PAGE EIGHT THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. JUNE 22. 1950 presiding a t the punch table. As­ sisting w ith the tables were Mrs. H enry H artley, Mrs. L. E Robbins and Mrs. George Colem an Miss Ja n ice Frost h a d charge of th e guest book and Mias B etty W in- M ARRIED IN CHURCH ohell h a d charge of th e gifts. At a n impressive can d lelig h t cere­ T h e bride is the d a u g h te r of Mr m ony held a t th e M ethodist church a n d M rs David Beers a n d is a W ednesday evening. Miss Doris g ra d u a te of the Nyssa high school. ] Beers became the bride of M erril S he a tte n d e d Oregon S ta te college. ( Firestone. T he double ring cere­ w here she was affiliated with the m ony was perlorm ed by Rev Henry Sigm a K appa sorority. S he has been G e rn h a rd t of the La G ra n d e F irst em ployed the past year in th e b lu e | M ethodist ch u rch W hite candle- Cross office in P ortland labra and baskets of orange blos­ F or h e r d au g h ter's wedding Mrs. soms and delphinium were used In Beers wore a navy crepe w ith white | the background accessories and Mrs Firestone wore i Preceding th e cerem ony, Oscar a grey p rin t with black accessories. B ratto n sang, "O Prom ise Me” and B oth wore yellow a n d w hite c a r­ "The Lord's P ra y e r” . He was ac ­ n a tio n corsages. com panied by Mrs. C arlos B uchner, T h e groom is the son of Mr. and who also played th e wedding m a rc h ­ Mrs C. L. Firestone of Vancouver, es and prelude music. T he candles W ashington. He a tte n d ed Oregon were lighted by Mrs Hhlrley Spiva S ta te college, where he was a ffilia t­ of Boise ed w ith th e Sigm a P hi Epsilon f r a ­ T he bride wore a long-sleeved \, f ternity. He is in business w ith his gown of slipper sa tin w ith a net j fa th e r in Vancouver, where the yoke T h e full em broidered ruffled M r and Mrs. B ernard Frost an couple will m ake th e ir hom e fol­ skirt was m ade en train , th e finger- «ounce the engagem ent of tlieii lowing a wedding trip to Victoria. tip veil m Of Frwnctl Uhl Ion With daughter, Helen Ja n ic e to F erm an O u t-o f-to w n guests for the wed­ T h t ding included Mr. and Mrs. Fire- C hantilly lace cau g h t In a tia ra a d ­ A. W arnock of E nterprise. wedding will be a n event of th i orned w ith seed pearls. T o - bride tone a n d M axine and H al F irestone carried a white Bible on which were early fall. Both Miss Frost and Mr of V ancouver, Mrs W illiam Becker. white roses and stream ers with W arnock a tte n d ed E astern Collegi Mrs. Leo Beers and son, D onald, and of Education a t La G rande, wher« Mrs. W arre n Beers of Sausalito, stephanotls A ttending the bride was Ellen Mr. W arnock received his bachelor C alifornia and Mr a n d Mrs. J o h n ­ Mr Ann H errm an as bridesm aid in a of science degree in June. ston of Vancouver. cape gown of pink embossed orandy, W arnuck will teach In the ju n io r T h e cerem ony was perform ed on high school a t Alsea th is coming Miss Jo a n M annell of Eugene and th e wedding anniversaries of the Miss R ita W atson of P o rtlan d as year, groom 's parents, the bride's parents bridesm aid, wore blue cape gowns of a n d th e officiating m in ister and embossed organdy All th e a tte n d ­ j Firestone, and ushering were K eith wife. an ts wore m atching head bands, and . H errm an and H arold K urtz. — 1 carried nosegays of yellow and pink Following th e wedding a reception ANNUAL GARDEN M EETIN G denier daisies. , was held in th e ch u rch parlors, with HELD A ttending the groom was Hal Miss M axine F irestone cuttin g the T h e m em bers of the Nyssa Civic ] Sliaron Yvonne Thom pson, d a u g h ­ cuke, and Mrs. W illiam Becker and club m et W ednesday a fte rn o o n for Mrs. Iasi Beers, a u n ts ol the bride. the a n n u a l garden m eeting a t the ter of Mr. a n d Mrs. Floyd T hom p- .