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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1950)
raeNYSSA TY JOURNAL THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. MAY 25. 1950 Production Cost Records Valuable By Harry Sandquist County Agent As an owner of milk cows, every dairyman wants to run his herd on a businesslike basis. He knows that the profit or loss returned by each cow is the only sound basis for decldilng whether to keep a cow and feed her well, or to ship her for slaughter. Profit or loss from cow can be guesswork, or. through production records it can be an accurate figure. The dairy herd improvement pro gram in Malheur county offers two methods that are useful to dairy men. The cost of either method is relatively inexpensive to the dairyman, when he considers the savings effected by culling out a single cow that does not pay for her feed, let alone the cost of labor and time involved in her keep The standard plan provides for an employed supervisor to keep dairy production records by visiting the farm once a month to weigh, sample and test the milk from each cow in the herd. He computes the pro duction for the full month, the value of the product and its value above or below the feed cost. Each cow has an individual record which is reported to the extension dairyman, who, in turn reports the records to the bureau of dairy Industry in Washington. D. C. Here the record is compared with records of her dam. and the known sires are classi fied for their ability or inability to transmit increased production to In making the award. A JERSEY is the only cow of any Two successive 365 day records: 1.064 Polly, recently awarded a silver breed to produce 1.000 pounds fat pounds fat from 20.064 pounds milk medal by the American Jersey Cattle in two successive lactations on twice and 1,035 pounds fat from 19.284 club, has a register of merit record daily milking: Opal Crystal L ad y - pounds milk. of 439 pounds of fat, actual, with a maturity equivalent of 597 pounds of fat. She calved at one year and 10 months. Polly has won her blue each lime she has been showed at the Malheur county spring shows. 1. —9 A. M.—All exhibits in place and all animals registered with She entry belongs to Hope and Charley committee. Grider of Nyssa. OF THE RECORD MADE BY THE Runner-up both queen cow (on 2. —It A. M.—Judging and 4-11 and F. F. A. exhibits and Fitting and a three-year record) and the prin Showing Contests cess award for her 1949 record is MALHEUR JERSEY CATTLE CLUB Blodgett Fanny Gertie, who was the J.—11 A. M.—Livestock Judging for all Interested. princess cow for the 1949 show. She WHICH WILL SPONSOR ITS FIFTH ANNUAL is owned by A1 Thompson and son of NOON—LUNCH SERVED ON GROUNDS—NOON Adrian. 4. —1 P. M.—Judging Open Classes No. 1 to No. 4. All three cows have been on the Oregon dairy herd improvement 5. —2 P. M.—Crowning of Queen and Princess. honor roll. SCHEDULE OF EVENTS —M alheur C ounty Jersey C attle Club— Fifth A nnual Spring Show MAY 27. 1950 NYSSA IS PROUD Spring Jersey Show 2:15—Drawing for registered Jersey heifer. ON THE NYSSA SCHOOL GROUNDS Here From Montana— 6. —2:30 P. M.—Judging Classes No. 5 to No. 27 Visitors at the home of Mr. and Stock Will Be Allowed To Begin Leaving The Grounds at 4:30 P. M. Mrs. Charles McConnell last week were Mr. McConnell’s niece and husband. Dr. and Mrs. H. W. White heifers over that of their dams. The of White Sulpher Springs, Montana. proving of sires, both for increase City Extends Line— and decrease in milk production is The city has extended the city a major factor in the improvement water line to the new chapel of the of dairy production. This can be L. D. S. church on Alberta avenue. Jerselea Coronation Pretty was The accomplished only through product church paid for the installation chosen queen tor the 1950 spring because of the distance from other ion testing. The owner-sampler plan provides Jersey show because of the combin water main connections. The for the supervisor to collect the ation of type and production over chapel, however, is in the city limits. samples taken by the dairyman him self, who has weighed and recorded a three-year period. Her actual To Mexico— Mr. and Mrs. Irl Nolan and family each cow's milk for two milkings. butterfat production on the last The supervisor then tests the sam three lactations of 305 days each was will leave this week-end for a three 1316 pounds. She produced 37,000 Week's trip that will take them to ples and computes the production Mexico City. En route they will for each cow and returns the report pounds of milk. Pretty has been officially classi visit Bryce and Grand canyons, the to the herd owner. These records are not used in any official classi fied "very good" by the American Carlsbad caverns and other places fication of cows or sires, but will Jersey Cattle club. In the classi of interest. provide the dairyman with a close fication program of the Jeisey club check on the production of his cows. the individual cow is classified in S4*hooI District By knowing the production of each comparison to the perfect cow and cow to compare