THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. JULY 20. 1950 Classified Advertising RATE: Two cents per word for each Issue. advance. Is 30c. Minimum, cash In FOR SALE—1947.6-foot McCormick- Deerlng grain binder, guaranteed. FOR SALE—One chestnut sorrel $190.00. Owyhee Truck and Imple­ 20jylxc mare. 7 years old, broke, a man's ment company. horse, 1 sorrel stud colt, 26 months ^ FOR SALE—12 x 16 frame garage old. Both horses have quarter horse with 2 lean-tos. Also car air con- breeding. See Bob Williamson at 1 ditioner and 10 x 12 wall tent. Phone the bank or Olen Wilson, 203 N. 198-NM, S. C. McConnell. 13jy2xp 6th St. 20Jylxp SALE—Used dining room set, FOR SALE—Hollywood style (no FOR buttons) wrap-around, sewed and only $75. Ez at the G and B Store! 6jytfc sold by Mrs. Clarence Flndllng, rep­ resentative. Inquire 904 N. Second FOR SALE—Modern 2-bedroom St. 20Jylxp house, garage and small unfinished in back, lawn and lots of FOR SALE—1935 ton and half Ford house $4,500, 3 Green avenue, truck, good grain box, good tires, shade, factory-rebuilt motor. Marshall- phone 249-N for appointment. 13Jy3xc Wells store. 20jylxc FOR SALE—Revived rural Russian FOR SALE—Ice box, 626 N. 8rd, 13jy2xc range, recently received for you phone 330-R. Commies, use the easy Commie FOR SALE—Used washer, $15. Ez terms. Oo to Moscow to make pay­ Carr. G and B Store. 6Jytfc ments—and stay there. Ez Carr, O & B Store. 20Jytfc FOR SALE—Used refrigerator. See at Idaho Power company office FOR SALE—Two electric roasters, 8Jtfc in tip-top condition, $25.00 and $18.50. See Ez Carr at O 8c B Store. FOR SALE—Used washing machine, 13Jytfc good condition, phone 193-R. 8Jtfc FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE—Two-bedroom modern Two-bedroom home, full base­ house, central heating, laundry room, nice yard, extra large lot, ment, stoker, air cooler, fireplace, $4,500. Nyssa Insurance Agency carpeted, double garage, excellent 18m tic location on paved street. Only $8,000, with furniture complete, $9,500. FOR SALE—Used GE range, $65 Four-bedroom home, basement, Ez Carr, G & B Store. 20Jytfc stoker, fireplace, garage, on paved street, desirable location. $9,500. FOR SALE row crop, modern home, 1 4 acres on Ontario highway, $27,000, 1 120 acre good terms mile from Nyssa, good house and 40 good acres close to Nyssa on small store building on property, 175 Alberta avenue. foot frontage on highway, $3,650, Tavern, flourishing business, a t­ very easy terms. tractive, excellent location, priced Four-room house with bath, on to sell, easy terms. paved street, good location, only Small home, good lawn and shade, $3600, small down payment to right $1600, $500 down, easy terms on bal parties, balance very easy monthly ance. payments. 150 acres top row crop, on high­ Two-bedroom house with bath and way, all crops, beets, spuds, grain, full basement, newly decorated and grade A barn with milk quota, all painted, excellent location, priced livestock, tractors and full of equip­ for quick sale at $3800, terms if de­ ment go, tenant house, and strictly sired. modern three-bedroom home, $62,- 5 room house, 100 x 125 lot, $4,750, 500, Vi down. only $1,595 down, $35 per month, Cabin court, on highway in Nyssa. 5% interest. $8,500. Two-bedroom modern house with Very choice grade A dairy double garage, brick construction, farm, under Owyhee excellent location, paved street, large project. 105 Two acres modern homes and lot, nice yard, $6,800. Good Income property, four apart­ good outbuildings, about 60 head of registered Jersey cattle. Owner has ments, brick construction, across quota that pays $1.28 per from high school, priced right, pound agreement for butterfat. Will pay two terms. Three-rooms and bath, best lo­ operators good wages, plus 20% to cation, nice yard, house planned for 25% per year on the investment, Price $50,000. future expansion, only $3500. Acreage, modern two-bedroom BUILDING SITES Good corner lot on Park avenue home with some furniture, nice garage, lawn, shrubs and fruit trees. for only $700. 