«»me of Mrs. G e rrit S iam . T he pro- son. form er Nyssa residents, was a gram for th e afternoon was e n titled m em ber of th e W ashington school A G a rd en T our in Verse a n d Song". m ajo rette corps In Ogden. She was Mrs. L ynn Law rence and Mrs D en­ a pupil in th e th ird grade during nis P a tc h were the n a rra to rs. Mrs th e last year. M ark H artley sang, "An Old F a sh ­ ioned G a rd en " and Mrs. H artley and final p lan s for the skating p a rty ■ T Mrs. L aw rence sang, "T he Lilac F riday evening of this week. T ree", N ani Child, Angela Peterson —g— a n d L au ra Schenk played as violin M A RRIED IN WINNEMUOCA num bers. "Lover Come B ack to M e” Miss B etty Lou Bretz and R obert and "R ed Sails in the Sunset". Bowen of Nyssa were united in m a r­ At th e business m eeting th e group riage T uesday m orning, Ju n e 20 a t BY I.EW IIE ItltlM A N voted to assist Mrs W illiam S ch ire- W innem ucea, Nevada. Mr. a n d Mrs. m an a n d her G irl Scout com m ittee T h e Am A utom obile A sso c ia tio n In th e scout program . T he group Jo h n Bown. p a re n ts of the groom, says (¡0,000.000 A m erican tourists also voted to invite th e women accom panied th e couple. T he new ly­ will roll along th e n a tio n 's highw ays teachers of th e Nyssa schools to be weds will m ake th e ir home in Nyssa. —f — this sum m er. T h a t adds up to a lot guests a t the first fall m eeting in HO NORED ON ANNIVERSARY of activity und souvenir postcards Septem ber. Mr. a n d Mrs. Virgil McGee, who Am ericans m ay n o t like to travel Hostesses for the a fte rn o o n were m ore th an o th er people . . . . but here Mrs. Jo h n Schenk, Mrs. George will celeb ra te th e ir 25th wedding an n iv e rsa ry Ju n e 23, were honored we c a n ’ do It. W e have more cars, Vaughn, Mrs. R obert W ilson, Mrs. and more places to go w ithout being Lynn Law rence. Mrs. M ark H artley guests a t th e reg u lar m eeting of the F riendly N eighbor club last week. bound up like m um m ies in red tap e und Mrs. D ennis P atch . Following M r a n d Mrs. O. J. K urtz were hosts Every sta te in th e 48 will be e n ­ the tea hour, th e guests enjoyed to th e group. A silver brooch a n d couraging the tw o-w eek-gypsies---- tie pin were presented to Mr. a n d because it's figured th a t $6.000,(KM)- Mrs. S ta m ’s flowers a n d garden. Mrs. McGee. 000 will be sp en t on gasoline, hot SH O W ER (jIV E N FO R dogs, motels, hotels, novelties, etc. B R ID E ELECT TUESDAY CLUB PLAYS Six billion dollars Is a lot of fun. Miss M arjo rie M errick was h o n ­ Mrs. W ayne M orris was hostess to We hope you enjoy your vacation. ored a t a show er M onday aftern o o n th e m em bers of h e r Tuesday a f te r ­ A learned professor claim s th a t only hum ans huve th e brains to talk a t th e hom e of Mrs. O. J. K urtz. noon bridge club th is week. Prizes A ssisting Mrs. K u rtz as hostesses w ent to Mrs. R obert W ilson a n d Yup, but some of us don’t have sense enough to know when to stop. were Mrs. C arl Seburn. Mrs. Virgil Mrs. E dw ard Boydell. Mrs. L. A We can tell you where to stop for McGee, Mrs. Leroy H errm an a n d M aulding was g f guest plaver I th e best Used C ar buy Yes. sir . . . . Mrs. R o b ert S m ith. J r. T h e a fte r­ It's HERRIM AN MOTOR CO We noon was sp e n t inform ally w ith the BRIDA L PARTY* EN TERTA IN ED Mrs. LeRoy H erm an n e n te rta in ­ huve th e cream of the used car p re-sen tio n of gifts to th e honoree. crop . .. because every cur on our lot As each g ift was presented, th e ed a t h e r hom e fo r th e m em bers it beats . . . donor pantom im ed th e c o n te n ts of of th e B iers-F irestone wedding Drop in and look as it sweep« . .. as it cleans is 'em reconditioned. the package. Miss M errick, who p a rty , following th e re h ea rsa l a t the over. Phone: 77. tau g h t last year In the B end school ch u rch T uesday evening. system , will be m arried to C layton - 8 - ■Smith of B end J u n e 30. B R ID G E CLUB EN TERTA IN ED Mrs. A. C. Sallee e n te rta in e d the EN TERTA IN S AT D IN NER m em bers of her T uesday bridge club 2 Arcudiu Blvd. D inner guests of Mr a n d Mrs. A. tills week with Mrs. Lucille N orcott Nyssa, Oregon V Cook T uesday evening were Mrs. a n d Mrs. H erbert F ish e r as guests. M innie Lueck, H erbert Leuck and Prizes w ent to Mrs. Sallee and Mrs. d a u g h te r of W ilder, und Mr and K e n n eth Cottle. Mrs A V Cook. J r, a n d d a u g h te rs - I - of Payette. EN TERTAINS TH U RSD A Y CLUB T h e m em bers of th e T h u rsd a y a f ­ —J — MR AND MRS. CLUB PLAYS ternoon bridge club were guests of Mr and M rs E dw ard Boydell e n ­ Mrs. R on C am pbell a t h e r hom e tertain ed th e ir Mr. and Mrs. bridge last week. High score was held by club last W ednesday evening a t th eir Mrs. G eorge M itchell a n d th e tr a v ­ hom e w ith D r. a n d Mrs. L. A. eling prize by Mrs. B e rn ard Frost. M aulding a s guest players. High Mrs. Frost. Miss Eva Boydell and score was held by Mrs W ard W len- Mrs. C ottle were guests. eke a n d second h igh by W arren Farm er. EASTERN S T ^ R IN IT IA T E S Mrs Betty K orm an a n d Mrs Je rry AFTERNOON AND EVENING JO B 'S DA UGH TERS MEET Mackey were in itiate d into th e E a s t­ T he Jo b 's D aughters m et last e rn S ta r c h a p te r a t a m eeetlng T hursday evening ut the M asonic M onday evening a t th e M asonic hali. hall D onna J e a n C heldelin was Mrs. G ra n t R in e h a rt gave a report presented w ith the honored queen ’s on th e g ra n d c h a p te r m eeting w hich pin D uring th e m eeting p lan s were she a tte n d ed last week in P ortland. made for th e gprtles th a t are to be A gift was presented from th e held during th e sum m er m o n th s and group to Mr. and Mrs. L uray T ra - burial :\ntcs SPECIAL OFFER G & B STORE NEWS x - VIEWS . > J fe Herriman Motor Company FIREWORKS —FOR SALE— OWYHEE JUNCTION JUNE 20 TO JULY 5 H. ROGER N Y S S A ; PROGRAM Telephone 108 T H EA T R E bert. R e fresh m e n ts were served by Mrs M yrtle A lexander, Mrs. Finley S h u ste r a n d Mr. and Mrs. Roy 1 Holmes. LOCAL WOMAN HONORED Mrs. M ary Lyells was given special recognition a t a m eeting of the O n ­ tario R ebekah lodge J u n e 7. Mrs. Lyells, who is now 86 years of age, was In itia te d in to th e O n ta rio R e­ bekah lodge 50 years ago in th e O n ­ ta rio I. O. O F. h a ll Mrs. Lyells was presented w ith a bouquet of red c arn a tio n s. Mrs. A. V. Cook. Mrs. C. H B en n ett, Mrs. H a rry K ingrey a n d Mrs W alter Fox of Nyssa a t ­ tended th e m eeting. -s- BETTY MATHENY W EDS Miss B etty M atheny a n d O ordon W inchester were m arried last S a t­ urd ay a t a cerem ony perform ed In W innem ucea by th e Rev. Ja c k H uerd T h e bride wore a blue dress w ith w hite accessories a n d a corsage of pink c arn a tio n s. Miss M atheny, the d a u g h te r of Mr. and Mrs Lynn M atheny of Nyssa. a tte n d e d Nyssa high school T h e groom is th e son of Mr. a n d Mrs. C harles W in ch est­ er of Scappose. T h e couple will m ake th e ir hom e in Nyssa. ROUND RO BIN PA R TIE S BEG IN Mrs. B ert L inekaem per was hostess a t th e firs t of a series of round robin p a rtie s on th e law n of her hom e last T h u rsd a y m orning. G uests for th e occasion were the executive officers o f th e Nyssa Civic club. O th e r ro und robin hostesses this week include Mrs. D ean S m ith a n d Mrs. H enry H artley, who e n te rta in ­ ed for coffee groups, a n d Mrs. B e r­ n a rd E astm a n who e n te rta in e d T uesday a fte rn o o n w ith a K en sin g ­ ton party. T hese p a rties are held each su m ­ m er for th e purpose of raisin g funds for th e Nyssa library. J u n e has been designated th is y ear for the round robin parties. A n u m b er of p a rties a re being p lan n e d for this next week. G U ESTS HO NORED Mr. a n d Mrs. H arry H u ffm an of C allaw ay, N ebraska were honored a t a d in n er held on F a th e r's day a t th e hom e of Mr. a n d Mrs. B. F. Rookstool. T he guests included Mr. and Mrs. F ra n k W hipple a n d fa m ­ ily. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rookstool a n d fam ily, Mr. a n d Mrs. Bob R ook­ stool, Mr. a n d Mrs. L eonard Olson a n d fam ily, Mrs. Lola R e ffett and fam ily of N am pa. Mr. a n d Mrs. H a r­ old Rookstool and fam ily of A drian, Mr. a n d Mrs. G rover Cooper and Mr. a n d Mrs. C laude Rookstool of Jerom e, Idaho. * Vale T im e Shop, recovery on ac­ count, $338.50. S ta te unem ptojrm ent com pensa­ MARRIAGE LICENSES tion com m ission vs. Blue B ird Ice W alter W Wessler and Lois C. Cream a n d D airy, recovery of com ­ W essler, both of Ogden. pensation. $130.64. P a u l D. Elliot and W ynona Lam - M alheur M em orial H ospital a s­ bertsen, both of Payette. sociation vs. H erb ert H. F isher, re­ ( C. S. U nterkircher of O ntario and covery on note, $400.00. Luxille Elizabeth Nichols of Nyssa. Yuklo Yano of W eiser a n d M ary Nukido of Parm a. S h e rm an Leo T u rn e r a n d Della A rlene H ager, both of Vale. C layton Lyle B arnes a n d F rancis of L and, both of Nyssa. NEWS OF RECORD fy o y - PEACE PE T ITIO N S. PROBATE COURT E state of Edward W ilson Hall, de­ ceased. O u a rd ian sh ip of D ale Dewey, a m inor. E state of W alter P. Flora, deceas­ ed. E state of Jo h n H erbert H art, de­ ceased. INSURANCE D EP EN DAR U P R O T E C T IO N KEN POND AGENCY R eal E sta te a n d In su ra n ce 16 N o rth 3rd. P h o n e 2:8 For E vening A ppointm ents P h o n e 54-M COM PLAINTS, C IR C U IT COURT U nited C redit M en's association vs. LANKFORD BROS. DRAGLINE WITH ALL ATTACHMENTS AVAILABLE FOR DRAINAGE CANAL CLEANING BASEMENTS EXCAVATING TANK HOLES Phone 216-R or 293NW Nyssa, Oregon NEWELL'S BODY SHOP Highway 20 In Building Formerly Occupied By Oregon Radiator Works We Specialize In Auto Body Repair And Painting Come In And Let Us Give You a Free Estimate SATISFACTION GUARANTEED 'Willie SHOP AT NYSSA FOOD CENTER Low Prices Courteous Service Parking Convenience Save Tickets For Beautiful Hand Painted Dishes Fresh Meats Fresh Vegetables Staple Groceries Moss Rose and Maid Of Clover Ice Cream his blushing bride It fairly itchin' To get at her Electric kitchen. Coffee Ground To Your Liking 59c Pound NYSS j Residential • Commercial Wiring | COMPANY SERVICE CA» 15 PHONE 111M HI-W AY 20 No NYSSA NYSSA FOOD CENTER Phone 75 Open Evenings 601 Main Street We Deliver Open Sundays You Are Cordially Invited to Attend The First Annual Irrigators’ Institute SATURDAY, JUNK 24 "Riders In The Sky" Gene Autry ulso Raymond Walburn Mallner Saturday !:H; Admission Str-Sr Wednesday June 28 at 9:30 A .M . at G A Y W A Y SUNDAY AND MONDAY, JUNE 25-2»? 4 miles south ol Payet»« and 3 miles east of Ontario "F ath er Makes Good" "A dam 's Rib" with Spencer Tracy—Katharine Hepburn Judy Holliday—Tom Ewell Marriage ut its merriest as Tracy and Hepburn prove who wears the pants in the year’s comedy smash Matinee Sunday 1:3#; Admission Mr Jr 1 if n N o ,w „oV . o s - * * * . * • Ko '«'• < "m s »'• •"«' S pi TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27-28 "The Doctor And The Girl" with Glenn Ford—Char lea Coburn Gloria DeHaven—Janet Leigh A heart-gripping story of strange devotion and tortured love of a doctor-- life "D ear W ife" with William Holden - Joan Cauliteld Edward Arnold— Mona Freeman "Dear Wife” eequel to "Dear Ruth" is jam-packed with laughs. Idaho Power Company is pleased to be host to this First Annual Irrigator*' Institute, in co-operation with manufacturers and distributor* of irrigation eguipmenL The pogrom will include discussions by specialists on electric pumping equipment sprinkler systems and drainage problems, an outdoor demonstration of pump« and sprinklers and an instructive motion picture. Every­ one interested in irrigation is invited to attend. Luncheon will be served by Idaho Power Company THURSDAY AND FRIDAY. JUNE 29 80 THE GATE CITY JOURNAL STATIONERY DEPARTMENT MIND IDA H O V POWER CITIZEN WHEREVER A IT S E R V E S