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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1950)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA OREGON. THURSDAY. AUGUST 10. 1950 Festival Planned In Apple Valley APPLE VALLEY. Aug. 10—Plans were made at a special meeting of the P. T. A. Monday evening for the pre-school festival to be held at the schoolhouse Thursday even ing. August 17. A flower arrange ment. fancywork exhibit and a cake baking contest will be arranged with the prize cake going to the man vot ed to be the most handsome man in the valley. The cakes are limited to angelfood, chiffon and sponge varieties. Judging will be by vote and the committee will use them in present time, Wildbolz and a boy at a penny a vote. There will be a the booths or fish pond. from France are in Idaho. Idaho refreshment stand with homemade Other business taken care of at has a boy in the Netherlands. The icecream, "hot dogs” , pie, cake, pop the P. T. A. meeting was the election next 4-H meeting will be held at and coffee to sell. A fortune teller ; of a secretary and a treasurer. Mrs Olen Henderson's home September Earl Boston received the majority 1. and numerous booths to test skill vote for secretary and Mrs. Fay Col- Mr. and Mrs. Earl Meyerholv of will be provided to attract unwary j lins for treasurer. The group de- Avapolo, Iowa visited from Thurs victims. The committee is asking I cided to use meal tickets to be day until Saturday in the Elmer that all parents and P. T. A. mem bought in advance, in the hot lunch Pilcher home. Mrs Meyerholv is bers donate home-made candy, a program for the coming year. Any a niece of Mr. Pilcher. Mr. Pil- cake or pie. and enter something in parent unable to pay for the lunches, ' cher took his guest to Nampa Sat the exhibit. Persons having articles should contact the committee ahead urday to visit their aunt. Mrs. around home that they are willing of time, so that their children can Brown, and their cousin, Stanley to donate, such as trinkets or nov take advantage of the program. j Pilcher and family. elties, should leave them at the Those attending the Apple Valley Mr. and Mrs. Dale Donahue and Wilson, Fritts or Carey Pox homes church Sunday morning were fav family of California visited several ored with music furnished by a mix days last week with friends in the ed quartet from Parma. Those com valley and in Nyssa. They former prising the quartet were Mr. and ly lived in the house that Mr. and Mrs. George Harvey, Mrs. Lois j Mrs. Combs now occupy. Hoaglin and Bob Harvey. Wanda Scott and Betty visited APUITS The regular meeting of the 4-H from Thursday until Saturday in the O N IY I was held at the schoolhouse Friday Arlie Scott home in Boise. evening, with a number of adults at Elmer Pilcher was in Nampa Fri tending, so that they might hear day acting as pall-bearer at the the Swiss 4-H exchange boy, Theo funeral of a friend, I. D. Good of dor Wildbolz, who gave an interest j Nampa. ing talk and showed a number of Misses Jo and Burcette Heideman colored slides of Switzerland. This I of Glendale, California were over project is made possible by the night guests Tuesday in the Hicks "pennies for peace” fund. At the home. The visitors had not seen REFRIGERATION jEflZZB GORGEOUS GIRLS GREAT COMEDIANS GLAMOROUS DANCERS PALMER REFRIGERATION Phone 134-W Nyssa, Oregon Don’t Miss This WELL LOCATED 2-BEDROOM MODERN HOME. Midnight Show NACE. PRICED FOR QUICK SALE. $5,450. SMALL DOWN PAYMENT. N Y SSA THEATER AUGUST 17 ADULTS ONLY HARDWOOD FLOORS, AUTOMATIC FLOOR FUR $35.00 PER MONTH. KEN POND ADMISSION 50c INCLUDING TAX 16 N. 3rd St. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE Nyssa, Oregon Phone 218 | their friends for 35 years, so stop ped for a visit on their way home from an extensive trip through the east. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Butcher and boys are spending this week in Cot tonwood. vacationing and helping Mrs. Butcher's mother put up her hay. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Robinson are building a new house on the land north of the schoolhouse. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Larkins and son, Larry, left Thursday for Alpine, Oregon where they plan to help Mr. Larkins' brother with logging. They plan to be gone three or four months. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pitman and Harvey and lone are vacationing for two weeks in Nebraska, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Leigh are living in the Pitman house and doing the work while they are gone. Little five-year-old David Saund ers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Saunders sustained a fracture of the leg Friday when he fell off a tractor on which he was riding with his father. David was taken to a Boise hospital where he will remain for about three weeks. The W. S. C. S. will hold its next regular meeting Wednesday, August 16 at the home of Lucille Reed. Roll call will be answered with a current event. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kellog of Ogallah, Kansas arrived Tuesday of last week for a visit with their daughter, Mrs. Kenneth Saunders, and family and their son, Dr. Kellog and family. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Seward were Sunday dinner guests in the Dwight Seward home. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Huff are the parents of a boy. born Monday, July 31 at the Holy Rosary hos pital in Ontario. Mrs. Huff and baby were able to return home Fri day. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Collins and children of Boise visited Sunday in the Fay Collins home. Mr. and Mrs. Collins and children. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Dick and girls and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Collins attended the Eagles picnic in Nyssa Sunday af ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jones of Parma were Sunday evening supper guests in the Oscar Nichols home. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Butcher and Dickie returned home from Cotton wood, Sunday evening, but left Clin ton and Darrell at Riggins for e vis it. Monday morning, they received word that Darrell was very ill and Mr. Butcher left immediately, bring ing Darrell home by plane Monday evening. The doctor diagnosed his illness as a severe case of strep throat and began treatment. At this writing, Darrell is showing some improvement. Members voted at the P. T. A. meeting to co-operate with the Adrian P. T. A., the Nyssa P. T. A. and the Nyssa Eagles in sponsoring the child health clinic for pre school children. Anyone with child ren entering school this fall or younger should take advantage of this free clinic, P. T. A. officers said. From the massive Chrysler Spitfire engine with America's foremost high compression power . . . to the rugged double-strength, double PA G E S E V ^ '* runner miormauon can be obtained chickens, $8,600, terms. Grlgg Broth from Mrs. Ted Dick or Mrs. Fay ers and Butler. lOalxc Collins. Leaves Hospital— Fred Bennett, operator of Brown ie's cafe, has returned home from Boise, where he received treatment for heart trouble in the veterans hospital for three weeks. Here From Boise— Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Collins and children of Boise spent Sunday vis iting relatives in this area. SPECIAL! NEW 1950 CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our friends for their many kindnesses at the time our home burned. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Henderson and family. BUILDING p e r m i t s Stunz Lumber company, con struction of truck garage. Seventh street, block 13, Teutsch addition, $2000, 30 by 40, frame and stucco. LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Street Improvement Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the City Manager of the City of Nyssa, Malheur Coun ty, Oregon, until 7:30 o’clock P. M„ August 29, 1950, for street Improve ments Including grading: furnish ing and placing rock base: concrete curbing: sprinkling and otherwise according to the plans and specifi cations now on file in the office of the City Recorder of said City of Nyssa, Oregon. The proposals will be publicly opened and read aloud at 7:30 o’clock P. M. on August 29, 1950. No proposal will be considered un less it Is prepared and submitted on the attached form furnished by the City Manager, and unless the bidder has submitted a prequalification statement as required by Section 98-103 O, C. L. A., ten days before the date of opening the bids. Each proposals shall be accomp anied by a deposit of five per cent of the amount of the bid in bidder's bond or in cash or certified check on some well-known solvent bank. The deposits will be returned follow ing the signing of the contract by the successful bidder. The right is reserved to reject any or all proposals or to accept such proposal or proposals as are to the best Interest of the City. v By order of the City Council E. K. BURTON City Manager First pub. Aug 10. Last pub. Aug. 24. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED—Feed barley. Jake Fisch er, phone 381-W. 10a2xc FOR SALE—1935 ton and half Ford truck, good grain box, good tires, factory-rebuilt motor. Marshall- Wells store. lOatfc FOR SALE—Two and one-half acres all In pasture, located on oiled high way, six-room modern house, with coal furnace, chicken coop for 300 Only Hotpoint-First Name In Iro n in g -C o u ld Offor Such High Q uality And So Many Foaturos At Such An Amazing Low Pricol FULL 2A-INCH ROLLI This ironer is not a "shorty'’ bat m full-sized cabinet model. SINGLI H IA T CONTROL r even heat distribution. C O N V IN K N T LAP BOARD ...adds extra work surface. K N II CONTROL . . . f o r i r o n in g o r p r e s s in g . FOOT RISTI Full-length ber o f bright chrome. LONG-LIVID MOTOR I Scaled-in-oil motor is permanent ly lubricated for efficient service. Look to Hotpoint for tho Finest FIRST at... G & B STORE 2 Arcadia Blvd. W! INVITI YOU TO« HUDIMONSTIATION NOW! You Pay No More For Revolutionary safe frame . . . there's built-in value all the w a y through thii car, the like of which you've never seen beforel Chrysler workmanship . , . Chrysler construction . . . and the quality of Chrysler materials are the best investment you can make todayl Before you make any decision come look b e y o n d and beneath the long, low, lovely lines of the beautiful Chrysler. Com parel Drivel G e t the inside story of today's best buy— and w e’re confident you'll want to Pushbutton Cooking drive Chryslers for the rest of your lifel Inside story of today’s best buy! ¿0 0 *7 5 ttotpoint /ÔA 7*£ fi#£sr-fífíSr The Beautiful CHRYSLER with Fluid Drive 118 Good Ave. See it— drive e r e ’s built-in value all the way through! A d v a n t a g e s o f C h r y * l« r 's Fluid D rlv o A u to m a t ic Gear S h iftin g — with full control of your carl letter fraction— cafar on slippory rood«. Convenience of d u t c h fo r easier parking. Slower (»floe Speed»— reduced noise, wear. Saves gasoline! Drive in high while other« drive in low in traffic A d v a n t a g e s o f C h r y s la r '« H ig h C o m p re s s io n S p itfire E n g in e 1 Waterproof Ignitrón— prevents stalling in rain or high water! Chemically Treated C ylim doe Welle— fo r greater wear. F lo a tin g Power— helps eliminate vibration. Sup orfim iohod P a rta — reduce friction, lost longer, ix h a u a t Valve Sea# Importa — reduce need for valve grinding 1 F u ll F lo w O H F U to r — keep« oil d oom longer 1 C h ry s le r'* A d v a n ta g e * In C o m f o rt a n d S a fe ty Tvocrtono I Design— full room for your Load, lags, ikouldon. lory to on tar and loara 1 tafo Guard Mydroul» grokor voootfcar stops, lorn podoI promoro. CYCLIIOND linings ta t doublo tho woor. florfricody Oporatad Winds« laid N lp m — caaotaat apaad od tho Hut. 1 Cfcarr Haight Soar*— no crouching, you id noturoUyl *afo*y Aha Wkaafo— won't throw firm oftot blowouts at aormol »psods. Dootfo widt* A t m Aa t t — for arm (State nmfsrt. W A G G O N E R M O TO R CO . Mere's Ms# nest exciting range ever offered at medium price! Cairo« Units start fast, co o k with efficiency—built to U tt! Think •« Ml You just press a but ton for tbe exact cook in g beat yon w ant. " T a lk in g c o l o r s " show you which Hutton to prass. It’s the most talked-about ad vancement in electric cooking since tbe introduction o f Hot- point's amazing Calrod $ Heat ing Units. Automatic Ovon Timor permits cook in g entire meals while you are away. Minute «Unger meket it easy to time cook in g on surface units. $ large Storogo Drawers hare r o u n d e d c o r n e r s t o m ak e c le a n in g easy. G & B STORE Nyssa,Oregon 2 ARCADIA BLVD. ■ADI I T TM I W O RLD 'S F O R E M O S T ( L E C T R I C IA N G E MANUFACTURER