27 x 116 business lot on Main Large modern chicken house and Street. Good location, only $2,350. pens, including all equipment and Plenty of frontage for service 110 hens. These buildings are near­ station or other drive-in business at ly new, on a 1 3/4 acre plot and on a paved road. A bargain for $6.200 $20 per foot, excellent location. BERNARD EASTMAN FRANK T. MORGAN AGENCY Real Estate Insurance Robert F. Thompson Phone 64 Phone 97 Professional and Business Directory PHYSICIANS LO D GES N yssa P ost No. 79 SARAZIN CLINIC A m erican Legion Dr. J. J. Sarazln Dr. K E. Kerby Meets 1st & 3rd Thurs. Dr. L. W. Scott Veteran’s Hall—8 P. M. Physician and Surgeons All Veterans Welcome L. A. M aulding, M. D. G ate C ity L odge Physician and Surgeon Phone 37 Hour«: 10 to 13 and 2 to 6 Dally except Saturday and Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 No. 214 I.O.O.F. Meets every Monday night, 8:30. C. J. K opp, M. D. South First Street Physician and Surgeon Fry Building DENTISTS Office hours 10 to 12; and 2 to 5 Daily except Saturday and Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 JEWELRY STORES PAULUS JE W E L R Y ST O R E Union Pacific Time Inspector JEWELRY — DIAMONDS WATCHE8 Main Street at Second DR. C. M. TYLER Wilsen Building Phene 165-J. Nyaaa Office hours from 9 to 5 except Saturday*. • to 12. J. R. CUNDALL Dentist Phone M-J Sarattn Clinic NYSSA orboon W YCKOFF JE W E L R Y ST O R E OPTOMETRISTS Official Time Inspector lor Union Pacific ONTARIO ORBOOM DR. J. A. MCFALL DR. JOHN EASLY V E T E R IN A R IA N S DR. HAL D. WHITE Veterinarian Phons Nyssa 275 Phone 21, Ontario, Ore “ENJOY LIFE” OWN your farm Crops can go with these farms if taken right away. The same farm is a far better buy now than later. This extra value is yours for the taking. FARMS 160 ACRE CATTLE RANCH 105 acres good irrigated land, 880 acres leased range land with place, and option on 1280 acres more. Ranch will handle 125 head year round, $17,500 for ranch only, or $32,000 with stock and machinery. 107 ACRE DAIRY FARM Grade A equipment and franchise. 60 head registered cattle, $50,000, terms. 80 ACRE GENERAL FARM Mostly row crop land, cheap water, good corrals and buildings, priced below market value. $24,000, terms. 80 FOR STOCK OR ROW CROP Paid-up water right, 6-ioom home with bath, grade A dairy barn, $25,000, 1/3 down 68 GOOD ACRES Balance of 160 not irrigable, but make good spring and early sum­ mer pasture, modern basement house. This is a good stock farm. $14,750, easy terms. 80 IN BLACK CANYON About 40 acres now being farmed, and more can be put in, $7,350, very easy terms. 80 UNDER OLD OWYHEE Can be made into one of the best ranches in the district. Not bad as it is, good deep soil, lays good. $12,000 without crops, or $14,000 with crops, 4 down. 80 ON IDAHO SIDE Well improved general farm, im­ mediate possession, $18,500, terms. 60 ACRES IN HOP DISTRICT Deep sandy soil, two good homes, about 40 acres cultivated, $9,000, very easy terms. 50 ACRES—FINE LOCATION Close in on oiled road, cheap wat­ er and good soil, modern home, $16,000, 4 down. CLOSE IN 50 Level land, cheap water, sell enough acreages to pay for it. and have a good small farm left, $8,- 500, easy terms. HIGHLY PRODUCTIVE 50 40 acres good row crop land, bal­ ance good irrigated pasture, $10,- 500, terms. 