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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1950)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. MAY 25. 1950 PAGE EIGHT Uncial inti's GIRLS HOLD FINAL MEETING The final meeting of the Needle Belles 4-H club was held Tuesday, May 16 All members have com pleted their projects and entered them In the 4-H county fair In On- tario May 22-25 The articles were mounted in preparation for the fair, after which refreshments were served The girls completing their projects first were given prizes of plastic dolls. All members were given an autograph book by their leader. Mrs. M W Myers for finishing their projects, j The money left in the treasury Irom the sale of Christmas cards was divided equally, giving each girl a mall amount After the meeting a . „ . * game of baseball was played * A A A. U W HEARS LANDSCAPING TALK Mrs. Sid Flanagan was hostess to the members of the Ontario branch of university women at her home Wednesday evening for the annual spring dinner The fried chicken dinner was served at long tables centered with bouquets of iris, tulips and phlox. Fnl’owlng the dinner Mrs Harry Bandquist president of the club, announced the standing committees for the coming year and gave a report on the state conven- QUEEN FOR A DAY Malheur County Jersey Club's Annual Show At N yssa SATURDAY. MAY 27 See The Royalty Of The Jersey World CLOVER LAWN DAIRY FREE -J - CHATTER BOX CLUB MEETS Mrs E C. Terhune was hostess to the Chatter Box club at her home Wednesday afternoon. Fourteen members answered roll call with a Windy Story” . Mrs Eugene Steph en, Mrs. Howard Finger and Mrs Jim Jameson were guests. Refreshments of ice cream, cookies and punch were served. There will be no June meeting, but the next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Fern Runcorn ¡July 19. —|— ---------------------- ADRIAN COUPLE WED At a ceremony performed last Sat urday morning at the United Pres byterian church in Adrian. Margaret Garwood of Caldwell, and Thur man Plercy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Plercy of Kingman Kolony. were united in marriage. Rev. Henry Moore officiated at the cere mony. Following the wedding the couple left on a short trip. They will reside In Nampa where the groom will attend the Nampa bus iness college. Mrs. Plercy is em ployed in the Sear’s office in Cald well. the committee in charge of sewing arrangements. Mrs. Wesley Browne. president of the auxiliary, announced that the sewing room at the high school would be available following ‘ the completion of tne upholstering classes. The Friendly Neighbors club contributed silverware from the coupons collected by the members. i Return From Walla Walla— club. ' Mr. and Mrs. E. H Fleshman have Saturday, May 27—Kingman Kol | returned to their home after visit ony Book club at the home of Mrs. ing Mr. Fleshman's mother in Walla Alva Watts of Parma. Walla last week. Tuesday, May 30—Memorial day. Thursday, June 1—Square d a n c e - COMING EVENTS instruction for beginners. Ameri Friday, May 26—Delphians. Amity can legion auxiliary. Association To Meet— The annual meeting of the Mal heur County Tuberculosis a n d Health association will be held Mon day evening. June 5 at 8 o'clock in the Moore hotel in Ontario. Officers 1 and directors will be elected and reports of activities will be given. The guest speaker will be Rev. C. L. Callahan. Advance reservations should be made not later than June 2. Refreshments will be served at a nominal charge. YOUR INTEREST IN THE MALHEUR JERSEY SHOW . WILL BE APPRECIATED BY THE Malheur Jersey Cattle Club which will sponsor the fifth an n u al Spring Jersey Show SATURDAY. MAY 27 Buys Animals At Sale— Holland Laurence was among Nyssa residents who purchased ani HOBTESB TO CLUB Mrs. Grant Rinehart was hostess mals at the Snake River valley fat stock shows and sale held by the ' to the members of her Tuesday evening