THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL NYSSA OREGON. THURSDAY. JUNE 8. 1950 group of youngsters at her home named Sunday at sacrament meet- May 31. the occasion being the fifth ; mg held by the Oregon Trail L. D. birthday of her daughter, Sherry. ; S. ward. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cook spent John A. Callahan was in Logan, ARCADIA, June 8—Daily vacation Memorial day in Baker with Mrs. Utah last week on business. Cook's Bible school will be opened at Ar Miss brother. Mrs. Irvin Durfee is home from Dorothy Houston of Hazel- cadia June 12 with Miss Wilma ton, Idaho, visited friends here last j the Holy Rosary hospital with a Bullard as leader. baby daughter Mrs. Parley Feik and daughters, week. Durfee and son. Henry, Roy Gleninsky of Baker was a are Charles Frances and June, spent Memorial dinner farming the Black canyon on guest In the Theo Matherly the farm they in recently purchased. day in La Grande, Oregon. Monday evening. The twins of Mr and Mrs. Ray Otis Bullard and Donald, Mr. and home Miss Beulah Corn, who has been Mrs. Clyde Long, Mr. and Mrs. attending business college in Nampa, Shoultyee were sick last week witn Charles Bullard fished at Beulah is employed in the Bureau of Rec measles. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Callahan at dam over the week-end. office in Caldwell. the wedding reception for R. G. Chandler and two sons of lamation Those who helped June Feik cele tended Richard Origg and wife in Vale May Caldwell called on friends at Ar brate her 10th birthday June 1 was 20 cadia Thursday. Corn. Jean Moeller, Sally Clarence Herrud and family of Ethel Bullard of Hermiston spent Beverly Kessler and Carlee Kessler. Caldwell at the Callahan last week here with relatives. She and ice cream were served by Mrs. home last visited Sunday, visiting their returned home Monday. Feik to the group. Mrs. Callahan, who has Mrs. George Hurst entertained a Those visiting in the home of Mrs. mother. been ill and confined to her bed with Anna Dali Memorial day were Mr. pneumonia. and Mrs. Charlie Thompson of Em mett, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dail and sons of Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. Theo Matherly Church Notes and Joan. Mr. and Mrs. John Zitter- cob and Mrs. Oerald Zittcrcob and ASSEMBLY OF GOD 2nd and Reece Saturday, June 10 son Mr. of Ontario. and Mrs. Otis Bullard and Sterl O. Spies*. Pastor family spent last week-end at their Sunday school, 10 a. m. cabin In McCall. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Schoen and Morning worship, 11 a. m. daughter of Ontario. Mrs. Anna Dail 8 p. m., evening church service. and Mrs. Otis Bullard were dinner Wednesday, all day fellowship guests Sunday in the home of Mr. meeting beginning at 10:30 a. m. and Mrs. Theo Matherly. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Kenneth Hauerkemp of Everson, ST. Rev. C. L. Callahan. Rector Washington, is spending the summer Church school. 10 a. m. with his grand parents, Mr. and Church services. 7:30 p. m.. every Mrs. Ben Houston. Oordon Rule of Payette spent last Sunday evening. week with his sister, Mrs. Norman L. D. S. 1st YVABD Hlpp and family. Dean Fife, Bishop Misses Wilma and Betty Bullard left last week for Portland, where Sunday. 9 a. m.. Sunday school. they will visit for 10 days and at 10:30 a. m.. priesthood meeting. 6:30 DOZEN tend the graduation exercises of the p. m., sacrament meeting. Multnomah school of the Bible. Thursday. 2 p. m„ relief society. Mr and Mrs. Norman Hipp and 4 p. m.. primary. 7:30 p. m., M. I. A. TRY THESE AND family spent Sunday in Baker with Mrs. Hipp's sister and family. MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH YOU'LL LIKE THEM meet The Arcadia Sunshine club will W. M. Turner, Pastor Friday. June 9 at the home of Sunday school, 10 a. m. Mrs. Ben Houston, with Mrs. Cecil Morning service, 11 a. m. Houston as co-hostess. Song service, 7:30 p. m Evening service, 8 p. m. Wednesday evening prayer ser F rien d s Assist vice, 8 p. m. HOME OF V acation School O pening Ju n e 1 2 . SPECIAL WHOLEWHEAT DONUTS Morris Bakery HOME MADE BREA D PHONE 374 There's an easier way In Beet T hinning UPPER SUNSET, June 8—Mr. Leo Utter received word last week that an older brother. Jesse Utter, died at Bridgeport, Nebraska. He was 66 years old. Mrs. Maude Workman, formerly of this place, a daughter of Mrs. Leo Utter, underwent a serious op eration May 25 at La Grande. The elders of the Owyhee ward nf the L. D. S. church met at Glen Salters farm last Monday to assist him in catching up with his beet thinning as Mr. Salters has been sick for a year or longer. Five babies were christened and THE CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Rev. E. J. Wilson. Pastor 10 a. m., Sunday school, Russell Smith superintendent. 11 a. m., congregational and special singing and sermon. 7 p. m„ Young people, junior and children services. 