48 ACRES—MODERN HOME Extra good buildings, good water right, land slopes, but produces well, $10,000, easy terms. PAID-UP WATER RIGHT 40 acres, good 5-room modern house. See this' $11,550, terms. ENJOY COUNTRY LIFE Select a suburban home today, three fine acreages to choose from, all close in, $2.800 to $9,500. HOMES TWO-BEDROOM HOME Modern tenant house in rear. New gas range, water heater, refriger­ ator and heating equipment goes with place, fine buy at $6,500, terms can be arranged. ALL FOR $8,500 One 6-room home with two baths. One 4-room home with bath. One 3-room furnished house with bath, $3.500 down, $75 per month. MODERN 6-ROOM HOME Good location, beats paying rent, $3,600, $500 down, $50 per month. 4-ROOM HOME IN PARMA Modern, good location, a neat ap­ pearing home, $4,200, terms. NEW ONE-BEDROOM HOME Well located and very attractive, good garage, $4,500, terms. 3-BEDROOM MODERN HOME Economical east side location, only $3,000, $500 down, balance like rent. RENT BEATER SPECIAL 3-room house in Nyssa, $1,600, $500 down, or will take small trail­ er as part payment. Balance like rent. RESIDENCE LOTS BUILD YOUR HOME NOW A good selection of building sites, $300 and up. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES START YOUR OWN STORE 44’ x 90' foot building in good location, ideal for any type store, garage, etc., $19,500, easy terms. CAFE FOR LEASE OR SALE $4,500 cash. $5.000 terms, $500 down. 10 stools, 3 booths, 2 tables. All electric equipment. WANT A SMALL STORE? Two good money-makers right here in Nyssa. $2500 and up. DRIVE-IN HI-WAY FRONT 70 ft. business lot across from Cold Storage. $1312. HOTEL AND CABINS 17-room modern hotel, eight good cabins, four-room modern home, all for $30.000, easy terms. PAY $25,000 DOWN Balance on easy terms. One of the best deals in the valley. Will net $25,000 per year. Ask us about this. KEN POND AGENCY REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 16 North 3rd. Phone 218 For evening appointments Phone 54-M FOR SALE—Used twin tubs on the stand, ideal for rinse tubs, Ez Carr, O and B Store. 6jytfc FOR 8 ALE—Used Norge washer, like new. $49.50; used Westlnghouse range, make offer. Ostrom Brothers Appliance Co. 29JtfC Grigg Bros. & Butler If You Want To Sell See Mel FOR SALE 120 acres under old Owyhee pro­ ject. One of the best locations in the Nyssa area: 2 homes, both mod ern. Top row crop land. 80 acres, located close to Nyssa, good row crop and dairy ranch: 1 bedroom modern house: $21,00, $7.- 500 down. 758-head cattle ranch. 400 acres irrigated, four wells on the place, high and low range, lots of springs and streams on the range, two five- room homes, electricity, can be rent­ ed for $5000 per year with rent to apply on purchase price. 50 acres, all level land, cheap wat­ er. close to Nyssa. new 6-room mod­ ern home, terms. " 30 acres, good laying productive row crop land, paid-up water right. 2 -bedroom modern home, full base­ ment, small cow barn, close to Nyssa. 80 acres in the Marsing area, good 5-room modern home, full basement. 7-heaJ cow barn, loafing shed. Chicken coop, $15.000. $6.500 down, will consider trading for an acreage close to Nampa. 360 acres the best laying top row crop land to be found anywhere, a new modern $12,000 home, also a 4-room home for tenant, 8-head cow barn, 60 x 40 machine shed, 1/3 down. 40 acres, one of the most pro­ ductive ranches in the lower Snake River valley, produced 30 to 35 tons beets the last two years, excellent crops on the place this year, seven room modern home, one to the best landscaped homes in Malheur coun­ ty, six-head cow barn. 3000 acres all fenced, good build­ ings and corrals. 300-head cattle deal, could run 600 head this year, 400 acres in grain and alfalfa, 600 could be put in. This ranch is lo­ cated in a good grass country, $10,- 000 down, write your own terms on the balance. 