with her feed con Pretty rated 87.50 out of a possible Adding New Bus sumption the dairyman can syste 100 per cent. She was judged grand champion of the Malheur county The school board has decided to matically cull out the poor produc ers and raise his herd replacements spring Jersey show in 1948, reserve add another bus to the school dis from the higher producing cows. The champion in 1947 and was showed trict fleet next fall. The district will re-route the volume of milk alone without a to grand champion at the Malheur butterfat test is inadequate to judge County fair in 1947. Among her buses, making a total of 10 routes, the value of the cow's production. production honors is a silver medal instead of the present nine. The The cost of the owner-sampler plan awarded to her when she produced district is buying the bus from the is about half the cost of the stand 427 pounds of fat as a senior year Owyhee Truck and Implement ling. company. The 60-passenger machine ard plan of production testing. The award given to Gamboge will have a Superior body with a The supervisor is available to offer suggestions for feeding and manage Pretty Polly is based on the highest 180 series International chassis. New prices have been set by the ment, breeding, and labor-saving production for one lactation and is methods found to be practical by considered on a maturity equivalent school board on the rental for the other dairymen in the area, and to in order that younger cows may baseball diamond. The new changes pass on information from research have an opportunity to qualify. Type will be $25 when the lights are used i and conformation is also considered and $10 when they are not used. (Continued on Page 4) YOUR ATTENDANCE SECOND SECTION SATURDAY. MAY 27 BRACKEN'S Queen, Princess Of Show Named a t the fifth a n n u a l -SPRING DAIRY SHOW- to be sponsored by the M alh eu r Jersey C attle Club SATURDAY, MAY 27 on the N yssa school grounds WILL HELP SUPPORT ANOTHER OF OUR HOME INDUSTRIES HERRIMAN MOTOR CO. BY GIVING YOUR MORAL SUPPORT TO OUR MOST IMPORTANT "CROP", THE BOYS AND GIRLS OF MALHEUR CO.. YOU WILL BE GIVING AID TO ONE OF THE COUNTY'S MOST IMPORTANT BUSINESSES. DAIRYING. WHEN YOU ATTEND THE FIFTH ANNUAL SPRING JERSEY SHOW to b e held in N yssa SATURDAY. MAY 27 KEN POND AGENCY REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Phone 218 For evening appointments Phone 54-M 16 North 3rd. Annual Spring Jersey Sh( l sire combines the blood lines of 4NACLE AND BASILEUS ^ IP O N S O R F IO g rv n u v n u i/ hv wy MALHEUR COUNTY JERSEY CATTLE CLUB We are going to the Malheur Jersey Show at Nyssa to do our best. Are you going to do your best to go to the show? show?1*6 >ou i’°int> ’ 1 Nyssa Grade School Grounds Lunch Will be served Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Johnson Vale Breeders eders of Registered Jerseys srawG oaturaay, iviay 1*1 W < ^ J a | SPRING f i r\ o r ♦ season cn ocA n A t t n O V itflT the finest of the year OREGON abundant in resources MALHEUR COUNTY golden wealth, Jersey cows See them at the Spring Jersey Show at Nyssa MR. AND MRS. FRED BURGESS VALE We are proud to show our small herd of Registered Jerseys R. H. HUNTER AND SONS JERSELEA CORONATION PRETTY Jersey Queen 1950 CORONATION ROYAL WILDA Jersey Queen 1949 The herd that produces the queens MR. AND MRS. HOWARD BAIR Nyssa KINGMAN KOLONY JERSEY FARM HERD SIRES Basil Stan Coro Bright Sir Kingman Kolony Pinnacle Grandsons of America’s most famous bulls Malheur County’s oldest breeders 12, Noon ____ ^ J k —^ * M M JUNIOR BREEDERS MEMBERSHIP MR. A MRS. KENNETH V ANDERPOOL RONALD PETERSON MR. a MRS. HF.RSCHEL THOMPSON ja m e s M c K in l e y MR. a MRS. HAROLD HOUSTON PATRICIA LEWIS MR. a MRS. THURN BAKER MR. a MRS. JAMES PETERSON TIIERON SMITH MR. a MRS. CHARLEY GRIDER MR. a JIMMIE STOKER MRS. AL THOMPSON I MR. a MRS. LEE STOKER VANAE STOKER C. M. BEAUMONT LARRY DEAN LARRSON MR. a MRS. AUSTIN MILLER RAYMOND DILLON MR. a MRS. FRED BURGESS MR. a MRS. D. L. HURST RONALD THOMPSON MR. a MRS WILLIAM TOOMB MARY MILLER MR. a MRS. LEWIS JOHNSON MR. a MRS. ROSEL HUNTER VERNON MILLER BEAUMONT AND TOOMB MR. a MRS. CLIFF WRIGHT DAVID HURST Adrian MR. a MRS. E. M. HAUSER Our herd sire is the very good BOWLINA PIONEER O’KOLA TEPEE Malheur County’s only Superior Sire ROSEMARY JOHNSON MR. a MRS. L. T. CREWS MR. a MRS. HOWARD BAIR JAY LEWIS JOHNSON LEE STOKER Adrian Avenge Jrr*ry milk contain* 5.$% butterfat. That I* M r ', to 46«, more than ordinary milk contain*. That e x tn butterfat I* typical of Jenry milk'* higher amount* of all Important nutrient*—protein*, vitamin*, minerals That I* why ordinary milk contain* 6*5 energy unit* and Jrney milk ha« RK0 rnrrgy unit*. 1950 JERSEY PRINCESS SYBIL GAMBOGE PRETTY POLLY chosen for combined type and production Register of Merit Silver Medal 597 pounds of fat, 2x305 M. E. calved at 1 year, 10 months of age Frank T. Morgan Agency Eder Hardware Company Bernard Eastman HOPE AND CHARLEY GRIDER R m I Ettal« and Inaurane« Hardware and G roc «rie* R«al Ealat« and Inaurane« Nyssa • Photo by Oeorge Horning, Jr.) THIS ADVERTISEMENT IS SPONSORED BY THE FOLLOWING FIRMS: