard products good and have bought more and more of them. You've made us grow. A large share of our profits each year is turned back into the tools which mean still better prod­ ucts and more efficient service for you. And, perhaps even more important today, the tools which give much added strength to our nation.