80 acres, good row crop land, lays perfect, deep soil, 6-room semi-mod­ ern home, full basement, 24-head cow barn, soft water, $16.000. $5,000 down, immediate possession. 60 acres, 4-room semi-modern home, shop, chicken coop, granary, small barn, good row crop land, paid-up water right, close to Nyssa. We have a good 160-acre ranch. Will consider making an exchange on 80 acres. 20 acres, well built 7-room modern home, full basement, deep well, 10- head dairy barn, located on oiled highway two miles out of town. $9,- 500, $2,500 down. 160 acres, 125 irrigated, 100 acres good row crop land, lots of water, pasture for 50 head cattle, 17-head cow barn, large machine shed. 2- room labor house, small home, lays close to Nyssa, $28,500, $8,500 down. This is a good dairy and stock ranch as well as row crop, well worth the money. 1 acre located on U. S. highway, 2-bedroom modern home, $6,300, terms can be arranged. HOMES Two-bedroom modern home: 4 basement, garage. $9,000, $1,500 down, G. I. loan to be assumed. Top located apartment house, rents for $125 per month, $7,500, $4,000 down. New 2-bedroom modern home, $7,800, $3,000 down. 2 small homes plus 2 apartments, rent for $145 per month, $9,500, easy terms. 2-bedroom modern home, well lo­ cated, $4,750. Semi-modern home, newly redec­ orated, located on Park avenue, the best buy in Nyssa. New 2-bedroom modern home, full basement, garage attached, $7,000, small down payment. New 2-bedroom modern home, full basement, garage attached, $7,000, small down payment. FOR RENT Two-bedroom modern home, $40 per month. B u sin ess Opportunities Business location in Nyssa, 50 foot lot. $ 1 , 000 . 5 acres, which includes a business building, 24 x 40, 5 room semi-mod­ ern home, well located on a busy U. 8. highway, suitable for several types of businesses, motel, service station, repair shop, etc, $10,500, terms can be arranged. 3 acres, no buildings, best location for future business. Repair shop for sale, small down payment. Business buildings and stock for sale, building 24 x 70, clnderblock, $7,000, with $3500 down and $500 per year on the balance. One of Nyssa's thriving businesses is for sale, will consider trade on a farm. Business building, 50 x 75. located in the center of the business dis­ trict in a thriving western Oregon city, one of the major implement lines available for the area, suitable for several types of businesses. $13,- 000, $5,000 down. We make loans on the new Owy­ hee land, farms, homes and bus­ inesses. We have anything in real eestate that you are hunting for. If you want to deal see Mel If You Want To Deal Bee Mel PAGE THRpP 306. Ontario, Oregon, across from to 6 p. m. and Friday 8 a. m. to 12. Ontario sale yard. ' 2mtfc No stock received on Sunday FOR SALE- -Truck bed. 16-foot Beef, sheep and pork. Free de­ livery to Polar locker plant. flat rack. Max Howard. 2nd houee One mile west on Alberta Ave. east of Overstreet beet dump. Phone 381-W 13jy2xp JAKE FISCHER FOR SALE — Treble super-phos­ POLIO INSURANCE phate, 42%, Nyssa Eleavator. phone Whole family, $5 per year 42 SJytfc KEN POND AGENCY 16 North 3rd, Nyssa FOR SALE—Three lots, north side, Doris Davis, box 1514, Boise, Idaho. MISCELLANEOUS — We can ar­ 22j8xp range loans for you to rebuild or FOR SALE—Another used electric remodel your home, barn, garage, Hotpoint range, tip-top condition. or other outbuildings, Nyssa Lumb­ 29stfc See Ez Carr at G and B Store. 