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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1950)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. AUGUST 3. 1950 PAGE EIGHT »octal N ntes and work for the coming year One fellowship and a weiner roast. Mr Toliler'g Winner group with 15 members present met and Mrs Mayden and family are O f Initial Half the home of their leader. Mr; moving to Nebraska, where they will Roy Barnes, and Mrs. Harold Rob make their home. (Continued from P a c e 1) bing group, with 13 members pres 8 Tom Moore, Tobler's. .378; Ralph CLUB ENTERTAINED ent. met at the home of Mrs. Roy HONORED AT PARTY .. ... , en- .Lowe. 377 Muir, an(j Roberts and Buming- Mr. and „ Mrs. Ward .... Wleneke Caj Wilson. Tobler's Mrs Ursula Thompson ot Ontario Bibbey the members of their 368 was honor guest Wednesday at a MID-SUMMER PARTY HELD tertained Wednesday evening bridge club at Top hitters In the women’s league luncheon given In Vale at the home The members of the Future Home their home last week. High score are: Darlene Hamilton, Nyssaettes, of Mrs Jessie Marquis. The occasion makers of America of the Nyssa was held by Glea Billings and sec 666 ; Myrtle Bartholema, Satinettes, celebrated Mrs Thompsons 93rd high school held their mid-summer ond high by Mrs Wleneke. .571; Joan Price, Farmers Daugh birthday. Ouests included Mrs. picnic party at the city park Wed ters, .538, Prances Felk, Satinettes, 8 - Prank Zeller of Ontario daughter nesday evening Miss Delores Coff ENTERTAIN - WITH PARTIES 538; Ezrna Pearson, Satinettes, .538; of Mrs Thompson, and Mrs. Charlie man. president of the club, was in Mrs Robert Wilson and Mrs Clara Belle Coleman. Satinettes, Schwelzer of Sunset valley. charge of arrangements. Lloyd Wilson have entertained the .500; Kay Peterson. Peterson Purn- past week with round robin parties, ! iture Co., .462; Bernice Cleaver, CHURCH OROI GROUPS MEET . . . . . MEET . . . . in the annual round robin series Parmers Daughters. 444; Norma The two groups of the women's __ PAST . PRESIDENTS by the Nyssa civic club. Sears. Nyssettes, .417, and Thelma council of the Christian church met American Legion auxiliary met at sponsored having round robin parties Knowles. Nyssaettes, .400. last Thursday afternoon Both | the home of their president. Mrs A Those asked to report to the chairman, Games for the coming week are groups met to plan their projects ] L. Heldt Monday afternoon Dur- are as follows : Thursday night, August j Ing the business meeting plans were Mrs Bert Liengaemper —t — ____ 3. under the lights, starting at 7:00, I discussed for sending home-made CLUB WILL MEET Roberts and Burningham vs. | candles and cookies to the ex-service Mrs. Jim Ritchie will be hostess Muir, Adrian Lions; 8:30 Farmers Daugh I women at the veteran's hospital at to the Out-Our-Way club at the ters vs Peterson Furniture Co, Boise Following the business meet- , . , 10:00; Nyssaettes vs. outside girls ing the group enjoyed a social hour clty P“-* August 10 team Tuesday night. August 8 , un 8 and refreshments CLUB HOLDS MEETING der the lights, starting at 7:00, Sat vs. Nyssaettes 8:30 Tobler's CLASSES „ HAVE i t DINNER , The , Chatter Box . . . club held , „ i’ . inettes About 30 members of the men's JuIV ™eetlnK »1 with the seven home members of Mrs. vs. Muir, Roberts and Burningham; Fern Runcorn, and women's Bible classes of the present. Mrs. Eugene Stephen be- 10:00, M I. A. vs. outside team. B Y L E W H K K K fM A N Methodist church met last Sunday came a new member. The members Thursday the IlKhts night. starting August at 7 00. 