Sí TH E lege bestowed its highest honor on Hisalco Kido of Nyssa, who was . elected the queen of Evensong, tra ditional outdoor pageant, at an all EASTERN OREGON COLL EOE, La student assembly. Monday. May 22. The six princesses in the royal court Orande. May 23 (Special)—The will be Martha Jane Colvin. Haines; student body of Eastern Oregon Col- Lois Elam. La Grande; Leona Hat- Hinako k itlo Wing H onor At School AMERICA’S NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. MAY 23. 195Ö wan. Freewater; Barbara Johnson. Keating: Beverly Suitter, Hunting- ton; and Frances Gilfry, Clarkston, Washington. The queen and members of the royal court were selected on the basis of scholarship, contribution to college activities and the college IT'S THE BIG ECONOMY PACKAGE! program, appearance, poise, groom ing, and voice. The queen will be officially crown ed at the coronation ball to be held at the college June 2, and will pre side with her court at the Evensong pageant to be held on the grand stairway at Eastern Oregon college. Tuesday. June 6. Miss Kido will have the distinction of participating in two Evensong programs, having been selected as a princess in the court in 1948. Miss Kido will be graduated June 9 with a bachelor of science degree in elementary teacher education. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Yuhei Kido of Nyssa. PAGE SEVEN at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E J. FOR SALE—No more moth worries stainless, guaranteed for five year3. when you use Berlou. Odorless, Owyhee Drug Co. 25m lxc Brower. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR RENT—Five-room house, base ment. modern, in Nyssa. V. V. Grid er. route 2. five miles southwest of Nyssa. 25mlxp WANTED—General house work by young lady who also wants a place to live. Phone 161-W4 Parma. 25m lxp FOR SALE—Eating potatoes. Harry Rataezyk. Rt. 2. 25m3xp FOR SALE—White enamel range, wood or coal, in good condition, P a y e tte V isito rs H ere— Week-end guests at the home of Arthur Cartwright. 302 N. 7th St., 25mlxp Mr.’ and Mrs. Tom Elaredge were phone 240-W. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Oarpenter and FOR RENT—Room or small living Sharon Carpenter, and Mrs. Oert- quarters. J. C. Smith, phone 78-J rude Fulton. 25m tfc BY ATTENDING THE Malheur Jersey Show SATURDAY. MAY 27 ON THE NYSSA SCHOOL GROUNDS You will give encouragement to a program that is helping to advertise and sell NYSSA “The House of Oliver” Nyssa Implement Company FOR SALE—Special price on hot Mr. and Mrs. Phil Clowers of water heaters. Phone 78-J, 502 N. Madras visited over the week-end Third street. 25mtfc H e re F ro m M a d ra s— Only low-priced car with a V-type engine I LOWEST PRICED Fo rd -o n ly F o rd -In th* low price Held oRets you the smooth, spirited per formance of a V 8 engine. Yet a Ford V-g is yours tor hundreds of dollars less than any other “ Eight." Yes, even hun dreds less than most "Sixes." Only low-priced car with a "lifeguard” Bodyl EIGHT! Welded, all-steel body scientifically reinforced for strength-"sound condi- tioned" for quiet. Quality coach work and baked on enamel mean long life - high resale value. Hita\T. Only low-priced car with King-Size Brakes! Only low-priced car to receive "Fashion Award” l Yes, Ford’s the only car on the road to receive the New York Fashion A cad e m y's coveted Fashion Car Medal two years In a r a w . . . the only low-priced car to receive it, evert "TEST DRIVE" THE Trips are treats with features like Ford's big 35% easier-acting brakes to take the work out or driving and your non-sag foam rubber driver’s seat