6Jqtfc er Co. FOR SALE—Have farms and houses MISCELLANEOUS—Available now, for sale. Need more, list with Ken Electrolux cleaners and air puri­ Renstrom. Phone 264-W. 29Jtfc fiers. Sales and service. Ed A. Anderson, route 3, Weiser, Idano, 14jtfc FOR SALE—Coleman camp stoves, phone 0287J4. cut for disposal. Ed Case Furniture MISCELLANEOUS Duplicate car Co., north of Y. 29Jtfc and cyUnder lock keys made Hen- 250tkc FOR SALE—1940 Chevrolet pick-up, neman’s. excellent condition, best offer gets this best buy. See Ez Carr at G and MISCELLANEOUS — Prompt and B store. 13jytfc free pick-up of your dead, crippled or sick livestock. Calls received be­ FOR SALE—25 tons baled hay, first fore 9 o'clock are picked up by noon. Efficient drivers. Call col­ cutting, not rained on, $20 a ton. Phone Gene Honey, Parma 21F21. lect Payette 9180-J3 or 155, or Nys­ 13jy2xp sa 102-W. Idaho Animal Products Company. 5Jtfc. FOR SALE—Or trade. 40 acres, ir­ rigated land under Owyhee ditch, Legal A dvertising first place west of cemetery. Write to Box 851, Burns, Oregon. 13Jy2xp IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE FOR SALE—Table beets pickling COUNTY OF MALHEUR cucumbers, also geese, large goslings. In the Matter of the Estate of 4 mile southwest of Nyssa. George BESSIE A. SWETT, Deceased Gabriel. 13Jy2xp NOTICE OF HEARING OF FOR SALE—Reconditioned electric FINAL ACCOUNT range, $25. See Ez Carr, G and B NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN store. Sjtfc That the undersigned, Dency S. administratrix of the estate FOR SALE—Washing machine, $10. Wenzel, of Bessie A. Swett, deceased, has G & B Appliance store. 6atfc filed her Final Account as said ad­ FOR SALE—Red Fryers, phone ministratrix in the County Court of Malheur County, Oregon, and that 021-R1. 25Jtfc said Court has appointed Tuesday, FOR SALE— Creto. the guaran­ August 8, 1950, at 10 :00 o’clock in the teed waterproof paint, Creto water­ forenoon of said day for the hearing proofs concrete, brick, cement, stuc­ of objections to said Final Account co, plaster, mortar and terrazzo. and the settlement thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, all persons Waterproofs by application and interested in the estate of Bessie A. permanently waterproofs walls and Swett, are notified and floors, inside or outside, wet or required deceased, to appear at the County dry, new or old, painted or un­ Court Room in the Court House at painted. Nyssa Lumber Co. 17Ntfc Vale, Malheur County, Oregon, at said time, to then and there show WANTED cause, if any there be, why said Ac­ should not be settled, allowed WANTED—To care for children, day count and approved and said estate dis­ or evening. Phone 63-J. 6jy4xp tributed and said administratrix WANTED—Man with car for 1000- discharged. Dated and first published. June family route. Exceptional oppor­ 1950. tunity for good income at start. 29, Date of last publication, July 27. Write The J. R. Watkins company, 137 Dexter avenue, Seattle 9, Wash­ 1950. Dency S. Wenzel ington. 15J6xc Administratrix of the Estate of Bessie A. Swett, Deceased WANTED—Highest prices paid for Harold Henigson slaughter horses. Clyde Smith, phone 306, Ontario. Across from Attorney for the Administratrix Ontario Sales yard. 23mtfc IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE HELP WANTED COUNTY OF MALHEUR In the Matter of the Estate of HELP WANTED—National organ­ FRANK T. MORGAN, deceased ization offers opportunity to make NOTICE OF SALE money in your spare time, writing Notice is hereby given that under credit reports in interesting work. Business knowledge or education and by virtue of an Order of the preferred. Write Mr R. E Deagle, County Court of the State of Oregon P. O. box 111, Portland 7, Oregon for the County of Malheur, made 6Jy3xc and entered on the 7th day of July, 1950, in the matter of the estate of Frank T. Morgan, deceased, that the FOR RENT undersigned, as administrator with FOR RENT—Four-room air-con- the Will annexed of said estate, will sell