Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1950)
THE N Y S S A GATE CITY JOURNAL. N Y SSA . OREGON. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 7. PAGE SIX meeting was Miss Selin. Barber. secretary for the Idaho Eagles aux- SormI îVutcs diary - i - PINX AND BLUE SHOWER HELD Mrs. Wilbur Anderson wax honor guest at a pink and blue shower held at the home of Mrs. W W Foster Tuesday afternoon The afternoon was spent Informally In games and visiting. The honor guest was pre sented with a number of gifts from the group. In a decorated bassinet At the close of the afternoon re freshments were served by the hos tess and Mrs Dennis Patch. BRIDOE CLUB MEETS Mrs. Artie Robertson entertained the members of her Tuesday evening bridge club at her home this week with Mrs Tom Burnlngham, Mrs Oeorge Mitchell and Mrs Ca.npbell Baer as guest players High score was held by Mrs Don Campbell and second high by Mrs Prank Morgan. - I - EAOLE8 AUXILIARY MEET A feature of the Eagles auxiliary meeting held Tuesday evening at the Eagles hall was the appearance of the members costumed as young girls Mrs R O. Whitaker won first prize for the outstanding cos tume of the evening. During the business meeting announcements J -\- Adrian Folk . Take Fair Frizes 1950 paper this week and lack of time, the F. F. A. and 4-H winners living in the Nyssa-Adnan area will be pub lished in the Gate City Journal next week. New Teachers Al Adrian Announced i the day. In my home. Phune 279-M f or see at 317 E. Bower. 7s2xp FOR RENT—Four-room house. Call {Continued f r o m rage 1) ADRIAN, Sept 7—A. C. Henderson, at 410 King avenue, phone 198-J HOBTE8S TO CLUB Butler Hall and Mr and Mrs. BUI before 8 a. m. or after 6 p. m. 7slxp Mrs Carlos Buchner was hostess of-sire, Cash Turner third; prodúce Power Company of her Tuesday o i-<**“ > ■ P*ik. first; champion heifer Looney and family were sagehen FOUND—Black rat terrier. Owner lo the members Feik. may have it by describing. Phone hunting near Sheaville Sunday. Opens Terminal evening bridge club this week. Prizes Chester White junior boar under 7s2xc New teachers at the Adrian high 0UJ1. went to Mrs. Walter McPartland for l year, Garth Olsen, first; champion school are Mr. Detienne, band; Miss BUILDING PERMITS high score and to Mrs. Lynn Law- boar. Olsen. Charlotte Brummer. physical educa- ; Marie Black, construction of ga rence for low score Mrs Lawrence Flowers-Blu d d 1 el a. Mrs. Dick gram, it will result in the expen tion. Olenn Ward, athletics. . Oroot. first; double chrysanthemum, diture of $200.000,000 of investment rage. cinderblock. 19 x 24. $500. 305 Mr. and Mrs. Jess Norris were in and Mrs Dale Overstake were guest ( j Siam, second; miniature capital". S. Fifth street. Fred Moss of Payette, vice presi Nampa on business Tuesday. players. dahlias. Mrs. Dick Oroot, first: Don Engstrom. addition to milk Mr and Mrs. P. F. dimming of dent of the Idaho Canning company, —S— cactus dahlias. Mrs. Oroot, second; Boise were Sunday dinner guests of plant on highway 20, 38 x 54, cinder- said industry requires power, water AFTERNOON CLUB MEETS ¡ other variety of dahlias, Mrs. Oroot. block, $5000. Mr and Mrs. Bob Brown. H. R. Sherwood, addition to Mrs Bartil Ostrom entertained “ “ “ marigolds Mrs^ Oroot, and sewage disposal and last and Mrs. Oayle Martin and children , . , .. . __ , , i first, double petunias. Mrs. O. Slam. most important agriculture. Brownie's cafe building. Main street. the members of the Wednesday af- r(Mie T Mr . O. C Houston, “ We have all of these things". and Bobby English visited Sunday 8 x 35. $1000 ternoon club at her home last woek. flm ; m pUm Mrs. oroot. flrs, ; Muss said. "They are the making in Cambridge at the Marion English j Mrs vernena Beam received high mixed Mrs. Oroot, j of this country. Reclamation is the home. score and Mrs. Harry Kingrey. low moxt artistically arranged only government-planned activity! Mr and Mrs. Jess Norris and Lar- i ry, Mrs. E. Norris, Mrs. Ruth Hall ®core' bouquet, Mrs. Oroot. second; garden that has been successful. The Snake ~ c l u b s booths. A. N K Oarden club river has untold wealth and vision and Billy and Cliff