8 p. m., evangelistic service. Services every Wednesday at 8 p. m. FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH Rev. Sher-vin Schmidt. Pastor Sunday school. 10 a. m. Morning service, 11 a. m. Adult discussion group. Monday j Young People, 7 p. m. evening, 8:15 p. m Evangelistic meeting. 8 p. m. Wednesday Bible study. 8 p. m. CHURCH OF CHRIST — PAGE tHR*^ HAVE YOU REGISTERED Don R. Maxtield, Pastor 10 a. in., Bible school hour. Students Receive H a. m„ Morning worship. H onors At School to enter the eake baking eontest? CATHOLIC CHURCH Park Avenue and Third Street Rev. P. J. Galre, Pastor CALDWELL, June 1 ( Special —Col lege of Idaho students receiving a- Mass on Sundays at 9:30. Cate w&rds and scholarships at com chism at 10 a. m. Saturdays. mencement exercises May 29 includ ed Ronald Finn of Homedale. the D. BIBLE BAPTIST CHURCH Worth Clark $100 scholarship award 213 Second St. South for work in the social sciences and | Sunday school. John Benedict. Joan Newkirk of Parma, the Mr. and Superintendent. 10 a. m. Mrs. J. R. Simplot $200 scholarship. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Seven seniors out of the 1950 Col Bible study at 7 p. m. lege of Idaho class of 108 graduates Evening service, 8 p. m. received “magna cum laude" hon ors. Among the seniors receiving THE METHODIST COMMUNITY “cum laude" honors were Louie At- CHURCH tebery of Parma, John Downer of Donald S. Campbell, Minister Parma. Bob Harvey of Parma and 9:45 a. m., church school. Leroy Brack of Nyssa. 11a. m., morning worship Attend Commencement— 7 p. m., Youth Fellowship. Mrs. Hilda Tensen. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Boydell and Mr. and Mrs. Carl SUNSET VALLEY Sebum were among the Nyssa resi ASSEMBLY OF GOD dents to attend the commencement Rev. Joe E. Dodson, Pastor exercises at Oregon State college at Sunday school. 10 a. m. Corvallis over the week-end. Worship services, 11 a. m. You m ay be the winner of a valu ab le prize 15 Prizes Will Be Given Away to the lucky winners in the contest A Shotgun will be given the lucky man In attendance. There will be five judges to pick out the beet cakes. Wouldn't "Hubby" be proud if you took home the first prize? You will not only have an enjoyable evening, but you will also be helping one of the best organiz ations in Nyssa. the Scouts. If a scout has not contacted you. get in touch with your favorite scout and give him your regiatraiion or Indicate the troop you want to win. ENTER THE CONTEST NOWI June Race Meet REGISTRATION BLANK FOR ENTRY IN G & B STORE PARAMIJTUEL BETTING CAKE BAKING CONTEST NAME ................................................................................... ADDRESS________________ ______________________ TYPE OF STOVE USED__________________________ AGE OF STOVE USED____________________________ I will bake a cake to be auctioned off Saturday, June 10 at 8:00 P. M. in the Parish hall, 11 No. 5th St. with proceeds divided evenly between Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts in Nyssa. June 15-16-17 At Malheur County Fairgrounds ONTARIO 7 RACES DAILY SIGNATURE First Race 8 p. m. G THE 6 FRIENDLY B STORE STORE Admission: Adults $1, Children 50c including tax 2 Arcadia Blvd. Nyssa, Oregon Count the Ovals" c o n te s t N to start in a flash It's Simple . . . JUST COUNT M O B THAN * 8 . 000 . THE OVALS ON THIS BALDWIN Acrosonic PIANO IN P R IZ E S !! to be awarded by BALDWIN PIANO DEALERS OF UTAH. IDAHO AND NYSSA. OREGON this way with F IR ST PRIZE BALDWIN ACROSONIC PIANO fm y m SUPREM E RULES: Anyone con enter this contest lust count the OVALS on the BALDWIN ACROSONIC PIANO and mail your answer to BALDWIN PLANO CONTEST. P. O. Box 893. Salt Lake City. Utah. Each contestant may submit only one cou nt in ca se of ties, earliest postmark will b e a c cepted. Decision of the ludges will be tin a t Employes of Baldwin D sellers. Distributor Or- ganisatioo and sm ployss of newspapers running this contest and their tamIHes are not eligible. Ail entries must be postmarked before midnight June 13. 1950. THIS COHTEST IS SPONSORED BT TOO! LOCAL BALDWIN DEALER W. E. Schireman 61 *W Nyssa, Oregon BADIO-PHONO. CONSOLE COMBINATION TABLE MODEL BADIO Nattonally Adv. Braid NaSaeally Adv. Sraed $209.95 Value $39.95 V alue PLUS A Product of Standard of California Phone THIRD PRIZE $772 Value CASOUMÍ Next best thing to put ting a new engine under the hood is putting Chevron Supreme in the tank! For this great blend of clean-burning gasolines is climate tai lored to suit your local driving conditions., assuring you faster pick-up . . . smoother driving... more pep.. over more miles! SEC O N D PRIZE 2 Arcadia Blvd. $ 50 ° ° 1 4 0 BALDWIN GIFT CERTIFICATES j THE BALDWIN PIANO CONTEST j Post Office Box 893, Sail Lake Ciiy, Utah i N a m e ................................. J A d d ress............................. ¡ C i t y .................................................. I S t a te .................................... STORE Nyssa, Oregon MY COUNT IS< \