at private sale for cash in hand dltloned apartment on Park avenue, phone 328-W. 20Jytfc or upon such terms as might be for the best interest of said estate, the FOR RENT—Two apartments, one undivided one-half (4 ) equity of furnished and one partially furn­ the estate of Frank T. Morgan, de­ ished, phone 123-J. 29Jtfc ceased. in and to the following de­ scribed real property situated in FOR RENT—Sleeping room, man Malheur County, State of Oregon, preferred. Dwiglt Smith, phone to-wlt: 140-R. ljtfc The West Half of the Southwest Quarter (W 4SW 4) of Section FOR RENT—Room or small living Thirteen (13) and the Southeast quarters. J. C. Smith, phone 78-J Quarter iSWK) of Section Four­ 25mtfc teen (14) all in township Eigh­ FOR RENT—One four-room un­ furnished apartment In Bybee a- partments. Call at 302 8. 5th street. 6atfc teen (18). South. Range Forty- five (46) E W. M . Malheur County, Oregon. Bids for said property must be in writing and must specify the pur­ chase price offered, together with the terms of payment of same, and must be filed with the undersigned at the office of Harold Henigson, attorney for the administrator here­ in. at 106 Main Street, in the City of Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon, on and after the 15th day of Aug­ ust, 1960. That instruments of conveyance will be executed to the best and highest bidder therefor, subject to the right of said administrator to reject any and all bids and subject to confirmation of sale by the above entitled court. Dated this 10th day of July. 1950. Frank T. Morgan, Jr. Administrator with the Will An­ nexed of the Estate of Frank T. Morgan, deceased. First Pub. July 13. Last Pub. Aug. 10. LEGAL NOTICE OF VACATION OF STREETS AND ALLEYS. NOTICE is hereby given that on the 11th day of July, 1950, The City council of Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon, at its regular session, adop­ ted a Resolution in proceedings to vacate that certain portion of Eighth Street in the City of Nyssa, Oregon, in accordance with the laws of the State of Oregon, which is more par­ ticularly described as follows, to-wlt: All that portion of Eighth Street lying between the North line of Ehrgood Avenue and the westerly line of State Highway No. 20; and reserving at all times ease­ ments and right-of-way over, a- cross and under said property and the whole thereof for the purpose of installation, repair and operat­ ing City Sewers and any and all other City facilities and public utilities. Notice is further given that the City Council of The City of Nyssa, Oregon, has fixed the 8th day of August. 1950, at the hour of 8:00 p. m. as the time, and the City Hall in the city of Nyssa. Oregon, as the place for hearing and considering said Resolution and for hearing and considering any objections made in writing and filed with the City Re­ corder, that may be made to the vacating of said portion of Eighth Street described as aforesaid and for determining whether notice has been duly given and whether the public interest will be prejudiced by the vacation of said portion of said street, and such other matters which Eire required by law to be passed upon and determined by the City Council at said time. All persons and owners affected by said vacation and desiring to object to said vacation shall present their objections to the City Recorder of the City of Nyssa as by law required. This notice is given pursuant to a Resolution of the City Council and pursuant to the laws of the State of Oregon in such cases made and provided, and the Notice has been posted as by law required. Dated at Nyssa, Oregon, this 11th day of July, 1950. First Pub., July 13, 1950. Last Pub., Aug. 3, 1950. E. K. Burton City Recorder of the City of