and Billy Looney DINNER AT COUNTRY CLUB of Nyssa, first; Orange booth com- j was required to control it. The pow- j held a picnic Sunday at the Cald Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Tobler enter- ; petition, Oregon Slope Orange of er company has been profitable be- | well park. Barbara Hatch accompanied her talned the members uf the Tobler's . Ontario, first; Oregon Trail Orange ! cause its officers had the vision and | the people had the courage to sup- aunt. Mrs Earl Hinneman of Parma Feed and Fuel softball team at a of Nyssa. second, dinner at the County club last Pri- Corn—Yellow dent, T H Brewer, 1 port it. This country is hardly to Portland for a week. day evening. Following the dinner, first; Theresa Brewer, second and touched and I hope I will live long i Mrs. Cecil Smith and children vis the group attended the county fair L. Siam, third; trophy cup for best enough to see it grow greater, I ! ited Mr and Mrs Emil Beguhl of aton tarlo. 10 ears on exhibit, T. H. Brewer; salute the Idaho Power company Caldwell Sunday. A boy was born to Mr and Mrs. --------------------------- onions, best 20 pounds, LaVern Jorg- as a great industry". Alva Goodell of Nyssa. Malheur Bob Patterson Monday. Mr. Patter Keturn f rom Utah— enson third. son is the eighth grade teacher. Mrs C. A Mally and Miss Helen : Potatoes—Bliss triumph. T If. county commissioner, said "The Ida Mr and Mrs. Olen Brown went on Murie Mally returned from Ogden Brewer, second; Theresa Brewer, ho Power company has done a great last Friday Mrs Mally was ac- third; netted gem, George Schiemer. Job in Malheur county. It has done a sight-seeing trip over the week- 1 compamed to Utah by her sister, i first; Archie Atagi. second and C. a great deal to increase our assessed end to Arco, Crater's of the Moon Miss Nora O'Brian who has been Kesler, third; white rose, Theresa ! valuations. In the development of and Sun Valley. Mrs. Bill Looney and Mrs A. C spending the summer here. Miss Brewer, first; T H Brewer, second the land after the establishment of Mally left to day for Ogden to re- and Atagi. third; other varieties, the Owyhee project, the Idaho Pow- Henderson visited in Notus Friday Miss Esther Fogleman and Miss | sume her teaching position at Weber Ronald Peterson, first; trophy cup 1 er company was right behind us Charlotte Brummer are staying at ' for best 12 tubers. Theresa Brewer | with power”. college. In another response, Mayor J. A. the A. C. Henderson home. Miss j Baby lima beans—Dick Oroot, first; Lemhi wheat. Erwin Bush, McMillan of Payette paid tribute to Fogleman is the first grade teacher | at the high school. Mr and Mrs. Joe Daniels and son first; federation wheat. L. Siam, the power company, Oayle and Lennie Martin and ; J. Dyer Bennett, mayor of On Dean of Spokane, were Sunday vis first; alfalfa hay in sheaves, Arthur itors at the home of Mr and Mrs Holly of Adrian, second; alfalfa for tario, delivered the welcome and Clyde Cartwright spent the week Frank Fry Other guests included seed, O. C. Snapp, Parma, first; Earl A. Bopp. president of the On end near Sheaville fishing and sage- | Mrs. Daniel's parents. Mr and Mrs. Arthur Holly, second; barley. Don tario chamber of commerce, acted hen hunting. Earl Dean of Payette and Mrs Ella Bowers, third; wheat, any variety, as master of ceremonies. Larry Brainard of Payette, dis To Washington— Our decorated cakes are master Erwin Bush, first; Dick Davis. Smith. Mr and Mrs. Earl Bingham left Adrian, second; Oale Ricks, Adrian, trict manager, introduced the master pieces from the artist’s point of Tuesday for a vacation trip to Fri of ceremonies and thanked those third. j view. Each tempting bite will day Harbor, Washington. Members of Scout Troop No. 19 Threshed vegetable seeds—Carrot. who assisted with the dedication. thrill your guests and win you After the program, refreshments enjoyed a two-day outing last week Duane Wilson, Nyssa, first; onion. Too Late To Classify end at Snively Springs. The group Harry Rataezyk, first; turnips, Or- were served by Mrs. Leona Ander j fame as a perfect hostess. were accompanied by their scout ville Hickman, first; sunflower. Jim son of the power company and the master, Roy Hoff. Heath, first; cantaloupe. Dick Oroot, Ontario Jaycettes. Before the speak WANTED—At once a butcher or one | "Home of Home Made Bread" first; English broad bean, navy ing, operation of the terminal was who is willing to learn butchering, bean and string bean, Oroot first; explained to visitors passing through married man preferred. Inquire at Polar Cold Storage. Mrs. Lloyd Mr and Mrs Ernest Bell and two farm vegetables—table beets. Louis the plant. PHONE 374 Marshall. 