bridge club at her home, F. F. A. at the county fairgrounds j with prizes going to Mrs Howard in Ontario May 12. He was buying I/iveJoy for high score and Mrs for Hopkins Wholesale Meats and mhi Chet Sage for second high. Mrs. not for the Nyssa Packing company | j Sage and Mi s Billings were guest as erroneously stated in last week’s I John O'Toole was guest speaker paper. Players. Mrs. Lovejoy was present at the meeting of the Malheur ed with a pink and blue shower gift Memorial Hospial auxiliary Monday Library Closed— from the members of the club afternoon at the parish hall. Mr. The city library will be closed O'Toole praised the residents of this Tuesday, May 30 in observance of ENTF.RTAIN FRIENDS Mardelle and Stan Thompson en area for their enthusiasm and in Memorial day. tertained a group of their young terest for the hospital project. Mr OToole reported to the mem- friends at a square dance party at ___ _____ the Robert Thompson home ___ last ____ Fri bers of the auxiliary on the progress Reln'^hnifiits were that Is being made on the complet day evening ion of the hospital of which he is served at the close of the evening administrator. The first of three coats of paint is being applied; the CLASS S PICNIC Mrs. Henry Storm entertained plastering and tile work is being the members of the second year be- , completed and the accoustical tile ginners Sunday school class at the placed In the corridors. The sup- park Sunday afternoon. A picnic Plies and equipment will be installed lunch was enjoyed and games were as soon as the contractors are through. Mr. OToole stated. played. BY LEW HERR1MAN Quesions asked by representatives of -JU several clubs from this area, in re. GUES TS AT DINNER Right now. June graduates are Mr and Mrs. If R Sherwood ! gard to furnishings for the hospital, splitting their attention between j und Frank were Sunday dinner were answered by Mr. OToole. school-end activities and Help The thought for the day was given Wanted Columns. The time has guests of Mr and Mrs. Cy Will iams of Ontario. Miss Grace Will by Mrs. LaMont Fife. Mrs. K. E. come for the cold plunge . . . . for hit Keveren and Mrs. Carlos Buchner iams of Boise was also a guest. ting the frigid marts of trade with played two piano duets, "Norwegian - 8 - the idea of landing a job. This is WK'D fN CALIFORNIA Dance’’ by Greig and 'Polonaise” by a period scarred by that top stopper, I Miss Ruth Chapman, daughter of Chopin. "What experience have you had?" During the business meeting, the The fledgling knows he could make Mrs. Marion Miller of Santa Ana, California, and Fred Alexander, son group voted on the amendment of good if only he had a chance. It’s ol Mr. and Mrs. Earl Alexander of changing the dues from $3 to $1. like that old question. "Which comes Nyssa were united in marriage last j The members also voted to use the first.. .the chicken or the egg?" Friday evening in a ceremony per- | funds of the organization for the Remember, kids . . . . a lot of success formed at the home of the bride’s furnishing o f the isolation ward, ful men started low or slow. It Lsn’t sister, Mrs K W. Brown of Haw- Plans were discussed for the sewing always the start that counts. . . if thorne, California. The groom at- j to be done on supplies, and samples you’ve got the stuff, You'll make the tended the Nyssa schools and is at i of hospital gowns were shown. Mrs. grade. present serving in the marine corps i Bernard Frost, Mrs. Herbert Fisher When a Winnipeg. Canada, mot- j at El Toro, California. Mrs. Alex- 1 and Mrs. John Broad were added to orist complained his motor screeched like a cat, a mechanic lifted the hood and found a cat on the motor. | It was almost a catastrophe. Driv- i ing around in an under-par car can lead to catastrophic accidents. There’s no need either .., not when ! you can pick a top. reconditioned j guaranteed used car from our lot. You’ll make the best buy here. So | drop into HERRIMAN MOTOR CO. Phone: 77. -5 - The Jersey Will Be Striving For Top Honors At The FREE tion ol A A U W held last month ander is a teacher in the St. Ana in Bend. school system, Miss Lillian Nisbett Introduced the —s— ____ •’ *"* ■?