Nyssa. Nyssa. Daughter Born— Mr. and Mrs. Houston Wilson are the parents of a daughter born July 18 at the Holy Rosary hospital. To Enterprise— Miss Janice Frost visited over the week-end with friends in Enterprise. Return From New York— Mr. and Mrs. Walter Roth have completed a month's trip across the country, going as far as New York. Mr. Roth has returned to Nyssa and Mrs. Roth is visiting her parents in Spokane before returning to Nyssa. DEAD A iNIMALS FOR RENT— Polish your own floors. Rent our hlgh-siieed pol­ ishing equipment. Easily handled by women. Nyssa Lumber company. SAtfc. F r e e P ic k u p Ontario Parm a Nyssa MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS — Fill up your locker or deep freeze with our grain- fed hereford baby beef, fed In our own feed lot. ThLs Is the best young grain-fed meat that you can buy, get a side or whole carcass. Jacob Fischer, phone 381-W. 13jtfc P h o n e C ollect Ontario Grain Co. 53 Phone 98 Main Plant 100 Id a h o -O re g o n R e n d e rin g Co. MI8CELLA NEOU8—8toIen: While I was on a vacation trip someone broke into my house and stole a lot of stuff but why should I worry? I had a Hartford residence burglary policy issued by Bernard Eastman agency. 6Jytfc Nysaa. Orsgon MISCELLANEOUS—Don't wait un­ til it’s too late—Get a sewing ma­ chine today. It will pay. See Ez Carr at O and B store. 29Jtfc KAISER-FRAZER MISCELLANEOUS — Are you hot? Get an electric fan from Ez Carr and keep cool. O and B store 29Jtfc Sales & Service MISCELLANEOUS — Interior and exterior decorating, spray or brush, paperhanging, free estimate, phone FOR SALE 273-W, Andy McOlnnU, 532 N 1st For sale or trade, modern two bed­ Nysaa, Ontario and Vale office« street. 29j4xp room home on five acres, edge of Real Estate, Insurance, Loans town, will trade for good 40 close Phone 179-J Mel Beck MISCELLANEOUS—Our new shop to Nyssa. shop is ready for farm Implement New modern 2-bedroom home, FOR SALE—Special, adjustable alT- rspalrtn; work. All kinds of farm good location, $4500. metal ironing board and Sunbeam machinery repaired. B and M For rent. Two-bedroom modem a- iron, regular $26, special $19,45 See Equipment company. 15Jtfc partment. old Ez at O and B Store for those Two-bedroom m o d e r n h o u s e , real buys. 6Jytrc MISCELLANEOUS —C u s t o m hay one acre of ground, located baling. Robert Cannon, 4 4 miles 6 4 miles from Nyssa. FOR SALE—Outside white paint. southwest of Nyssa on Adrian high­ Two-bedroom m o d e r n h o m e National Titanium. 5 gallon lots, way. phone 016-J2. 8J8xp east side location, small down $350 per gallon, Nyssa Lumber payment, balance on state loan. company. I ta lic MISCELLANEOUS—Do you need money to remodel your home or to Unfinished two-bedroom home. N. Second street, good location, FOR SALE--Dam canvas cut from build outbuildings or garage? We large lot, can be completed with army tents, mildew treated. Ed can arrange a loan for you and give FHA loan. Will make beautiful Case Furniture Oo, north of Y. you up to three years to pay it home with very small Invest­ JBJtfc Nysaa Lumber Oo. 29atfc ment. cash $2500 CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING FOR SALE—Milk cows, Ouerneey», NYSSA INSURANCE AGENCY Holsteins and Jerseys, mllkers and Stock received Monday. Tuesday, Ralph O. Lawrence springen C. Clyde Smith, phone Wednesday and Thursday, l a m Nyssa. Oregon Grigg Bros. & Butler * If you a re driving a K aiser o r F ra z e r car we a re equipped w ith th e la test testing equipm ent and factory tra in e d m echan­ ics to put your car in th e b est o f condition. BRIN G Y O U R T R O U B L E S T O US F ree P ick-U p A nd D elivery F rom Nyssa MUTCH OIL CO. Highway 30—East of Town Ontario, Oregon Phone 287 /