7s2xc children, Jackie and Susan of Roy, 3napp, first; Arthur Holly, second, Utah arrived Saturday to visit Mrs and Mrs. John Broad, third; cab WANTED—Children cared for, by Cumin» Events Bell's mother, Mrs Bessie Bair, and bage. Dick Oroot. third, carrots. O. other relatives here. Members of C. Snapp; sweet corn Holly, second; the family spent the holidays camp Oroot third; pickling cucumbers, Coming Events— Friday, September 8. Snake River Holly, first; Christine Snapp, sec ing and fishing at Unity. ond. and H Packwood, third; slic Valley Jamboree. Saturday, September 9, Eagles For ing cucumbers, Oroot, first; H Mrs T J Purkis and her grand Packwood, third; parsley, Oroot, auxiliary social and supper. Sunday. September 10, Methodist son, Byrl Burris, left for their home first; parsnips. Lois Snapp. first; in Flint. Michigan after visiting at acorn squash. Hazel Hunter, first: Sunday school picnic at city park. Tuesday. September 12, pre-school the home of Mr. and Mrs Dean banana squash, Lester Hiatt, first; Smith for the past two month«. string beans, Holly, third; large clinic at Eagles hall. Garden club at the home of Mrs. Carl Hill. Mrs Purkis and Mrs. Smith are variety tomatoes. Holly, second; Thursday, September 14. Women's i small variety tomatoes. Orville Hick sisters. man, first; cantaloupes. Lois Snapp. Christian Fellowship at church. ' first; watermelon. Leslie Hiatt, first; Nyssa P. T. A. in small auditorium. In Saturday. September 16, Square | Mr and Mrs J C. Smith had as Jim Hiatt, second. Roddy McDowall— Laurette Luez FVuits—Bartlett pears, Mrs. W. J. Dance festival at new school gym. their guests last Sunday. Rev Aust in J. Hollingsworth and Rev. and Bertram, second; D’anjou pears, Mrs Don Maxflekl and family. Mrs. Bertram, second. Hale peaches, Birthday Observed Mrs Bertram, first; plums, Oroot, At Mitchell Butte second; Italian prunes, Oroot, sec- ] Philip Reed— Martha Vickers ond; petite prunes, Hickman, sec ond; green grapes. Holly, first: blue MITCHELL BUTTE. Sept. 7—Mr. grapes. Holly, second; strawberries. and Mrs Guy Sparks and baby, 30c-9c O. C. Houston, third; rhubarb. Linda and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Stock- Oroot, third. ham and Beverley were dinner Arts and crafts—crocheted cent guests at the home of Mr and Mrs. erpiece, Mrs. Elizabeth Peutz, sec Art Sparks in celebration of Mr. Dick Powell— June Allyson ond; insertion, Mrs. Oroot, first; Ouy Sparks birthday. other household accessory, knitted, Mrs. Sam Hartley went to Utah David Wayne— Cecil Kellaway Mrs. Oroot. second; cutwork. table for two weeks to care for Mr. Hart cloth. Mrs O. Siam, second; em leys mother, who is ill. broidery. dolly. Mrs. D. Oroot, sec Mrs. May Oabiola and sons of Em ond; centerpiece, Mrs. Oroot, first; mett were Monday guests of Mr. and plllowcover, Mrs Oroot, first; lunch Mrs. Ira Marrs. eon cloth or set, Mrs. O. Stam, sec Sam Hartley and son. Brent, were ond; tablecover. Mrs. Oroot. first: Sunday dinner guests at the Mark 30c-9c hand towels. Mrs Oroot, first; need Hartley home. lepoint. picture, Mrs. Oroot. second; Mr and Mrs. Art Mayes and Mr. plllowcover, Mrs. Oroot, first; best and Mrs. Versal Sessions and child not otherwise listed. Mrs. O. Stam, ren spent a few days trout fishing Maria Montez— Jon Hall— Sabu first. at McCall and Cascade. Painting—landscape in oil, Rosel D. M Anderson of Little Valley Hunter, first; portrait In oil, Rcsrl was a dinner guest at the Doyal Hunter, first; Carl Bair, landscape Anderson home Sunday. In watercolor, second. Mrs Floyd Ooin and her mother. Canning—Berry,* Mrs Oroot, sec Mrs. Bob Logan of Medford. Oregon