to banish fatigue. Trips are treats, too, when you see how tar you go on so > little gas and oil. v 51 ’5 0 FORD W hitt tidéwall tir si and whool trim ringi optional at outra co it. Notice of School Election Upon Q uestion of Increasing Tax Levy O ver Am ount Limited by Section 11, Article 71, S tate Constitution Notice is hereby given that an election will be held in School District No. 26c of Malheur County, State of Oregon, from 2:00 P. M. to 8:00 P. M., June 19 at the Elementary School in said school district, for the pur pose of submitting to the legal voters of said district the question of increasing the tax levy for the fiscal year 1950-1951 over the amount limited by section 11, article XI, of the Constitution of Oregon. The reasons*for increasing such levy are: Increased enrollment necessitates enlarging the staff. An Item of $32,000.00 is included to furnish and complete the new building, landscape the grounds, etc. Insurance costs are larger, a new bus is necessary and bond and interest payments are greater. The amount of tax, in excess of the 6% limitation, proposed to be levied for said fiscal year is $81,219.57. Dated this 16 day of May, 1950. Attest: Henry H. Hartley District clerk YOUR CAR • For The A nnouncem ent of O ur CLOSING OUT SALE To be h eld in the n e a r future WATCH THIS PAPER FOR OUR AD You C a n 't Afford To Miss It BETTY'S DRESS SHOP AT YOUR FORD DEALER’S Herriman Motor Co. CH ICK C. W. Buchner Chairman Board of Directors STOP-LOOK-LISTEN NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE YOUR C H ICK A C C ID IH T S FURNACE CLEANED GENERAL ELECTRIC HEATING R ad ian t a n d W all Air MOTOR REPAIRING AND AND PUT IN FIRST CLASS CONDITION TIME TO MOVE OUTDOORS EVERYTHING YOU NEED FOR SUMMER COMFORT LAWN CHAIR Now Only $ 3.50 M etal PORCH CHAIR Now Only $ 4.95 DECK CHAIR Now Only $ 7.95 LAWN TABLE Now Only $ 5.65 HAMMOCKS Now Only $ 5.75 PETERSON FURNITURE COMPANY STORES Your Dependable Furniture Store V ila Don't W ait—C all O r Stop In All Kinds Of Sheet M etal W ork F t — Estimates Gladly Given On Your Heating And Air Conditioning Needa Pay»*«« EDER HARDWARE CO. PHONE 46 TRY OUR MERCHANT LUNCH DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS RESIDENTIAL WIRING Id ah o a n d O regon License MORRISON ELECTRIC Phone 274 Nyssa, O regon N it truck servie« in town a t - Owyhee Truck & Implement Co. MENU-SUNDAY. MAY 28 Roaat Leg of lamb, dresalng and mint Jelly Vi pan-fried spring chicken Virginia baked hem with raisin sauce Breaded pork tenderloin with apple sauce Soup Salad Vegetables Deaaert T reat the fam ily to d in n er a t C arl's Doll House on M em orial d a y Law n Ontario ALL TYPES OF COMMERCIAL AND Wuilner Electric Motor Repair Parts Folding Nygaa REWINDING FOR FALL a /oose cfore///re is like a hole in your pocket! # m A w me* the wheels In your erode |* t •U A e energy «fee engine tends th e « ! A s lip -u p o r «reaknens anyw here •long the drive line wastes power, tubo your track o f hauling rfto ra c y . takes f n i.w k p ip « i« < 1« pays so hr mre about the cosufitiou • f yuur truck's tre e s « n s« « , propeller shaft. mai venal joints, differential end axle ahafu W hen yon get a check-up f r o « o u r service specialises, you're averting p o n ib b breakdowns A»/ar« /key h a p p e n ! « i r « < M i l , u l| ^ t M i l We U he glad su as plain paat when we d a u* heap running gear running right! TRY OUR KEEWPIE SUNDIES (all flavors) T reat the fam ily to our C ustard Q uart 50c G allon $1.60 CARL'S DOLL HOUSE OWYHEE TRUCK AND IMPLEMENT CO. P h o o r 245 N Y SSA . O K JU iO V I N TE R N A T I O N A L TRUCKS