«***• Wl» " en <?arne' 1X' wn° ALTAR SOCIETY MEETS told of landscaping of yards, and I St Anne’s Altar society met last showed colored slides of flowers and Thursday afternoon at the Catholic gardens. | church for a business meeting and The meeting was attended by social hour. Refreshments were members from Ontario, Pruitland served at the close of the afternoon and Nyssa | by Mrs. H E Collins. O 'T o o le S p e a k s AI I H o sp ita l Owyhee Truck & Implement Co. üL FREE Stop in and see Ez or Mel for Your Complimentary P ass To The FREE MALHEUR JERSEY SHOW Seriously Folks—Be Sure To Attend The Show NYSSA PRO G RAM Telephone 108 THEATRE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, MAY 26-27 "Feudin Rhythm” with Eddy Arnold— Gloria Henry also "Arctic Fury" with Del Cambre— Eve Miller Matinee Saturday 2:30; Admission 30c-9c____________ SUNDAY AND MONDAY, MAY 28-29 "E ast Side. West Sid e" with Barbara Stanwyck—James Mason Van Heflin— Ava Gardner Seldom has the screen dared to present so tempestuous a story of flaming love. Matinee Sunday 2:30; Admission 30c-9c TUESDAY, MAY 30 "Down Memory Lane" Bing Crosby— W. C. Fields also "Fighting Stallion" PROTECT YOUR MOTOR —SATURDAY. MAY 27— Bill Edwards— Doris Merrick THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, MAY 31 AND JUNE 1 NOW G & B Store and Grigg Bros. & Butler BEFORE HOT WEATHER STARTS GET YOUR RADIATOR CLEANED R oseanna M cCoy" with Joan Evans— Farley Granger Charles Bickford— Raymond Massey Herriman Motor Company One of American folklore’s most turbulent pages brought to the screen as a torridly romantic action crammed picture._________________ AND REPAIRED NOW GINGHAM MATERIAL I C T US t a k e Sharp Bright Plaids—36 inches SPECIAL FRIDAY, SATURDAY, MONDAY c a s e OF T H O S E R OB U ST A P P £ T i T[ S All Work G uaranteed Yrd AT LADIES' BLOUSES Tailored an d Fancy. Size 32 to 38 $1.49 to $1.98 BOYS' SPORT SHIRTS E an d W REG. $1.98 BOYS' T SHIRTS VALUES TO $1.49 39c FRIDAY. SATURDAY. MONDAY WORK PANTS S1.98 MEN'S SUMMER REGULAR $1.00 VALUES 10c FRIDAY. SATURDAY MONDAY, each Home of Top Q uality M erchandise F a ln u la lr S p o r t g h ir i* Dry Goods __ __ 9h~ Clothing’1 Téléphoné 105 LUMBER JACK CLOSING OUT SALE PAINT 40% OFF Kl, k orn i. k U n g erle I in n a ti W h it e PEANUT BUTTER SHREDDED WHEAT SUNNY JUN 22 ox. jar Nabisco 2 for 59c 33c CARROTS, 2 Bunches 13c TOMATOES, 2 Cartons 35c ORANGES. 200 Size, Doz. 49c CAKE MIX BETTY CROCKER White an d Devil Food 20 ox— 2 PACKAGES D w fC JAM and JELLY SMOKED LABELS 1st CLASS LINE OF WALLPAPEH 10c A Roll And Up COMPLETE LINE OF APPLIANCES Assorted Flavors E H *. 2— 1 lb. 9 « J w jars SPAM IDEAL For Snack 12 ox. CAN WEINERS LARGE FRANKS £ 3 POUNDS 2 45c CORN PEAS Payette Valley No. 2 can Utah Favorite No. 303 can FRESH. LEAN. POUND 4 CANS 4 CANS BACON SQUARES 43c 45c PORK CHOPS POUND t .* o d a llonnvhrook ( « o la Itonna Gordon and knn Foatrr LIBERAL TRADE-INS llreaaea Pioneer Betta. Suapendrr* . PRODUCE 79c 5 LB. CAN GoMcn Scoi Blankrl* Heat form Bra*. At You Like II HmJrrv SYRUP Second House North Of Old Location BRUSHES 25% OFF NECKTIES W’Mlhvrbérd «hoc. Quadriga Cleth U t Work dollilng Lovl Ntraila K and W Branda Lo* and Forti* Hat* Fotrr* Shoc* D ot Trouoera Kod Ball Work ( lothlng Phone 262-J ON ALL PAINTS AND ACCESSORIES MEN S GREY ARMY TWILL SIZES 30 x 36 (510 N. 10th 98c FRIDAY. SATURDAY, MONDAY REGULAR $4.85 OREGON RADIATOR WORKS - , _ _ „ « . . ^ X R » y BRACKEN Filling Nyssa. Oregon Osirom Bros. Appliance Co. Your W estinghouse D ealer 14 North .In) St Heldt Bldg T a y lo r ’s F o o d M ark et FREE DELIVERY STORE HOURS 10:30 a. m.— 4:30 p. m. Every Day Except Sunday 8 a. m— 9:30 p. m. PHONE 284-R Sunday* 9 a. m.—9 p. m.