ond; Jam, Mrs Hazel Hunter, sec were Sunday visitors in the Versal ond: Jelly, Mrs. Oroot. second, Sessions home Mrs. Ooin and Mrs. sweet pickles, Mrs. Oroot. second: Sessions attended school together sour pickles. Mrs. Oroot, second; Mr and Mrs Henry Blanchard preserves, Mrs. Oroot, first, and of Nu-Acres and Mr. and Mrs. Wes other vegetable pickles, Mrs. Hunt ley Blanchard of Westwood. Cali er, second. fornia were callers at the home of Dana Andrew*— Susan Hayward Because of the small size of the Mr and Mrs Doyal Anderson. Kent Smith— Lois Wheeler Mr. and Mrs. David J. Orr were business visitors at Nyss% and Cald well last Wednesday. Mr and Mrs. Doyal Anderson and Mr Oscar Anderson were business visitors in Ontario Tuesday. Oscar brought home his new Q. M C. pick up he had ordered. ’ (Continued from Page I) ^ Mrs. Pay- engage Vivian, to Nysaa. who la bakery. Mr. and Joe C oop er o f rtte have an n ou n ced the m ent o f their d au gh ter, G en e R aym ond o f em ployed at the M orris were made of the pre-school clinic for September 12, and of the social and supper lor Saturday evening, September 9 A special guest at the -RUM M AGE S A L E - Salurday, September 9 NYSSA BOWLING CENTER Sponsored By St. Anne's Altar Society When you plan a party Make it a big success Our decorated cakes win praises From all your invited guests. Here From Spokane— Scouts Enjoy Outing- 'W A R T ", Tha Speed Cop By Bingham J S S p S ftj I DON'T XI Km t m i* M M I , •UT I SHOT) TNtrkr IUNTT *'** xaust TOI mrnomii BLFRiTT * 1 liJiCM Leave B j/ lA lt t S m u Á C L PHONi WHOLESALE - R E T A I L WASHING POLISHING LU RkICAlIN G — ! I 7 tU f C rtj& X X A s MORRIS BAKERY Utahans Here— Guests Michigan— NYSSA PROGRAM Telephone 108 THEATRE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8-9 Home— "Killer Shark" also "Daughter Of The W est" Matinee Saturday 2:3$; Admission SUNDAY AND MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 10-11 "The Reformer And The R edhead" Fireworks resulted when the young reformer met the fiery redhead. CARTOON NEWS Nyssa Square Dance F estival Matinee Sunday 2:30; Admission TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 "W hite S a vage" (A Re-issue) also "Birth Of A Cham pion" TECHNICOLOR SPECIAL CARTOON WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13-14 Saturday, September 16 HIGH SCHOOL GYM 8:30 P. M. One oi the most colorful and spectacular events oi the season Held in Oregon's Newest and Largest Gymnasium BUSS DAY'S ORCHESTRA TOP CALLERS OF THE VALLEY EXHIBITION AND NOVELTY DANCES Dancers 90c, Inc. tax. Spectators 50c, Inc. tax "M y Foolish Heart" One woman ... two men ... a heart-gripping romance . “Did she do right or wrong?” CARTOON SCREEN LINER BY LEW HE BRIM AN There ought to be a "Parent's Emancipation Dajr" listed on the Sept calendar, alone about the time young America goes back to school. Nobody yet has coined a short and complete answer to a child's sum mertime quit. What can I do?" You may have a short answer, but often it isnt a practical one And even the most ingenious parent is ! I bound to repeat himself tor her- [ setf. or to come up with a solution j about as palatable to the very much younger set as a bowl of cold | ; spinach. But now the summer Is winding up. and the school bell is | | going to sound Ukt • modern Lib- I ertjr Bell In many homes Relax If you were thinking of getting away from It all, we Just learned that a couple needs $100 a week to live on the Island of Tahiti Some body’s alwajrs taking the Joy out of hfe If you want to get » lot of pleasure in driving that Ford bring It back home for expert serv ice. We have the factory trained met hank's and equipment to give you a top-notch Job Drive In reg- ulary to HCRRrMAN MOTOR CO Phone 77. Harrim an M o to r Com pany Repair or Remodel W e will be glad to give you com plete information on how you can repair, remodel or paint your buildings on easy terms with three years to pay YOUR BUSINESS. AS A L W A Y S IS G R EATLY APPRECIATED SELF-POLISHING SIMONIZ FOR FLOORS SHINES AS IT DRIES FOR QUALITY LUMBER AT LOWER COST Call The Nyssa Lumber Co. PITTSBURGH m PAINTS John Ostrom, owner Phon« 384