10. M. under I. A at the home of Mr. and voted to purchase a dozen sheets for ys The calendar says August 14 Is afternoon Waggoners; 8'30. F a r m e r s Mrs. Harlan Koger of Owyhee cor the hospital Refreshments of ice Daughters Victory Day We hate to argue with ner vs Satinettes; 10:00 Pet- for a covered dish dinner. ththe calendar because it does a nice cream, cake and a drink were served, erson Furniture Co. vs. outside Job of keeping days in order. . but ENTERTAIN DINNER next meeting will be held at i Kiri team. DIN GUESTS The home in this case its as optimistic as an of Mrs. Edward Topliff | ’_______________ guests at the home of Mrs. the umbrella salesman in the desert. A Dinner August 16. Festival Presented— Aug 14 did wind up a chapter in L Heldt last Thursday evening 8 Countries all over the world were the Pacific phase of World War II, ; included Rev and Mrs Then Brack- HOLD PARTY represented Friday evening when the man and son and Mrs. Toeter of The GIRLS but It left more loose ends than Ontario. Nyssa unit of the Future second ward primary pre broken cobweb Instead of picking Homemakers of America held its Nyssa sented a colorful festival in the tab- up those ends and weaving them EAOLES AUXILIARY 8 | annual summer party Wednesday, , girls . , emacle many on West Park avenue. Dres- Into .. final victory pattern, we made The ladles auxiliary of MEETS Julv 26 in the city park. The costumes, the children too many concessions and got home ternal Order of Eagles met the at Fra heard a committee report on plans caj*ried out the theme, “All Nations the too fast Now we're paying the the freshman welcome party to I shall aather Unto ¿¡on" Convers- Eagles hall Tuesday evening with for price. Victory Day belongs on the the bc held after the opening of school, j ¡on stories were told by former resi- president, Mrs W B Russell, calendar but not until people stop charge of the program Announce in They played games and ate a picnic dents of the Hawaiian Islands, Hol pushing other people around was made that with the annual lunch. land, Mexico and other countries. A Church of Eng. Bishop fore ment picnic for the members of the Eugles 8 Music was played under the direct casts that the human race of the and SHOWER AT BEUS HOME auxiliary and their families A pink and blue surprise shower ion of Mrs William Baker and Miss future will be made up of a higher acheduled for August 6 , the monthly was given by Mrs. Ersel Beus at her Vella Dee Loulson. Mrs. Sherman type of people We can use them potluck supper of the auxiliary Bybee is president of the Nyssa too. Seems we can all use a little scheduled Friday afternoon with Mrs. second August 5. would be home word primary and Mrs. El- common sense about over-buying postponed for Ray Drown as honored guest Many until August 12 Plans prizes were awarded the ladies for wood Flinders of Nyssa is stake and hoarding. Let's all be Careful were also made child health various games during the afternoon president. to buy only what we need . . and clinic scheduled for for the August 8 not try to get more than our share. with Mrs. Ben Storm receiving the Witness Passion Play— That way there’ll be enough of CHURCH HONORS s main prize. Lunch was served to To Keith FAMILY 22 D. Bybee, son of Mr. and everything to go around. HERRI- Mr and M l W B Mayden and guests. Mrs. D. O. Bybee, who had been in MAN MOTOR CO Phone: 77 family were honor guests at a fare Holland for the past year and a half, given by the members Kult-« (•¡veil On will go to Oermany in August, where Herriman Motor of well the party Assembly of God church at he will see the famous “Passion the city park last Wednesday even Fair At Onturio Play”, staged every 10 years there >any Comp« ing. A large number of friends were present for the evening of I Utahans Move Here— (fo n th ille d from P a g e 1) will also be made to have milk pick Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Howe and five children have moved to Nyssa, ed up Due to lack of facilities, there will where they will make their home. lie no open division for poultry or Howe, a former L. D. S. bishop at American Fork. Utah, was in the rabbits. A total of *1942 will be available nursery business. Mrs. Howe is a for open class livestock premiums, daughter of Mrs. Mary E Bybee and in addition to *1440 to be given as a sister of Mrs. Gordon Ray. ! 4 H and FFA livestock premiums. \ The board Is now taking appli- Visits G ra n d p a re n ts— ; cations for both Inside and outside David, Caroline and Leonard Gar commercial exhibit space. It will be rison, children of Mr and Mrs Ray I allocated in the order in which the Garrison, arrived in Nyssa Wednes day from Klamath Falls for a visit j requests are received. Superintendents will be as follows: with their grandparents, Mr. and W E A R E p ro u d o f o u r s t a t io n a r y Dairy cattle. Fred Burgess, route 1, Mrs. Charles Garrison. o f f e r in g * — sta n d a rd lin e * in a w ide Vale; Guernsey, Oilbert Sproul; Holstein Ed Ker: Jersey, Harold H ere From U ta h — v a rie ty o f s ty le * a n d * i i e a — su ita b le Houston; dual purpose, Earl J. Mr and Mrs Robert H Beasely fo r e v e ry o c c a sio n o f Matthews; beef. Bert Akin; swine, of Ogden are here visiting their son. Orover Vest; sheep, Byron Wheeler Vern. and family. They also visited c o rre sp o n d e n ce . and Dudley Sitton Mrs. Q. Stam will other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ersel be assistant superintendent of the Beus and W. L Beus. Mrs. Beasley F o r m e n a s w e ll flower division. Richard Wilson of is a sister of the Beus brothers. as w om en. Nyssa will be assistant supervisor of the F F. A division. T o Cove— P o p u la rly priced, The fair will be held August 30 Members of the Nyssa Church of and 31 and September 1 and 2; Christ attending the young people's too. midget automobile races will be held conference at Cove Include Doris September 3 and pari-mutuel racing j Rigney, Barbara Mosler, Betty Hill will be held September 4. and Larry Teague. - - - - - 8 - NEWS VIEWS 7 f - ' — — - - in u iw a y m giii,, a u k u h iv , v *4 *wt * - fl^ Z ^ W R IT iriG PAP-ER fUtfi .(jEflVELOPES 9 A s * (• I M our now stocks W U i a « W rchoirt ttmttonory GATE CITY JOURNAL The Greatest Deliverance HEAR STATIONERY DEPARTMENT TEXAS SLIM VESTAL From Hangman's Rope And The Electric Chair to THE PULPIT Such subjects as: “ The Death March". "Behold the Hour Hat Come", "Farew ell to Mother". "M y Introduction to Jeeue Christ’*. "M y Forty Days In the Death House". "F ive Siepe to the Scaffold". "M y Experience In the Sweaibox." etc. LANKFORD IS DOS. D R A G L IN t W IT H A L L A TTA C H M E N T S A V A IL A B L E FOR DRAINAGE CANAL CLEANING BASEMENTS EXCAVATING TANK HOLES Phone 216-R or 293NW Nyssa, Oregon NYSSA PROGRAM Telephone 108 THEATRE S A T U R D A Y , A U G U ST 5 John Payn*—Gail Russell "G abby" Hayes "E lp a so ” IN CINECOLOR of a super-western about a city with out a soul. C AR TO O N SPORTS A return showing Matinee Saturday 2:3*; Admission 3*c-9c SUNDAY AND MONDAY. AUGUST 6-7 Gene K e lly — Frank Sinatra Betty Garrett— Ann Miller "On The Town” NO W PREACHING THE GOSPEL Beginning Sunday, August 6—8 P. M. AT THE COMMUNITY GOSPEL TENT, 4th STREET AND M AIN IN TECH NICO LO R The season’s gayest, maddest musical com edy.. .Your favorite stars together in a festival of fun. C AR TO O N NEWS Matinee Sunday t:3S; .Admission 3*r-9e TU E S D A Y , W E D N E SD A Y A N D TH U R S D A Y . A U G U ST 8-9-10 Clifton Webb— Jeanne Crain Myrna L oy— Barbara Bates Opposite The Texaco Station ''C h eaper By The Dozen” On The Cables Chevrolet Lot IN TECH NICO LO R A bt'st seller as a book.. . Now a triumph of heart warming film entertainm ent... You w ill love every member of this fabulous familv. C AR TO O N A D V E N TU R E N Sponsored by Rev and Mrs Lloyd Pounds Inter-denominational of Nyssa ' Jones. Sgt. Jones, who Is engaged in aerial photography with the air force, is en route to Korea. 1 Utah, where they visited relatives. Return From Lake The Rev. Emmet "Texas Slim” Mrs. Frank Morgan and Mrs. Vestal of Minneapolis will be in Leave For Portland— Norcott have returned from Mr. and Mrs Ward Wleneke will Lucille Nyssa Sunday. August 6 to begin a leave lakes, where they spent two this week-end for Portland, Payette series of tent meetings. Rev. Vestal tells of his experiences where they will visit relatives. They weeks. as a bank robber, outlaw and gang expect to be gone two weeks. Visit At Yellowstone— ster who was condemned to die and Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Buchner and Canadian Conference— when in his death cell was changed Attends left Wednesday on a trip to by the power of God. He calls his Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Beus returned family conversion “the nation's greatest Friday evening from Canady where Yellowstone National park. attended a church conference, mirical". On the closing night he they At Klamath Falls— with other parents, of the 160 mis Visits will preach from his pardon, signed sionaries Wilder left Sunday morn in the western Canadian ing Lucille by former Oovernor "Ma” Ferguson area. Their for a visit with relatives at son, Spencer Beus is Klamath of Texas. Falls. Rev. and Mrs. Lloyd Pounds, who there. They also visited the Card- are sponsoring the meetings, said ston temple. Returns To Seattle— "Rev. Vestal has been ministering Miss Norma Coleman left for her Men Fined— in the eastern and southern states Two home Seattle Friday after a two- to large crowds. Anyone hearing Clement Berry, white, and Arthur weeks in visit with her parents, Mr. him once will not want to miss one Dale, colored, were fined in muni and Mrs. William Coleman, and of his services. Everyone is invited cipal court last Saturday following other relatives. to attend. A special fellowship a quarrel at the labor camp. Berry service is planned for Monday even was fined *25 by Judge J. C. Smith Visits Relatives— ing. August 7. Every minister in on a charge of drunkenness and Mrs. Neva Corfield of Pocatello was fined $50 on a count of Nyssa and surrounding country is Dale Friday to visit her sister. drunkenness and disorderly conduct. arrived invited”. Mrs. Louise McGaven, and her niece, Jail sentences were suspended upon Mrs. Joe Maughan. payment of the fines. Hollanders Enjoy Visit— Mr. and Mrs. Carneilus Barton Visit At Wilder— and family of Vale spent Sunday at Come From Denver— and Mrs. George N. Bear call the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Mrs. Robert Jones and two child ed Mr. of Denver arrived here Tuesday on Earl Snow near Wilder Mon- Folkerts in Owyhee, recently from ren for an indefinite visit at the home day evening. Mr. Snow returned Holland. Barton, a former L. D. S. of missionary to Holland, formerly Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Jones,! from the veterans hospital in Boise parents of Staff Sergeant Robert last week. lived in Roy, Utah. Visit In Utah— Former Gangster I Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Bear re W ill Preach Here turned last Friday from a trip to rA*£-/r-£ 4 snr/r#w£S£) ¿¿sw-™ FOODS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. AUGUST 4 AND 5 M M lu 1 w «h PORK STEAK, lb. LUNCH MEAT, lb You’ll be all set to sit back and relax when you shop here this week-end! We’ve got a grand collection of the foods you like best for sum m er eating — all time-saving, work-saving, and so good! YOUNG, TENDER 59c Salmon - - 39c 55c Peas, 3 for - 29c ASSORTED Fancy— -Frozen Fresh—Red SA LM O N PO U ND H A L IB U T POUND Ü 9 C 59c SOUND B E A U T Y TASTEW ELL No. 303 Peaches, 3 for 59c DEL MONTE FRESH BAKED MAPLE BARS, doz. ROLLS, doz. - - SNOWBALLS, doz. No. 1 tin No. 303 49c Sugar Crisj 29c Graham Crax 53c BUTTER FLAKE COCOANUT POST HONEY 59c BEE 2 LB. PK G . Gordon's Drive-In RECIPE of the LETTUCE, each - ORANGES, lb. - POTATOES, 10 lbs. LOCAL SOLID HEAD \ 10c JUICY. SWEET NEW 8c RED OR WHITE 29c SEGO MILK, 6 small 4 5 c BISCUIT MIX, pkg. 3 9 c VELVEETA CHEESE 87c A l 2 POUND PACKAGE 29c 2 F OR week jC tt Fruit Icebox D essert 1/4 cup powdered sugar 1/4 cup solt butter 1/3 cup Sego Milk 2 cups graham crackers, broken in 1 2 -in. pieces 1 2 cup canned crushed pineapple, well drained 1 3 cup ice cokl Sego Milk 4 teaspoons granulated sugar 2 teaspoons lemon juice 1/2 teaspoon grated lemon rind M ix powdered sugar and butter in a I */j-qt. bowl. Stir in */l cup milk, a tablespoon at a time. Be sure all milk is mixed in before adding more. Fold in half of graham crackers at a time, being careful not to crush the piecet o f crackers. D ro p in 4 portions on a flat pan. T o p with tha pineapple. Chill until firm, or about 2 hours. W hen ready to serve, put ice cold milk and granulated sugar into small, cold bowl. W h ip srith chilled rotary beater, or electric beater at high speed, until fluffy. A d d lemon juice and rind; whip until stiff. Serve on the dessert. Maker 4 servings. ♦F ru it cocktail, peachee, o f halves also can be used. You W ill apricot .»«ft C rushed Pin eapple. G ra h a m C ra c k ers. Sego M ilk, Pow dered S u g a r and Lemons. [Gordon’s Drive-In Marketl “ The Home of Quality and Service”